I also use for my daily study and prayer guide to understanding Complete Jewish Bible-OE
The Messianic Legacy
Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations
Messianic Prophecies in Historical Succession (Classic Reprint)
God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
For me this is a question of understanding in the first place what it is that God told us as mankind to follow. He gave the Commandments to Moses but even before Moses, Abraham was already following Gods Commandments to live an obedient life according to Gods ways.
We can see even at the beginning of Genesis that God already had the laws already established for us to follow.
We can see that when he created man and woman that they should be together as one to be able to bring forth a Godly seed.
We can see by the behaviours of Cain and Able that there was already the law of murder and life and treating each other with respect was already in operation - God made it very clear in the Garden of Eden that Man and Woman were to Obey His Word.
God created them and God gave them commands to live by even at that stage. He even gave them the first Sabbath to follow - when after he had completed his work of creation and development and saw that it was good He took a day of Rest which is the Sabbath - which in Genesis is already established.
By the time we get to Moses God's laws had already been in operation of thousands of years. When Cain slew Abel and he was cast out to live outside the family he went off and found himself another place to live where there were already people living and joined himself with them - thus we have the beginning of Babylon - along came Nimrod who was disobedient and a fighter and hunter - he is the creator of the so called religions of today. The ways of thinking which is contrary to Gods teachings.
Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden which was full of lush plants and vegetation and was well able to sustain them. God gave them a command not to eat of a certain tree - the tree of knowledge - they were not ready to receive the information God was going to impart into them. But they listened to the Adversary - a fallen angel who himself had once been at Gods side in His court and he the adversary had chosen to rebel against God and try to make himself like God - and tried to over throw God the creator of the universe and all living and breathing creatures on this wonderful planet.
We can already see that murder has entered the scene and disobedience - Therefore when God gave Moses the Spiritual laws - the Ten Commandments which were not just for Israel but for all mankind to live by there had already been mass destructions done towards nations. You can read in the story of the Noah how people had been so doing their own thing - not giving any respect to each other but rather behaving violently and aggressive and being everything that God had not intended for Mankind that He had to choose to do away with this and started again with Noah and his family brining in a new way of understanding that when we disobey and do not give God the Glory that is due to Him and respect for His handiwork then we can expect destruction.
We can see in today's way of thinking - rejecting God and His Teachings and His ways that the societies worldwide have gone into massive overkill - and preparing to ultimately wipe ourselves of our own planet, Not just with weapons of destruction but also by our stripping the lungs of the planet - i.e the forest on the equator which serve as lungs for the whole planet wide. We are all interdependent on each other and on the very planet itself. We are not separated from it. We were in fact created from it. WE do not respect the ultimate consequences of our actions. Hence Yeshua/Jesus was sent to reconcile us back to the Father by giving us a clear guideline on how to live. Yeshua/Jesus himself was a man and was subject to the same teaching and laws as us. He gave us the laws so we would know how to live in peace and harmony with each other.
The first Commandment is very clear that we should Love the Lord our God with all our hearts and minds and souls.
In other words - we should give him respect for his incredible gift of life and all that we have is from him. There is nothing on this planet that has not come from Gods hands in the first place. It is how we choose to use the gifts that God had given to us that we make or break our societies.
He is the Creator of the Universe - that is He created this universe for His pleasure and He created us for His pleasure and for to enoy what He has created and to honour and obey him for in recognition of his greatness and powerful ness. His awesome gift of Life should be held dear to all mankind.
God gave us such a place as this to call home - for all mankind yet we treat each other with despicable behaviour, we call each other names - we injury our own minds and hearts when we attack a fellow human being. God made us to live in peace and harmony with Him and each other.
It is hard to understand why man has chosen to reject the God of the Universe in favour of something that has been created by God. He took his time to perfect this amazing place for us. Surely we as his creations should turn back to him with gratitude and reverence at the wonderful gift he has bestowed upon us.
Throughout all of history there has been a sequence of events which are clearly recorded in the Word of God. That when Israel obeyed Gods laws and teaching it prospered therefore it stands to reason that when we Mankind obey God's laws and Teachings then we too would be in a place of peace and prosperity worldwide.
It is sad to think that we as so called believers cannot even get it right to understand the magnitude of God greatness. His awesome power - he is able to make and break this planet with a word of his command. He is able to destroy cities, peoples, wipe out completely anything just as he has done in the past, yet people treat this Awesome Powerful God as if he is nothing.
Did we not see His hand on the planet most recently in our lifetime when the Volcano erupted in Greenland and how it affected the whole of Europe and how when the Tsunamis hit the various parts of the world, also with diverse earthquakes - these are all in Gods hands - He is trying to shake the earth as he said he would to wake the people up from their slumber to make it clear that HE IS IN CONTROL -
We had better start looking more closely at Gods Law and see how they affect us as human beings - I am not talking legalisticaly here I am talking on a level of one to one relationships with each other and how we should treat each other.
God called us to Honour Him first and foremost - to understand how powerful He really is.
Remember what He did at the time of Moses how he showed his mighty power not just in the destruction of the Pharaoh but also at how He took care of the Israelites and gentiles that were with them in the desert. How he gave them water to drink and fed them from heaven. How he opened the sea for them to cross, how he led them by day by cloud and night by fire, did he not show his great mercy and powerfulness for His people.
We are all His people - because He created us all. it does not matter what colour, race or creed you are God made you and he is leading you to come to understand that there is more going on now at this time. People have rejected God and His commandments - yet we are all waiting for the Messiah who himself has said that he is going to Rule this planet with Gods commandments so those commandments have not changed nor will they change.
They were given to us as a guideline on how to treat one another and treat God with reverence He deserves.
When we begin to realise the importance of God Spiritual Commandments that they are not just a lists of does and donts - they are about treating man equally and fairly with respect and dignity.
So when we look to God and see just how awesome He is and how he saw fit to create us in his own image then does it not stand to reason that we should treat each other with respect and dignity.
The one commandment people all seem to find difficult to understand is why the Sabbath day is Holy - well lets us look at it - It is the Day God had chosen for a day of rest - from his labours and to sit and enjoy what he had created - he gave it to us as mankind as a day of rest to enjoy the great gifts that God has provided to us, with the forests, flowers, streams, rivers, and our families. A time of reflection on what God has done, also a time to bring our gifts to the alter and to forgive our neighbours - to bring our troubles to God to ask for wisdom on how to work our troubles out. It is a time of great celebration and recognition that God has given us so much and yet we give him so little in return.
He calls us to Honour and obey our parents - Well - look around you - in society today there is not much of that going on - in fact there is an awful lot of dishonour and disrespect happening - rebellion which in the eyes of God is as witchcraft - so we need to ask how can we treat our parents better afteral, the children of today will one day become parents themselves - if they are not taught a standard of living that is appropriate then the way the world is heading is for destruction - already there are signs of this happening all over the world.
Parents are called to teach the children how to behave and to show respect to their elders. Where has that gone. Today's parents do not even know where their kids are half the time, they don't know what they are doing, what they are watching, who they are with most of the time. School has become a joke to a lot of today's children. There is no discipline in the homes nor in the schools because of the fear of people being chastised for disciplining their young. There is a difference between discipline and abusing. I am speaking of encouraging their young to be respectful and kind, thoughtful. Long gone are the days when there were loads of brownies and cubs, scouts who were being taught life skills. Today the children run riot in the streets causing great distress and fear in peoples lives.
Parents - need to be more focused on their families than on how much money is coming into the house. God said he would provide and look after and bless people who are obedient to His ways, so it is about time people started to really look at the way they are bringing up their children - remember these are the future generations who are going to either kill us all or become peacemakers - so it is up to us as parents to teach them good morals, good standards and best of all reverence to God and respect of each other.
We can see that by rejecting Gods laws and teachings society has ended up in a really bad place, there is only one way out of the mess and that is to RETURN TO THE FATHER he said that when people truly repent and come back to him to seek his face he is there for them. He is not interested in in what you have done it is what you are going to become when you set your mind to follow His path, all you past sins are washed away by the blood of the Lamb (Yeshua/Jesus) so we should show him more respect, than just lip-service - just going to church and prayer meetings does not cut it - you must now take seriously the teachings that Yeshua taught the disciples. Read your Bible see what Yeshua/Jesus said - you will see that Yeshua himself maintain that we should keep Gods commandments and teachings and follow them. We say we Follow Yeshua/Jesus then lets us look at the example he gave us - He was obedient even unto death. He kept the laws and commandments he taught in the synagogues the same message as the books of the prophets which all gave the same message RETURN BACK TO THE FATHER AND GIVE UNTO GOD WHAT IS DUE TO HIM AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENT AND STATUTES AND LAWS so that all may be well with you. Prosperity will only come when we are obedient to God. Health and Wealth are in Gods hands - when we really give our lives to God he will prosper us according to His good will and according to how he sees fit.
If we continue as we have been doing for so long now - ignoring the signs of the times, ignoring God and His power and His way of thinking then chances are if it were not for the very elect sake then this planet and everyone on it is doomed by their own hands and minds and mouths.
We are the one's who can make a difference by turning back to God and asking him to teach us his ways and leading our lives according to His word then we shall have the opportunity to live the life He has chosen for us.
For more help in understanding the reason for my speaking so bluntly is available to you for your to make your own mind up. The Word of God is the answer - in it there is the power of life and death. Truth and Knowledge. Is that not what all men are seeking.
I have been reading the Word of God and discovering for my self the truth behind the commandments and asking God to guide me and reveal to me the way to life has been a really interesting one.
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