My name is Sue Page, when I was 21 I had a serious illness caused through stress, fear and anxiety - I am sure that there may be many more people who have suffered from such illnesses and yet I still feel compelled to share my story with you.
As I said I was 21, single parent with a small baby of 7 months old. During this time period I had no faith in God nor did I have any knowledge of his love for me and his powerful mercy and generosity I had been to the doctors for the pain I was experiencing in my inner most being, and I was unable to eat or drink anything as I was unable to digest the food, the drink just would not stay down either. Anyway, the doctors gave me asilone suspension to release the tension in my stomach and digestive tract - it did not work - nor did drinking fizzy drinks - as I was given to believe that it was trapped wind and therefore was using whatever I could think of to release the wind - it was much more serious than that.
One night, I was laying in my bed when a heavy weight came onto my chest - seemed like it was trying t squeeze the life out of me. At this point I yelled out to God whom I did not believe in to help me. The previous week I had started to read the Bible - as I did not have any other reading material in the house at the time and thought that perhaps by reading it I may find some comfort there - believe me when I tell you even though I read it I did not believe it until it happened to me. After I had yelled out to God that I did not believe him the weight lifted and I drifted into sleep. In the morning I made myself some breakfast and had a drink - I did not throw-up nor did I feel the oppressive pain in my chest and stomach the tension had lifted. The only reason was because God had seen fit to hear me and deliver me from my misery.
Over the next few months He began to show me what had caused me to be in the state I was, he showed me all my fears and one by one as I gave them to Him they dissipated. When I reread the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and realised that the stories in them were true and that here is Yeshua/Jesus taking care of me.
Over the years of my walk with Yeshua/Jesus Christ, and God and studying the Word of God, I am really grateful for the wonderful things that God has done for mankind. Even from a scientific point of view you cannot argue that this planet is not delightful place to be. When I look at the Word of God and realise that God made this so that we could be like if we were to be living in concordance with Gods ways.
For me the journey of discovery of the 10 commandments and all the stories of what Isreal went through and is still going through today is down to their willingness and also their disobedience to God.
For me, it has been incredible journey to recognise just how important God really is to me and his Word is paramount in my life.
As each day I study the old scriptures I get such a sense of awesomeness come over me to know that this incredible God has done all the creating and moulding of this incredible planet for us human beings.
When I realised that God does and is in control and no matter what weapon is forged against me it is will not prosper I know that God can be trusted to keep his word.
I have experienced a lot of pain an suffering in my life, loosing everything that was dear to me and yet keep looking towards the King and knowing that He really does care for me.
I am in the process of writing my life story which I hope to one day get published which gives insight on who and what made me the woman I am today.
This is just a brief introduction to me. So that you will understand that my studies are very much part of my every day life not just for "sunday", In fact, I have been recently keeping the Sabbath day as God had intended which is a Saturday - in a lot of languages Sabado - meaning Sabbath is in their week. However in the western world because of the different pagan influences and political influences throughout the ages the days of the weeks have different meanings.
In the Bible each day is a number, just as it is in Brazil the days of the week are numbers, which ties in with the Bible. Yet most of the worlds weeks are completely different.
For me, when I was a child I lived in Brazil and found it fascinating that the week days were so different to ours - yet looking at them in the light of the scriptures it is correct. How else can you make sense of Gods calender.
For me, even studying Gods calender of events throughout the year has been an eye opener. I shall be writing a blog about that shortly.
I am now 56 and still have so much to learn about the Will of God and His precious Kingdom, and His ways, and laws, I just praise God that in his mercy His son came to this earth to give us an opportunity to be reconciled back to Him. Without Yeshua/Jesus we would not have a chance of a change of life.
For with his precious blood he paid for our sins. He carried our diseases and hour pain on the cross, yet in all the hours of darkeness when he went to the pit of hell to let the captives free he gave us the opportunity to be set free from our demons, and darkness in our souls. So for me, I pray that God will someday open the eyes of all and have their hearts turned back to the Father that loves them and cares for them
I no longer feel the need to keep up with the jones in this life, I know that my Father in Heaven knows what I have need of, He is well able to provide for me all I need. His grace is sufficient for me to continue my life's journey.
I do not need to be rich, nor do I have any desire to be famous, nor do I have any desire to walk the life I used to walk without God.
With God I have everything. With his guidance, his word, his promises, his teachings I have everything to have a peaceful life. Live in peace with my neighbours. That is my ultimate destiny is to help others to find the path to life, to live a life of peace. Knowing that God is in control and He knows each individual on this planet - He knows each of us by name, each hair on our heads he knows.
For me that is a truly blessed place to be.
If ever you feel lonely or need to speak to someone then please feel free to contact me at I will be happy to hear from you and hopefully encourage you.
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