There is a very clear picture that we need to keep very close to the Word of God if we hope to become over comers of this world. We can see by today's society that there is much that is not right. Even the way we treat our environment. We can see just how the disciples and Yeshua/Jesus refer back to the scriptures and how much I have discovered the clarity when I have been doing my walk thru the bible from Genesis - I have reached Ezekiel 39 - the description of the End Times events are very clear in here and just how God proposes to use many events in order for people to cry out to Him. He even tells Ezekiel - talk to the animals the wild animals and the birds to prepare them for the feast yet to come. We can see the same description being written in Revelations. Therefore no matter how much you may not like to refer to the Old Testament there would not be a new one without it.
We see Paul actually staying in Ephesus for Shavuot - Feast of Weeks/Pentecost as there had been a door opened for him. Showing quite clearly that the Disciples kept the Feasts and Holy Days that God had designated to be kept for perpetuity, it is these things that I have read in the past that made me question the so called holy days that are kept in the churches today - I could not find any reference to them in the Old Testament nor in the new Testament - Yeshua did not change the Sabbaths, nor Gods Feast days.
For me when I am reading the Scriptures and the new Testament I can see just how much is in connection together. We seem to consider that the Old has passed away - Yet God Himself said that Not one Word nor one Title would pass away until all had been fulfilled.
We can see today - we have been heading in the same direction as the nations prior to the flood, the blasphemy, denial, absolutely antigod - anti christ.
Strangely enough people will celebrate - Christmas, Easter, and Halloween yet they would not want to be seen to being partakers in Gods Holy days.
We can see just how much has been altered when we check with historical data which has been scrutinized and verified and really a great deal of study has been done in searching out the evidence to support the writing is this booklet which has been a very useful tool for me. Satans Counterfeit Christianity
We can see by the signs of the times that we are walking straight in to the new life for some and hell and damnation for others - which would you choose. For me walking with Yeshua/Jesus has been a great joy and priviledge and I hope that you too would come to a place of understanding that you cannot toss away the past books of scripture because it does not fit with your teachings from your churches, better you take the time to read the scriptures yourself and discover for yourself the amazing truth of God and Yeshua and the incredible destiny God has for Mankind - and the incredible future for those who choose to Stand on Gods word. Will you be one of them.
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