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For me marriage is a sacred union between Man and Woman, for them to be able become one and and never to be parted except by death.
My first marriage was a disaster - we were not joined in any way or fashion, he has his own issues which as a junkie he was not able to overcome, nor did he want to - as he is still doing it.
There was no joining of the mind, nor of the spirit - which brings you together - we were two separate peoples all the time we were "married" yet we both were awre things were not right from the start, you think you are in love and you probably do care about each other but yet there is something missing but you cant put your finger on it. After nine years we parted, there was nothing between us, nothing at all, we discovered we had nothing in common and had opposing views on life. For me the way of life was simple to believe and trust in Yeshua, he did not believe - nor does he today - if he were to be asked today he would probably just laugh at the idea. Sadly for me that was what was wrong - I knew even before I went through the ceremony we should not do it. It was contrary to God, light and dark cannot mix, like death nor life can mix. He had chosen the path of self destruction I had chosen the path of living with God.
We all make choices in life which at the time would appear to be the right ones yet when we start to look closely at the lifestyle we are in we begin to question what is happening to us.
There were many nights and weeks when he left me alone to go with his fellow junkies, yet on his return always expected everything honky dory and just as if he had been away. He even tried on several occasions to commit suicide - that tells you something. He is yet still alive - alone and still in the same place mentally where he was when i met him in 1992 - so no change there.
For me life has been an interesting walk. I choose to walk on the path of God, not easy because there are so many people that would laugh at me, ah well that if fine with me, I know what I am about.
I took a second husband to myself - again there was not really any unity in the mind or spirit, that is what I have been searching for - someone to become one with.
Bless my last husband despite everything he really did love me, but was not happy in himself and his mind was tormented by fears - he did not believe in the Risen Lord and God that I believe in and therefore one evening he choose to end his own life.
Both my former husbands were separated from God, neither knowing the joy of Christ's loving arms, nor the joy of knowing that God really does care for them. They both choose to disbelieve and would say that they were right in their choice. However looking at my life now, even though I am again alone, I have found a peace and tranquillity in the mind and body that only God can provide. As I choose to walk on the path of God learning from him and reaching out to God for his help and his mercy and guidance I can see his handiwork in my life very clearly.
Years ago I had a dream of walking amongst the mountains of a dry and dusty place yet surrounded by trees, sea and mountains. Today I am living my dream, I go up on the mountain to pray and worship God the Creator knowing that without him I would not even be here. No matter what life seems to throw at me, I know that God is there for me to turn to. Yeshua was and is with him sitting at his right hand and all things are going to be put at his feet at the time of Gods choosing.
For me, Yeshua the Word of God - who came as flesh to dwell amongst to show us the way back to God is an incredible gift that God gave to us.
He being united with God at the beginning, choose to come and dwell with us - mere human beings, in order for us to be reconcilled back to the father. That to me is an amazing and incredible selfless powerful love that he has for us.
WE being human beings - are going to be sitting at the marriage feast of the Lamb - those of us who have chosen to live Gods way, keeping his commandments, recognising the wonder of Gods creation and the fact that This amazing God of the Universe Love us and wants us to be one with him.
Marriage - is a foretaste of being united to God would be. Unless you have that incredible oneness of feeling joined together - to me it would not be worth the paper it is written on.
For me, Marriage is like being joined back to God. God, Man then Woman to give the glory back to God in our relationships with one another When you are one, you are no longer two, divided individuals but one unity of purpose and one aim and goal to help each other, love one another, have respect for each other - niether belittling each other or making the other feel small or intimidated.
When I look around at "married" couples - I wonder how they really feel deep down.
Do they experience great joy at seeing their partners at the end of the day, do they rejoice in the company of their families. Can they honestly say that every day is a blessing be with that person. To share time with someone who really does enjoy your company, loves your cooking, loves the things that you do together whether it be walking by a river, sitting in the garden sharing afternoon delights of the smells and aromas around the gardens, even shopping together - being with the children enjoying each precious moment with them. They grow up fast, what kind of teaching will you give them regard to training their minds to love thier spouses.
Marriage today could be a marriage a God Plans it. if we are prepared to learn what is to be united in the spirit as well as in the flesh.
I found that God's plan for a happy marriage could be the answer to a lot of our issues to day in modern society on how we manage our families.
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