Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus
Running Against the Wind
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Have you ever wondered where we get our basic moral thinking from. Today I have been reading Leviticus and have been amazed at the way God was and is involved in our lives. Without a lot of Gods prinicples medicine would not be where it is today, nor would there be a basic moral compass.
We have a lot to thank our believing forefathers who choose to live according to His word and build our nations laws with the basics from the Commandments of God.
I have today been reading how the priests in the tent of meeting under Moses direction were given instructions on how to discern when a disease of the body was in fact infectious or not, whether there was any real danger to the whole community, the way that it was dealt with was very simple and yet very effective.
When someone discovered they had a rash or blister or sore on their body they were to present themselves to the priests who after examination could determine the right course of action - after giving the person quarantine for several days they could reexamine the infected area it it spread that person was maintained in quarantine and it was very effective, if a house was contaminated they also took action regarding the contaminated area of the property and dealt with it swiftly again after much scruitny. Today - you can present yourself to the Dr yet he may or maynot recognise what is wrong - and as for putting people in quarantine when they not sure - they put them in to hospital beds usually amongst other patients until they can determine if it is contagious or not - this happened to my husband when he was in hospital - the person in the next bed came in with an unknown and then when it was discovered he had something that potentially could be contagious they removed him from the ward - yet while he had been on the ward he could have infected more people including the staff - so not much common sense is going on in the hospitals then, you can see this by the spread of various diseases that frequently shut hospitals to outsiders during an outbreak of one kind or another - I used to work at Walsgrave hospital and was increasingly alarmed at the rise of Cdif and Novovirus which spread like wildfire - so I stopped working at the hospital - as at the time my husband was working at the university of Coventry and therefore if I picked up something and brought it home it would then have easy access to much more people through my husband.
People today do not seem to be aware of the need to be clean before entering into a hosptial - I have seen some sights in my time. No wonder the problems persist. It is not only the out patients nor the visitors that put others at risk it is the medical staff themselves with their lack of care and attention to their uniforms - espcially the nursing staff - who frequently wear their uniforms on buses and in public places which are putting themselves and others at risk. Long gone have the matrons of the wards who would be watching for any discrepencies in their nurses behaviour. Now it does not seem to matter what people wear when they are coming into hospital. There is not the same due diligence about the uniforms at all - in the past it would not be considered proper for a nurse to be seen out on the streets in their uniforms unless they were district nurses - in which case there was a different criteria of dress code.
Today, even if you go to work with a cold or flu - people do not seem to consider it worth their while staying off because of the risk of losing their jobs, yet are quite unaware of the dangers of spreading potentially dangerous viruses within the communities at large. You can see the devestating effects of the Spanish Flu epidemic and also the bird flu not long ago - because people are not willing to stay away from their precious jobs - yet if people start dying then there is suddenly an uproar on how do we contain the epidemic - you can see what happened during the recent years of bird flu - cross country contamination is widespread a disease can spread from one side of the world to the next with in hours - so do not think we live in such enlightened times. People do not care about whether the illness they have could cause others to get sick. They sometimes do not present themselves to anyone until it is almost too late, then there is the panic to control diseases, look at legionnaires disease airbourne - brought in by others from overseas taken into buildings spreads like wild fire - again shutting down business and hospitals. There must come a point in each persons life to recognise that we are all responsible to each other - we need to take care if we are not feeling well to seek advice from whomever they would seek advice from.
For me I would go to God and ask Him to show me why I am feeling bad - if it is something that can be dealt with quickly. For me I have suffered in my body from diverse difficulties, I had in the early 90's picked up Hepititus A which is not a killer - but it does not have any true medical antidotes - your body has to get rid of it by itself - over time, but during the worse of it I went jaundiced and could have died - yet did not - during the time I had seen the Drs yet they could give me nothing to ease the situation So I spent a lot of my time in prayer and seeking God for help as I was unable to eat anything for months I lived on water - I was so ill my daughter thought she was going to loose me. Only God could pull me through. I was in agony with the pain and the sweats and freezing cold that you get with this dreadful disease (it is when your liver becomes infected), I was even concerned that I would die, but I also knew that God would not take me if it was not my time. Hence I am still here.
My husband at the time was a junkie - he used the needle for doing his habit - his reaction was to stick another needle into his body - and get relief from watching me suffer - yet even he could not believe that it was me who was suffering so much when it was he who was being so deliberately selfish with his actions. He did not get sick - yet here I was lying in my bed with something that stopped me functioning as a person for months - it was about 6 months that I suffered with this disease - not able to eat - yet somehow was coming thruogh with prayer and somehow I know that God was pulling me through - I knew that I was suffering because I had chosen a path of life that was not right for me, I had deliberately married a man I should not have married - God does make it abundatly clear that if you choose a path that is against Gods design for your life you will pay the price - even with your own life - for me that was a stark warning - and I had to suffer the consequences of my deliberate disobedience for a few more years until I fully understood what was wrong with my way of life. My husband never did change his lifestyle and is still in the same lifestyle - still alive in his misery and that is his choice.
For me, I had to leave and get my life sorted out with God and back into the path of His choosing. For me that meant rediscovering my walk with God and returning to His Word to discover what I was doing wrong. I learned alot about Trusting God to pull me through many a dark moment - yet all the time He has been leading me on to this moment where I really do start to take seriously what He has called me to do, that is to bring comfort to others.
In my journey as a believer in Yeshua/Jesus Christ - I have learned many things, The most important to me is that when reading the scriptures of what Yeshua taught - he was teaching people from the Scriptures which were to a lot of people they understand it as the Old Testament - yet when you read the "old testament" you can see that you can find God there and how He and His power turned the lives of Israel around - He showed His love and mercy and also His strength that when people would do things that were contrary to what He had said they invariable paid with their lives.
He gave a warning to the people of Israel - this is the group of people whom He choose to be lighthouses in the world - these are the people He uses to teach other nations what it is to be faithful and what happens when a nation refuses to be faithful and obey His ruling and teaching. The Israelites thoughout all of history have been a lighthouse - a barometer if you like for how God will and does treat nations.
Israel was given the command not to go seeking how other nations lived, and practice their religion - yet Israel on several occasions did just that and when they did they were sent into exile - yet each time there would be someone who would be looking for God and His ways and bring the people back to God again - and then Israel would enter a time of blessing - Israel was told not to seek after the ways of other nations - not to defile their lives living promisciously with fornication, debauchry nor lusting after other gods. Yet they did and as God had showed them that the nations that they had been sent into - God was clearing them out of the way because of their behaviour - look at Sodom and Gomorrah for one example. He said the the land would spew the people out - in fact it says the land will vomit the people out of the land - because of the defiling behaviour.
In todays society I look around and see that the very things that God had said in Leviticus regarding relationships with men and women, man and man, man with animals, women with animals, even their depraved sexual appetites - men sleeping with their nearest relatives - their daughters, nieces, nephews, women sleeping with their sons, cousins, nephews, brothers. Throughout history this has gone on - you can look at the time of the Cesars - you can see insatiable appetite to seek sexual pleasures in diverse ways. The Greeks and Romans with their homosexuallity - seen at that time as normal - yet in God sight is not normal. In fact God says it is an abomination - when nations choose to incorporate laws to suggest that it is right for homosexuals to marry - then you can see from the recent events in history - from the very time when governments agreed to this propostious decison it is when the governments of the world started to suffer with the financial breakdown, and the storms and volcanic erruptions and earthquakes have increased.
Yet mankind chooses to ignore these signs and perversely continues on the path of mass destruction - when are people going to wake up and see that while we insist on behaving worse than animals to each other and behave as if nothing really matters because who cares who gets hurt.
When people treat each other with disdain and disregard life and treat it as cheap - that humanbeings are expendible, does it not show just how far away we have become from being civilised.
Civilisations in the past have risen and fallen at Gods Command - you can see that in the dream of Nebecanezzer - with the statue which was made up of many civilisation - his being the head of gold - Bablyon and all the others were lesser and lesser right up to day - were we could be at the toes of the civilisation - a mixture of clay and iron - yet even so the Stone that mankind has choosen to throw out is the very Stone that will bring this so called civilised world to its knees. (book of Daniel)
God made it very clear in Deuteronomy that if people will refuse to believe in Him and refuse to live the Lifestyle that God has laid out before mankind then they would be led into believing a dreadful fatal lie - which is what has happened. Disregarding God, dismissing God out of our thoughts and ways we have actually written our own death warrant.
God does not mess about, His word never changes - even Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit makes that very clear - that not one jot nor title will pass away - that nothing of Gods Commands are thrown away or changed in fact when the Messiah returns we shall all be called to live by Gods Commands and His teaching and His feast days. Not like today where it is perfectly ok to celebrate halloween and christmas - which are both pagan festivals. Nothing to do with God at all. We bring our children up to believe in half truths and wonder why they are in such a mess.
As a child I can remember going to Sunday school and celebrating halloween - that is because that was considered to be ok, it was the way it was - as the teaching were not checked.
For me, the more I look at Gods Word and His feast days and recognise the Power in His word and recognise the folly of following anything other than God to me there is only one direction that these sad teaching of the world will lead the people - as Yeshua/Jesus Christ said the blind leading the blind and both will fall into the ditch - is it not time for you to open your Bibles and seek out HOW TO REALLY SERVE THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL for we all who claim to be believers in His precious Son really do need to learn from God himself.
On learning about incestuous behaviour being marked out very clearly in the Bible and seeking to understand how Gods word applies today I can see that God said that the consequences of such activity could result in many things coming to pass not least death. You can see from history in local small farm communities where there has been such activities, the deformaties, death toll and mental deficiency that occurs. Look at the horrendous act that was perpetrated by that father that kept his daughter locked up and having children by her - and on discovery the shame and horror of it came out.
For us as a society in order for us to move forward to have any semblence of possible prosperity it is time to recognise that God is in Heaven and His is most definitely in charge of events. Even the disaters that are befallen on the earth - after all He said it would happen and the reason for it was because man has turned their back on God.
Time is running out - you can see for yourself as you look in the news papers, news programmes and events that are happening on the earth - there is a definite move happening.
It is time to wake up - stop burying your head in the sand and hoping it will all go away, the only way it will go away is when people start to REPENT AND TURN BACK TO THE FATHER.
By living God's way, keeping His Commandments, His teachings - the morale compass of the world would be a much different place. We would be living in peace with one another, we would be having no sickness and disease - that is Gods promise that we would be living in a time of peace and He would be governing our planet. That is an amazing thought and hope.
For me, it is not a fairytale because I have experienced Gods powerful hand in my life. Now I choose to live according to His teachings, seeking out how to live the life. Not just by reading the scriptures but by applying them into my own way of thinking.
No wonder God says seek you first the Kingdom of heaven, well in seeking the Kingdom of heaven you learn about His laws and His teachings. You come back to the beginning and start to ask God questions about where it is all going and what is it all about. For me it has been amazing discovery.
Even in one person who reads this agrees and chooses to read the scriptures to check out what I have been saying is right then that is one more than yesterday.
I do not give you quotation - I give you whole books such as Leviticus and all its chapters - in the Word of God there is a the answers for life itself.
The Word of God shows that there is right way to life and a way to death. God give mankind a choice. He gave us freewill to choose the path we want to take. However He also has a plan for your life - which hopefully you will choose to follow Him. God is the one that opens the eyes of the blind - not just physically but spiritually too. Yeshua/Jesus Christ himself said - no man can come to the father unless he come through Him - Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit - yet no man can come to Yeshua/Jesus Christ unless God is drawing him/her. So you see - there does come a time in your life where you will be given an opportunity to seek how to live, calling on Yeshua/Jesus Christ is just the first step, as the gift of the Holy Spirit who is a revealler of all truths and teacher will start to give you and urge and desire to discover more.
You can look at Gods laws as boundaries God has set before us as objectives to achieve. I am at the moment teaching my dog boundaries as what she can and cannot do for her own benefit, God has given us the Laws and Teachings for our benefit to help mankind live in a better way with each other afterall we all come from the same source. Whether you believe in Adam and Eve or whether you believe we come from green algae - we have all come from the same souce initially God Himself - for without His Word none of this would be in existence anyway.
Helping people learn more about God. Learning to return to the Father God of creation.
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