We see that Yeshua sitting at the table recounting the story of the Exodus with each other, sharing with them the real events of the time, yet at the same time sharing with the the fact that He is the Passover Lamb for all mankind to help us to become restored back to the Father - God Creator.
When Yeshua lifts the Bread to Heaven and prays over it and sharing it with the disciples saying that "this is my body broken for you" - at this point he had not gone to the cross - so at this point it must have been a very strange thing for the disciples to hear. Yet here is Yeshua saying that He is about to be broken for US - humanbeings. Then lifting the wine to Heaven and praying over it asking God to bless the Wine recognising that this is representing his blood - which is poured out for us. For us to take and become part of the Life blood of the Messiah.
When the God said to Moses to cover the door posts with the blood of the passover lamb, we too also are covered by the Blood of the Lamb - the Messiah. When we walk in His commandments and His teachings. When the Messiah says in Matthew that we are sons of lawlessness when we are not obeying Gods commandments. We are covered by His grace by keeping the Words that Christ gave us. Yet people choose to dismiss Gods Commandments and Teachings as if they are not anylonger relevant yet God is the same today, as he was yesterday and is tomorrow, His word never changes therefore how can we change Gods Word. God makes it clear in Revelations that "these are they that keep the Faith of Yeshua and the Commandments of God". For me the Passover is very important. For me it is clear indication on how Gods plan and Holy days - how everything fits together really nicely in Gods plan.
So for me the next big event in Gods calendar is the Passover - His glorious death and resurrection and the fact that we do have a NEW LIFE in Yeshua. For He is the New Life.
When we open our hearts and minds to the Messiah and allow Him to lead you into the Truth it becomes a NEW LIFE into which your life becomes a brand new adventure.
Yeshua/Jesus is the best person in my life. Without Him into my life I would not be alive today if God had not touched my life when I was 21. Therefore God for me is the only way forward. Leaving all that has gone on before and pressing forward to the Goal of my place in Heaven.
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