If we were to sit on our hands and fold our arms as in proverbs we would soon become nothing, poor and desolate and unable to feed ourselves.
Yet looking at the activities of the Virtuous Woman her day was packed with activity of building her home, making sure her family had everything that was needed. Including running her own business - wow buying a field to plant it and work it - does this sound like someone who just sits back and does nothing all day.
When the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt did they come out empty handed - no they had flocks of sheep, goats, cows, oxen and amongst them would be farmers, traders and builders, blacksmiths, furniture makers, people with a vast array of skills. (which were used in building the Tabernacle in the desert and many other things that would have been needed along the way)
Yet today we see people sitting idly by just watching tv, feeling sorry for themselves and waiting for their next dole cheque - yet in the Bible it makes it clear we should be earning our own living and taking care of our own families and helping others to do the same.
We see in our society today, disabled people thriving in their abilities, many who are soliders coming back from the war torn areas of the world, - we saw this in the Olympics these people did not sit down and just wallow - but utilised their gifts within them. Just as God had intended all mankind.
We see too in the acting profession many people who have suffered great hardship come through and shine in their fields.
We all have something to contribute, no matter where you are in life, every one has had a story to tell. Each on has an adventure to share - why is it so hard to get up and walk with the skills you have.
Can you read and write, can you speak a second, third or fourth language.
I met a man who was in his 80's who was sharing with me what he was doing in his retirement - he is helping young people to learn how to interact with one another, teaching them about model railways, sharing his knowledge with young people in small village. - there is so much that we have to offer one another - please help you fellow human being and share your time with someone who is in need.
We all have had bad times, we have all experienced pain and suffering from one form or another. None of us are immune to what is going on in the World - in fact we are all part of it. No one is an island - yet we treat each other as if we were.
Something to share
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