Holy Cow! Does God Care about What We Eat?
It Is Often Said: Comments and Comparisons of Traditional Christian Theology and Hebraic Thought (Restoration (First Fruits of Zion))
The Mystery of the Gospel: Jew and Gentile and the Eternal Purpose of God
Fellow Heirs: Jews & Gentiles Together in the Family of God
Israel's Anointing: Your Inheritance and End-time Destiny Through Israel
Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus
I do not want to presume to teach anybody anything yet I do want to encourage others to seek the answers from the Word of God themselves.
I have spent many years looking for the answers for our social ills and how to overcome them and in my quest to find solutions I have come to realise that our need to return back to God is the only true solution.
My walk with the Lord began in 1978 and therefore I have watched very carefully the different events unfold.
I have been very much aware of the governmental actions that have led to the decline in our social structures.
For me to introduce Gods ways into people awareness is my goal.
My mission was to encourage and comfort the people who are looking for hope and a future.
The Hope is in the Word of God and that Yeshua who is the Word of God also gave his life for us.
For me sharing my experiences and my learning has led me to write this blog and others which attempt to bring a clearer understanding what it means to apply the practical truths and teachings of God into our own lives.
We have all been given different traditions in our lives yet when we seek to find the truth of the traditions we discover that they do not match with the Word of God.
My main aim is to encourage you to open your Bibles and study the Scriptures for yourselves and ask questions yourselves and not just to blindly accept what you are being taught in the churches and seminars.
Bearing in mind that Jesus himself calls us to come let us reason together even though our sins may be red as scarlet so that we may be washed clean and wear garments as white and pure as snow.
For me that is my quest - I do not propose to change people, I let God do that, all I am asking is that you check for yourself - using the skills and minds that God has given to you.
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