When we look at Hebrews 10 and realise
that this is the Messiah – Yeshua/Jesus who came and died for our sins and to
help us to be reconciled back to God the Father of creation, I am in awe of the
power of the Creator who would see fit to send his beloved son amongst us to
show us compassion and mercy and offer us an opportunity to be released from
bondage and slavery to our addictions and perversions. To our adulterous natures and behaviours. To offer us an opportunity to have a life
more abundantly as we learn to trust in Him and to obey him and understand that
He is the Word of God and that He himself said that man cannot live by bread
alone but also by EVERY WORD THAT GOD HAS SPOKEN therefore it stands to reason
that as we read through the Word of God and discover just how powerful and
mighty God truly is that we can see just how important these words are.
For we have all sinned and we have all
fallen short of the Word of God and his Truth and His Way. Therefore is it any wonder that God himself
will place His Truth and His Torah (teachings into our minds and hearts) how
can we start to comprehend just how important this is until we start to
recognise just how little we really know the True God of the Bible. The God that parted the red sea, made the
plagues in Egypt, raised the dead, healed the sick, the lame, the halt and the
blind, those with leprosy, epileptics, so many that when Yeshua/Jesus spoke he
touched the hearts and minds of the people to such a degree that their lives
were forever transformed by his words. Bearing in mind He is the Word of God –
He is Logos – He was at the beginning with God – so why is it so strange that we
now turn around and say ah but that is all done away with. When God himself said that His word will
never pass away.
Sometimes when I think about Gods word
and what it means to me and how I live my life I am in awe at just how
uplifting and encouraging it really is.
When I read the stories of David and his battles with his own issues
throughout his reign and his battles with himself over his disobedience and his
depression and joy – if gives me hope that in all our dark hours no matter how
much we may think we are alone – we are not – God is there all the time just
waiting for us to cry out to him and truly ask for his help and his guidance,
He is willing and able to transform your dark corner into one of shinning hope
and life.
So if you are considering yourself
unworthy to be touched by God – remember Mary Magdalene – she was classed as a
prostitute – but by her actions and repentance before Yeshua/Jesus her sins
were forgiven and she was a changed person after that. So could your life be transformed if you
would open your heart to let Yeshua/Jesus in to restore your soul to God and
show you a way of life that is better for you.
A way of love and peace, a way of grace and mercy. There are rules we have to live by they are
for our benefit – he shows you the way into the life that will bring about the
peace that you are searching for.
So when you are sitting eating your
family meal together and sharing time with your family give a thought to who
has actually brought all this about. The
creator God made this planet for us, he took his time to get it just right for
us, yet we mankind have been so destructive with the very gifts that God has
bestowed upon us it is amazing that he still sees fit to show us his mercy by
sharing his beloved Rainbow as a sign that He will not flood the planet again.
Yet there is coming a time of testing,
a time of great torment amongst the people because of their fears and
anxieties, there is going to be a time of great wailing for not knowing where
to turn. Yet those who have found refuge in the cave of his presence, hiding in
his wings and under his mantle of protection – people who trust his word – they
will be separated from those who are living in fear and anxiety.
We all have a choice – we can either
be filled with fear and anxiety or we can really start to take God at his Word
and trust in Him.
For me trusting Him is the only way to
life. Because His Word says – Yeshua/Jesus said that He is the way to the life
and to peace. Therefore surely it is
time for you to consider your own belief – do you trust him or do you think it
is ok just to go to church on Sunday and to prayer meetings and not really know
him as your own personal saviour who is there for you to teach you His ways,
His laws, His Teachings. How will you
learn if you do not take the time to study His Word.
Or do you take what is said in the
churches from the people in the pulpit – do you accept that they are speaking
from the Word of God – can you really trust what they are teaching. Or are they
the hirelings that will speak half-truths.
For me, reading the scriptures for
myself – asking God to teach me Himself, leading me to find out just how to
live the life that God had originally wanted to live. That has been my quest for over 30
years. So the more I read in the
Scriptures the ways of man and their ways of disobedience and see the same
today as there are in the scriptures and see the result of what happened to the
nations and kings who choose to disregard God and His ways – they are no
more. The great Temple of Solomon
destroyed, the beautiful ornate decorated temple utensils and everything that
Solomon had made dispersed because of the disobedience of the kings after
him. How when we consider how our own
society has disintegrated as we continuously
disregard rewrite the Word of God – bearing in mind there is a warning in Revelations about adding and
subtracting from the Word of God – God made it very clear that all the plagues
and diseases would come on the people who would dare to change Gods Word. We can expect to see more and more devastating
plagues and misery due to the fact that there has yet again been another
version of the Bible (queens bible) which takes away Gods Word and destroys the
whole purpose of the Scriptures – when you try to make the Bible say something
it clearly is not and changing it to fit into your ideals or desires you will receive
the curses that God has written in His Word.
There are very great warnings about changing the Word of God.
Mankind has decided they want to follow
their own version – well that has only one end – destruction, death and
For me, studying the scriptures
discovering the incredible journey that mankind has come on and how Gods
intervention has been obvious throughout history. Even in Ezekiel when it speaks about the
Store houses of weather conditions saved for the time of war – you can look
through History at the great wars and how the weather was very much against
man. Napoleon had severe winters, when
world war 1 was fought there too was horrendous weather. Throughout most of mans history at the time
of great wars the weather systems were against man. God in his wisdom deemed it so. Showing that it was a frightful thing to kill
and murder ones fellow human being.
God said – do not kill, do not murder –
yet that is what is happening all across the planet in one country or another.
Do not commit (take another man's wife/or husband - adultery – yet that
happens all the time and is not even seen as a sin now just a matter of course –
people divorce and remarry, and do not consider what they are really doing –
the devastating affect it has on their families – only interested in their own
selfish lusts of the flesh wanting something that is not theirs to have – they married
in haste and repent at leisure – that is such a true saying. Today’s promiscuous society see it as “modern
free thinking” yet it is so devastating to the whole of the structure of
society. We are just as the romans were
at the end of their civilisation – ruined by their own lusts, greed, and
military might – which we can see throughout Europe how it affected most of the
countries bringing their people into slavery under the Roman Emperor – yet again
there is a rising of something that will cause again much devastation
throughout the whole of society which is going to cause many to faint from the
terrors of what is coming. Yet we do not
know exactly when it is coming we just know it is.
God’s Word warns us of such a time,
yet it is only a short time then the Kingdom of God will come and it will be
Established on the Earth and we shall all learn to live according to His Word,
and His Teachings.
When you consider the Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be
your name
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done as it
is in heaven so shall it be on earth
Forgive our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us,
Lead us not into temptation but deliver
us from the evil one
For thine is the power and the glory for
ever and ever
we say Our Father – do you believe that He is your father or do you do it
out of duty or because it is tradition – do you consider him to actually be
your father creator?
say your kingdom come – do you really believe that this is going to happen
and what it actually means, do you think you will still be able go on doing
what you have always done, and continue to think that Gods word has not meaning
in your life only when go to your places of worship whichever day you may
celebrate. Do you not realise that we
shall be keeping Gods timetable, His holy Shabbats, His feast days, his
commandments. Everything that we have
been taught is not important - yet that
is exactly what the Word says – that He is going to teach us all how to live
according to His teachings and His ways.
– forgiveness is not really part of today’s society in many ways. WE find it hard to forgive those who have
wronged us – and sometimes looking for revenge in some way, teaching people a
lesson when they have hurt us. Yet God
says unless we forgive there is no forgiveness because if we cannot forgive our
brother, neighbour or friends how can he forgive us.
us not into temptation – well that is such a full in your face thing - in today’s society we are tempted by many
things which would never have occurred to others in earlier times. Our society today has so many new ideas and
toys, gadgets that makes it hard not to want them. Yet in some homes it can
bring hardship and misery, because the advertising industry drives the needs of
the people to desire the latest gadget and toy not really caring about the
us from the Evil One – people completely disregard that the Evil one
actually exists – so they do not understand that this is not an invisible force
that has disappeared but rather he is a fallen angel who because of his own
greed and lust for power was banished to the world – who fills the hearts and
minds of people to do wicked and evil actions, fills their minds with dark
stories to tell, to share fears to encourage fear and horror and torment – he has
driven a wedge between man and God because of his control over their minds in
the way he uses the tools of modern society to share his information his
fear. You only have to watch the films
and games and tv programmes to see it in action. You can see it in action when you hear of
tragic events where children are killing children in their schools and homes. Do you think that these children are evil –
they are brainwashed by the very things they are learning in the homes from the
games they watch and what they hear around them. When man fights with man or fights with woman
and they see these very actions happening do you not think that it affects
them. ( I witnessed my parent fighting
when I was 4- I saw the pain and anguish of what it caused, as I grew up I saw
it more and more until they parted, not just the brutality of husband and wife
beatings, but also beatings on children) if that is what they see it is very
hard for them to learn a different way – that is why it takes a miracle from
God to change people’s lives and turn them into something worth living.
Remember the Evil one tempted woman in
the garden of Eden in the first place that caused us to be separated from God –
therefore it takes the reconciliation by coming to the Messiah and accepting
Him into your life and wanting to learn from him to make a difference in your
thine is the power and the glory
Do your really believe that He has the
Power to change lives, do you really believe in the Glory that surrounds his
throne. Do you only consider it as just
a nice thing to say. Or do you really consider what you are saying.
I can remember my first experience of
singing Amazing Grace and how I felt the power of the Words that really drove
deep into my heart. When I heard and
sang a hymn as a child offering my life in to living service of God I felt the
surge of the power of the Words that were there. Yet it was not until I became
an adult did the Power of those Words really have the affect on my life – words
that I sang that I would serve Jesus all the days of my life really did
permeate my life. Now I serve God by writing these blogs in the hope that they
may help someone else realise that they are not alone. That God does love them and wants to help them
change their lives around.
So please if you are reading this,
consider that what Yeshua/Jesus said, “no man can come to the Father unless
they come thru him, and no man come to Yeshua/Jesus unless the Father is first
drawing them to Him. Each person has the
opportunity to hear the call of God in their lives. It is up to each individual to respond one
way or the other. For me to choose God
was one of great joy as it has given me a life of peace and contentment even
through my darkest times, for I have known that God had his hand on my life and
knows exactly what my destiny is.
So I hope that someday you too
will have the blessed assurance that God
loves you and wants to bless you and keep you safe.
If you have learned or have a comment to make about what I write feel free to leave me a message. Also if you consider what I have written can help others please share it with them.
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