sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

New Creation In the Messiah

2 Corinthians 3 : 16-18
16: But “says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to God (Adonai) the veil is taken away
17: Now, “Adonai” in this text means the Spirit, and where the Spirit of Adonai is, there is freedom.
18: So all of us, with faces veiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 4 : 6
6: For it is the God who once said “Let light shine out of the darkness, who has made his light shine in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of God’s glory shinning in the face of the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus

2 Corinthians 5: 14 – 21
14: For the Messiah’s love has a hold of us, because we are convinced that one man died on behalf of all mankind and (which implies that all mankind was already dead).
15: And that he died on behalf of all in order that those who live should not live any longer for themselves but for the one who on their behalf died and was raised.
16: So from now on, we do not look at anyone from a worldly view point, even if we once regarded the Messiah from a worldly view point, we do so no longer.
17: Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation. The old has passed, look what has come is fresh and new.
18: And it is all from God, who through the Messiah has reconciled us to himself and has given us the work of that reconciliation.
19: Which is that God in the Messiah was reconciling mankind to himself, not counting their sins against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
20: Therefore we are ambassadors of the Messiah, in effect, God is making his appeal through us. What we do is appeal on behalf of the Messiah “Be reconciled to God”
21: God made this sinless man to be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with him we might fully share in God’s righteousness.

2 Corinthian 6: 14
14: Do not yoke yourselves together in a team with unbelievers, for how can righteousness and lawlessness be partners? (people who fail to see the relevancy of Christ’s teaching regarding the Commandments of God). What fellowship does light have with darkness?
15: What harmony can there be between the Messiah and B’liya’al? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
16: What agreement can there be between the Temple of God and Idol’s? For we are the temple of the living God
As God said:
“ I will house myself in them, and I will walk among them. I will be their God and they will be my people”.
17: Therefore God (Adonai ) says
“Go out from their midst, separate yourselves, don’t even touch what is unclean, then I myself will receive you”.
18: In fact, “I will be your father and you will be my sons and daughters” Says Adona-Tzva’ot” Lord of Hosts. Living God.

2 Corinthians 7
7: Therefore, my dear friends, since we have these promises, let us purify ourselves from everything that can defile either the body or Spirit, and strive to be completely holy, out of reverence of God.

Complete Jewish Bible-OE

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Setting an Example

What kind of example are we showing to others, when there is backbiting and malice behaviour, and sexually immoral behaviour going on.

Surely when we come to know Yeshua/Jesus and Gods teaching we should also be showing His life in our own lives.

Why is it so difficult for people to really grasp the basics of what the Messiah is teaching as to loving one another, including our enemies, to forgive and forget just as God has forgiven us and has blotted out our sins.

Is it difficult to read the Scriptures to discover how we should be behaving to one another.

We see through the letters of Paul to the various congregations have similar themes - where he is warning the people to change their lifestyle patterns.

To stop being sexually immoral in all forms, to stop backbiting, gossiping, quarrelling amongst the congregations.

When he admonishes the congregations – he is showing that there is a standard to which we should be living.

Here is a clear example of how things are starting to cause nations to be punished by God.  When we break Gods guidelines on how man and women are to behave.  Man and Women are to be married not man and man, or woman to woman this is an abomination to God.

American Supreme Court allows ‘Gay Marriage’

The United States’ federal government had been violating the Constitution by defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, the Supreme Court has declared.  Read our story at: www.ukcv.org/gaym . Incredibly, some US Episcopal churches rang their bells and celebrated the ruling.

Robin Phillips has also analysed the winners and losers of the decision in an article here: www.ukcv.org/wl

WRITE: To your local members of the House of Lords, using some of Robin’s points and urging them to vote against 'gay marriage'. Go to www.ukcv.org/peers  Take the list of your local peers to church tomorrow!

Isaiah 59:14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. 15 Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment

Yours in the mighty name of Jesus.
Stephen Green,
National Director, Christian Voice.

PLEASE FORWARD this email to your Christian friends in the following manner: Click 'Cc', highlight your Christian contacts, click 'Bcc', click 'OK' - NEVER send using 'To' or 'Cc' - only put yourself in the 'To' box.)
* If you would like a copy of our latest Coronation Souvenir newsletter, email us your name and address (UK only), Or join Christian Voice and get the newsletter, our explosive Britain in Sin and our informative briefings on Islam and much more free.  Go to: http://www.ukcv.org/join    

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sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Working for a living

Reading Thessalonians - 4 and 5  the other day it became very clear to me that although we are called to live by Faith and Trust in God he also has given us skills and talents that we should share with others in the building up of the community we live.

If we were to sit on our hands and fold our arms as in proverbs we would soon become nothing, poor and desolate and unable to feed ourselves.

Yet looking at the activities of the Virtuous Woman her day was packed with activity of building her home, making sure her family had everything that was needed.  Including running her own business - wow buying a field to plant it and work it - does this sound like someone who just sits back and does nothing all day.

When the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt did they come out empty handed - no they had flocks of sheep, goats, cows, oxen and amongst them would be farmers, traders and builders, blacksmiths, furniture makers, people with a vast array of skills.  (which were used in building the Tabernacle in the desert and many other things that would have been needed along the way)

Yet today we see people sitting idly by just watching tv, feeling sorry for themselves and waiting for their next dole cheque - yet in the Bible it makes it clear we should be earning our own living and taking care of our own families and helping others to do the same.

We see in our society today, disabled people thriving in their abilities, many who are soliders coming back from the war torn areas of the world, - we saw this in the Olympics these people did not sit down and just wallow - but utilised their gifts within them.  Just as God had intended all mankind.

We see too in the acting profession many people who have suffered great hardship come through and shine in their fields.

We all have something to contribute, no matter where you are in life, every one has had a story to tell.  Each on has an adventure to share - why is it so hard to get up and walk with the skills you have.

Can you read and write, can you speak a second, third or fourth language.

I met a man who was in his 80's who was sharing with me what he was doing in his retirement - he is helping young people to learn how to interact with one another, teaching them about model railways, sharing his knowledge with young people in small village.  - there is so much that we have to offer one another - please help you fellow human being and share your time with someone who is in need.  

We all have had bad times, we have all experienced pain and suffering from one form or another. None of us are immune to what is going on in the World - in fact we are all part of it.  No one is an island - yet we treat each other as if we were.

Something to share

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Love One Another As I have Loved You

Greater love has no man than that which Christ did for us.  Giving His life for us to be saved and reconciled back to the Father.

Sharing one another's burdens, and really learning to live in harmony and peace that is the Message that Christ bought to us from His heavenly father.

When you consider all the teaching and guidelines that God gave to Moses and the Prophets and all the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus you can see very clearly that we are called to live in peace with our neighbour's.

Why is it then that there is so much back biting and spiteful gossip and malice scandal that goes on in the so called Body of Christ, what kind of impression do we give with all this going on.

Recently I have been going to lovely Friday evening Praise and Worship in Marbella and the people I have been meeting there are all looking for the same answers, where and when will people really start to behave like the early disciples and really love their brother and sisters without constant backstabbing and denouncing of each other.

When will people realise that when the Holy Spirit moves in a persons life it does really transform them from within, their old lives are washed away by the Blood of the Lamb and they are then able to live again as a New Creation in Christ the Redeemer. 

Do people think that the Word of God is Soft - Do they consider Gods Word as to no effect - look at what happened in the Scriptures to people when they came up against God in the Past.

Why is it today we see so much criticism in the groups that meet to fellowship - when we look at what the Scripture says about immoral and disharmonious behaviour the people where cast out in order for them to learn what it takes to really be part of the Body of Christ.

Today in the so called social gospel in the churches it practically allows anything in - yet when we read the letters of Paul and Peter and the other disciples we see a completely different picture.

Perhaps, we need to revisit the scriptures for ourselves and really consider what it means when Jesus/Yeshua said that we should love our brother and sisters ad He Has and Is loving us.  Why do we constantly grieve the Holy Spirit by not obeying what Yeshua/Jesus teaches us through the pages of the Word.

Looking at the Fruits of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Self Control.  Where is that seen in reality.  More often than not there is some backroom bickering going on about this or that.  About who is in charge of this or that, whether this or that can be shown and learned.

Surely, we who come together for the Praise and Worship and fellowship with fellow believers we should be living according to what the Scriptures says.

They had all things in common, they lifted each other up, they shared each others burdens, they prayed for the sick, they rose the dead in His Name - Whose Name are we behaving like when we bitch and argue, and back stab.

Is it not time we should consider how we really treat our fellows.  How do you think it looks when people walk in looking for solace only to walk in on an atmosphere that could be cut through with a knife of bad feelings, jealousy and anger, bitterness and resentment.

Come on fellow heirs to the Kingdom it is time to really show the TRUE FACE OF THE MESSIAH. WE who are called to serve the King in His way have a duty to instruct and admonish those who are not living to the Standards of God - yet we too must also be living the life that God has placed before us.

When we meet a man in the street and we do not listen to his voice - how can you call yourself a follower of the King - He had time for every one, he showed compassion to every one, He cared for every one.  Why dont we.

Are you afraid that someone is going to attack you - you might be attacked but rather than live in Fear why no live in the presence of the Almighty and TRUST God to show you how to speak to that person who has asked you for a moment of your time. Jesus would stop for you - yet you will not stop for him.

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martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Holy One of Israel

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We wait upon the Father

As we turn to God for our healing and powerful revelation of His Grace and Open our eyes to His Word.

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Give Him Praise and Glory

Lift Up the King

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Adonai, Lord of all the Earth

Let us lift up our hearts and minds and praise the Lord.

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Let Your Fire Fall

I hope you will be praying along with me that this starts a real revival amongst the people.

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Paul Wilbur music

This is one of my favourite music, I hope you enjoy.
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domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

All Things In Common


In Acts of the Apostles we see a community of people who are committed to the Messiah and His teaching and His way of life.

They shared their lives, lifting one another up with encouragement and support.

We could all take another look at exactly what was happening in the lives of the people during those early days of the believers in the Messiah.

All had been given the scriptures growing up, knowing the teachings of God from Moses and the Prophets. They also would have had the wisdom of Solomon through the books of Proverbs. They also would have had historical data of the Israel on how it prospered and suffered depending on whether the ruler, priest, leaders and teachers were teaching the people to live with Gods Torah – teachings and laws, yet when the leaders failed to keep the commandments and Holy days and keeping their lives separated from the worlds (pagan) ways of life. We can see historically that Israel prospered when they obeyed God, Israel suffered defeat and loss and dispersion amongst the nations when they failed to obey.

So we see that when we come to the Messiah and our hearts and minds are seared by the Holy Spirit and as we are drawn to live Gods ways and keep his commandments, learning to understand how we can live together in peace and harmony.

We see the lives of the disciples are living unity of mind and purpose and supporting one another.

They lived together sharing one another’s lives, working together as a community helping one another enjoy each other company by being hospitable with one another.

Yet in today’s society it is so hard to be hospitable – people are afraid to share and invite people to their homes, sharing is hard when people do not trust each other – yet as fellow believers, building relationships within the community is highly important as we are called to be one body – each of us has their own role to play within each community to help build up the Kingdom of God here on earth. Inviting one another to break bread together, encouraging one another with words of comfort and psalms and hymns and always loving one another just as Yeshua loves us.

We really need to recognise we are all important to God, we all have a place in the Body of Christ – yet there are many times that we feel separated and cut off and out of the communities we are called to share in therefore it is incredibly important that we are honest and truthful to each other and sharing genuinely with one another.

This is the calling of God on our lives to Love One Another As He Loves Us.

The greatest gift we can give a fellow human being is Love and support. For without supporting one another we are in danger of being selfish and self centred and separated from God and His mercy and His Love and His generosity.

So next time you speak with your friend be genuinely interested in their lives, if you can encourage that person in some way do so. Lift each other up in prayer and love. Help one another find solutions to their troubles, listen to each other. Grow together. For without this support system the body falls to bits and nothing will remain. Yet when we start to be genuine with each other and start to really Love one another as God has called us to then we will start to see a difference in people lives.


Sharing benefits

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jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Role Models.

Over the years I have been given misleading information regarding woman’s role in society and family. Yet when I look at Proverbs 31 I see that this lady is a busy one, keeping her family happy and clothed and fed, not only that she buys a field and tends to it, works very hard indeed, not just in and around the family but also has her own business as well.

It makes me shudder sometimes when we just consider how we have been misled to believe that all women can do is stay at home and take care of the children – this is an excellent life yet also incorporating this you can work from home with your own online business too. These days it is so much easier to find good ideas yet I have one that can really make a difference not just to your own family but to your friends and your social media network friends too.

I have been learning a lot about marketing over the years and have struggled to find one that I could honestly say YES to. Many ideas of making money online are either just selling information about selling information or just selling their particular package which you first have to buy in order to reach the next level. With this business it is very different. You get a FREE shopping app which you can use for FREE, download For FREE and share with your friends for FREE. For me the fact that the more I discover about how to use this app to share the deals with my friends from different countries and different cities, looking at what is available in their areas the more I have grown to love it and long to share it with you.

So if you are like me looking to make an income working from home and have a large network of friends and family, social media like Facebook or Linked in or any other then why not take a look at what I have to offer and see what you can do.

Download the app for yourself and check out what is happening in your own town and take advantage of the savings yourself and share it with others. Simple, process is easy and I am always available to help you out too.

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miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Learn how to be successful.

Join my network, learn how to become successful.  Watch the videos and become involved, help your friends and family world wide to really benefit from an incredible FREE APP.

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sábado, 1 de junio de 2013


Great new motivational products to enhance your business.  So if you are thinking of starting up a new venture and what to join a really HOT product with excellent credentials then this is for you.

Here is a webinar that may help you to see what we have to offer.


If you would like to know more check out watch the videos and join the network and receive a FREE SHOPPING SEARCH APPLICATION ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR YOUR USE AND SHARE IT WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.

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Something to think about

Here is a magazine I have just been reading through I know that it is dated 2009 yet the information it contains is vital even for today's people.  The way the society is going today is heading for destruction unless we start to come back to the Father in Truth and Obedience and Understanding.

The more I ask God to give me wisdom - which the Bible is loaded to the hilt with regarding every subject imaginable.  I have been struck to how personal and practical God is.  He cares about our every detail.  Even to how we treat one another.  If you check out Proverbs you will discover so much will help you to become a better human being.  Understanding that we treat each other so badly sometimes and we wonder why nothing is going right for us.  We have to look to ourselves for the changes to be made in us first before we can look to others to make their changes.  It is a case of look to yourself and put your relationship right first with God.

Join my shopping network and save money

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Complete Jewish Bible-OE

Parenting Skills.

I have just read an incredible book which I had delivered from tomorrowsworld.org which has really gvien me so much insight into how we as parents are wholely responsible for the way our children develop.

I would highly recommend you get this free booklet Also  They have a wide range of other products which are free which would be a benefit to you. 

For me it has been a real journey of discovery.  I share with you things that have been really difficult for me to face sometimes.  We have all made mistakes, we have all learned the wrong things.  Yet with Gods grace and truth and learning to live Gods way we can all benefit from HIS wonderful gift.

I would also like to invite you to join me on another journey which I believe will really help you financially.  Saving money, helping others is what I am about, sharing a great free app to help you get the best deal for your money is a good way to start.  Remember God expects us to help ourselves and our families to be blessed.  He does not expect us to sit back and be waited on.  For us to really make a difference in peoples lives is to share with others what can be beneficial to them.  So I am sharing with you this opporutnity.  What you do with it is up to you.  For me I hope to help people save themselves money as well as help their communities grow.  Share this with your friends. It is free

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Complete Jewish Bible-OE