Today, I have been reading the 2nd book of Kings and am amazed at just how the different kings of Judah and Israel failed to keep Gods word and how they sacrificed their children in pagan rituals just like the nations before them which God drove out before Isreal and Judah moved into the areas they now share.
When I have been reading about the kings that actually did obey Gods teaching and his laws the nations prospered, and were given a peaceful time while the king who was being respectful to God and his teachings. However, the kings who deliberately were pulling down Gods Temple and smashing up his altars and erecting standing stones, sacrificing on hills and going around like pagans with their totem poles to their various gods. It is amazing that they were not completely wiped out. Praise God that there is always someone around who is keen to follow God's teaching and his laws. Realising that by keeping them and encouraging others to learn them and discover the joy of living in peace and prosperity is such a bonus.
God made a promise that those who would keep his teaching and his laws would prosper,
He also made the promise that those who would not and taught others not to follow Gods way of life there would be devastating consequences for their actions. Yet today in the society we live we can see the actual result of our drifting away from God of the Universe and seeking after lesser gods, and seeking alternative solutions. Yet Here is the Loving God who created us is just waiting and willing to pick up your life and give you an abundant life if you will choose to let God be who he is. He is the great I AM, YET Mankind has chosen to ignore him and wonders why it is in such a mess.
Broken marriages, broken bodies, tumours, heart failures, wars, floods, famines, wildfires, these are just a few things that God had made very clear in Deuteronomy would happen when people ignore God.
WE see each day in the newspapers more destruction - killing of innocents in schools with machine guns - we really need to look again at what we are teaching our children by these barbaric acts of violence against our young ones.
We see that in His Story, God shows mercy to those who will come to him for help and trust in him and obey him. Is it not time for us to take another look at What God has to say in relation to our relationships with each other and our neighbour. When Jesus was asked who is our neighbour our family - we are all related to each other because we all were created by the same God, the God of the Universe who spoke the word and it came to be.
Please take a good hard look at the scriptures and see for yourself the utter destruction that can come from our ignoring God. He is able to wipe all the human race out in one fell swoop yet he has not done so because He loves us. Hence he gave us His precious son to come and share in our lives and see just how fragile we are. Yet even in our fragility we are monsters to each other. We need to make a clear picture of who we are. Animals do not treat each other the way we treat one another.
It is time to wake up and see that God will have His Way on this earth, His Kingdom shall come, His will shall be done, and His power will be seen and every knee and every tongue will confess that He is Lord indeed.
It is up to us to make the first change - come to him in repentance for our lack of understanding, our lack of love, and our hatred for our fellow human beings.
Did we learn nothing from Germany and its genocide against Gods chosen people, not just the Jews but all those that did not fit into Hitlers guide for what the supreme race should be like.. Do you think the books of the prophets are just words with out meaning - you only have to look around you at the history to see the facts speak for themselves. No civilisation has survived so long as Isreal and Egypt, they have an eternal history - yet all other nations are not so fortunate. Many civilisations have come and gone, yet God has yet got Jerusalem set for where His Kingdom shall reign from. Where the throne of Grace will be established, were the Law of God will then be sent out across the whole of the planet to all the nations. All nations will come to God, all Nations will be called to come and worship Him in Jerusalem - yet we stupid human beings do not really believe that this will happen - yet EVERY WORD THAT GOD SPOKE CAME TO BE.
We need to wake up and see that there is a time coming where His Word will BE made Manifest and that His laws and teachings will once again be the way to live and if we choose not to obey we will suffer the consequence of our own actions.
What do you want from your life - God promised long life to those who would choose to obey and keep his ways. So for me, that is way forward, not to look back at the world and point the finger as if I had not had any part in it, rather I understand my weaknesses and I understand I need to make it clear to myself to come away from the worlds way of things and turn my attention to what has been written in Gods word and start to make a clear path for me to walk on because Gods path is the right path - there is no other path that leads to life and joy and peace.
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