Firstly, let me tell you a bit about myself - when I was in my early twenties I suffered what was called chronic nervous indigestion - which may not sound too bad on the surface, however, when you are all pent up inside and feeling nervous and scared all the time, that even to answer the door becomes and issue, being afraid to go out and even to speak to people that is a problem.
However, when I was suffering to such a degree then God in his mercy reached down from heaven an d made me whole again. He showed me how I had got into the state that I had done so because of fear not just of circumstance but of life itself I really did not know how to live, I really did not understand about relationships nor love nor friendship. I found it really difficult to come to terms with being alone, with a baby. I found it really difficult to understand how I had allowed myself to get into such a place. I was not stupid, nor unlearned - however I was like lots of other people who felt lost and alone and very much needing to find some way to comfort themselves with some thing or someone. When you are from a broken home where there has been years of constant difficult relationships it makes it really difficult to reach out and trust anyone. For me it because so difficult that it caused me to get really ill.
Anyway, although I had my lovely daughter whom I adored and still do love even though she is now fully grown up and has a new life of her own I became very much aware that things were not right for us.
For me, the crux came one night when I felt a heavy weight on my chest and it felt like it was going to crush the life out of me - I cried out to God and admitted I did not believe in him even though - I had just read Matthew Mark Luke and John in the bible (it was the only book in the house at the time) I did not believe the stories with my mind but something had happened because when I called out to God He HEARD me and I felt the huge weight lift off me. Then He slowly showed me what had caused me to be in such a place Fear, Stress, Anxiety - all these things God had said in His Word that we should give to him, and to carry his burden which is light with is just to TRUST that God is there and He is well able to carry all our burdens. He knows our frame and he understands every part of our lives. He has our best interest at heart and no matter how much we think we know the best way HIS WAY is better.
For me the discovery that God really did exist and really cared for me started me on a journey of discovery - I got really excited with the Word of God and really started to ASK GOD to teach me HIS ways and discover what HE said to mankind through His prophets and through the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).
I reread the books Matthew Mark Luke and John over the years and each time I am thrilled to see the miracle working hand of God in the pages, understanding that this same God had touched my life. I wanted to learn more. I discovered that as I read the words of the Bible I was wanting to understand the differences which I read about in the Word - I also did read the Archaeology of the Bible which held some really interesting revealing material. For me it is not just a matter of believing everything your read it is a matter of Come Let Us Reason together in order to get to Truth of a matter.
I have always been fascinated with History and Geography and how the planet came to be - I was interested to discover how come the planet as we know it is how it is.
I have read many interesting article on the internet over these issues and each time I come to the conclusion that God is Awesome and that as he had created the universe and everything in it for a purpose he also created me for a purpose.
Well, for me the discovery of my purpose took a while to discover, I am not going to say it was easy to follow the footsteps of Yeshua because the doctrines I had learned as a child and the reasoning's of those around me did not really show me anything except how separate we are from God.
As I started to read the scriptures and read what Yeshua (Jesus) had taught the disciples I started to question the real meaning of his words. I started to look for answers in the Word of God regarding the teachings - I soon discovered that the teachings in the churches and the teachings in the bible were nothing to do with each other - the churches claimed to be following Yeshua (Jesus) but when I questioned why we did not keep a Sabbath day as Yeshua did or keep the Ten Commandments as Yeshua did - I was quickly informed that they no longer mattered. Well for me that was a matter of great concern because I could see from the scriptures and from the history of Israel that when they did not keep to Gods Teaching and His Commandments Israel was marched off to slavery, and death and destruction and dispersion. However when one of the prophets and kings rediscovered the Commandments of God and that they were to follow them Israel prospered. For me this was a breakthrough. I had found the key to really what I was meant to be doing - that is to live Gods way.
Discovering the path of enlightenment back to the father has been an incredible journey.
If you are willing to walk with me then I will show you what I have learned over the years.
To keep Gods Commandments and His Teachings brings life to the flesh and prosperity to your home and lifestyle. In Deut. He made it very clear that if we are willing to obey his teaching he is willing to bless us mightly - if not we are under the curse and death and madness will ensue.
For me I choose life, to live with God and obey his teachings and learn from him.
Not just lipservice but really started to study His Word.
Over the next few weeks I will start to write about what I have learned. I will share with you the joy of my salvation of knowing the Messiah the King of the Universe. Are you with me.
Here are some study materials which you may find useful. I use the Complete Jewish Bible myself and have found it really helpful and inspiring.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity: A Loving Call to Unity
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