When we come to the Lord and call upon His name to be saved and surrender our lives to Him – Then the process of cleansing begins.
Opening our hearts and minds, reading the Word of God and discovering what it means to follow Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
As we progress in learning about the Kingdom of God and learning Gods teaching, Torah we always find that in contrast with the Commandments and Gods Statutes and decrees we are a long way from them.
Yeshua/Jesus calls us to become purified and sanctified, spotless from the things of this world. It is not always easy to let go of the way of life we have lived, or even have our minds seared by the Word of God.
Learning the complete and open meaning of the Commandments and His statutes, decrees then starts the process of deep cleansing – asking God to search out our darkest secrets – which he knows are in our hearts and minds.
Old wine skins cannot hold new wine. Therefore the Old must be made new.
The teachings we have received regarding replacement theology and the doing away with the Laws of God – you will find if you are truly touched by the Holy Spirit it will lead you back to them, because we see that Yeshua/Jesus and the disciples all lived according to them, including all the Holy Shabbats, Feast days, Harvesting celebrations, the Passover, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Tabernacles, Day of Atonement. When you really start to study the scriptures you will indeed discover a way of life planned out by God for all mankind.
Looking at the scriptures and seeing that we are called to put away malice, lying, cheating, adultery, fornication, sorcery, witchcraft, rebellion, abusive language and behaviour, back stabbing, gossiping, false witness, oppressive behaviour, pride. We see all these pointers are throughout the Word of God – we need to check that these sins are all handed over to the Father so that we may be made whole and cleansed – for we have all sinned – whether to lesser or greater degree. The only way to be sure is to confess, repent and be thoroughly aware of these sins in your own mind and heart being honest before God – for we were unable to be anything else before we came to the Lord.
The Spirit of Discipline, the teacher and revealer of all truths starts opening you up and giving you the opportunity to be born again – and entering into a new life. A lifestyle under God – entering into Gods Kingdom with His Rules and Regulations. The problem is that we have been so used to doing "our own thing" living just how we want, eating just whatever we want – totally living in ignorance that God’s lifestyle offers us a life of Peace, Hope and health. Wisdom comes from the fear of the God and His ways.
Being in a place of awe and wonderment at how much God loves us and wants us to be made perfect and whole and transformed into His likeness. This starts to happen when we take seriously the need to be transformed in our lifestyles, it is not a religious experience it is a life changing adventure to come back to the Father to realise that God has so much to give to us and bless us if we
are prepared to be demolished and rebuilt, emptying out the old in order to receive the new wine every morning.
Trusting God to delivery you from your past lives, demons and addictions – to be cleansed of immoral and abusive behaviour – it is a way of life – changing from within to be seen to be changed on the outside – Only God can really make the changes – He wants us to acknowledge and really turn to him. This is not "churchianity or any religion" but a way of life.
To live Gods life as ordained it for all mankind. Recognizing the difference is vital if you want to progress and aim for the Goal that God has set before us – TO BE TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING OF THE MIND.
Having our Hearts of stone replaced with a heart of Flesh – filled with compassion and love, joy and gratefulness and above all obedient to God’s Word – For His word never changes nor does it fade away.
Surely, that is what all men are seeking – peace to live with one another in Peace and Harmony.
It does not matter where you have come from, what you have been taught – because to become a new creation under God – it is in forgetting all former ways – you cannot bring anything of your old teachings into the Kingdom because they do not fit in – Only Gods Torah, Teachings, Rules and Regulations are going to be the acceptable way to live God’s Lifestyle.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
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