How do you see yourself?
Making a solid decision – before we make the most important decision of our lives, sharing and being committed to one person.
It would be wise to just step back and really ask God for His advice regarding the relationship. We all have made life changing decisions but not always have we asked the Father for His advice; we constantly believe that we can make life decisions without him and wonder why we end up breaking up our relationships – because we did not ask Him First.
If we are honest before God we should recognise that we lean very much to our own understanding when don’t always make the right choice.
Here is Gods advice to us.
Proverbs 3 : 5-6
5. Trust in Adonai (God) with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding.
6. In all your ways acknowledge Him then he will level your path.
7. Don’t be conceited about your own wisdom; but fear Adonai (God).and turn from Evil.
8. This will bring Health to your body and gives strength to your bones.
9. Honour Adonai (God ) with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your income.
10. The your granaries will be filled and your vats over flow with new wine.
Sometimes we are compelled to go the same way as our parents – as the Word says teach a child the way it should go and it will do it for the rest of its life, unfortunately that is both in a positive and in a negative way. For instance if you were brought up in a violent home – sadly but true, we sometimes go for the same kind of people we have seen as we were growing up. Hence when the scriptures write what is good and wholesomewe strive for that but because we are by our very nature drawn to what we have always known – therefore it takes a miracle from God to break us out of our moulded past.
On reading Proverbs today I have been really discovering some great tips.
Here a few which I would like to share with you.
Proverbs 22: 24-25
24. Don’t associate with an angry man; make no hot-tempered man your companion.
25. If you do, you may learn his ways and find yourself caught in a trap
How often we have read of tragic events of husbands killing their wives and wives killing their husbands. Even boyfriends killing girlfriends. It is a wicked waste of life, which is precious.
In Proverbs 29: 22
22. Angry people stir up strife; hot tempered people commit many crimes.
We see this all the time.
We as women should look again at the scriptures to see how we should be comporting ourselves.
So that we may be a blessing and a treasure well worth keeping and cherishing.
In Proverbs 31; 10-
10. Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far beyond that of pearls.
11. Her husband trusts her from his heart and she will prove a great asset to him.
12. She works to bring him good, not harm all the days of her life.
13. She procures a supply of wool and flax and works with willing hands.
14. She is like those merchant vessels, bringing her food from far away.
15. It’s still dark when she rises to give food t her household and orders to the young women serving her.
16. She considers a field, then buys it, and from her earnings she plants a vineyard
17. She gathers her strength around her and throws herself into her work
18. She sees that her business affairs go well, her lamp stays lit at night.
19. She puts her hands to the staff with the flax, her fingers hold the spinning rod.
20. She reaches out to embrace the poor and opens her arms to the needy.
21. When it snows, she has no fear for her household, since all of them are doubly clothed.
22. She makes her own quilts; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23. Her husband is known at the city gates when he sits with leaders of the land.
24. She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchants in sashes.
25. Clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.
26. When she opens her mouth , she speaks wisely; on her tongue is loving instruction.
27 She watches how things go in her house, not eating the bread of idleness.
We can see that this demonstrates that we have a very full role in society as we are very much the creative and caring side of the relationship, nurturing the family and it does take time. It is no wander that today’s women don’t have the same level of interest in their homes. It is a real hard day for a women to complete all the tasks that are required to run a full family home. Most women today opt to farm out their kids, get cleaners if they can afford them to do the house work and do not even consider getting involved in business which is useful to the family home – all being done on a at home basis. She is not going out to work she is busy bringing all this work in and around the home. Even planting a field – that take time and it also takes labourers to achieve that therefore when we are truly walking in the full favour of God and in His right Order in our lives we too will be able to do this and more as in Deuteronomy it clearly states that He will bless us in our baskets and the fruit of our wombs, if we were to choose His ways over the ways of the world.
Yes we are to be active and creating a wealth for our independent needs to bring about more favour to the family home – but it is a part of the daily life. Going out to work at the expense of the home and family is not what it is about. When a woman is completely committed to her home and family it is amazing just how much can be accomplished.
However, sadly today we are faced with a tragic loss of work for the men as they strive to work for big companies – often not really looking to their own resources right on their own doorstep.
God called Adam to go cultivate the land and take care of it. There are many talents that people have and who do not look like they are talents yet when we look back at the 1930’s people were resourceful in their creating nice homes, by making their own furniture, developing their own pieces of land into productive areas for food for the family, and even were able to share with their neighbours their skills.
Today, people depend too much of what the State can give rather than Looking to the Father and see what He has already given to them as talents and skills.
It is not always about making money, it is about sharing the skills and abilities with those around you to achieve a harmonious life. Living in peace with our neighbours. Learning what we can do for one another.
For instance – here is a clear example of a lazy man and what can and does happen when man does not seek to fulfil his potential.
In proverbs 24: 30-34
30. I passed by the field of the lazy man and the vineyard of the man lacking sense.
31. There is was, overgrown with thistles, the ground was covered with nettles and its stone walls was broken down
32. I looked, and I thought about it. I saw and I learned this lesson.
33.. I’ll just like here at bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleep
34. and poverty comes marching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier.
We all perhaps have met men like the above – yet on the surface we have met men who appear to be charming, well dressed, and have an air of affluences and productivity only to discover too late that it was just a sham – a con to deceive you that they were more than they are.
I know because I have been caught out on that one myself.
Now I am not saying men are bad, just we women need to be more focused on what is right before God for us. As in the same way , man also has to be watchful that he does not just get a pleasure seeker who is unable to much more than be an ornamental piece on his arm with no other assets to show.
Because as in Proverbs 21:17
17. Pleasure lovers will suffer want; he/she who loves wine and oil won’t get rich.
It is by working together as a team for a common goal, with single purpose and mind. A oneness of thoughts and ideals is a must.
We should not be unevenly yoked as in 1 Corinthians 6: 14 clearly states
14 Do not yoke yourself together in a team with unbelievers, for how can righteousness and lawlessness be partners? What fellowship does light have to do with darkness.
I made the mistake of believing it would be fine to be united with someone who sort of believed yet did not really have any faith at all. To the tragic loss of both of us. Because he believed that it was ok to be agreeing to disagree about things that really mattered, therefore I am speaking from experience.
When you come together with a second human being entering into a live long commitment you need to have a secure knowledge that you are both are on the same page and singing from the same song sheet otherwise you are just going to be ending in a tragic mess.
Remember God hates Divorce and therefore before you enter into a marriage or even business with someone make sure you are both working to a common goal. It is a sad thing to work hard at something if God is not the builder – it will not last and it is going to be very painful – so right from the start my advice to you is
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