We are an arrogant species if we think that we can actually create clones and produce them as full sized babyadults to use as body parts for our fellow human beings. I found it was a tremendous story line because when you consider the line that Sean Bean said"that they found that the only way to make the organs last longer was to give the organs a life span " ie. develop them in to "product humans" that way they could be cultivated to use for certain members of societies elite - those that could afford to have a clone -
When we look back at other fantastic stories such as Jules Verne - 20,000 leagues under the sea, and his men on the moon books he wrote and possibly many others and we look about our world and we can see that we have achieved the submarines we have even been to the moon and back, yet all in this great so called progress, we are still arrogant enough to think that we can play God - oops we have been here before "the tower of Babel" remember what happened there, God confused the languages and separated the nations according to their language.
Do not think that just because it is just a "film" that people are not already experimenting with this kind of technology - even the family that had the baby sister in order for the elder sister was able to have help from her deliberately born baby sister for the purpose of using part of her anatomy
We see already the use of stem cell research being used on pigs to develop parts for human beings.
Are we so arrogant to think that there will not be trouble with this.
For me, God is the only creator who has the ability to create and destroy life, to be in the situation where a company is set up to develop human being embryos full size as men and women, then only to take away their lives on a deception of being sent to paradise island yet in reality they are being savagely brutalised, having been brainwashed as young babies in to believing they have had childhoods and families, believing that they had been "saved" from a holocaust scenario is horrific to say the least. Yet when one member started to challenge the reason for their existence and what their life purpose was all about - he was not given satisfactory answers so he went off to discover it for himself, dragging a female whom he grown attached to - then went on a journey of discovery of their "parents" the people whom they had been cloned from.
They would not stand a chance in reality just like in the film - however if we are really so blind as not to realise that they makers of such films just as Jules Vernes was inspired so are these people who write the books then get turned in to films. It is amazing that when we look at the Bible on how much people just ignore as possible because they do not believe it happened yet, when we are faced with the reality of events that unfold before us.
As a child I used to watch Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, Stingray, and a whole host other things, like Lost in Space, yet today we can see that we have reached the start, we have video phones - mobile phones, we use skype, these are technologies which when I was growing up were unheard of - only in comic books and fantasy, yet they have become a reality.
Do we really consider that we are going to be able to stem the tide of "cloning", or even like in Gatica where people are selected before they are born to have the "right" dna - non criminal personalities, no abusive - we really need to consider what is happening.
A lot of films tend to be quite prophetic in nature - they are inspired works, it just depends on who is doing the inspiring.
I saw Numbers a few years ago - that too is a very challenging film - also a prophetic film.
Are we as human beings going to constantly deny that God is in Control and therefore we can trust him who created us to take care of us, if we are constantly trying to make plans yet they never come to pass, we need to remember that when God makes a plan it always comes to pass.
I have been reading the book of Kings this week and have been discovering just how true that is. When mankind insist of being perverse and not see God as their creator and their father, and insist on living their lives with consulting God about matters that concern them then we are in for a mass destruction. The world is feeling the affects of Gods wrath, because Mankind are too blind to see - they are out of line with God and His desire for Mankind.
We are a self destructive species, hell bent on destroying our fellow humanbeing, with our chemical warfare, weapons of mass destruction - and yet at the same time we are trying to prolong our lives with drugs and herbs and whatever we are encouraged to believe will help us to have long lives.
Our days are numbered - God has decreed how long Mankind is going to be on the planet - we can see that in civilizations of the past - we can see that the planet quickly obliterates any evidence of human beings being in the vicinity - yet there are remains of cultures who have gone before. We can see that no matter what "we" do God is able to do much better. He created us, our planet and everything we see around us.
The fact that some consider we have evolved from some goo in the mud, or whether we arrived from out of space, or where created from the mud of the earth the fact is that we are here, yet we are so destructive we may not be here in 30 years from now because of our attitude to life and each other.
Do not think that I am scaremongering, I am aware of what I have read and see with the scenes on the news and how people treat one another that there must come a time when we start to treat each other with respect and care and love. After all that is why Christ came to return us back to God and give us an opportunity for Salvation and restoration. To save us from ourselves. Without His sacrifice we would not have anywhere to turn.
Just as the days of Noah and their belittling of people who trust and obey God, so too with the World as we understand it be treated with just as much relish as the people in Noah's day. God gave us and opportunity to change - yet we insist on being stubborn, arrogant, selfish, loveless, lawless.
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