Take Two Tablets Daily: The 10 Commandments and 613 Laws
Hebraic Roots: An Introductory Study
One Law for All: From the Mosaic Texts to the Work of the Holy Spirit
The New Testament Validates Torah: Does the New Testament Really Do Away With the Law?
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Today I walked with a friend of mine who was very distressed. Although my friend says that she believes in God - in actual fact when it came down to my friend trusting God to really take care of her she felt that it was not really going to happen for her.
For me, on the other hand, whenever I have asked God to help me in any situation I have trusted God to be able to help in whatever my needs may have been at that time.
Yeshua/Jesus made it very plain in the Word of God that if you ask God for something and you do not really believe that he is going to do any thing he will not, as you need to know that when you are asking God for help you, your mind must be made up that God can and will fulfil his promises to you.
You can ask nothing of God if you are double minded. Trusting God means that you really do understand that God will take care of you and will provide for all your needs.
I for one have experienced this at first hand. In 2003 God directed me to come to Spain by the Holy Spirit and knowing that I would obey he made the way for me. I gave up a job in UK and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. It lead me to Marbella - where I was able to have a flat right in the centre of Marbella near to the Ricardo Soreano - this area is considered to be a great area to live as it is right in the middle of the commercial and recreational area of Marbella. Here I stayed for six months - not having any form of income nor any steady job - God taught me the meaning of trusting God to provide for me. It was a very interesting time, I read the Word of God and was working my way through the book of Job - a great man in his own right. He listened to God and obeyed him, although he was then tested, he still maintained his respect and love of God and trusted that God would take care of him. Even though his life was torn to shreds, at the end of the day God restored him and gave him more than he previously had - because he was accounted faithful and trusted God. Even when those around him were trying to make out he had done something vile and that God was punishing him in some way, what had actually happened was that Satan had gone to God and asked to test Job because he could not get his way with Job. God allowed Satan to test him but he was not allowed to kill him. Satan took everything from him, his family, wife, business and whatever else belong to Job to see if Job would turn his back on God. Instead Job stuck it out and kept his faith in God and trusting him, believing his promises that at the end of the day his life was in Gods hands and God could do whatever God would choose to do with him.
We in the society we live in today, discount God and wonder why when we feebly ask him for help he does not seemingly answer.
We reject Gods promises as if they were nothing, yet when we look at Israels history we can see quite clearly that when Israel trusted God - He led them in battle, they were victorious, when they were dispersed amongst the nations because of their unbelief and rejection of Gods word there was always someone who would rediscover the Word and the Torah (the commandments of God) and see by reading them that they would be blessed by keeping them.
We in the west are so convinced by our so called "wisdom and knowledge" that God is no longer a viable being that we have actually signed our own death warrant in Gods eyes.
When Yeshua/Jesus came to earth to be a reconciler back to God, He challenged the people around him because of their lack of real trust and belief in the Living God. He challenged their priests, and teachers, because although they were teaching a form of Godliness they were denying his power.
The God of Creation who opened the Red Sea for Israel to escape the Eqyptions, the God who made water spring forth from the rock in order for the people to have water in the desert, the God who made sure that they were never with out food, the people cried and moaned about their lack - yet there was God ready to provide, he brought birds to feed them in the evening and bread of heaven in the morning to feed them during the day. In all the forty years in the desert even though God was providing for them they moaned and groaned and were in disbelief - those people who were in that state did not get into the promised land. Only those like Caleb and Joshua who really did trust and believe that God would and could provide were allowed to pass over and really enjoy the fruits of what God had provided for them which had they in the earlier part of their sojourn in the desert had trusted God the whole of those that were led out of Egypt could also have been led into the promised land. We see from the history that when God says he is going to do something he really does do it.
He today would like to provide for your needs, if you would open your hearts and minds to trust the God of the Universe, He is able to provide you with everything you need, the only criteria is that you turn back to him and ask him trusting and believing that God is able to provide for you.
God provides for me on a daily basis all that I need. I ask him for wisdom to write these blogs to help and encourage others to trust and believe in the Living God of Israel. I am not preaching a new religion or trying to convert you what I am trying to do with this is make you aware that we are living in a time of gross darkness because science has been trying to teach us that there is no God.
Yet, science has not proved there is not a God, they are struggling with the idea of finally recognising that there must be something who has put all this together.
There are those who would argue that there is no God. Yet look around you, can you explain why the sky and sea are blue, can you explain why there is such diversity of animals, fish, vegetation, flowers, trees, I have just been reading the book 6th Extinction where the scientist are puzzling over the diversity of the planet and what can be used to benefit mankind. Excuse me but God made all these incredible diversity for our benefit. There is even one scientist who was arguing that we did not need the tropical forests - that is did not matter if we chop down all the trees on the equator we would get by. Well, funnily enough if you take your lungs out of your body - you die. That is what would happen to the planet if you take away the lungs of the planet. God gave us the trees in just the right place in order to give oxygen to both north and south, east and west of the planet - check out the maps in your atlas and see where they are strategically planted.
God gave us everything, fish, meat, vegetables, flowers, water, salt, even the medicines in the trees He has provided, yet mankind insists that they can make it better, yet looking at what the pharmaceutical industry does with the raw materials in plants and turns them into so called wonder drugs, - They have not made anything - God gave them the raw material. They have contaminated it with their so called engineering of the drug - they do not even know long term what they will do.
My mother died of kidney cancer - after prolong use of pharmaceutical drugs, which were made up of so much junk like chalk, and other so called ingredients, our bodies were not designed to filter so much rubbish. When you look at how God heals you will see that it is from within the spirit as well as the body - mankind has drifted into such a state of unbelief and lack of trust just as the book of Deuteronomy points out when God gave them the choice of blessing or curses. The curses if being cut off from God and his healing power, his restoring power, his divine power, his creativity. He says quite clearly that when mankind chooses to turn their back on him there are serious consequences, there would be tumours, diseases, madness - vast increase in mental illness has occurred over the past few hundred years since the beginning of denial of God. That we would suffer in our crops, that there would be increase in famines, droughts, floods. Does not that give you some food for thought.
The blessings is that we would all be in good health, living in peace with our neighbours - our fellow human beings. We would be taken care of because God would make everything be as it would have been had we been obedient, God does not want mankind to annihilate itself - he wants us to be restored to himself so that God could give us what he wants to provide for us. Right at the beginning where he was able to take care of us, making sure we had rain in due season, crops that would sustains us. Food to feed the hungry, homes that would be safe to live in. Does that sound good to you. Well that is what the Father is able to do for you when you RETURN BACK OT THE FATHER - like the prodigal son. He was well blessed when he finally came to his senses.
Through out the Deuteronomy -- you can see that God is encouraging people to obey his teachings and his laws in order to have long lives and live in peace with their neighbours as well as themselves. When you look at Deuteronomy and really ask God to show you just what he is meaning you will discover for yourself the joy of your salvation for Yeshua himself was always encouraging people to return to the father and obey his commandments.
People today in the "churches" have been taught to discard the Torah - yet all the way through the New Testament we find the Disciples expounding them and encouraging people to keep to the faith of the scriptures, we are not talking about man-made traditions we are talking about the Truth of What did God say, What did God teach.
To really learn and discover more about this I would highly recommend you start to read your Bibles yourself and check out what it really says. People today, many have Bibles collecting dust do not realise just how powerful the words in that book are, they have the way to learn to eat well, they have ways to help lift depression and share joy with your neighbour, they have all songs of praise and worship and believe me when I tell you that there is such a guide to how to live your life in peace and tranquillity you would be mad not to even have a look at it.
For me when I started to really read the scriptures I really started to discover a God that is so powerful and mighty, forgiving, merciful, generous, and kind. I also found out just how terrible it is when you turn your back on God, what the consequences are when we neglect his holy word.
When I was in my darkest hour he reached me, I reached out to him in my ignorance and disbelief and there he was just waiting to hear from me, he healed me and turned my heart towards him and his word. I praise God for each day I am alive, I praise God for every breath I take. I thank God that without His word we would not even be here.
He gave us an incredible planet to live on. He created everything in his time and his way, for our enjoyment and our pleasure and our needs, yet we forfeit the right to have life more abundantly because we fail to Trust and Obey the God of Creation.
It is time to really wake up and rediscover the truth of Gods holy word.
Here are a just a few books which may help you to start to find your way back to understanding the Word and rediscover the lost treasures of God for your own life.
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