I have recently reread Genesis and have had a wonderful time discovering the most amazing things that God did for his people - those that were called and were led into the desert.
The incredible mercy God has on mankind to allow human beings to be able re-cover the earth after the mighty flood, the incredible generosity of God to give us all that we have need of in the way of food, water, sky, sea, sun, moon, stars, We as a species are incredibly blessed. God made us in His Own image to share in His wonderful handiwork.
For me it is just awesome that this amazing God and His angels look down on us and have mercy on us and want us to be given so much - yet we despise him, and reject him, deny his very existence yet all around us is the evidence of his handiwork.
All through Genesis you can see the thread of how beautiful God has led Mankind. When Joseph was carried off and taken to Egypt - all seemed lost - yet out of the tragedy there came hope and salvation - for when the famines came on the world God had in place already Joseph who had taken care to follow Gods plans and prepared for the people - the storehouses of Egypt were full and there was plenty for everyone - even those that were outside Egypt were able to go buy from Egypt - we see just how important everything fitting together for God's purpose.
Even on thier dying beds, both Jacob and Joseph predicted that the Israelites would be led out of Egypt and taken back to the promised land.
WE today in our society fail to see the Hand of God in the movements in the earths events. Yet His hand is definitely in control. For without his intervention we would be annihilated by the decisions of those in office - determined to win at all cost - using bombs and terrorisim to affect their ends.
Yet Here is God - looking down and seeing just what an outcry mankind had become - again, he must be thinking "what have I done - allowing this mankind to continue" it seems we never seem to learn the lessons of history - yet many look to history for the evidence of how to behave. We really do not look far enough back to see just how much we are dependent on God and his ways to live the life of peace with our neighbours.
For me, when I read the scriptures and see just how much we could learn from the facts which are clear to see - on how these terrible times in Israel and the Arab nations - who by the way are brothers and cousins to each other as they are both of the Seed of Abraham. They along with many families in Asia are also related to Abraham. For when you check out the names of the families - the son of Abraham both from his wife Sarah and his concubines you will realise just how far and wide the sons of Abraham are spread. We are all in some way related to each other.
When God gave Abraham the promise that ALL NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED BECAUSE OF ABRAHAM - it makes you wonder just what the Blessing is that God is talking about - could it be restoration back to the Father Creator because it is only through the line of Judah that we have the safe keepers of the Word as it was - it is only through the history of the nations which were developed from the sons of Abraham does the World really have any secure path of living in peace.
Perhaps we should all take a closer look at what the book of Genesis has to offer and start to understand the historical significance of how today is played out. While we ignore the truth in the book of Genesis and ignore the fact that both Arabs and Jews are related they were both promised a share in the promises of God then perhaps we can start to come to some understanding on how to resolve the issues.
God gave Hagar - Ishmael - the father of the Arab nations a promise that his twelve sons would also be receiving a blessing alongside Isaac - yet because Isaac was the son of Sarah whom God had chosen to be the mother of Israel and many nations would be developed from his sons - we need to look at the concubines as well because Abraham had to send his concubines east ward from where they were because at the time there was not enough room for them all - you can imagine the amount of people we are talking about - all shepards tending to their flocks and livestock - it is an amazing story of how the East and West were populated by the Sons of Abraham - how the sons of Abraham were spread about the whole earth - even to the isle of the sea - which means there is possiblities that the Isles of the Sea would need to be researched to see which ones were in evidence in Abraham's time.
There is so much in the Bible which gives us hope and security in knowing that we are all one under God - he made us all equal in his sight - none of us are better than the other - we are all here because He has designed it that way.
For me the journey through the scriptures is not just a spiritual one but a step across time and space and events - a time of reflection of how things were and how things could be when we choose to follow Gods teachings and his precepts.
It is amazing what you can learn about yourself as well when you see others feeling like you do and understanding the you are not alone - we are all here because we are wanted by God for a purpose - the thing is we as human beings need to discover for ourselves is how we can serve God best and understand His ways of doing things.
For me, discovering that God is so omnipotent and merciful and gracious and so incredible it makes me stand and look around at the amazing things He has done.
His Word - gave us the light in the heavens, His Word gave us Stars, Sea, Land. By His Word all things were created, even the flies and the mosquito's have a place (although I am not sure what - as they are a nuisance) Nevertheless God created everything in His order and at his command.
The scriptures are a great source of History - Even the archaeologist use the Bible to start their hunting for evidence - otherwise what would they have to give them any beginning of guidance - even with the history of the people around the world's own history there comes a point of "where did they come from" we are all here because God planned it that way. He is also very able to squash us like bugs and wipe us all off the planet and start again if He should desire - he has done it before remember - in the time of Noah.
Remember also that Yeshua/Jesus said that as the days of Noah so shall His coming be. Therefore we are called to watch and pray that we are not caught with our heads looking into the sand but rather looking up for His redemption draws nigh.
When reading the book of Genesis and reading how families were developed and the wonderment of why God created Man and Woman - (I myself had never felt the need to be with man -yet now I can see that there is a purpose even in that - I for one have struggled with marriage and understanding the importance and relevancy of it - looking at the scriptures there is a clear and divine pattern which evolves from it.) I see that being married to the man or woman that God chooses for your life is very important - we often run ahead of God in choosing our own mate - with devastating results - broken homes - failed marriages, divorce. God had not intended it to be that way.
When I look at the length of time Jacob had to wait to marry his beautiful Rachel and the length of their marriages - today's modern ways is a definite no no. For me, if God saw fit to bring a man into my life that would be how He wanted him to be - I would accept it with all the grace that God would give to me to live with that person according to Gods ways. (I have lived and married to two men in my life - yet both were not the man God would have chosen for me) These things I have had to face.
Coming back to the Father and seeking his wisdom on the matter has been a real eye opener -taking me right back to the beginning of Genesis and seeing just how important a relationship with man and woman is - not just the bearing of children, but working as a team to develop ones life's journey with another human being. That takes courage and patience and love - again something I am learning along the way.
I hope that when you read my word for today - you will see I am not trying to preach to anyone just hopefully share with you the inner-workings of my mind and share my experiences with you.
Your journey with God is your own. Yet we all have something to contribute to one another.
My studies have brought me right back to the Father and I look for answers for my life and also in looking for the answers I can see the answers also for society at large.
I hope that as you read your Word of God and ask for wisdom and Him to teach you His ways - you will be open minded enough to let the Holy Spirit to teach you all truths - do not go to God with precepts of your past life - Coming to God with an open heart and mind wanting to learn from him is vital.
Here is something I use for my journey.