When I look at the political arena today, it makes me shudder to consider there is very few people in power that really understand the meaning of "working for the people" they all appear to me to be very selfishly minded - what can I get out of it. I can remember when Tony Blair came to power in the UK we all considered him to a potentially a great ally to the people - or so we thought - when he left office he was richer than he started.
When we look at the heads of State world wide we can see the same pattern happening time and time again.
God warned Israel through Samuel when they demanded to have a King like all the other nations that the "king" would be demanding taxes, payments for this and that, taking the land off the people, making people slaves to their industrial way of doing things all the way through history you can see the same story, nation after nation whether it be republican, democratic, dictatorship, communist, socialist they all have the same thing happening at the top - "What can we get out here before we are removed" one way and another you only have to look at the newspapers to see the same o same o. With dictators demanding their country men obey their rules or else. You democratic leaders who also behave like dictators only with a much better smile (ha ha).
We can see that the pattern of each Government is the same. It does not matter what the leader stands for - which type of government it is all the same - man believing he can make decisions to change the course of history on his own sweet self.
I have got news for you - YOU - MAN cant make anything happen without God's intervention. Whether it be wars - this is all laid out very plainly in the Bible just how much influence God has on Mankind - however mankind is so blinded by Self - Awareness - and believing that they are gods.
Whenever I look into the Word of God and see just how much in every generation God had his hand on everything that happened. You can look at the story of Moses how when God sent Moses back to Egypt to call His people out - Israel and those that stood with Israel and wanted to be a part of what God had to offer - they could see the best side to be on especially after the plagues hit Eqypt - the frogs, the blood in the water, the diseases, the hail and lightening, locust, the famines.
Today, worldwide we can see the same things happening, the famines, the floods, the diseases, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes - do you not think that someone is trying to wake mankind up to show them that there is much more involved on this planet that just "little of man" and his ideals.
Mankind has been given the great gift of all the gift of LIFE itself - Yeshua said that there is only one way back to the Father and that is through Him Yeshua (Jesus Christ) the son of the Living God - this is not some diety which someone has dreamed up this is God - the Almighty Creator of the Universe I am talking about. I do not go to church because I do not find the Almighty Creator there, I do not belong to any group I am walking with Yeshua with the Word of God, learning from Him and from History - His Story - the Story of Mankind which is clearly depicted in the Word of God (the Bible).
Politicians of old all though the Word of God challenged God and tried to rule over their people with their own ideals but it came to nothing - in fact you can look back in history yourself and see what happens to nations that came up against God and lost - they are lost to history for eternity. There is but a few nations that have been chosen by God to last the course of History - Israel, Egypt these are but two that have the longest history in all mankind. God has always played a big role in world events - both in the past and now and also in the future. For God specifically says that if the people of Egypt do not come up to Israel when God is sitting on the Throne in Israel then they will suffer draughts in their land and their annual flooding will cease and all nations that refuse or challenge God in any way will have the rain stopped over their lands. This my friends is in Revelations and in the book of Zechariah so I can be assured that God does know his business.
Look what he did in History with Sodom and Gomorrah when they challenged God - they were completely decimated - nothing grows where they were - just as God had said.
We can look at the archaeology and geology of the world and we can just how many civilisations have already been lost to time. God is the creator of Time and He knows just how long each so called "civilisation" will last - who will be in power for how long.
You can look at the Roman and Greek Empires and even in our own time the United Kingdom's Empire which had been great has slowly but surely been diminishing over the past 100 years, when Queen Victoria was in power it was a mighty nation - now is it a lot less than former times, USA thinking itself a Superpower of the years has also diminished in stature.
We must ask ourselves these questions - WHO ACTUALLY IS IN POWER - God has allowed Satan dominion over mankind because mankind choose to disregard God and His powers.
God of the Universe who created us out of the dust of this planet is well able to turn us all back to dust just like when the comet hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs - we cannot argue with that because there is scientific fossilised evidence this occurred. When we look at the planets history of its birth and growing pains until we mankind were given the right to live on it and were given the commission to take care of it - DO WE -Oh man how small we are in comparison to what God can do.
Yes we have managed to conquer the skies - but look at how many people die in the process of these discoveries - the birds do not have such a death toll - perhaps we should look again at how well they do.
Look at the way fish swim in the sea they do not have the disasters we do with our submarines - the loss of life in the pursuit of some goal or other - whether it be looking for the enemy - who is the enemy - yourself man.
Because we do not see ourselves as God sees us - we are created in his own image - and therefore if each one of us world wide has been created in the same image whether we are black, white, Chinese, Japanese or Brazilian or whatever nationality you may be we are all from the same Father - the Creator of the Universe. Surely just by knowing this and understanding that we are all brothers and sisters - it is such a shame that we treat each other as enemies - Yeshua (Jesus) said we are to pray for our enemies - and love them - that way we can be sure that they will have deal with their own conscience as to whether we should kill or be killed. God gave one of His Commandments - You shall not commit murder - is not killing your enemy a form of murder - When we send our men in to battle are we not also sending them to commit murder in the name of the nations that they are from -
For me - it is utter foolishness that man should go about killing himself - there is only but one destination for such actions - DEATH AND DESTRUCTION and the ETERNAL HELL for those that perpetrate this action - it is not the men on the ground that are the ones ot blame it is the ones in their offices planning and conniving and scheming how to betray a fellow human being out of its resources - whether there is any worth in the land that they are sending the men to - on the pretext of some war or disagreement - the disagreement start in the offices of politicians not with the ordinary people living in the places about to be blown up or being blown up in the name of "peace" whose "peace" are they speaking about. Gods peace comes from obeying his commandments and following his teachings and learning to live in peace with your neighbour as you would want them to live in peace with yourself.
It is such a shame that man has allowed himself to be blinded by "religion" going to war in the name of "their god"
The God of the Bible when He calls for people to go into battle he gives them clear instructions - when David was to go to battle he was told by God to choose those men that God had selected to to go with him History shows that David won his battle with his neighbour king with only 300 men. This was after God had cut David's army of 900 men which had volunteered to go with him. It makes you wonder just who is in control in power in the nations today. We are a foolish species, we are the only ones that will go and kill another group of men in battle over a piece of land with weapons that can either blind, maim, disembowel, even blow parts of the body off, we can kill to order and we do not think anything wrong with it. Yes in the animal kingdom they kill to eat and to protect their territory - but they only use the weapons they were given by God in the first place. We being man believe that we can use whatever weapon we can against ourselves - and it to ourselves we can only look to blame for the way the planet has gone.
We destroy everything we touch, with our machines, our chemicals, even the food is becoming contaminated with our so called modern approach to animal husbandry - we are a sorry lot indeed, no wonder God decided when in the days of Noah he chose to wipe out all living things except those few that God had selected to start the human race again - it is incredible that we do not seem to learn from History at all.
No wonder Yeshua ( Jesus) said that as the days of Noah so shall my coming be - watch out that you are not caught sleeping because Yeshua is coming for certainty whether in my lifetime or yours - He is coming and He will rule this earth as He said he would with his commandments, teachings and anyone failing to obey will be punished - they will also be given the chance to repent and return to Gods ways of living and learning to live in peace with one another - for me that cannot come soon enough.
Learning to live Gods ways has been a real challenge over the years discovering just how much God has done for us as human-beings - breathing life into us, bringing us through to this stage in His Story - watching in anticipation of the next Big Move of God is what I am doing. Reading His Word asking for Him to direct my feet and fingers to help those to understand just how powerful God is.
Who is man the God is mindful of him?
That is question that was posed by a fellow human being who suffered just in the same way we do today, with doubts, fears. Yet David understood that God loved him and would take care of him, even though
When Yeshua was on the cross and looked over the people and felt deep sorrow at his creation standing before him yet not realising who he really is. When we look in the Word we can see clearly that He is the Word made Flesh and he was dwelling amongst us - breathing the same air and living in the same way as his fellow human-beings yet he was more than that. This great God of the Universe choose to send His beloved Son into our presence knowing full well before hand what was to become of him because of our misconduct and disobedience, God gave us a chance to repent and return to Him to see in Yeshua (Jesus) the true Salvation of the universe - for without Him there is no way to salvation - no other way will do except through Yeshua (Jesus) God made that abundantly clear - for without the precious blood of Yeshua (Jesus) the Lamb of God who was slain for us would we even have an opportunity to be saved from OURSELVES -
We are on the bring of self annihilation and we blindly lead each other to the precipice in our ignorance and pride - we who are a little lower than the angels that are in the Court of God looking down on us watching our every movement even they know that the time is coming when the Trumpet will be sounded - make yourself ready - watch and pray - learn from God that His handiwork is being shown in all the universe - no man can do anything without God first allows it even Herod could not have Yeshua put to death with out it being in the plans of God.
So when you read this and wonder why I am saying this, I am certain of one thing hopefully it will inspire you to seek Gods face for his teaching and His love to surround you and save you from what is going to be coming on the earth.
WE are slowly yet surely moving to the end of times when all things are going to be revealed - all truths of the planet and history will slowly be unfurled before your very eyes.
When I look in the history and do my research into the historical facts of the Bible I am amazed just how ungrateful mankind is and so blind to his ways and teachings - in just a few centuries after the first Disciple who walked with Yeshua and were taught the same as Yeshua the commandments and teachings in the scriptures - the books of the prophets - it amazes me that people still want to continue in the path of "religion" and not to seek the Face of the Creator of the Universe. Ecclesiastes made it very clear at the end of his teaching and his learning that the best thing man could do in his life is to Seek the God of the Universe and obey His commandments - in this way it is the way to Peace on this earth - and the restoration of all things - this is Gods promise to Mankind.
Which way do you want to go?
Seek God and His teachings - Follow the Word of God and What he says !
Or do you want to continue in the path of self destruction - with a heavy heart, depressed, filled with fear and stressing about your next meal, next job, whether you will have the money in the morning for your bus ride to your job - whether you will be able find the time to walk with your family, talk with your family.
It does not matter what you beliefs are just think about what I have said. I am not trying to convert you or anything, just wanting to challenge you to recognise who you are in the scheme of life. You are important to God - he has a plan for your life - or do you just think that it is all a waste of time.
For me even to sit here writing this for you to read - you could consider it to be a waste of time, for me it is a way to reach out and say to people wake up and start to set your self in order before it is too late. God will have his way on this earth - God of Israel will prevail over all - no matter whether you are Greek, Muslim or whatever God is in Control - And He designated each time for each era of this planet - but ultimately God will reign in Jerusalem as His special bride and his place he has chosen to live - hence all humanity will be very aware that God is on the Throne in Jerusalem when all the dust has settled and all that has to be has come to pass - God will be in Israel ruling with His Commandments and His Teachings and His holy days and His harvests.
Who are we to argue with the God of Creation - who is able to wipe us out with out even thinking about it, think of Noah, think of the dinosaurs, think we are no different to them. We are not bigger than God - God is bigger than us.
He is the Supreme Being of the Universe, He is the Beginning and End of all things. He knows how long the sun with shine in the universe, he knows how old each planet, star is that he has created.
When he called Abraham out of Ur and told him that all nations would be blessed because of Him - for out of Abraham all nations are blessed because of his faithfulness to God for his Story is the beginning of man walking and talking with God of the Universe.
Looking back in Genesis is an amazing place because here we see that man once man and God walked together in the Garden - with a close relationship of this nature it is such a shame that they choose to disobey God - so he had to turn them out of the garden where he no longer walked with them and He allowed mankind to each find his own way - it is only when Eve gave birth to Seth and he in turn gave birth to Enoch do we see that Man turns back to God and calls on His name Adonai and really when man starts to walk with God he is able to supply all our needs - he is able keep us fit and healthy, free from sickness and disease, - you can see evidence of this when you look at the journey of Moses through the desert before they came into the promised land - they were cared for by God by his provision of food and water - for those that are faithful God will provide all their needs. I have experienced this in my own life and know it to be true. He protected them from their enemies when those around them were jealous of what they had, the nations around about them were frightened because they knew that God was walking with Israel while she obeyed God. They were frightened because God would make it clear that when Israel obeyed He would give them the victory - when Israel became like other nations following after their own paths they were then separated from the God of Israel and were led in to slavery and captivity - this is very clear to me that when we come to God with a repentant heart and acknowledge our unbelief and turn to him for help in our darkest hours He is there for us and he will turn our captivity into freedom and peace - is that not what all men want.
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