Today, I have been studying the book of Samuel and reading about Hannah s miracle.
When I started to read it I really did not have any full understanding of the story, we hear it but we do not always hear the words properly.
From the very beginning you see this woman who is in deep drepression crying out to God to help her in her misery - she is a barren woman who longs to have a baby by her husband as she is being taunted by the husbands second wife whom has had several children by her husband. In her loneliness and misery the is so depressed that she asks God for His help in giving her a son so that when the child is weaned she is able to give him to God for Service to God. This amazing woman was asking for something in her life that she longed for yet she was ready to hand it over to God as a loan so that Samuel would grow up to be the Man of God he was to become. Book of Samuel Chapter 1 verses 4-28 While I was reading I get the feeling that this woman is very much like you and me, we are Gods children and he want us to have good things, however we do not always show him the respect He deserves neither do we ask him from the bottom of our hearts in all sincerity when we call upon his name.
However, from my own experience I know that when I call on Adonai to speak to him from the bottom of my heart I know He hears me. I know that He answers me, the result is the life changing events that surround the asking.
When reading Hannah s story and becoming aware of her dedication to God and to her husband and family it is incredible to see that even after she had dedicated Samuel to God - God went on to bless Hannah with more sons and daughters therefore lifting the stigma of being barren. We can see that God has his purpose in this matter and we can see that as God reveals His plans to us we can see clearly the path ahead.
In being blessed with the Gift from God in Samuel the whole of Israel was blessed as he became one of the greatest Judges before God that Israel had.
For me reading the Scriptures on a Shabbath day and asking God to teach me from them and open my eyes that I may learn the truth behind the words I start to get a better picture of this awesome God we have as our creator.
For me this is a great story of hope and joy and that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. We all go through them at sometime in our lives. Yet knowing we can really call on the God creator and Yeshua his precious Son for healing and restoration, salvation. God certainly knows how to comfort His children.
We are all children of the Living God, yet some choose not to acknowledge it and choose to live according to their own ideas and fancies. For me knowing that there is a God Creator who is in control of the Universe gives me a great sense of peace and tranquillity in the mind and soul and body.
Why not see for your self how Great God can be in your life.
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