Yet, as fellow heirs to the Kingdom of God what does God say about this.
Clearly in the Word of God it says we should not enter into sexually immoral behaviour, 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-5
3. What God wants is that you be holy, that you keep away from sexual immorality.
4. That each of you know how to manage his sexual impulses in a holy and honourable manner.
5. Without giving into lustful desires like the pagans who don’t know God.
6. No one should wrong his brother/sister in this matter or take advantage of him/her, because the Lord punishes all who do such things.
Therefore although we have all been involved in some form of sexual immoral behaviour in the past because of lack of good teachers it is only right and proper that today I can at least encourage young people not to feel ashamed if they choose to remain virgins until they find their mates.
Even when we have found our mates, we should be able wait until we have taken part in a marriage ceremony, a declaration of union before man and God that there is no other in your life that you will keep yourselves to each other. So that we can be holy and sanctified
before the Living God to be sure that we are obeying Gods teaching on the matter.
I understand today that it is unheard of that people wait until they get married – having tries out and experimenting, yet if both the boys and girls of today were given good guidance regarding sexual behaviour and not be made to feel embarrassed that they are virgins when they are in their late teens then there would be a better chance for people to have good strong relationships based on Godly values. Respect, dignity, chastity, sanctified and purified. To come to the bridal bed with the joy and expectation of a genuine understanding that the person you are married to is also just as excited at being one with each other. For when we join ourselves to others without being married we take on some of their nature because it is carnal lust that leads people to sexual intercourse without the proper boundaries of love and commitment. We have all done such things.
I personally have entered into relationships believing that it is "ok" because we are going to get married, yet at the end of the day, the relationship fails and you are left feeling used and dirty, cast off – not only does this happen to girls but also to boys.
Moving on from one relationship after another without really considering the consequences, either pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.
So to take Gods advice of remaining holy, sanctified and pure until your properly married with an equally pure person then with God’s blessing your marriage bed will not be defiled. As in turn you are faithful to each other and learn to grow together in love and in faithfulness and prayerfulness you will see your relationships blossom and not fail.
Bringing everything to God in prayer is really important. For having had two marriages relationships which were not God based I have come to realise that I have made many mistakes because of lack of knowledge and understanding of what is the right way before God.
So if you are really interested in putting your life right before the Lord we need to look at and clean up our past mistakes through lack of understanding. For when we do receive the enlightenment from God and revelation of what God has planned for us then we then can adjust our behaviour accordingly. For me, I pray that I will be patient and wait until God brings the right man in my life. For when God does the joining together no man can break it apart.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
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