1.Genesis 2: 7-8
7) Then Adonai, God formed a person (Hebrew Adam) from the dust of the ground (Hebrew Adamah) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life so that he became a living being.
8) Adonai, God, planted a garden toward the East in Eden, and there he put the person whom he had formed.
2. Genesis 2:18
18) Adonai, God Said "If isn't good that the person should be alone, I will make for him.
3. Genesis 2:21-23
21) Then God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the person, and while he was sleeping he took one of his ribs and closed up the place from which he took it with flesh.
22) The rib which Adonai, God had taken from the person, he made a woman person; and he brought her to the man person.
23) The man person said, "at last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She is to be called woman (Hebrew Ishah) because she was taken out of man (Hebrew Ish)
4. Genesis 2.24
24) This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh.
When we take a good hard look at this presenting evidence of Gods marriage it is clear to see that it is between man and woman - not man and man or woman and woman - also when it comes to families it takes the female egg and male sperm to create a baby. Therefore even if you consider it to be ok to be gay and have homosexual relationships (which is an abomination before God) you cannot expect to be having children within your relationship - therefore it does not make any sense at all to have children from heterosexual relationships to put a nice little baby or young child into the middle of what God calls an abomination - unnatural affections - this is indeed a sin against God and also humanity.
God made Man in his own image and created the woman to be his helpmate and to share the joys and pains of being parents and bringing children into the world. Without the man and woman there would not be any children. You still cannot grow babies in test tubes with out sperm or egg donated by the man or woman.
I understand that this may be a challenge to a lot of people, however from experience in my life of watching a family of gay parents and their adopted children - one of the young girls ended up needing psychiatric help because of the confusion it had been brought up with - it is a natural for a young girl to want to be discussing the ins and outs of how babies were created and also what is happening to her own body, it is not natural for them to be given information that it is ok for two women in a sexual relationship to be trying to explain the facts of life - and not expect there to be a some repercussions.
Marriages are sacred and a relationship with man and woman and God - as he is their witness and he binds their relationship together. They are made one flesh - so being one flesh they are now no longer two individual in a sense but one flesh - this is not so in a homosexual relationship as how can they become one flesh. Yet they lie together as one they can never be as one flesh as God had intended for man and woman.
We are created to be for each other as husband and wife and as such we are given the gift of life to produce life from our coming together as one flesh - in having children we are contributing to the human race and in turn hopefully bringing about the future generations who will obey and be at peace with each other and God.
A question about Divorce - How God sees it.
4. In Matthew 19:4-5
4) We see Yeshua being questioned about divorce - Yeshua made if very clear in his response to the challengers - he replied to their question - "Is it permitted for a man to divorce his wife on any grounds whatever?
Yeshua replied - "Haven't you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female,
5) and he said "for this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh.
5. In Matthew 19: 6-8
6) Thus they are no longer two, but one. So then, no one should split apart what God has joined together.
7) They said to him, "then why did Moses give the commandment that a man should hand his wife a get and divorce her.
8) Yeshua answered, "Moses allowed you to divorce wives because your hearts are so hardened, but this is not how it was in the beginning.
6. Malachi 2 : 13, 14-15
13) Here is something else you do, you cover Adonai's, God's alter with tears with weeping and with sighing because he know longer looks at the offering or receives your gift with favour.
14) Nevertheless, you ask, "why is this?" Because Adonai, God is witness between you and your wife of your youth that you have broken faith with her, though she is your companion, you wife by covenant.
15) And hasn't he made (them) one flesh in order to have spiritual blood relatives for what the one (flesh( seeks is a seed from God.
Therefore take heed to your Spirit and don't break faith with your wife of your youth. "for I hate divorce" says Adonai the God of Israel.
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