We see a clear change from within the history of mankind - from the hunter-gathers - to the despotic of a self serving behaviour of the very early settlements of man.
While mankind worked together searching together to gather food and shelter equally there was no war amongst the tribes of man.
However when mankind were cast out as we see in the story of Adam and Eve - representative of Humankind. The destruction that shortly follows with the death of Abel at the hands of Cain and then the consequential expulsion of Cain from the family to go and find his own way - having been told that he would suffer greatly for what he had done to his brother Able. We see that in the history of Cain how he went to the land of Nod and established himself a city and began to rule his people.- as he had joined another tribe of man and married and had a family with them - we can now see the beginnings of despotic demanding leadership - a self serving power hunger regime developing. Here we find the beginnings of Nimrod and his worshipping of his mother - as the queen of heaven - we see the beginnings of the mother and child - as Nimrod had a child with his own mother and it was venerated as holy - we see the beginnings of a false religion developing which eventually would encompass the world.
We see also the beginnings of a state run government where its officials are paid from the produce that people had been forced to bring to the chief - We know that we are to bring our tithes and offerings to God the father - however God does not bully us into doing it - we have a freewill to make the giving to him - however he does ask us to give to Him so that all may be cared for. However the despotic regimes that developed were not that gracious - if the people did not bring their offerings to the chiefs their lives were forfeit - sometimes by mass murders - we can see this is happening even in our times - with the disappearances of the people from the various nations, people who challenge their governments with their ideas of unity and peace, or even offer a different opinion on matters regarding human rights. Even the UK is not innocent in these matters - we recently in our history heard of a government officials who allegedly committed suicide - this is sometimes a cover for their murder. We need ask ourselves are we also guilty of misrepresenting our King to the peoples. God is our King and as our King Creator we should bring honour to his name not discord, nor disgrace by using his name in vain - for we will reap the rewards of our disobedience of Gods ways.
When we look to God for answers he is always there - whether you believe in or not it does not change the fact that He is in overall control of each and everyone's destiny - we may think we have the control but we do not.
We can look back in history - where are the nations that were powerful in ancient times - with their worshipping of the bull and other lesser deities - offering human sacrifices to their gods - God of heaven never demanded this - in fact it is abhorrent to him. They are at the bottom of the sea or hidden under masses of jungle and rocks.
We are not immune to Gods wrath - just because we say we believe - there is so much more to it than we first realise - having a faith in God and trusting him to take care of you really does take a leap of faith. I myself over the years have experienced this and have faced many difficult situations and decision - if we make the wrong choice - which we all do from time to time - we suffer the consequences of our actions - repent at leisure - however when we seek Gods counsel we find that the way is much clearer and the path is straight.
Mankind has chosen to walk a crooked path of unbelief and even down to anti- God. We need to see whom do we serve.
Following the path of the world will lead to destruction - to come out of the worlds way of thinking is challenging - seeking to find the Kingdom of God is a path worth treading for in it you will find Peace and Unity in God himself. He is able to hide you in his wings and cover you with his love and forever no matter what weapons are forged against you He will protect you - we cannot protect ourselves from God as His Will shall be done, even if we run and hide in the mountains away from him He will find you.
For Christ came into the World to reconcile us back to God in the hope of having a Godly nation who would be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak truth to their neighbours - not speaking evil or discussing their problems like gossips. Helping one another to share one anothers burdens and loving one another - no matter what race, creed you follow - Jesus is the way to Salvation only - He is the Way back to the Father - only He can reconcile us back to God in order for us to have the Life God ordained for mankind in the first place.
Looking back through history - how many times there has been prophets and speakers for God who have challenged the way people think about how to serve the Living God. How do we really make sure we can be certain of a continuing of our race - it is only by opening our hearts and minds to the Living God and accepting the sacrifice of his son Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). For without Him there is no redemption there is no future for mankind as God has made it very clear that the days will be made shorter and the times will be filled with horrors and their will be breakdown in societies - is that not what is happening today. The Modern way of life is contrary to Gods way - the selfish desires, money grabbing, sacrificing our families on the alter of Mammon in order to get rich - struggling to keep a roof over our heads, struggling even to pay our way - surely there is a better way.
Christ came to save us from ourselves - God wants us to be reconciled back to himself so that he once again can be the father to all.
When the Messiah comes - there is going to a massive change in the governments and people hearts and minds. There are going to be Gods laws and His precepts and His teachings that will brought to bear on all nations. So now is a good time to discover how best we can change our own lives and start to live according to His statutes and His precepts.
Learning to live Gods way is the only way we are going survive.
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