One of the most important books that has for me the best way to bring about true family values has always been the Bible. No matter what you think, most of today's modern psychiatric foundations is based on some premise of the Word of God.
God had his own idea of family and he created it with a specific plan in mind.
When he created Man in his own image and woman out of man and gave them to each other to love hold, trust and obey he gave them the wonderful gift of able to bring offspring into the world to cherish and nuture.
For me when I have been doing my studies on how to improve my relationships with people around me I always go back to the Book and read what God had said about treating each others fairly and in the same way we would want to be treated ourselves.
I came to the conclusion over the years that in reading what God had to say about family life and values it is up to each individual to ask themselves whether they would be honest in their dealings with their families, some who would agree that not in every way have we been able to show our feelings, emotions, sentiments, sometimes we have shown our anger and our frustration. We need to take a closer look at what God has said in His Word.
Ephesians 6 - has always stuck in my mind.when trying to instruct my child the way it should go - here is a clear indication that obedience and encouragement run hand in hand.
Ephesians 6 -
1) Children, what you should do in union with the Lord is obey your parents, for this is right.
2) "Honour your father and mother" - this is the first commandment that embodies a promise -
3) "so that it may go well with you, and you may live long in the Land"
4) Fathers, do not irritate your children, and make them resentful, instead, raise them with the Lord's kind of discipline and guidance.
As an adult looking back on my childhood I can see just was not working in my life. There were times of terror and violence and venomous words which cut deep and stayed with me most of my life.
When we as adults become parents we look round to see just how others are doing it, if you have not had the kind of supportive system you would like to share with your own children it is difficult to understand how to put into practice what you have not received yourself. For me coming back to my heavenly Father gave me the best teaching ever - not only for my own life but also for the life of my child. Teaching me to be loving, kind, understanding, thoughtful and ready to discipline when needed was quite a challenge to me. All the past 30 years I have been aware of my weaknesses and how my former teaching as a child was marred by uncertainty and unclear boundaries, now as as an adult I have been able learn a new path of following God in my journey through life.
Without really understanding the need for boundaries in my life it was difficult to create a boundary for my child to really understand and follow - Only following the Word of God has given me the confidence to face life and all that it has to offer.
For me coming back to the father and learning family values from his word has enabled me to really move on in my life.
When I read the Commandments of God - the ten he gave Moses to start with, I suddenly had my eyes opened to see that if we were as mankind to follow in His footsteps for sure we would be living in a land of peace and harmony with all mankind.
We are all from the same father - the creator of the universe and all that is in it, we all have a spark of God within us therefore it stands to reason that we would all benefit from relearning what God has said about family life. Not just the unity of man and woman but also how we should bring up our children and teach them to respect their elders, and being kept safe and pure so that there would not be the issue of unwanted babies - abortions, honour killings, We would not be suffering in society today with battered wives, battered husbands, degenerate children, gangs of youths murdering their neighbours.
There is much to be said when God said to Abraham that he was to be separate from the world around him, to steer clear of the idolatry that was happening in the land he was living in. Abraham being the father of many nations - and also the one who found honour with God because of his faithfulness to His word. Yes he too had his off days, but on the whole he did lead a life in obedience and taught his children the same way of life, to live in honour of the father God and honour their parents and each other. Sadly today we do not see too much of that. Children are rebellious and their parents are rebellious because that is what they learned from their parents. Today's society is full of rebellion and witchcraft and idolatry no wonder it would take a miracle of God to change the minds of the people to bring them back to him in all repentance and truth.
For me, the family values taught in the Word of God starting with the Ten Commandments is a must for all mankind, if we are to live in peace.
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations
Messianic Prophecies in Historical Succession (Classic Reprint)
God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
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