Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations
God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
True Gospel understanding
When I have been doing my studies I have used many sources to really get to grips of understanding - I have not tried to change Gods Word - I have been trying to understand how Gods Word fits into Gods World and His ways - how should I follow in the footsteps of the Messiah.
The more I read the way that Yeshua and His disciples lived their lives the more and more I wanted to find out how and were it all began. I was being led by the Holy Spirit to read the Scriptures and books of the Prophets there I discovered the real backbone of Christ's teachings.
You may think that I may be obsessive in my pursuit of understanding Gods Word, yet in my pursuing it I have found answers that have given me peace in my life and a joy that is so deep and an awesome respect for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It has given me a completely strong faith in knowing that the Messiah is well able to supply all my needs and He understands our frailty, he knows us better than we know ourselves.
When I read ten commandments for the first time and really started to ask God how they applied to me, I was astounded how simple and wise they are, for when you start to really look at them they are full of common sense.
1. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and have no other God but Him
This makes it very clear that He is the ultimate supreme number 1 whom I give my very life back to him so that he may use me the way he wants to use me. I praise God for every breath that I take, for every day that I live. For with out His touch in my life I would not be here.
To surrender ones life back to God and really mean it is the greatest praise as He being the creator is looking to see just how we really recognise how incredible and awesome he really is.
He parted the red sea, he rescued his people from slavery - we all have something that we have been slaves to in our lives, cigarettes, drugs, drink, sex, music, pornography, even abusive behaviour to ourselves and others - therefore these are things we are called to come back to the Father and confess our sins so that we may be forgiven and healed.
We cannot judge others if we are ourselves not in a place to do so. God is our Judge - His Word judges us, because when we look at the commandments of God we can see just how far short we are from His way of life He had given us His guidelines to follow.
We must be honest in our dealings with ourselves - we must ask ourselves - what have we done - we may not have murdered - but we have all had murderous thoughts in our lives for some reason or another. You may have been abused and wished that the person who was abusing you were dead - that is a murderous thought - even to think it is to do in Jesus teachings - No wonder when we look at Gods Word if we are honest to God about our faults then we do have a chance to be healed and restored.
Each time I look at His word and consider what it is I am reading and allow the Holy Spirit to show me, I soon begin to realise that I am a long way from being made perfect in His sight - it is a blessing that when we have Yeshua/Jesus Christ in our lives that we have the barrier that is protecting us from the full fury of God whom could destroy us at a moments notice, yet because of Jesus we have the possibility of being forgiven and restored back to the Father so that God can look upon us - but He sees His Sons blood that covers us. Just as the blood on the lintel of the door posts in Egypt, we are covered and protected by His Blood that we would not be killed - just as the Isrealites were spared because of the blood of the lamb on the door posts.
God sent His precious son Jesus so that we may able to restored and come back to Him - Having Jesus living in you also means that Jesus will be wanting to live according to Gods ways, slowly but surely God draws us back to Himself - by the Spirit of Truth that lives with us whom have called upon the Name of the Lord and have confessed him with our mouths that His indeed Lord of our lives then we start to seek the ways of God so that we may live them.
Gods appointed times in our lives - are his - he knows when each man and woman will come back to Him, he knows how to draw them back. He gives people chances to change their ways, he gives them choices to follow or not. For those of us who have had a definite change of life and are aware that God is very much in control there is no way we can continue to live our lives as before.
Yet the journey of coming back to the Father may be slow yet it is a surely a clear path - for as you start to question yourself "how can I live Gods way" He puts the desire in you to search it out.
When you begin your journey of discovery you will be amazed at what you will discover.
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