We do not consider it to be a "SIN" to live with someone as husband and wife – without entering into a marriage contract – yet God calls this immoral behaviour – because when he created man and woman – they were to become one flesh – united together – never to be separated.
By living together , exchanging partners – wife swapping as they did and probably still do today since the late 60’s, and "free love" as with the hippy movement and flower power movement – of the 70’s exchanging one partner after another without considering the consequences. We who are alive today are products of such a time as this. Promiscuity, abortions, unwanted children, single parenthood – diverse sexually transmitted diseases – these have all been brought about by the attitude and morals of the "baby Boomer generation" creating a playground of hell for the next generation. The drug abusive behaviour of today – the lack of morals and ineptitude of people who are unable to maintain relationships, marriages, even jobs – people today do not have the moral fibre necessary to offer good cohesive moral standards of education – because when we look at our own behaviour over the years since we were teenagers we have had lax morals – you copy your adults around you.
I saw much of this when I was growing up in the Sixties and Seventies. I even went onto become a statistic myself as a single mum. How can people learn to get values if their so called models are not giving the right education.
Today in schools – sex education is taught – yet morals set by God are ignored and even jeered at, mockers and scoffers who do little to help young people prepare for life ahead in a really mixed up and perverse world.
The people have forgotten the rules of respect and decency, it is ok for someone to sleep around – yet when there is a disease that is being transmitted due to such activity it is suddenly seen as something horrible and needs to be eradicated – you cannot change people’s behaviour by locking doors. You need to educate people at the core of their being.
People need to learn again the Sanctity of their bodies, their worth to themselves. Learn to respect themselves, and then they will respect others. When we respect God and His teachings and learn to follow His example we can see that by our own behaviour we have a long way to go.
We need to confess our faults as teachers of the young – we need to bring about a new understanding about what is right and wrong – the way of the World is destruction – Yet God has a way of life that is both fulfilling and rewarding.
When we look at what God says it is not how God intended us to behave – He calls us to be sanctified and Holy. Making our commitments to one another to last our lifetimes. Yet – we have bed-hopped, pill popped, smoked our way through life without ever giving a second thought to the consequence of our lives. We have been brought up in a time where it has deemed acceptable behaviour to go live with boyfriends/girlfriends, to be involved in perverse behaviour – homosexual acts, even exchanging with animals. (we can see that this is totally forbidden in the scriptures) It separates us from God – with behaviour like this we will not get into the Kingdom of God for such behaviour is not tolerated in the Kingdom of God – you only have to look at what the Bible says on such matters.
When we look at God’s way of life in His Commandments and Teachings we can see we have much to learn. We see that by coveting/lusting after our neighbours husbands/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends we are actually causing harm and pain to others.
Breaking up marriages with adulterous behaviour – that is what it is when we go to seek another partner outside our marriages – yet today’s society does not consider it to be a "Sin" – however there are more breakdowns in marriage from "non-reconcilable attitudes" within a marriage. It makes me think that before we embark on this amazing journey with someone else we should ask ourselves if we are really ready for such a commitment – if we are not compatible – that is we do not have anything truly in common even though we may consider that it is not going to be a stumbling block at first – we do in time find that there are issues we first considered but dismissed because we were so keen and infatuated with the idea of getting married to the person that we would take the risk – only to discover later that it was not really what we wanted – perhaps we try to change the person to fit into our own idea and conceptions – in which case it is not equal nor is it a oneness that you are looking for. For my own experience it has happened in such a way – believing that the differences would not matter – only to find that they really do matter for both sides and even on the eve of my first marriage my then husband did not want to go through with it, although we were persuaded that it was what we should do – relationships built on unsure ground can only end up in disaster.
Sadly, this is happening to a great deal to people. Better to step back and really consider the consequences of what would happen if the marriage was not a joining together made by God. We cannot and should not marry outside God as the marriages are not going to hold together well – some people are successful – sometimes because they become resigned to the situation – others stay together for the sake of the children – yet are really unhappy in their lives.
My experience has taught me that from now on IF AND WHEN GOD SHOULD CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR ME AND WHEN AND IF THAT TIME COMES THEN IT WILL BE CLEAR TO BOTH PARTIES. God does know exactly what He wants from a relationship between two people – bringing them together into one being (unit) for the benefit of all around not just for the two in question. His aim is to increase the understanding of being at one with each other and with God. For when we are being led by God to do something then God has the last word. I remember well before I got married the first time that I was being warned off clearly by the Word of God not to be unevenly yoked with an unbeliever – there is always trouble. There was. So when you consider getting married please be sure that your are absolutely convinced that this person is whom you are going to fit jointly together and have a feeling of oneness together – for without that then there is going to be a disaster waiting round the corner. Being unevenly yoked happens a lot and no wonder the divorce courts are flowing with divorces. Better to be sure and obedient to God and secure in the knowledge that When God does the Joining together then there is a complete assurance that no matter what you go through with God’s help and guidance you will come through the storms of life.
Knowing that God hates divorce – even though it was given as a "get" by Moses – God makes it very clear that it is the hardness of our hearts and our unwillingness to embrace the truth of how we treat each other – each believing that they are misunderstood, unloved, unfulfilled – yet instead of running out the door perhaps people should really take a good look at themselves and see what they are doing to each other – listen to how you speak to one another, think about one another, how your attitude is towards your overall marriage and most of all consider the consequences for your children’s sake.
Very often people just want to escape a boring lifestyle which they themselves have created – yet with patience and love and kindness and prayfulness bringing the issues before the Lord could in fact make their relationship blossom and grow. Hard times are for polishing us to helps us to grow strong and learn to share our burdens with each other and pray together and really bring our worries to God our burdens to His table and ask for forgiveness and help from the source of all life, love and light.
Learning to forgive is really not easy sometimes, but we are called to forgive and pray for our enemies – for if we are at enmity with our partners how can we say we love others.
Firstly we must look to ourselves and see what we can do – if we are sincere in our hearts we need to remember that we are two made one, learning to live together in love and harmony – bringing everything to God in prayer is the only true way of a successful marriage. Yes, there are times when things can be difficult but when you face them together then the house will not fall. A house divided will always fall. So before you make the step towards marrying anyone have a good look at what you are both coming into. Marriage under God is Sanctified and Holy and not to be entered into lightly. To defile our marriages is a sin against each other and God. The only people who are truly going to get hurt is ourselves. When we consider that no matter how many times we seek to find the "perfect partner" we are to look at ourselves and ask ourselves are we "perfect". There must be a oneness in mind, and understanding that the path ahead is a path to walked by one unit joined together under God. A relationship built on Trust, Hope and Love, and Obedience to God first.
To value our relationships with God and each other is paramount. Learning to live together in Harmony of the Spirit to follow Gods teaching on how to live the life more abundantly is our goal. To receive blessings from God is to Walk in His statutes and His decrees for we can see in Deuteronomy that there is much to be gained by Obeying Gods voice and Hearing His teachings and His way of doing things.
We have tried it our own way and failed dismally – we can see that clearly in society today.
We have been given a wonderful gift with the Messiah to lead us to redemption and reconciliation and Life more abundantly in Him. So why not have a good look at the lives you are living and match it up with the Way of Life that God is offering and really consider your own faults and bring them before the King of Kings and really ask for forgiveness for your own mistakes in your life. We are all striving for the same thing to be transformed into his likeness and to live and love the Way the Yeshua lives and loves. His sacrifice is not in vain, His resurrection brings us hope and joy and great harmony with the Creator God.
Take a good look at the commandments and see if you too can discover a way to live a more harmonious lifestyle for you and your family. I have studied and discovered that by following God’s teaching it does indeed bring its own rewards.
The word Judges us – we do not judge each other but when you read the scripture and learn to follow you see for yourself the Word is there clearly to show you a new light on your own behaviour.
We see from socieites history especially from the 60's where there is open rebellion to moral standards - rebellion is as witchcraft and is an abomination to God.
Hence the Call to Repentence - having our hearts and mind seared by the Word of the Lord. Gods Word is powerful and does change peoples lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you would like to contact me personally please leave your email and comment in my contact page. Have a great week.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
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