To deny the Word of God and His Truth is a dangerous thing to do. God will have His Way with the Universe and with Human Kind.
To try to change Gods Word to suit so called new thinking which has been around for centuries - dropping the Root in favour of Paganism. Without realising it they have cut themselves off from God himself.
By breaking away from the Root -Israel - Judaism which is Gods Way of life is to cut ourselves from Life itself. By trying to imply that God has finished with Israel is like saying God has given up on us as Human beings. Israel will be saved, they will return to the Promised Land that God has ordained for all those who have joined themselves to Israel - by faith, works and word.
Here is a real evidence on how far the church is away from the Root of God.- this is the very thing that was said would be said in the Word - that many would fall away and throw out the truth and the Ways of God, the Way of life that God has laid out clearly in the Scriptures in the Commandments and His teachings, decrees, statutes.
Read this for yourself and see just how replacement theology has separated itself from God. If you are supporting Israel in your prayers, tithes and offering you will be blessed. Read the Jerusalem Covenant for yourself and pray and sign the petition.
I have been reading a book written by Derek C White - called Replacement Theology - Its Origin, History and Theology - you can get a copy from Replacement Theology is still deeply entrenched in the Church in various forms, with disatrous consequences for the relationship of the Church with Israel. Few are aware of the roots and development of this teaching. Dereck C White.
You can even buy this book which will be a useful tool for you.
Also if you are interested in finding out more about the complete effects that have happened and the works within the teachings you are receiving from your denomination. Check their real concern for Israel - Whether they too consider that they have replaced Israel in the eyes of God. What they consider is the Truth regarding the End Times, with Israel being drawn back to Israel and receiving a complete restoration from God.
Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus
For me, discovering the way back to the basics of living according to Gods Ways - His commandments, and teachings has been a great joy and satisfaction of knowing that Gods Word never changes. He will establish His Kingdom in Jerusalem - He will reign from Jerusalem.His Law will flow out of Jerusalem. The whole of Humanity will be following God's Rules and Regulations - there is clear indication that God is preparing His People for His return.
To live in His Kingdom - we will be required to Live by His Rules and Regulations, just as we have lived in the Countries of our lives here on the planet now. Yet, the Whole of Mankind will be brought into subjection to His Ways. It will be a time of blessing and peace, who would not want it.
The more I read the scriptures the MORE I am looking forward for all MANKIND to be touched by Gods Spirit to touch the lives of the people and open their eyes to see the TRUTH
Yeshua/Jesus did not come to change the commandments - yet through His Spirit living within us we are drawn to OBEY the Commandments of God. To come back to the Father to Follow the Messiahs example. That is what we are called to do.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
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