A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
On my first becoming a believer I soon discovered that there were large discrepancies in the teachings of the churches from the teachings of the Messiah.
For instance-
Yeshua/Jesus Christ maintained that we should follow every word that God had spoken, that we should keep the commandments that were laid down in the scriptures - that is the commandments which were given to Moses - and also if you look back right at the beginning of the Word of God the laws of God were already laid down in the Garden of Eden and for the Children of God to follow. Yet because we choose to be stubborn and do our own thing we do not really want to follow Gods ways at all, yes we want the benefits of God yet not the discipline of God. We say we want the Kingdom of God to come yet we do not want His rules and regulations to govern our lives.
Our roots are in the Word of God, Gods word is Law - and by His word everything was created, everything was brought into being by His word. His Word even became flesh and dwelt amongst us - yet we seem to dismiss it as it were not that important - yes we get up and sing and worship - yet we do not really follow his code of practice in our everyday lives.
Why is it that when we read the scriptures we want to only take the bits that suit us in the first place, most so called "christians" do not want to acknowledge that we are infact joined and expected to follow the commandments - most people do not even know what they are - even if they go to church - if you were to be really honest with yourself when you read the Bible do you actually think that the word applies to you.
For me, I have been making the study to apply it to my own life. There is much we can gain by relooking at the roots. When you take a plant and repot it the roots have to be carefully transplanted as well, yet we say we are grafted into the olive branch - yet we do not see fit to follow the ways of the olive branch.
In the old scriptures, the foreigners that joined together with Isreal were also expected to follow the rules and regulations laid down by God to the people of Isreal. If they choose to be with Isreal then they were also accepting the same laws and disciplines. Today people do not really believe we have to be following in the same footsteps - yet God made it clear right back at the beginning that we are to be all following His commandments - we have the way of peace and harmony in the Word of God, we have teachings to live in peace with our neighbours. We have the ability when studying His Word that by really taking into account what Jesus said to the people "you have the teachings of Moses and the books of the prophets in them you have the way forward to life" remember Yeshua/Jesus Christ is the Word of God therefore if we say we are followers of Yeshua/Jesus then we should also be following every word that He spoke and how he lived.
You may consider it to be old fashioned to live that way, yet when you study the 10 commandments you will see that there is a common sense about them and wisdom in how to conduct our lives.
Without studying the roots how can you possible expect to understand what Yeshua/Jesus Christ said to the people.
We look at the stories of Jesus and are warmed by their parables, and even consider ourselves joined together.
Bear in mind, when a farmer grafts a plant from one tree to another the grafted in part needs the roots to give it life. We too are needing to feed off the roots of our faith - Yeshua/Jesus Christ is a Jew and the Kingdom of God will be of the same system as what is in the Bible - because God said that His word will never pass away - therefore it stands to reason we need to really look again at what God said and really come to some understanding on how we can apply Gods ways to our lives. It will require us to change, it will take a deliberate decision on our parts to decide to Follow God and really become obedient to His teachings, it means the restoration of the complete Word of God, not just the new testement teachings - after all the new testement did not exist before the disciples wrote their letters, and writings - and all their teachings and writings are based on the Scriptures that they had all been taught as they were growing up - in Jewish communities. The early chruches were completely rooted in the jewish roots - it is only after the last of the disciples died off that the so called "church fathers" decided to break away from the roots - which is clearly what has happened. Therefore we must acknowledge our need for our roots which is the teaching of God and His rules and regulations which are all in the scriptures - the old testament.
I have frequently come across Christians who have said we do not read the old testament - we only go by what Jesus taught in the new testament. Well Yeshua/Jesus Christ was teaching the people out of the Old testament scriptures and if you only want to live by half the teachings then how can you possibly understand what Jesus was teaching.
I have started to understand more and more what Jesus meant when he speaks in the New Testament because the foundation is in the old scriptures. On discovering many of the saying of Christ in the Old scriptures you then begin to really understand how it all fits together. You cannot have just the new testament because it needs its backbone which is the roots of the scriptures. The books of Moses and the prophets are the backbone of the teachings of God and therefore we need to re-examine ourselves and see what do we truly believe.
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