This week I have been reading Numbers and have found out some really interesting information.
Over the past few years I have been doing some research on my family tree and came across a document that was written and researched by a monk in Ireland. I am of Irish descent - my fathers great grand father was born in a town just outside Tipperary.
In his writings he uncovers a great lineage of Irish family names that date back even to the time of Exodus - this made it even more fascinating because he was recounting a story of a family whose connections were at the time when Moses was in the desert with the people of Isreal at one of the disputes that Isreal had against Moses and God for bringing them out into the desert and being unhappy with their lot as they were complaining that they were fed up with the food they were receiving direct from God on a daily basis - namely the quails and mana from heaven.
As I was reading the book of Numbers I came to the part where they were being disciplined by God with poisionous snakes - as a punishment for their disagreement with God.
The monk had found that the link to the ancestors of the Irish peoples also were amongst the peoples of Isreal - they were classed as foreigners, however as they were also amongst them they too also lived by the same rules and regulations and received the same as Isreal from God - birds and mana as they were all travelling together. They too would have been subjected to the same plagues and punishments as God does not show his displeasure on just one or two - he is able to show his displeasure on whole nations at once and peoples all at once just as He did with the Flood in Noahs time.
However I digress. The reason I found it a very interesting read to day was that the story about the poisionous snakes was in the book of Numbers - and as the monk also had written one of the group of foriegners who had been bitten by one of the snakes when he looked upon the staff with the snake on it he was also healed in the same way that the Isrealites were. (it is interesting that the symbol on the Drs of medicine have also the staff and snake wrapped round it although they have two snakes intertwined. )When I read the scriptures and ask God to reveal to me the connections between our ancestors and today it becomes very clear.
For God said that through Isreal all nations would be blessed. If a group of people who are not Isrealites also choose to walk with Isreal they are then indeed party to the rules and regulations of what God laid down. We who claim to be grafted in to the vine also must be aware that we too are grafted into the same regulations and teachings and laws - otherwise being grafted into the vine would not make sense - because the root of the vine is God. Therefore we would need to also take on board the same teachings and regulations. The Ten Commandments are the most potent of all the commandments that God gave to Moses for all mankind to follow.
The 10 Commandments and other laws are for our welbeing as well as our need to be understanding that without the 10 Commandments we can see that society has degenerated into the mess it is in today.
The more I look into the history through the eyes of the Holy Scriptures the more I see how we have lessened Gods power in our universe.
Here is a God who is able to create the Universe and everthing in it, He who is in control of the weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, typhoons, hurricanes, plagues, sickness and death - yet we as meer mortals just treat him as if it is ok to call on his name when we are in trouble and ask him for help - yet we do not give him the reverence He deserves. We go to our churches on Sunday and give our gifts at the alter - yet when you read what God has done for the amazing planet and for us as Humanity we do not give him half of what he deserves. He is so well able to punish us and allow us to wallow in our own misery and by bringing about such devestation yet people just dismiss it - oh well it has a hurricane that blew most of florida in to the sea, it caused devestation all up the east coast of the Americas yet people do not see it as a warning from God.
The time is short and people are still walking around with blinkers on.
God does look at his creation and sees what is happening, He does deliver us with blows yet we ignore the warnings, we continue to kill, maim, persecute and damage peoples lives with our lack of love and integrity and even though mankind believes it is doing it for the best reasons each nation believing he has the upper hand, yet it is clear that this is not the case.
For me studying the Word of God and seeing the appalling way Gods people treated Moses and Aaron in the desert yet because of the peoples disobedience and constant nagging at Moses and Aaron - the people that disagreed and demanded to return to Egypt - because of their constant disagreement with what was happening and being promised a better life and being given the opportunity to enter the land of Milk and Honey and rest from their journey - they would not accept that God had brought them to the place He had promised and refused to follow God into the promised land so God in His wisdom made the people stay in the desert until all those who had come out of Egypt who had disagreed with His leading were dead in the desert - even Aaron and Moses were not allowed into the promised land even though they walked closely with God - because they too had disagreed with God and did not fully Trust God at his Word and were both dead outside the land.
To me it shows that no matter how good a "christian" you think you may be or how good a "jew" you may be if we are not obeying God in his Commandments - because when you break down the meaning of the Commandments you will see that they are clear path to a peaceful life with all mankind.
The Ten Commandments
- I am the Lord, your God. - Who is your God, if he is not the Creator God then who is he in your mind. Is money your god, do you believe it can heal you, help you when you are truly in times of darkness and despair. Do you think modern medicine can make any real difference - they can only deal with the outward man, God deals with the inner man which is where a lot of mental sickness starts - such a depression, despair, loneliness, heartbreak, heartache, God is the only one that truly help mankind. Yet they reject him and ignore him and do not really fully appreciate His power- When Yeshua said that they give lip-service to God and do not understand his power. Here is God the Creator of the Universe - Your creator - the awesome God who makes rivers flow, time stand still, mountains fall, seas swell and stars in the heavens. Here is God the God who makes Pharaoh of Egypt to fall in to the sea, made the dry land for the Israelites to cross over to the other side in safety. This God who is able to destroy and remake and rebuild at a drop of a hat, God who placed the rainbow in the skies for an agreement with Mankind that He would not flood the world again. This God whom people dismiss as nothing - do not give him the reverence - This God who raises the dead and heals the sick - raises nations. He most definitely is worthy of being Praised and Magnified for everything belongs to God and nothing on this planet is unknown to Him, every hair on your head he knows. He knew you before you were born - he knows your destiny - yet we do not turn to him for help - we seek other ways - yet all the time inside each human being is a empty space where God is waiting for you to reach out and ask Him to fill. He looks at his creation in horror of how we treat one another. It is amazing that yet he is still allowing us to go on our own sweet way - yet there is a time coming when it is going to all change. Gods Will Shall be done on this earth.
- Thou shall bring no false idols before me. - Well - American Idol, shows that portay people as Idols, pagan deities, worshipping of false teachings.
- Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. - Mankind constantly takes Gods name in vain - and utter the name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) as a exclamation of frustration and anger)
- Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. (this is a Friday evening to Saturday evening- not a Sunday - as Sunday is the first day of the working week in Gods eyes.- Sunday worship was brought in by the breaking away from the teachings of God through Yeshua - the Nissan Council decided to change it because the Emperor Constantine was a sunworshiper and pagan and he was the one that decided to change a lot of the teachings of the Disciples and Yeshua and the Scriptures taught to his own ends - for political gains) For a better understanding of the History of the churches why not check out this it is free and therefore a useful resource which I have found to helpful in my studies.
- Honor thy father and thy mother. - How many people really honour their parents. We only have to look today at society and see what is happening in the homes where children are abusing their parents and living their elderly parents alone to die alone and in fear)
- Thou shall not kill/murder†. - let us see, wars, mass killing of people for their cultural and ethnic differences - please see what is happening today.
- Thou shall not commit adultery. - look around you today - most of the nations marriages are multiple - adultery is not seen as a sin - breaking up homes for lust and so called "love" for another other than your spouse of your youth - especially if you were considering your marriage to be in the sight of God - by being married in so called "churches" Promiscuity abounds in our day and age, break up of families
- Thou shall not steal††. - even we do not give to God what is rightly his, a tenth of our earnings, whether it be fruits, vegetables, money - God this is stealing from him. Yet we as human beings steal from each other all the time, in small things perhaps yet it is sometime in times we do not give to others, in stealing money from another, from breaking into peoples homes, can you see just what I am getting at.
- Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour - think about the court battles from divorced couples who have been trying to get as much from the other as they possibly can with out considering the other parties needs. It is devastating to watch a person destroyed because of lies and innuendos, bearing false witness about their affairs with others. Charging more for stuff than was truly their value.
- Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbour). Now this can cover anything from the wife to anything that belongs to the husband in question. However when you look at the broader picture you can see that it can cover lands, possessions, even children.
Yet in His mercy and love for his creation he gives us choices and he gave us his beloved son to be our scapegoat - the one to take the blame for others. Yeshua/Jesus Christ was given that role so that we may be reunited back to the Father in such a way that would bring peace to the earth and many peoples lives would be saved.
If we all took a good look at ourselves and looked at the way we treat our fellow man we would be disgusted at what we see.
For me, returning back the Father and giving God the Glory he deserves and all the honour that He is entitled to - after all no one else can create a Human being out of dust, none of the scientist can get even close to creating anything in its own image - look what happened to dolly the sheep and the pig that grew an ear - genetically modified yet not really created. Only God is the Creator from scratch from nothing into something amazing as we have now.
When I look around at the beauty of this amazing planet I am always in awe of the incredible complexity there is and diversity of everything growing.
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