The more I read of the Scriptures the more secure I feel in God Creator and Yeshua the King of Kings. We can have a faith as a child and believe as a child. However when you start to look at the exciting events in the scriptures it gives me a real security in knowing that the God of the Bible is incredible and worth working with and growing to be more like him. To follow His instructions for our lives is for the benefit of every man woman and child in societies across the planet.
For me, I praise God for the Word of God, it never changes nor does it lead you astray. YOU are the one that needs to see the amazing events in the Scriptures - it truly is an amazing adventure.
The prophets were so aware of Gods real presence in their lives and trusted Him with their lives. Elisha and Elijah are incredible prophets and when you start to read their complete stories in the book of Kings - both books, you will discover a real sense of Trust.
Bless every one who reads this today. May God Bless you with Peace and understanding.
Take care.
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