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sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012
Keys to the Kingdom - Deuteronomy 5
On reading the chapter and considering the contents, I decided to share it with you. I consider these to be the keys to the kingdom because they give us a good sound base to build our lives. Keeping them would bring peace and harmony.
This is from the Complete Jewish Bible-OE
1 Then Moshe called to all Isra'el and said to them, "Listen, Isra'el, to the laws and rulings which I am announcing in your hearing today, so that you will learn them and take care to obey them. 2 ADONAI our God made a covenant with us at Horev. 3 ADONAI did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us -with us, who are all of us here alive today. 4 ADONAI spoke with you face to face from the fire on the mountain. 5 At that time I stood between ADONAI and you in order to tell you what ADONAI was saying; because, on account of the fire, you were afraid and wouldn't go up onto the mountain.
He said,
1. (6) "'I am ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves. * 1.
1. * Slaves to drink, abusive behaviour patterns, smoking, drugs, fashion, one up man-ship. Even emotional and mental torment you are a slave to depression - I could go on but when you consider them in the light of God saying that He has brought the captive out of Egypt we too have had our own form of Egypt in our own lives in one way or another.
So to give thanks to God and recognise that only He can truly bring us out of our slavery - what ever it may be - He is the only power in the universe that can do it. Going to Psychiatrists can only give you partial relief, coming to God for His releasing balm is far more effective - I know from experience that this is the case.
2. (7)"'You are to have no other gods before me. 8 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline - 9 you are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, ADONAI your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents, also the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot. *2
2. * Consider what you give your valuable time to, whether it be shopping, eating, popstar worship, idolising a fellow human being - hero worship -
You can see evidence of this kind of carved imagery in and around "churches", statues in parks, totem poles, even the mascots of games are a form of idolatry, even the humble "christmas tree" which is a pagan symbol and is spoken about in Jeremiah 10 very clearly describes a "christmas tree" decked out in gold and silver - has its roots in buckets and not in the ground - needs to be carried about. Each time you put a present under the tree you are bowing down to it. Each time you get excited about dressing the tree you are showing it reverence as is it were something special - a few years ago I finally came to realise after reading Jeremiah and really considering what it said and what Gods commandments said it was very clear that I did not wish to be partaker of its ritual any more. I used to love doing up my tree and enjoyed all the celebrations with it, however when I really started to study the scriptures and realised that it has no - and I mean no bearing on what happened to Gods Word - except God making it clear that it is a pagan worship - how can we seriously believe that we are being obedient to God if we insist on continuing this "tradition" believing that it is ok, Including the so called celebration of christs Birth - there is nothing in the scriptures to say he was born in December - in fact the "church" fathers decided to start the tradition in the hope of winning the souls of pagans who celebrate solstice and the rebirth of year by celebrating the green man - who is supposed to be the god of the earth - to bring forth fertility, and prosperity, and good harvests.
For some strange reason the so called church fathers thought that they were winning souls, in fact they have made the whole experience of Christ's birth a mockery - to cap it all not only does it make a mockery of the coming of the messiah it also has lost all the so called meaning at all because the whole season is dedicated to making money - Mammon is in control at this time of the year along with Bacchus the gods of the earth who bring about revelry and violence. Each year the police are called out on numerous occasions to violent eruptions in homes during the so called festive season - . Usually ending up with families destroyed through the so called festivities - Debt is mounted upon the people because they are pursuing the best gift and trying to out do one another on their festive scenes and lights. To me it is madness and a complete lack of understanding - this is total brainwashing - and to encourage children to believe in a Santa Claus - well lets see - Santa = Satan
Claus - Hands - Claws - grabbing - can you see what I am getting at, the world is completey brainwashed and each time you consider the "season to be jolly" you only need to see some of the hospital wards filled with people who are "enjoying the season to be jolly" with their abusive use of alchol.
I am not a kill joy, I praise God for the Birth of His precious son, I praise God for the victory that we have won when Christ came and took the keys of the Kingdom and gave them to Peter and told them to go out into the world and preach the Gospel of Good News - the new is that we can be free from slavery and bondage, we are free to worship the God of the Universe our creator - why would you want anything less.
For me, the time for Christ's birth makes more sense in terms of Gods calender - around the day of atonement when the High Priest goes before God for the deliverance of the People from sin and to have their sins forgiven. This to me makes much more sense - as He came for exactly that purpose.
3. (11) "'You are not to misuse the name of ADONAI your God, because ADONAI will not leave unpunished someone who misuses his name. 3*
3* Each time you use the Lords name in a swear - exclamation of frustration you are taking Gods name in vain. Are you truly aware that there is POWER in the Name of Yeshua - remember it is by His name the dead are raised, the sick are healed and the broken hearted are healed. It is at His name that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord. So it makes sense to be careful when you use the Name of the Lord because He does have the Power to destroy and heal.
4. (12) "'Observe the day of Shabbat, to set it apart as holy, as ADONAI your God ordered you to do. 13 You have six days to labor and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is a Shabbat for ADONAI your God. On it you are not to do any kind of work - not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your ox, your donkey or any of your other livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property - so that your male and female servants can rest just as you do. 15 You are to remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and ADONAI your God brought you out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore ADONAI your God has ordered you to keep the day of Shabbat. 4*
4* Let us for one moment consider this, when we look at our daily lives there are many times I have heard "there are just not enough hours in the day for me to do all that I have to do" God gave us the hours in the day, when we plan our days with God then there is enough time to do all things, by putting Him first, Giving God time at the beginning of each day you will be amazed at just how much you can accomplish because He leads you to what is important. Each day when you sit down and eat and give thanks for the food that God has provided - even though you may have made it, bought the food - He has given it to you - because in fhe first place He put the seeds in the ground initially, and with the farmers working the land and keeping the animals each has its part to play in Gods plan. He planned the seasons, the time for rains and dryness - during the long summer days when there is little rain the plants are busy doing their thing - yet if there is no rain then the food does not grow and there is shortage, so God gives everything a season and time for planting, a time for reaping and a time to enjoy the fruits of your labour - God gave us all the time that is required to live the life in Gods way. Mankind has become so abusive to themselves - families suffer because people "do not have time" to be with them - families are suffering all around the world because people are not giving God time - He took time out on the 7th day for a rest and he has given it to us as a day of rest and enjoyment of our families and to enjoy the works of God as we take time to go for a walk with our families - play a game of ball in the garden with your children, listen to your families chatting about their days, and weeks. Yet more and more families are breaking up because people just do not take the "time to listen, to rest, to enjoy what they have" they are so busy trying to build empires for themselves and neglect what is most important - family. God is the Head of the Family - firstly because man is the head of the wife - yet with both together they lift God up and Give him the Glory and Honour which is His and He gives them all their needs. (Yet we are so blinded by this worlds ways - no wonder no body want to give God time)
For me it is a great pleasure to read the scriptures, to speak with the Father, to go for a walk on the mountain to look east to the great city of Jerusalem and thank God for the privilege of being alive to enjoy the fruits of His handiwork. For me the shabbat is a time of celebrating for relaxing in His presence, even to sit and write this is a blessing as I am able to share my thoughts with you.
5. (16) "'Honor your father and mother, as ADONAI your God ordered you to do, so that you will live long and have things go well with you in the land ADONAI your God is giving you. 5*
5* Well, let us look at this, how many of us can honestly say we have obeyed this to the letter. Look at the amount of sick and lonely elderly parents suffer because of the children's lack of understanding - how many are shoved into residential care homes, - ok there are some who are sick and do need medical attention - but how many of these poor people have not had a visit from their dear families due to distance or their lives are so busy that they have not time to give to their parents. These same parents who nurtured them and gave them homes and help during their growing up - are then just discarded as if they were a nuisance and not even in some cases given a welcome into their homes.
There is an advert on the UK tv at present for furniture - set at the festive time where the mother/grandmother is relegated to sitting on a stool too low for the table or even in another room separated from the family - this to me is a sign of what is happening in most homes - people relegate their parents away from the rest of the family - children move away from their parents - distances that in some cases can be too great for their parents - yet once these same children get to be the age of their parents - will they too feel the same loneliness and separation that their own parents feel because of lack of communication or distance.
Each of us as parents understand that children grow up and must leave the nests that we have provided for them to grow up in - but we in our hearts hope that we will also be part of their lives in some small way, even a phone call or letter - email, skype - is better than total disregard.
How often has the same children who have cut their parents off then on the death of the same parents then end up arguing on how much each has done for the parents and therefore should be entitled to more of the inheritance (if the parents were able to leave anything) - this happens a lot. Who is going to get the house, the car, the jewellery etc. Yet when the parents were alive they were not so generous with their time.
Better to give your parents time and honour now and enjoy their company as much as possible and their wisdom as when they are gone they are gone. ( My own mother died in 2004) and I do miss her and even though we did not have a brilliant relationship - we still enjoyed our time together in the end. We got closer because we were able to give time to each other and we reaped the benefits from that. So it is worth considering just how much time are you giving to your family.
6. (17) "'Do not murder. 6*
6* You may not think you are doing this, well each time you are callous, each harsh word, each yell at another person - you are able to murder that persons spirit, confidence. You may not physically kill someone but your words can do as much damage to another person. Constant bitching, nagging, undermining of a person is "killing" someone.
Why do you think that Jesus/Yeshua said - Do unto others as you would have them do to you" - do you not think that this is something to consider before you open your mouth in anger, cross words hurt like knives in a heart. Belittling someone hurts - drives a person inside themselves and makes it all the more difficult to relate to others.
7. (18) "'Do not commit adultery. 7*
7* What is adultery really - it is faithless behaviour, breaking vows, covenants, It leads to the destruction of homes, lives. Not only in our relationships with man and woman but also with God. When we go chasing after other gods of this earth we are being unfaithful to God, when we seek our own ends - we are being unfaithful.
In today's society is is not seen as so much, yet each marriage that is broken by faithless partners who break their vows, whom seek after others is in actual fact being adulterous - we all know this yet we do not seem to appreciate it from Gods way of thinking - When we join together with another human being for better or worse, richer or poorer, through sickness and health - today people consider it ok to break apart because they are bored with their lives with the partner they had chosen to spend the rest of their days with.
Today, people do not take it seriously when they enter into a marriage agreement - because the laws of the land have made is so easy just to part company - no body suffers so much today with the stigma of being divorced - yet in God's sight He does see it as tragic - here are two of his children who are joined together as one - bearing in mind that is what is meant by being married is that you are to become one - that is a unit - when you look at a leaf on a tree when it falls the ground and try to disect it into two parts - it is impossible as there is nothing left - when two people join together and become one - how can they separate without causing pain to each other - even if it is mutual it is devastating - the emotional ties we have with the other person is raw and painful - no matter how much time goes by there is still the pain and shock of separation from your partner whom you had dedicated your life to - whether rightly or wrongly - (I still think of my first husband and with sadness at how it did not work out because of the abusive behaviour to himself - even though we both knew even before we married that we should not have go through with it, we did and we reaped the heartache of it - even on the eve of the wedding he called to say that he could not go through with it - but was persuaded by his mother that he should do so - yet I knew too that it was not the way forward for us - yet we did) That is even sadder because the two of use knew we were not in the right place for each other or ourselves - we stayed together for nine years - but most of the time we were separated - he was living his life the way he wanted away from me - so in the end it was sad - yet we both cared for each other but it was very clear to both of us we should never have done it - he still is living the life he had choosen for himself - he is still alone and living with his drink and his drugs. He did not want to change - nor could I help him change because he did not want to .
I believe that when you come together with another person and you feel that oneness - the unity, harmony, joined together feeling you can never really be parted from that. That is when I truly believe that God has joined you together. I have yet to really experience that in my life. I feel that with my relationship with God.
8. (19) "'Do not steal. 8*
8* Stealing is very wrong and it can cover a multitude of things, including partners, children, minds, hopes, dreams.
9. (20) "'Do not give false evidence against your neighbour. *9
9* Telling lies to another person about another person is horrific, to be treated to such abusive actions is horrible. This is really a nasty thing to do. It breaks homes, relationships, businesses.
10. (21 )"'Do not covet your neighbour's wife; do not covet your neighbor's house, his field, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbour.' 10*
10* I think when you consider this commandment, you can see clearly what God is saying here, when we go after something that belongs to another only misery ensues. Break down of relationships, anger, frustration, jealousy, greed. Each person has been given the same opportunities in life, we all were born and we shall all die. How we live our lives is how we shall be judged.
How often in your life have you desired something that was not yours to have?
Maybe your friend has a boyfriend you fancy - so you do you upmost to spoil that relationship - that is what happens when someone breaks a home. Someone wants the other persons spouse, yet the sad part about it really is if it has happened once it can happen again and again - and you know what I am saying is right - because you only need to look at the statistics of multiple divorces and marriages of people today.
Because we do not take seriously the vows we make whether it be before God or before a judge - it is so simple - I have even heard it said "there is always plenty more fish in the sea" so you do not have to worry if it does not work out. It does not work because you have not considered the consequences of separation really.
22 "These words ADONAI spoke to your entire gathering at the mountain from fire, cloud and thick mist, in a loud voice; then it ceased. But he wrote them on two stone tablets, which he gave to me. 23 When you heard the voice coming out of the darkness, as the mountain blazed with fire, you came to me, all the heads of your tribes and your leaders, 24 and said, 'Here, ADONAI our God has shown us his glory and his greatness! We have heard his voice coming from the fire, and we have seen today that God does speak with human beings, and they stay alive. 25 But why should we keep risking death? This great fire will consume us! If we hear the voice of ADONAI our God any more, we will die! 26 For who is there of all humanity that has heard the voice of the living God speaking from the fire, as we have, and stayed alive? 27 You, go near; and hear everything ADONAI our God says. Then you will tell us everything ADONAI our God says to you; and we will listen to it and do it.' 28 "ADONAI heard what you were saying when you spoke to me, and ADONAI said to me, 'I have heard what this people has said when speaking to you, and everything they have said is good. 29 Oh, how I wish their hearts would stay like this always, that they would fear me and obey all my mitzvot; so that it would go well with them and their children forever. 30 Go, tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you, stand here by me; and I will tell you all the mitzvot, laws and rulings which you are to teach them, so that they can obey them in the land I am giving them as their possession.'
32 "Therefore you are to be careful to do as ADONAI your God has ordered you; you are not to deviate either to the right or the left. 33 You are to follow the entire way which ADONAI your God has ordered you; so that you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are about to possess.
When you break down each of the commandments for yourself and actually consider the impact on your life and those around you, you will soon discover like I have that it makes sense to follow them.
Remember when Jesus came - his mission was to reunite us back to God and to establish an understanding of what Gods word meant.
We read that Jesus came to set the captives free, set men and women free from slavery, to heal the sick and open the blind eyes. WE can be spiritually blind.
Each time I feel compelled to write, I ask God to give me the words so that I may be able to encourage others.
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012
Gods Appointed Times
The Messianic Legacy
Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations
God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
True Gospel understanding
When I have been doing my studies I have used many sources to really get to grips of understanding - I have not tried to change Gods Word - I have been trying to understand how Gods Word fits into Gods World and His ways - how should I follow in the footsteps of the Messiah.
The more I read the way that Yeshua and His disciples lived their lives the more and more I wanted to find out how and were it all began. I was being led by the Holy Spirit to read the Scriptures and books of the Prophets there I discovered the real backbone of Christ's teachings.
You may think that I may be obsessive in my pursuit of understanding Gods Word, yet in my pursuing it I have found answers that have given me peace in my life and a joy that is so deep and an awesome respect for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It has given me a completely strong faith in knowing that the Messiah is well able to supply all my needs and He understands our frailty, he knows us better than we know ourselves.
When I read ten commandments for the first time and really started to ask God how they applied to me, I was astounded how simple and wise they are, for when you start to really look at them they are full of common sense.
1. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and have no other God but Him
This makes it very clear that He is the ultimate supreme number 1 whom I give my very life back to him so that he may use me the way he wants to use me. I praise God for every breath that I take, for every day that I live. For with out His touch in my life I would not be here.
To surrender ones life back to God and really mean it is the greatest praise as He being the creator is looking to see just how we really recognise how incredible and awesome he really is.
He parted the red sea, he rescued his people from slavery - we all have something that we have been slaves to in our lives, cigarettes, drugs, drink, sex, music, pornography, even abusive behaviour to ourselves and others - therefore these are things we are called to come back to the Father and confess our sins so that we may be forgiven and healed.
We cannot judge others if we are ourselves not in a place to do so. God is our Judge - His Word judges us, because when we look at the commandments of God we can see just how far short we are from His way of life He had given us His guidelines to follow.
We must be honest in our dealings with ourselves - we must ask ourselves - what have we done - we may not have murdered - but we have all had murderous thoughts in our lives for some reason or another. You may have been abused and wished that the person who was abusing you were dead - that is a murderous thought - even to think it is to do in Jesus teachings - No wonder when we look at Gods Word if we are honest to God about our faults then we do have a chance to be healed and restored.
Each time I look at His word and consider what it is I am reading and allow the Holy Spirit to show me, I soon begin to realise that I am a long way from being made perfect in His sight - it is a blessing that when we have Yeshua/Jesus Christ in our lives that we have the barrier that is protecting us from the full fury of God whom could destroy us at a moments notice, yet because of Jesus we have the possibility of being forgiven and restored back to the Father so that God can look upon us - but He sees His Sons blood that covers us. Just as the blood on the lintel of the door posts in Egypt, we are covered and protected by His Blood that we would not be killed - just as the Isrealites were spared because of the blood of the lamb on the door posts.
God sent His precious son Jesus so that we may able to restored and come back to Him - Having Jesus living in you also means that Jesus will be wanting to live according to Gods ways, slowly but surely God draws us back to Himself - by the Spirit of Truth that lives with us whom have called upon the Name of the Lord and have confessed him with our mouths that His indeed Lord of our lives then we start to seek the ways of God so that we may live them.
Gods appointed times in our lives - are his - he knows when each man and woman will come back to Him, he knows how to draw them back. He gives people chances to change their ways, he gives them choices to follow or not. For those of us who have had a definite change of life and are aware that God is very much in control there is no way we can continue to live our lives as before.
Yet the journey of coming back to the Father may be slow yet it is a surely a clear path - for as you start to question yourself "how can I live Gods way" He puts the desire in you to search it out.
When you begin your journey of discovery you will be amazed at what you will discover.
Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations
God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle
A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
True Gospel understanding
When I have been doing my studies I have used many sources to really get to grips of understanding - I have not tried to change Gods Word - I have been trying to understand how Gods Word fits into Gods World and His ways - how should I follow in the footsteps of the Messiah.
The more I read the way that Yeshua and His disciples lived their lives the more and more I wanted to find out how and were it all began. I was being led by the Holy Spirit to read the Scriptures and books of the Prophets there I discovered the real backbone of Christ's teachings.
You may think that I may be obsessive in my pursuit of understanding Gods Word, yet in my pursuing it I have found answers that have given me peace in my life and a joy that is so deep and an awesome respect for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It has given me a completely strong faith in knowing that the Messiah is well able to supply all my needs and He understands our frailty, he knows us better than we know ourselves.
When I read ten commandments for the first time and really started to ask God how they applied to me, I was astounded how simple and wise they are, for when you start to really look at them they are full of common sense.
1. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and have no other God but Him
This makes it very clear that He is the ultimate supreme number 1 whom I give my very life back to him so that he may use me the way he wants to use me. I praise God for every breath that I take, for every day that I live. For with out His touch in my life I would not be here.
To surrender ones life back to God and really mean it is the greatest praise as He being the creator is looking to see just how we really recognise how incredible and awesome he really is.
He parted the red sea, he rescued his people from slavery - we all have something that we have been slaves to in our lives, cigarettes, drugs, drink, sex, music, pornography, even abusive behaviour to ourselves and others - therefore these are things we are called to come back to the Father and confess our sins so that we may be forgiven and healed.
We cannot judge others if we are ourselves not in a place to do so. God is our Judge - His Word judges us, because when we look at the commandments of God we can see just how far short we are from His way of life He had given us His guidelines to follow.
We must be honest in our dealings with ourselves - we must ask ourselves - what have we done - we may not have murdered - but we have all had murderous thoughts in our lives for some reason or another. You may have been abused and wished that the person who was abusing you were dead - that is a murderous thought - even to think it is to do in Jesus teachings - No wonder when we look at Gods Word if we are honest to God about our faults then we do have a chance to be healed and restored.
Each time I look at His word and consider what it is I am reading and allow the Holy Spirit to show me, I soon begin to realise that I am a long way from being made perfect in His sight - it is a blessing that when we have Yeshua/Jesus Christ in our lives that we have the barrier that is protecting us from the full fury of God whom could destroy us at a moments notice, yet because of Jesus we have the possibility of being forgiven and restored back to the Father so that God can look upon us - but He sees His Sons blood that covers us. Just as the blood on the lintel of the door posts in Egypt, we are covered and protected by His Blood that we would not be killed - just as the Isrealites were spared because of the blood of the lamb on the door posts.
God sent His precious son Jesus so that we may able to restored and come back to Him - Having Jesus living in you also means that Jesus will be wanting to live according to Gods ways, slowly but surely God draws us back to Himself - by the Spirit of Truth that lives with us whom have called upon the Name of the Lord and have confessed him with our mouths that His indeed Lord of our lives then we start to seek the ways of God so that we may live them.
Gods appointed times in our lives - are his - he knows when each man and woman will come back to Him, he knows how to draw them back. He gives people chances to change their ways, he gives them choices to follow or not. For those of us who have had a definite change of life and are aware that God is very much in control there is no way we can continue to live our lives as before.
Yet the journey of coming back to the Father may be slow yet it is a surely a clear path - for as you start to question yourself "how can I live Gods way" He puts the desire in you to search it out.
When you begin your journey of discovery you will be amazed at what you will discover.
Our Roots
Hebraic Roots: An Introductory Study
A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
On my journey through the Word of God I have made some amazing discoveries. I have discovered that the roots of the "christianity" is in Judaism - which we know is correct, yet even so there is much that the history of the church as we know it today has thrown away in order to separate themselves from the very root that gives us the support and knowledge - infact because of the separation - we no longer celebrate the same feasts that God ordained, nor do we follow any of His Holy Days or Shabbats - yet the "churches" claim to joined they do not really seem to appreciate exactly what they are joined to.
On my first becoming a believer I soon discovered that there were large discrepancies in the teachings of the churches from the teachings of the Messiah.
For instance-
Yeshua/Jesus Christ maintained that we should follow every word that God had spoken, that we should keep the commandments that were laid down in the scriptures - that is the commandments which were given to Moses - and also if you look back right at the beginning of the Word of God the laws of God were already laid down in the Garden of Eden and for the Children of God to follow. Yet because we choose to be stubborn and do our own thing we do not really want to follow Gods ways at all, yes we want the benefits of God yet not the discipline of God. We say we want the Kingdom of God to come yet we do not want His rules and regulations to govern our lives.
Our roots are in the Word of God, Gods word is Law - and by His word everything was created, everything was brought into being by His word. His Word even became flesh and dwelt amongst us - yet we seem to dismiss it as it were not that important - yes we get up and sing and worship - yet we do not really follow his code of practice in our everyday lives.
Why is it that when we read the scriptures we want to only take the bits that suit us in the first place, most so called "christians" do not want to acknowledge that we are infact joined and expected to follow the commandments - most people do not even know what they are - even if they go to church - if you were to be really honest with yourself when you read the Bible do you actually think that the word applies to you.
For me, I have been making the study to apply it to my own life. There is much we can gain by relooking at the roots. When you take a plant and repot it the roots have to be carefully transplanted as well, yet we say we are grafted into the olive branch - yet we do not see fit to follow the ways of the olive branch.
In the old scriptures, the foreigners that joined together with Isreal were also expected to follow the rules and regulations laid down by God to the people of Isreal. If they choose to be with Isreal then they were also accepting the same laws and disciplines. Today people do not really believe we have to be following in the same footsteps - yet God made it clear right back at the beginning that we are to be all following His commandments - we have the way of peace and harmony in the Word of God, we have teachings to live in peace with our neighbours. We have the ability when studying His Word that by really taking into account what Jesus said to the people "you have the teachings of Moses and the books of the prophets in them you have the way forward to life" remember Yeshua/Jesus Christ is the Word of God therefore if we say we are followers of Yeshua/Jesus then we should also be following every word that He spoke and how he lived.
You may consider it to be old fashioned to live that way, yet when you study the 10 commandments you will see that there is a common sense about them and wisdom in how to conduct our lives.
Without studying the roots how can you possible expect to understand what Yeshua/Jesus Christ said to the people.
We look at the stories of Jesus and are warmed by their parables, and even consider ourselves joined together.
Bear in mind, when a farmer grafts a plant from one tree to another the grafted in part needs the roots to give it life. We too are needing to feed off the roots of our faith - Yeshua/Jesus Christ is a Jew and the Kingdom of God will be of the same system as what is in the Bible - because God said that His word will never pass away - therefore it stands to reason we need to really look again at what God said and really come to some understanding on how we can apply Gods ways to our lives. It will require us to change, it will take a deliberate decision on our parts to decide to Follow God and really become obedient to His teachings, it means the restoration of the complete Word of God, not just the new testement teachings - after all the new testement did not exist before the disciples wrote their letters, and writings - and all their teachings and writings are based on the Scriptures that they had all been taught as they were growing up - in Jewish communities. The early chruches were completely rooted in the jewish roots - it is only after the last of the disciples died off that the so called "church fathers" decided to break away from the roots - which is clearly what has happened. Therefore we must acknowledge our need for our roots which is the teaching of God and His rules and regulations which are all in the scriptures - the old testament.
I have frequently come across Christians who have said we do not read the old testament - we only go by what Jesus taught in the new testament. Well Yeshua/Jesus Christ was teaching the people out of the Old testament scriptures and if you only want to live by half the teachings then how can you possibly understand what Jesus was teaching.
I have started to understand more and more what Jesus meant when he speaks in the New Testament because the foundation is in the old scriptures. On discovering many of the saying of Christ in the Old scriptures you then begin to really understand how it all fits together. You cannot have just the new testament because it needs its backbone which is the roots of the scriptures. The books of Moses and the prophets are the backbone of the teachings of God and therefore we need to re-examine ourselves and see what do we truly believe.
A Year Through the Torah - A Week-By-Week Journey For Christians and Messianic Believers (80min CD and 320p. Book) Hebrew World
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
On my journey through the Word of God I have made some amazing discoveries. I have discovered that the roots of the "christianity" is in Judaism - which we know is correct, yet even so there is much that the history of the church as we know it today has thrown away in order to separate themselves from the very root that gives us the support and knowledge - infact because of the separation - we no longer celebrate the same feasts that God ordained, nor do we follow any of His Holy Days or Shabbats - yet the "churches" claim to joined they do not really seem to appreciate exactly what they are joined to.
On my first becoming a believer I soon discovered that there were large discrepancies in the teachings of the churches from the teachings of the Messiah.
For instance-
Yeshua/Jesus Christ maintained that we should follow every word that God had spoken, that we should keep the commandments that were laid down in the scriptures - that is the commandments which were given to Moses - and also if you look back right at the beginning of the Word of God the laws of God were already laid down in the Garden of Eden and for the Children of God to follow. Yet because we choose to be stubborn and do our own thing we do not really want to follow Gods ways at all, yes we want the benefits of God yet not the discipline of God. We say we want the Kingdom of God to come yet we do not want His rules and regulations to govern our lives.
Our roots are in the Word of God, Gods word is Law - and by His word everything was created, everything was brought into being by His word. His Word even became flesh and dwelt amongst us - yet we seem to dismiss it as it were not that important - yes we get up and sing and worship - yet we do not really follow his code of practice in our everyday lives.
Why is it that when we read the scriptures we want to only take the bits that suit us in the first place, most so called "christians" do not want to acknowledge that we are infact joined and expected to follow the commandments - most people do not even know what they are - even if they go to church - if you were to be really honest with yourself when you read the Bible do you actually think that the word applies to you.
For me, I have been making the study to apply it to my own life. There is much we can gain by relooking at the roots. When you take a plant and repot it the roots have to be carefully transplanted as well, yet we say we are grafted into the olive branch - yet we do not see fit to follow the ways of the olive branch.
In the old scriptures, the foreigners that joined together with Isreal were also expected to follow the rules and regulations laid down by God to the people of Isreal. If they choose to be with Isreal then they were also accepting the same laws and disciplines. Today people do not really believe we have to be following in the same footsteps - yet God made it clear right back at the beginning that we are to be all following His commandments - we have the way of peace and harmony in the Word of God, we have teachings to live in peace with our neighbours. We have the ability when studying His Word that by really taking into account what Jesus said to the people "you have the teachings of Moses and the books of the prophets in them you have the way forward to life" remember Yeshua/Jesus Christ is the Word of God therefore if we say we are followers of Yeshua/Jesus then we should also be following every word that He spoke and how he lived.
You may consider it to be old fashioned to live that way, yet when you study the 10 commandments you will see that there is a common sense about them and wisdom in how to conduct our lives.
Without studying the roots how can you possible expect to understand what Yeshua/Jesus Christ said to the people.
We look at the stories of Jesus and are warmed by their parables, and even consider ourselves joined together.
Bear in mind, when a farmer grafts a plant from one tree to another the grafted in part needs the roots to give it life. We too are needing to feed off the roots of our faith - Yeshua/Jesus Christ is a Jew and the Kingdom of God will be of the same system as what is in the Bible - because God said that His word will never pass away - therefore it stands to reason we need to really look again at what God said and really come to some understanding on how we can apply Gods ways to our lives. It will require us to change, it will take a deliberate decision on our parts to decide to Follow God and really become obedient to His teachings, it means the restoration of the complete Word of God, not just the new testement teachings - after all the new testement did not exist before the disciples wrote their letters, and writings - and all their teachings and writings are based on the Scriptures that they had all been taught as they were growing up - in Jewish communities. The early chruches were completely rooted in the jewish roots - it is only after the last of the disciples died off that the so called "church fathers" decided to break away from the roots - which is clearly what has happened. Therefore we must acknowledge our need for our roots which is the teaching of God and His rules and regulations which are all in the scriptures - the old testament.
I have frequently come across Christians who have said we do not read the old testament - we only go by what Jesus taught in the new testament. Well Yeshua/Jesus Christ was teaching the people out of the Old testament scriptures and if you only want to live by half the teachings then how can you possibly understand what Jesus was teaching.
I have started to understand more and more what Jesus meant when he speaks in the New Testament because the foundation is in the old scriptures. On discovering many of the saying of Christ in the Old scriptures you then begin to really understand how it all fits together. You cannot have just the new testament because it needs its backbone which is the roots of the scriptures. The books of Moses and the prophets are the backbone of the teachings of God and therefore we need to re-examine ourselves and see what do we truly believe.
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
Numbers - my journey today.
The Book of Numbers
This week I have been reading Numbers and have found out some really interesting information.
Over the past few years I have been doing some research on my family tree and came across a document that was written and researched by a monk in Ireland. I am of Irish descent - my fathers great grand father was born in a town just outside Tipperary.
In his writings he uncovers a great lineage of Irish family names that date back even to the time of Exodus - this made it even more fascinating because he was recounting a story of a family whose connections were at the time when Moses was in the desert with the people of Isreal at one of the disputes that Isreal had against Moses and God for bringing them out into the desert and being unhappy with their lot as they were complaining that they were fed up with the food they were receiving direct from God on a daily basis - namely the quails and mana from heaven.
As I was reading the book of Numbers I came to the part where they were being disciplined by God with poisionous snakes - as a punishment for their disagreement with God.
The monk had found that the link to the ancestors of the Irish peoples also were amongst the peoples of Isreal - they were classed as foreigners, however as they were also amongst them they too also lived by the same rules and regulations and received the same as Isreal from God - birds and mana as they were all travelling together. They too would have been subjected to the same plagues and punishments as God does not show his displeasure on just one or two - he is able to show his displeasure on whole nations at once and peoples all at once just as He did with the Flood in Noahs time.
However I digress. The reason I found it a very interesting read to day was that the story about the poisionous snakes was in the book of Numbers - and as the monk also had written one of the group of foriegners who had been bitten by one of the snakes when he looked upon the staff with the snake on it he was also healed in the same way that the Isrealites were. (it is interesting that the symbol on the Drs of medicine have also the staff and snake wrapped round it although they have two snakes intertwined. )When I read the scriptures and ask God to reveal to me the connections between our ancestors and today it becomes very clear.
For God said that through Isreal all nations would be blessed. If a group of people who are not Isrealites also choose to walk with Isreal they are then indeed party to the rules and regulations of what God laid down. We who claim to be grafted in to the vine also must be aware that we too are grafted into the same regulations and teachings and laws - otherwise being grafted into the vine would not make sense - because the root of the vine is God. Therefore we would need to also take on board the same teachings and regulations. The Ten Commandments are the most potent of all the commandments that God gave to Moses for all mankind to follow.
The 10 Commandments and other laws are for our welbeing as well as our need to be understanding that without the 10 Commandments we can see that society has degenerated into the mess it is in today.
The more I look into the history through the eyes of the Holy Scriptures the more I see how we have lessened Gods power in our universe.
Here is a God who is able to create the Universe and everthing in it, He who is in control of the weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, typhoons, hurricanes, plagues, sickness and death - yet we as meer mortals just treat him as if it is ok to call on his name when we are in trouble and ask him for help - yet we do not give him the reverence He deserves. We go to our churches on Sunday and give our gifts at the alter - yet when you read what God has done for the amazing planet and for us as Humanity we do not give him half of what he deserves. He is so well able to punish us and allow us to wallow in our own misery and by bringing about such devestation yet people just dismiss it - oh well it has a hurricane that blew most of florida in to the sea, it caused devestation all up the east coast of the Americas yet people do not see it as a warning from God.
The time is short and people are still walking around with blinkers on.
God does look at his creation and sees what is happening, He does deliver us with blows yet we ignore the warnings, we continue to kill, maim, persecute and damage peoples lives with our lack of love and integrity and even though mankind believes it is doing it for the best reasons each nation believing he has the upper hand, yet it is clear that this is not the case.
For me studying the Word of God and seeing the appalling way Gods people treated Moses and Aaron in the desert yet because of the peoples disobedience and constant nagging at Moses and Aaron - the people that disagreed and demanded to return to Egypt - because of their constant disagreement with what was happening and being promised a better life and being given the opportunity to enter the land of Milk and Honey and rest from their journey - they would not accept that God had brought them to the place He had promised and refused to follow God into the promised land so God in His wisdom made the people stay in the desert until all those who had come out of Egypt who had disagreed with His leading were dead in the desert - even Aaron and Moses were not allowed into the promised land even though they walked closely with God - because they too had disagreed with God and did not fully Trust God at his Word and were both dead outside the land.
To me it shows that no matter how good a "christian" you think you may be or how good a "jew" you may be if we are not obeying God in his Commandments - because when you break down the meaning of the Commandments you will see that they are clear path to a peaceful life with all mankind.
Yet in His mercy and love for his creation he gives us choices and he gave us his beloved son to be our scapegoat - the one to take the blame for others. Yeshua/Jesus Christ was given that role so that we may be reunited back to the Father in such a way that would bring peace to the earth and many peoples lives would be saved.
If we all took a good look at ourselves and looked at the way we treat our fellow man we would be disgusted at what we see.
For me, returning back the Father and giving God the Glory he deserves and all the honour that He is entitled to - after all no one else can create a Human being out of dust, none of the scientist can get even close to creating anything in its own image - look what happened to dolly the sheep and the pig that grew an ear - genetically modified yet not really created. Only God is the Creator from scratch from nothing into something amazing as we have now.
When I look around at the beauty of this amazing planet I am always in awe of the incredible complexity there is and diversity of everything growing.
This week I have been reading Numbers and have found out some really interesting information.
Over the past few years I have been doing some research on my family tree and came across a document that was written and researched by a monk in Ireland. I am of Irish descent - my fathers great grand father was born in a town just outside Tipperary.
In his writings he uncovers a great lineage of Irish family names that date back even to the time of Exodus - this made it even more fascinating because he was recounting a story of a family whose connections were at the time when Moses was in the desert with the people of Isreal at one of the disputes that Isreal had against Moses and God for bringing them out into the desert and being unhappy with their lot as they were complaining that they were fed up with the food they were receiving direct from God on a daily basis - namely the quails and mana from heaven.
As I was reading the book of Numbers I came to the part where they were being disciplined by God with poisionous snakes - as a punishment for their disagreement with God.
The monk had found that the link to the ancestors of the Irish peoples also were amongst the peoples of Isreal - they were classed as foreigners, however as they were also amongst them they too also lived by the same rules and regulations and received the same as Isreal from God - birds and mana as they were all travelling together. They too would have been subjected to the same plagues and punishments as God does not show his displeasure on just one or two - he is able to show his displeasure on whole nations at once and peoples all at once just as He did with the Flood in Noahs time.
However I digress. The reason I found it a very interesting read to day was that the story about the poisionous snakes was in the book of Numbers - and as the monk also had written one of the group of foriegners who had been bitten by one of the snakes when he looked upon the staff with the snake on it he was also healed in the same way that the Isrealites were. (it is interesting that the symbol on the Drs of medicine have also the staff and snake wrapped round it although they have two snakes intertwined. )When I read the scriptures and ask God to reveal to me the connections between our ancestors and today it becomes very clear.
For God said that through Isreal all nations would be blessed. If a group of people who are not Isrealites also choose to walk with Isreal they are then indeed party to the rules and regulations of what God laid down. We who claim to be grafted in to the vine also must be aware that we too are grafted into the same regulations and teachings and laws - otherwise being grafted into the vine would not make sense - because the root of the vine is God. Therefore we would need to also take on board the same teachings and regulations. The Ten Commandments are the most potent of all the commandments that God gave to Moses for all mankind to follow.
The 10 Commandments and other laws are for our welbeing as well as our need to be understanding that without the 10 Commandments we can see that society has degenerated into the mess it is in today.
The more I look into the history through the eyes of the Holy Scriptures the more I see how we have lessened Gods power in our universe.
Here is a God who is able to create the Universe and everthing in it, He who is in control of the weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, typhoons, hurricanes, plagues, sickness and death - yet we as meer mortals just treat him as if it is ok to call on his name when we are in trouble and ask him for help - yet we do not give him the reverence He deserves. We go to our churches on Sunday and give our gifts at the alter - yet when you read what God has done for the amazing planet and for us as Humanity we do not give him half of what he deserves. He is so well able to punish us and allow us to wallow in our own misery and by bringing about such devestation yet people just dismiss it - oh well it has a hurricane that blew most of florida in to the sea, it caused devestation all up the east coast of the Americas yet people do not see it as a warning from God.
The time is short and people are still walking around with blinkers on.
God does look at his creation and sees what is happening, He does deliver us with blows yet we ignore the warnings, we continue to kill, maim, persecute and damage peoples lives with our lack of love and integrity and even though mankind believes it is doing it for the best reasons each nation believing he has the upper hand, yet it is clear that this is not the case.
For me studying the Word of God and seeing the appalling way Gods people treated Moses and Aaron in the desert yet because of the peoples disobedience and constant nagging at Moses and Aaron - the people that disagreed and demanded to return to Egypt - because of their constant disagreement with what was happening and being promised a better life and being given the opportunity to enter the land of Milk and Honey and rest from their journey - they would not accept that God had brought them to the place He had promised and refused to follow God into the promised land so God in His wisdom made the people stay in the desert until all those who had come out of Egypt who had disagreed with His leading were dead in the desert - even Aaron and Moses were not allowed into the promised land even though they walked closely with God - because they too had disagreed with God and did not fully Trust God at his Word and were both dead outside the land.
To me it shows that no matter how good a "christian" you think you may be or how good a "jew" you may be if we are not obeying God in his Commandments - because when you break down the meaning of the Commandments you will see that they are clear path to a peaceful life with all mankind.
The Ten Commandments
- I am the Lord, your God. - Who is your God, if he is not the Creator God then who is he in your mind. Is money your god, do you believe it can heal you, help you when you are truly in times of darkness and despair. Do you think modern medicine can make any real difference - they can only deal with the outward man, God deals with the inner man which is where a lot of mental sickness starts - such a depression, despair, loneliness, heartbreak, heartache, God is the only one that truly help mankind. Yet they reject him and ignore him and do not really fully appreciate His power- When Yeshua said that they give lip-service to God and do not understand his power. Here is God the Creator of the Universe - Your creator - the awesome God who makes rivers flow, time stand still, mountains fall, seas swell and stars in the heavens. Here is God the God who makes Pharaoh of Egypt to fall in to the sea, made the dry land for the Israelites to cross over to the other side in safety. This God who is able to destroy and remake and rebuild at a drop of a hat, God who placed the rainbow in the skies for an agreement with Mankind that He would not flood the world again. This God whom people dismiss as nothing - do not give him the reverence - This God who raises the dead and heals the sick - raises nations. He most definitely is worthy of being Praised and Magnified for everything belongs to God and nothing on this planet is unknown to Him, every hair on your head he knows. He knew you before you were born - he knows your destiny - yet we do not turn to him for help - we seek other ways - yet all the time inside each human being is a empty space where God is waiting for you to reach out and ask Him to fill. He looks at his creation in horror of how we treat one another. It is amazing that yet he is still allowing us to go on our own sweet way - yet there is a time coming when it is going to all change. Gods Will Shall be done on this earth.
- Thou shall bring no false idols before me. - Well - American Idol, shows that portay people as Idols, pagan deities, worshipping of false teachings.
- Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. - Mankind constantly takes Gods name in vain - and utter the name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) as a exclamation of frustration and anger)
- Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. (this is a Friday evening to Saturday evening- not a Sunday - as Sunday is the first day of the working week in Gods eyes.- Sunday worship was brought in by the breaking away from the teachings of God through Yeshua - the Nissan Council decided to change it because the Emperor Constantine was a sunworshiper and pagan and he was the one that decided to change a lot of the teachings of the Disciples and Yeshua and the Scriptures taught to his own ends - for political gains) For a better understanding of the History of the churches why not check out this it is free and therefore a useful resource which I have found to helpful in my studies.
- Honor thy father and thy mother. - How many people really honour their parents. We only have to look today at society and see what is happening in the homes where children are abusing their parents and living their elderly parents alone to die alone and in fear)
- Thou shall not kill/murder†. - let us see, wars, mass killing of people for their cultural and ethnic differences - please see what is happening today.
- Thou shall not commit adultery. - look around you today - most of the nations marriages are multiple - adultery is not seen as a sin - breaking up homes for lust and so called "love" for another other than your spouse of your youth - especially if you were considering your marriage to be in the sight of God - by being married in so called "churches" Promiscuity abounds in our day and age, break up of families
- Thou shall not steal††. - even we do not give to God what is rightly his, a tenth of our earnings, whether it be fruits, vegetables, money - God this is stealing from him. Yet we as human beings steal from each other all the time, in small things perhaps yet it is sometime in times we do not give to others, in stealing money from another, from breaking into peoples homes, can you see just what I am getting at.
- Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour - think about the court battles from divorced couples who have been trying to get as much from the other as they possibly can with out considering the other parties needs. It is devastating to watch a person destroyed because of lies and innuendos, bearing false witness about their affairs with others. Charging more for stuff than was truly their value.
- Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbour). Now this can cover anything from the wife to anything that belongs to the husband in question. However when you look at the broader picture you can see that it can cover lands, possessions, even children.
Yet in His mercy and love for his creation he gives us choices and he gave us his beloved son to be our scapegoat - the one to take the blame for others. Yeshua/Jesus Christ was given that role so that we may be reunited back to the Father in such a way that would bring peace to the earth and many peoples lives would be saved.
If we all took a good look at ourselves and looked at the way we treat our fellow man we would be disgusted at what we see.
For me, returning back the Father and giving God the Glory he deserves and all the honour that He is entitled to - after all no one else can create a Human being out of dust, none of the scientist can get even close to creating anything in its own image - look what happened to dolly the sheep and the pig that grew an ear - genetically modified yet not really created. Only God is the Creator from scratch from nothing into something amazing as we have now.
When I look around at the beauty of this amazing planet I am always in awe of the incredible complexity there is and diversity of everything growing.
sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012
Leviticus - Gods priniciples for living
Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus
Running Against the Wind
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Have you ever wondered where we get our basic moral thinking from. Today I have been reading Leviticus and have been amazed at the way God was and is involved in our lives. Without a lot of Gods prinicples medicine would not be where it is today, nor would there be a basic moral compass.
We have a lot to thank our believing forefathers who choose to live according to His word and build our nations laws with the basics from the Commandments of God.
I have today been reading how the priests in the tent of meeting under Moses direction were given instructions on how to discern when a disease of the body was in fact infectious or not, whether there was any real danger to the whole community, the way that it was dealt with was very simple and yet very effective.
When someone discovered they had a rash or blister or sore on their body they were to present themselves to the priests who after examination could determine the right course of action - after giving the person quarantine for several days they could reexamine the infected area it it spread that person was maintained in quarantine and it was very effective, if a house was contaminated they also took action regarding the contaminated area of the property and dealt with it swiftly again after much scruitny. Today - you can present yourself to the Dr yet he may or maynot recognise what is wrong - and as for putting people in quarantine when they not sure - they put them in to hospital beds usually amongst other patients until they can determine if it is contagious or not - this happened to my husband when he was in hospital - the person in the next bed came in with an unknown and then when it was discovered he had something that potentially could be contagious they removed him from the ward - yet while he had been on the ward he could have infected more people including the staff - so not much common sense is going on in the hospitals then, you can see this by the spread of various diseases that frequently shut hospitals to outsiders during an outbreak of one kind or another - I used to work at Walsgrave hospital and was increasingly alarmed at the rise of Cdif and Novovirus which spread like wildfire - so I stopped working at the hospital - as at the time my husband was working at the university of Coventry and therefore if I picked up something and brought it home it would then have easy access to much more people through my husband.
People today do not seem to be aware of the need to be clean before entering into a hosptial - I have seen some sights in my time. No wonder the problems persist. It is not only the out patients nor the visitors that put others at risk it is the medical staff themselves with their lack of care and attention to their uniforms - espcially the nursing staff - who frequently wear their uniforms on buses and in public places which are putting themselves and others at risk. Long gone have the matrons of the wards who would be watching for any discrepencies in their nurses behaviour. Now it does not seem to matter what people wear when they are coming into hospital. There is not the same due diligence about the uniforms at all - in the past it would not be considered proper for a nurse to be seen out on the streets in their uniforms unless they were district nurses - in which case there was a different criteria of dress code.
Today, even if you go to work with a cold or flu - people do not seem to consider it worth their while staying off because of the risk of losing their jobs, yet are quite unaware of the dangers of spreading potentially dangerous viruses within the communities at large. You can see the devestating effects of the Spanish Flu epidemic and also the bird flu not long ago - because people are not willing to stay away from their precious jobs - yet if people start dying then there is suddenly an uproar on how do we contain the epidemic - you can see what happened during the recent years of bird flu - cross country contamination is widespread a disease can spread from one side of the world to the next with in hours - so do not think we live in such enlightened times. People do not care about whether the illness they have could cause others to get sick. They sometimes do not present themselves to anyone until it is almost too late, then there is the panic to control diseases, look at legionnaires disease airbourne - brought in by others from overseas taken into buildings spreads like wild fire - again shutting down business and hospitals. There must come a point in each persons life to recognise that we are all responsible to each other - we need to take care if we are not feeling well to seek advice from whomever they would seek advice from.
For me I would go to God and ask Him to show me why I am feeling bad - if it is something that can be dealt with quickly. For me I have suffered in my body from diverse difficulties, I had in the early 90's picked up Hepititus A which is not a killer - but it does not have any true medical antidotes - your body has to get rid of it by itself - over time, but during the worse of it I went jaundiced and could have died - yet did not - during the time I had seen the Drs yet they could give me nothing to ease the situation So I spent a lot of my time in prayer and seeking God for help as I was unable to eat anything for months I lived on water - I was so ill my daughter thought she was going to loose me. Only God could pull me through. I was in agony with the pain and the sweats and freezing cold that you get with this dreadful disease (it is when your liver becomes infected), I was even concerned that I would die, but I also knew that God would not take me if it was not my time. Hence I am still here.
My husband at the time was a junkie - he used the needle for doing his habit - his reaction was to stick another needle into his body - and get relief from watching me suffer - yet even he could not believe that it was me who was suffering so much when it was he who was being so deliberately selfish with his actions. He did not get sick - yet here I was lying in my bed with something that stopped me functioning as a person for months - it was about 6 months that I suffered with this disease - not able to eat - yet somehow was coming thruogh with prayer and somehow I know that God was pulling me through - I knew that I was suffering because I had chosen a path of life that was not right for me, I had deliberately married a man I should not have married - God does make it abundatly clear that if you choose a path that is against Gods design for your life you will pay the price - even with your own life - for me that was a stark warning - and I had to suffer the consequences of my deliberate disobedience for a few more years until I fully understood what was wrong with my way of life. My husband never did change his lifestyle and is still in the same lifestyle - still alive in his misery and that is his choice.
For me, I had to leave and get my life sorted out with God and back into the path of His choosing. For me that meant rediscovering my walk with God and returning to His Word to discover what I was doing wrong. I learned alot about Trusting God to pull me through many a dark moment - yet all the time He has been leading me on to this moment where I really do start to take seriously what He has called me to do, that is to bring comfort to others.
In my journey as a believer in Yeshua/Jesus Christ - I have learned many things, The most important to me is that when reading the scriptures of what Yeshua taught - he was teaching people from the Scriptures which were to a lot of people they understand it as the Old Testament - yet when you read the "old testament" you can see that you can find God there and how He and His power turned the lives of Israel around - He showed His love and mercy and also His strength that when people would do things that were contrary to what He had said they invariable paid with their lives.
He gave a warning to the people of Israel - this is the group of people whom He choose to be lighthouses in the world - these are the people He uses to teach other nations what it is to be faithful and what happens when a nation refuses to be faithful and obey His ruling and teaching. The Israelites thoughout all of history have been a lighthouse - a barometer if you like for how God will and does treat nations.
Israel was given the command not to go seeking how other nations lived, and practice their religion - yet Israel on several occasions did just that and when they did they were sent into exile - yet each time there would be someone who would be looking for God and His ways and bring the people back to God again - and then Israel would enter a time of blessing - Israel was told not to seek after the ways of other nations - not to defile their lives living promisciously with fornication, debauchry nor lusting after other gods. Yet they did and as God had showed them that the nations that they had been sent into - God was clearing them out of the way because of their behaviour - look at Sodom and Gomorrah for one example. He said the the land would spew the people out - in fact it says the land will vomit the people out of the land - because of the defiling behaviour.
In todays society I look around and see that the very things that God had said in Leviticus regarding relationships with men and women, man and man, man with animals, women with animals, even their depraved sexual appetites - men sleeping with their nearest relatives - their daughters, nieces, nephews, women sleeping with their sons, cousins, nephews, brothers. Throughout history this has gone on - you can look at the time of the Cesars - you can see insatiable appetite to seek sexual pleasures in diverse ways. The Greeks and Romans with their homosexuallity - seen at that time as normal - yet in God sight is not normal. In fact God says it is an abomination - when nations choose to incorporate laws to suggest that it is right for homosexuals to marry - then you can see from the recent events in history - from the very time when governments agreed to this propostious decison it is when the governments of the world started to suffer with the financial breakdown, and the storms and volcanic erruptions and earthquakes have increased.
Yet mankind chooses to ignore these signs and perversely continues on the path of mass destruction - when are people going to wake up and see that while we insist on behaving worse than animals to each other and behave as if nothing really matters because who cares who gets hurt.
When people treat each other with disdain and disregard life and treat it as cheap - that humanbeings are expendible, does it not show just how far away we have become from being civilised.
Civilisations in the past have risen and fallen at Gods Command - you can see that in the dream of Nebecanezzer - with the statue which was made up of many civilisation - his being the head of gold - Bablyon and all the others were lesser and lesser right up to day - were we could be at the toes of the civilisation - a mixture of clay and iron - yet even so the Stone that mankind has choosen to throw out is the very Stone that will bring this so called civilised world to its knees. (book of Daniel)
God made it very clear in Deuteronomy that if people will refuse to believe in Him and refuse to live the Lifestyle that God has laid out before mankind then they would be led into believing a dreadful fatal lie - which is what has happened. Disregarding God, dismissing God out of our thoughts and ways we have actually written our own death warrant.
God does not mess about, His word never changes - even Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit makes that very clear - that not one jot nor title will pass away - that nothing of Gods Commands are thrown away or changed in fact when the Messiah returns we shall all be called to live by Gods Commands and His teaching and His feast days. Not like today where it is perfectly ok to celebrate halloween and christmas - which are both pagan festivals. Nothing to do with God at all. We bring our children up to believe in half truths and wonder why they are in such a mess.
As a child I can remember going to Sunday school and celebrating halloween - that is because that was considered to be ok, it was the way it was - as the teaching were not checked.
For me, the more I look at Gods Word and His feast days and recognise the Power in His word and recognise the folly of following anything other than God to me there is only one direction that these sad teaching of the world will lead the people - as Yeshua/Jesus Christ said the blind leading the blind and both will fall into the ditch - is it not time for you to open your Bibles and seek out HOW TO REALLY SERVE THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL for we all who claim to be believers in His precious Son really do need to learn from God himself.
On learning about incestuous behaviour being marked out very clearly in the Bible and seeking to understand how Gods word applies today I can see that God said that the consequences of such activity could result in many things coming to pass not least death. You can see from history in local small farm communities where there has been such activities, the deformaties, death toll and mental deficiency that occurs. Look at the horrendous act that was perpetrated by that father that kept his daughter locked up and having children by her - and on discovery the shame and horror of it came out.
For us as a society in order for us to move forward to have any semblence of possible prosperity it is time to recognise that God is in Heaven and His is most definitely in charge of events. Even the disaters that are befallen on the earth - after all He said it would happen and the reason for it was because man has turned their back on God.
Time is running out - you can see for yourself as you look in the news papers, news programmes and events that are happening on the earth - there is a definite move happening.
It is time to wake up - stop burying your head in the sand and hoping it will all go away, the only way it will go away is when people start to REPENT AND TURN BACK TO THE FATHER.
By living God's way, keeping His Commandments, His teachings - the morale compass of the world would be a much different place. We would be living in peace with one another, we would be having no sickness and disease - that is Gods promise that we would be living in a time of peace and He would be governing our planet. That is an amazing thought and hope.
For me, it is not a fairytale because I have experienced Gods powerful hand in my life. Now I choose to live according to His teachings, seeking out how to live the life. Not just by reading the scriptures but by applying them into my own way of thinking.
No wonder God says seek you first the Kingdom of heaven, well in seeking the Kingdom of heaven you learn about His laws and His teachings. You come back to the beginning and start to ask God questions about where it is all going and what is it all about. For me it has been amazing discovery.
Even in one person who reads this agrees and chooses to read the scriptures to check out what I have been saying is right then that is one more than yesterday.
I do not give you quotation - I give you whole books such as Leviticus and all its chapters - in the Word of God there is a the answers for life itself.
The Word of God shows that there is right way to life and a way to death. God give mankind a choice. He gave us freewill to choose the path we want to take. However He also has a plan for your life - which hopefully you will choose to follow Him. God is the one that opens the eyes of the blind - not just physically but spiritually too. Yeshua/Jesus Christ himself said - no man can come to the father unless he come through Him - Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit - yet no man can come to Yeshua/Jesus Christ unless God is drawing him/her. So you see - there does come a time in your life where you will be given an opportunity to seek how to live, calling on Yeshua/Jesus Christ is just the first step, as the gift of the Holy Spirit who is a revealler of all truths and teacher will start to give you and urge and desire to discover more.
You can look at Gods laws as boundaries God has set before us as objectives to achieve. I am at the moment teaching my dog boundaries as what she can and cannot do for her own benefit, God has given us the Laws and Teachings for our benefit to help mankind live in a better way with each other afterall we all come from the same source. Whether you believe in Adam and Eve or whether you believe we come from green algae - we have all come from the same souce initially God Himself - for without His Word none of this would be in existence anyway.
Running Against the Wind
Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Have you ever wondered where we get our basic moral thinking from. Today I have been reading Leviticus and have been amazed at the way God was and is involved in our lives. Without a lot of Gods prinicples medicine would not be where it is today, nor would there be a basic moral compass.
We have a lot to thank our believing forefathers who choose to live according to His word and build our nations laws with the basics from the Commandments of God.
I have today been reading how the priests in the tent of meeting under Moses direction were given instructions on how to discern when a disease of the body was in fact infectious or not, whether there was any real danger to the whole community, the way that it was dealt with was very simple and yet very effective.
When someone discovered they had a rash or blister or sore on their body they were to present themselves to the priests who after examination could determine the right course of action - after giving the person quarantine for several days they could reexamine the infected area it it spread that person was maintained in quarantine and it was very effective, if a house was contaminated they also took action regarding the contaminated area of the property and dealt with it swiftly again after much scruitny. Today - you can present yourself to the Dr yet he may or maynot recognise what is wrong - and as for putting people in quarantine when they not sure - they put them in to hospital beds usually amongst other patients until they can determine if it is contagious or not - this happened to my husband when he was in hospital - the person in the next bed came in with an unknown and then when it was discovered he had something that potentially could be contagious they removed him from the ward - yet while he had been on the ward he could have infected more people including the staff - so not much common sense is going on in the hospitals then, you can see this by the spread of various diseases that frequently shut hospitals to outsiders during an outbreak of one kind or another - I used to work at Walsgrave hospital and was increasingly alarmed at the rise of Cdif and Novovirus which spread like wildfire - so I stopped working at the hospital - as at the time my husband was working at the university of Coventry and therefore if I picked up something and brought it home it would then have easy access to much more people through my husband.
People today do not seem to be aware of the need to be clean before entering into a hosptial - I have seen some sights in my time. No wonder the problems persist. It is not only the out patients nor the visitors that put others at risk it is the medical staff themselves with their lack of care and attention to their uniforms - espcially the nursing staff - who frequently wear their uniforms on buses and in public places which are putting themselves and others at risk. Long gone have the matrons of the wards who would be watching for any discrepencies in their nurses behaviour. Now it does not seem to matter what people wear when they are coming into hospital. There is not the same due diligence about the uniforms at all - in the past it would not be considered proper for a nurse to be seen out on the streets in their uniforms unless they were district nurses - in which case there was a different criteria of dress code.
Today, even if you go to work with a cold or flu - people do not seem to consider it worth their while staying off because of the risk of losing their jobs, yet are quite unaware of the dangers of spreading potentially dangerous viruses within the communities at large. You can see the devestating effects of the Spanish Flu epidemic and also the bird flu not long ago - because people are not willing to stay away from their precious jobs - yet if people start dying then there is suddenly an uproar on how do we contain the epidemic - you can see what happened during the recent years of bird flu - cross country contamination is widespread a disease can spread from one side of the world to the next with in hours - so do not think we live in such enlightened times. People do not care about whether the illness they have could cause others to get sick. They sometimes do not present themselves to anyone until it is almost too late, then there is the panic to control diseases, look at legionnaires disease airbourne - brought in by others from overseas taken into buildings spreads like wild fire - again shutting down business and hospitals. There must come a point in each persons life to recognise that we are all responsible to each other - we need to take care if we are not feeling well to seek advice from whomever they would seek advice from.
For me I would go to God and ask Him to show me why I am feeling bad - if it is something that can be dealt with quickly. For me I have suffered in my body from diverse difficulties, I had in the early 90's picked up Hepititus A which is not a killer - but it does not have any true medical antidotes - your body has to get rid of it by itself - over time, but during the worse of it I went jaundiced and could have died - yet did not - during the time I had seen the Drs yet they could give me nothing to ease the situation So I spent a lot of my time in prayer and seeking God for help as I was unable to eat anything for months I lived on water - I was so ill my daughter thought she was going to loose me. Only God could pull me through. I was in agony with the pain and the sweats and freezing cold that you get with this dreadful disease (it is when your liver becomes infected), I was even concerned that I would die, but I also knew that God would not take me if it was not my time. Hence I am still here.
My husband at the time was a junkie - he used the needle for doing his habit - his reaction was to stick another needle into his body - and get relief from watching me suffer - yet even he could not believe that it was me who was suffering so much when it was he who was being so deliberately selfish with his actions. He did not get sick - yet here I was lying in my bed with something that stopped me functioning as a person for months - it was about 6 months that I suffered with this disease - not able to eat - yet somehow was coming thruogh with prayer and somehow I know that God was pulling me through - I knew that I was suffering because I had chosen a path of life that was not right for me, I had deliberately married a man I should not have married - God does make it abundatly clear that if you choose a path that is against Gods design for your life you will pay the price - even with your own life - for me that was a stark warning - and I had to suffer the consequences of my deliberate disobedience for a few more years until I fully understood what was wrong with my way of life. My husband never did change his lifestyle and is still in the same lifestyle - still alive in his misery and that is his choice.
For me, I had to leave and get my life sorted out with God and back into the path of His choosing. For me that meant rediscovering my walk with God and returning to His Word to discover what I was doing wrong. I learned alot about Trusting God to pull me through many a dark moment - yet all the time He has been leading me on to this moment where I really do start to take seriously what He has called me to do, that is to bring comfort to others.
In my journey as a believer in Yeshua/Jesus Christ - I have learned many things, The most important to me is that when reading the scriptures of what Yeshua taught - he was teaching people from the Scriptures which were to a lot of people they understand it as the Old Testament - yet when you read the "old testament" you can see that you can find God there and how He and His power turned the lives of Israel around - He showed His love and mercy and also His strength that when people would do things that were contrary to what He had said they invariable paid with their lives.
He gave a warning to the people of Israel - this is the group of people whom He choose to be lighthouses in the world - these are the people He uses to teach other nations what it is to be faithful and what happens when a nation refuses to be faithful and obey His ruling and teaching. The Israelites thoughout all of history have been a lighthouse - a barometer if you like for how God will and does treat nations.
Israel was given the command not to go seeking how other nations lived, and practice their religion - yet Israel on several occasions did just that and when they did they were sent into exile - yet each time there would be someone who would be looking for God and His ways and bring the people back to God again - and then Israel would enter a time of blessing - Israel was told not to seek after the ways of other nations - not to defile their lives living promisciously with fornication, debauchry nor lusting after other gods. Yet they did and as God had showed them that the nations that they had been sent into - God was clearing them out of the way because of their behaviour - look at Sodom and Gomorrah for one example. He said the the land would spew the people out - in fact it says the land will vomit the people out of the land - because of the defiling behaviour.
In todays society I look around and see that the very things that God had said in Leviticus regarding relationships with men and women, man and man, man with animals, women with animals, even their depraved sexual appetites - men sleeping with their nearest relatives - their daughters, nieces, nephews, women sleeping with their sons, cousins, nephews, brothers. Throughout history this has gone on - you can look at the time of the Cesars - you can see insatiable appetite to seek sexual pleasures in diverse ways. The Greeks and Romans with their homosexuallity - seen at that time as normal - yet in God sight is not normal. In fact God says it is an abomination - when nations choose to incorporate laws to suggest that it is right for homosexuals to marry - then you can see from the recent events in history - from the very time when governments agreed to this propostious decison it is when the governments of the world started to suffer with the financial breakdown, and the storms and volcanic erruptions and earthquakes have increased.
Yet mankind chooses to ignore these signs and perversely continues on the path of mass destruction - when are people going to wake up and see that while we insist on behaving worse than animals to each other and behave as if nothing really matters because who cares who gets hurt.
When people treat each other with disdain and disregard life and treat it as cheap - that humanbeings are expendible, does it not show just how far away we have become from being civilised.
Civilisations in the past have risen and fallen at Gods Command - you can see that in the dream of Nebecanezzer - with the statue which was made up of many civilisation - his being the head of gold - Bablyon and all the others were lesser and lesser right up to day - were we could be at the toes of the civilisation - a mixture of clay and iron - yet even so the Stone that mankind has choosen to throw out is the very Stone that will bring this so called civilised world to its knees. (book of Daniel)
God made it very clear in Deuteronomy that if people will refuse to believe in Him and refuse to live the Lifestyle that God has laid out before mankind then they would be led into believing a dreadful fatal lie - which is what has happened. Disregarding God, dismissing God out of our thoughts and ways we have actually written our own death warrant.
God does not mess about, His word never changes - even Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit makes that very clear - that not one jot nor title will pass away - that nothing of Gods Commands are thrown away or changed in fact when the Messiah returns we shall all be called to live by Gods Commands and His teaching and His feast days. Not like today where it is perfectly ok to celebrate halloween and christmas - which are both pagan festivals. Nothing to do with God at all. We bring our children up to believe in half truths and wonder why they are in such a mess.
As a child I can remember going to Sunday school and celebrating halloween - that is because that was considered to be ok, it was the way it was - as the teaching were not checked.
For me, the more I look at Gods Word and His feast days and recognise the Power in His word and recognise the folly of following anything other than God to me there is only one direction that these sad teaching of the world will lead the people - as Yeshua/Jesus Christ said the blind leading the blind and both will fall into the ditch - is it not time for you to open your Bibles and seek out HOW TO REALLY SERVE THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL for we all who claim to be believers in His precious Son really do need to learn from God himself.
On learning about incestuous behaviour being marked out very clearly in the Bible and seeking to understand how Gods word applies today I can see that God said that the consequences of such activity could result in many things coming to pass not least death. You can see from history in local small farm communities where there has been such activities, the deformaties, death toll and mental deficiency that occurs. Look at the horrendous act that was perpetrated by that father that kept his daughter locked up and having children by her - and on discovery the shame and horror of it came out.
For us as a society in order for us to move forward to have any semblence of possible prosperity it is time to recognise that God is in Heaven and His is most definitely in charge of events. Even the disaters that are befallen on the earth - after all He said it would happen and the reason for it was because man has turned their back on God.
Time is running out - you can see for yourself as you look in the news papers, news programmes and events that are happening on the earth - there is a definite move happening.
It is time to wake up - stop burying your head in the sand and hoping it will all go away, the only way it will go away is when people start to REPENT AND TURN BACK TO THE FATHER.
By living God's way, keeping His Commandments, His teachings - the morale compass of the world would be a much different place. We would be living in peace with one another, we would be having no sickness and disease - that is Gods promise that we would be living in a time of peace and He would be governing our planet. That is an amazing thought and hope.
For me, it is not a fairytale because I have experienced Gods powerful hand in my life. Now I choose to live according to His teachings, seeking out how to live the life. Not just by reading the scriptures but by applying them into my own way of thinking.
No wonder God says seek you first the Kingdom of heaven, well in seeking the Kingdom of heaven you learn about His laws and His teachings. You come back to the beginning and start to ask God questions about where it is all going and what is it all about. For me it has been amazing discovery.
Even in one person who reads this agrees and chooses to read the scriptures to check out what I have been saying is right then that is one more than yesterday.
I do not give you quotation - I give you whole books such as Leviticus and all its chapters - in the Word of God there is a the answers for life itself.
The Word of God shows that there is right way to life and a way to death. God give mankind a choice. He gave us freewill to choose the path we want to take. However He also has a plan for your life - which hopefully you will choose to follow Him. God is the one that opens the eyes of the blind - not just physically but spiritually too. Yeshua/Jesus Christ himself said - no man can come to the father unless he come through Him - Yeshua/Jesus Chrsit - yet no man can come to Yeshua/Jesus Christ unless God is drawing him/her. So you see - there does come a time in your life where you will be given an opportunity to seek how to live, calling on Yeshua/Jesus Christ is just the first step, as the gift of the Holy Spirit who is a revealler of all truths and teacher will start to give you and urge and desire to discover more.
You can look at Gods laws as boundaries God has set before us as objectives to achieve. I am at the moment teaching my dog boundaries as what she can and cannot do for her own benefit, God has given us the Laws and Teachings for our benefit to help mankind live in a better way with each other afterall we all come from the same source. Whether you believe in Adam and Eve or whether you believe we come from green algae - we have all come from the same souce initially God Himself - for without His Word none of this would be in existence anyway.
jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012
Learning to follow God
Holy Cow! Does God Care about What We Eat?
It Is Often Said: Comments and Comparisons of Traditional Christian Theology and Hebraic Thought (Restoration (First Fruits of Zion))
The Mystery of the Gospel: Jew and Gentile and the Eternal Purpose of God
Israel's Anointing: Your Inheritance and End-time Destiny Through Israel
Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus
I praise God that no matter what people say around me, when I go back to the Word of God it cannot be any plainer to see than the TRUTH OF THE SCRIPTURES the Revelations that God gave and the instructions on how to live are amazing.
Now more than ever I am convinced that Gods Ways are the only ways and the more I learn the more I want to understand - the Bible is absolutely full of all the instructions and plans for Mankind and how easy it would be for every one to live together if we all trusted in God and lived according to His rules. This is what is going to be brought about when He returns. Yet people are still convinced that there will not be any difference in their lives - how wrong can people be.
To look at the Scriptures and see just what God does even when someone does not comply after instruction - he removes them - it is amazing to think that even if you think your a walking on the straight path - if you are not walking just exactly in the path that God chooses for your life - he is well able to move you - and imprint in to your mind the way that you should go, yet if you still insist on going your own way then you are looking at death right in the face. People are unaware of this.
More and more when reading and seeing the clear instructions that God gave Moses even down to the smallest detail of how the tent of meeting should be - the fastening, the rings etc - this is not a God who does not care about the small details of our lives this is a God that truely understands and asks us to come reason with him to find out the direction we should be taking - not making plans according to our own imaginations. I have been learning about that alot just recently.
Each day as I read the scriptures I feel a sense of awe at the intimacy that God wants with Humanity - to live with them. When I read about the fact that when the tent of meeting was completed - and the Cloud was on top of the meeting place not even Moses could enter in, but not just that God choose to share with Israel by being there and when the cloud lifted off the tent then it was time for the people of Israel to move on, each day and night the people had to look to God to see what direction they were to take for that day, whether to stay or go, whether to move forward or stay put - for me that is a real revelation - we all have a tendency to run ahead of God and wonder why we are not where we thought we should be.
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