We all claim to want to follow Jesus/Yeshua, yet when we look at how Jesus/yeshua lived his life we can see that we do not fit the criteria. Even He himself read the books of Moses and the books of the prophets and was taught the commandments and lived by them.
The Bible speaks of us taking the "skirt of the Jew for we know that God is with him" - therefore we need to ask ourselves a very serious question - what does it mean to take the "skirt of the Jew and follow him" - Jesus/Yeshua being a Jew and always will be a Jew and He on his return to the earth will live according to the Teachings of God his father - He - Yeshua/Jesus being the word of God made flesh and dwelt amongst us. He made it very clear on several occasions what it means to be a follower of Him. He himself on one occasion when speaking to a rich young man about what it means to follow Him, he asked the young man if he obeyed the Commandments which Moses was given and whether he would be willing to give up all his riches to follow Yeshua/Jesus - the young man was not able to do this, so he went away - even though he had been obedient to the Commandments he was not able to follow Yeshua in his teachings.
Christ taught us to follow His example - his being a Jew and lived according to the teachings was also making it clear that these same teachings we are to follow as well.
Why do people find it so hard to understand that simple truth - Christ said He was/is the Way to the Truth to he Life - therefore we can conclude that this being the case then the Way - is the Way of God - and following His commandments - to live Gods way - The ten commandments are a clear and precise pattern of life - it does seem very strange to me that people would not want to walk according to them in order to be in peace with God and with his fellow man.
They consider Gods ways as antiquated yet - look around by not being obedient and just following our own desires and dreams and fantasies, what has it brought about in our societies world wide. - murder, rapes, drunkeness, violence, death, misery, poverty, miscarriage of justice, mutilation of our selves and fellow man.
Do not think that I choose to be a teacher, just someone voicing their thoughts on the matter of the times we live in.
So when we consider we are calling ourselves "Christians" - follows of Christ - yet we do not do what He commanded us. He asked us to follow the teachings of Moses and the prophets as in them there is a way to live our lives. God gave us the commission to live according to all the Words that He had spoken and to follow His direction and listen carefully to hear his voice - we can see from His teachings that by following His Word we would be able to live in peace with our neighbours and ourselves. Because when you Love God first and see that He is the Creator of the Universe and Creator of all living things then you can see yourself as he sees you - a creation of great beauty and design.
Then we are called to honour the Sabbath day as a day of rest - When we consider that God saw when He had completed His works that He had a day of rest to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his creation. Why does man consider this not worth doing - as it eats into their precious time of running around like headless chickens wanting to do so much - yet at the end of the day they - every weekend they are worn out from their activities and are unable to really get going again during the week until about wednesday - I can remember those days when I would be out Friday, Saturday nights and even Sundays and then wonder why on Monday morning I found it hard to get to go to my work, or enjoy my work. So when you look at how God planned the week, work for 6 days and on the seventh day rest - Sabbath is a Saturday and always has been in Gods calendar.
He created the way the days should be and even the months and times of harvest and planting and sowing so it stands to reason with His calendar and His teachings we would all be much happier people.
Not dealing treacherously with our neighbours or families. Consider this when you are running around doing your shopping, cleaning and taking the kids to football, basket ball, dancing classes. Or whatever you do on the weekend.
For me when I turn off the computer this evening I shall be taking it easy reading Gods Word and reflecting on the mighty works He has done and is doing on a daily basis whether we see it or not - His hands are on all things that are happening - He has been trying to reach this generation of unbelievers and people who have completely rejected Gods Way for their own.
For me, to reach out to God on each day and ask for His wisdom and His clarity of Words to see where my life is going is definitely in His hands. Whether I live or die is in his hands. His future for me is His way and to live His Way is definitely the Way I want to go.
Have a great Sabbath and rest from your works and see just how God will bless you with a peaceful and loving life.
Helping people learn more about God. Learning to return to the Father God of creation.
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viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013
sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013
Listen and pay attention, dont be proud
Jeremiah 13 - V 13 -
For Adonai has spoken.
Give glory to Adonai you God before the darkness falls, before your feet stumble on the mountains in the twilight, and while you are seeking light, he turns it into deathlike shadow and makes it completely dark.
But if you will not hear this warning, I will weep secretly because of your pride:
my eyes will weep bitterly, streaming with tears because Adonai's flock is carried away captive.
Tell the king and the queen mother, "Come down from your thrones, for your magnificent crowns are falling from your heads"
The cities of the Negev are besieged, and no one can relieve them, all of Y'hudah is carried into exile, completely swept into exile.
Raise your eyes, and you will see them coming from the north.
Where is the flock once entrusted to you.
When we consider how we are treating Gods word with contempt and distaste and all things holy as if it were not, we must ask ourselves this question - Do we who claim to walk by faith and trust and truth actually do so, or are we just people looking for a way out. I know I have put this question to myself over the years and over the years I have come to realise that only Gods Word is relevant to all life's ways.
When we look in the book of Genesis and see how he gave mankind the command to go subdue the animals and the land. He gave us a good resource to live with. Mankind has slowly forgotten the great gift they have been given - that is life itself. I have been amazed about how we have treated his wonderful gift.
On recently reading a very interesting book
The Sixth Extinction: Biodiversity and Its Survival I have been amazed at just how much we have destroyed in our pursuit of our so called modernisation and civilisation of this planet. When I was a young girl living in Sao Paulo I read the national geographic about the so called opening up of the Amazon - at the time I was only a child of about 11 or 12, I was surprised that man seemed unable to understand the fact they in fact were in the process of destroying themselves. I was only young and did not fully appreciate the full implication of my thinking, however it has always made me aware of the terrible things we have done to this amazing place Earth we call home. However, mankind does not seem to appreciate the deforestation and the death of millions of lives in the animal kingdom who share our wonderful planet - they do not consider it too much of a loss when great swaths of forests are destroyed in the name of progress.
Perhaps if were to look at Gods word a little closely and see just how he intended us to live in harmony with all that surrounds us, perhaps then we could halt the mass destruction of the planet.
We do our "bit" by recycling and consider it to be a chore in some cases, yet look at what we are throwing away. - We really need to come back to God and ask his forgiveness for being such a destructive and immensely hard hearted towards our fellow companions on this planet. After all God put them on our planet to keep the forests and woodlands beautiful and clean - can you imagine that if we did not have the clean up crews of the seas and land what this place would be like. Man is so full of nonsense with regard to their ability to clean up after themselves that they actually create more problems. We poison our waters with the drugs that we take for various ailments, we pollute the planet with our vehicles and various household products which are then not able to be recycled.
I care for our planet, I care about my fellow human being and wonder if we could actually reach a place where we can at least start to take care of the planet as we should do. By better farming techniques which do not require us to use poisons, better husbandry of animals so they are not pumped full of hormones which we then ingest and pass through us back into the water in the fish and thus the cycle of slow poising of ourselves is complete. Can we not see that this happening.
I experienced a few years ago a strange occurrence within my body - I had been eating a fair amount of tinned tuna and sardines, mackerel that after a few weeks I suddenly started to bleed for no reason - I had reached that time in woman's life when natural monthly bleeding had ceased, therefore it was something that I felt I needed a second opinion about, I went to the Dr who promptly sent me to the hospital - who could not find anything wrong - so I gave it some thought as to what I had been doing up to that point and found that the consuming of the tinned fish on a regular basis had in fact created in me a hormone leap which triggered the bleeding, after I had made this deduction it ceased and made me consider very carefully what we as a species are doing to this planet and in turn to ourselves.
No wonder there are so many different problems in society with hormone difficulties with men and women, we have started the trend that in the future there could be fewer and fewer births, therefore we are on our way out as a species and it is down to us.
Praise God that He is the master of the universe and he is in control - He knows what we have done to his precious planet and to its inhabitants therefore we have a lot to answer for not just our every day sins and our immoral behaviour but also our murdering the living creatures on this planet that have actually only been doing this planet good. We certainly cannot claim to have done the same - history and biology can show you this.
So perhaps if you read this you will consider your way of thinking towards your fellow traveller on this planet and give God the glory he deserves and ask for his forgiveness for your lack of understanding and knowledge towards his fellow creations.
I praise God that as I sit and write this I can see that we are doomed to extinction by our own hand if we do not turn back to God and ask for his forgiveness and learn to follow his teaching and his way of life he had first instructed Mankind to follow.
We have to learn to respect where we are, we need to acknowledge that we are responsible for the state of the earth and its pollutions. We need to start with ourselves and seek to see how we can make a difference.
It is not always in the big acts that things can be made to change, but by individuals taking responsibility for each act of their own in preventing the situation getting worse.
I understand that people need to live and eat and have jobs - well we can all help one another - we can show each other what we are able to do and share our knowledge and skills - the problem today is that because of man's greed and intolerance to other species we are in a fix that only God can really sort out.
By our coming to understand that Large Bucks does not need lead to great lives, safe lives or indeed happy lives. Perhaps when you consider what you do for a living and how you would be able make a difference perhaps helping your fellow man with his/her needs.
I write this because I can see that we are in need of people to share what is needed to be said.
People need to wake up and see that we are heading for extinction by what we are doing.
Governments cannot make the changes - they are not able to provide for you all your needs or indeed are incapable of understanding your needs. But God is there he does know your needs and he is well able to take care of you. You only have to read the book of Genesis and see just how he takes care of those who are willing to follow and trust him to take care of them.
I live by faith and trust that God will provide all my needs. There have been times in my life when I have had no money in my pocket yet God has provided, he has provided me with warm clothing and he has brought people along side me who have needed my help - and in helping have been rewarded so do not consider that because you do not have anything to share you do, even if it just a kind word and a smile and perhaps a cup of coffee or glass of water without realising it you are doing what Yeshua has said we should do, we are living by Gods ways. Remember it is not always about how much you are going to get out of something but how much you can give to someone else. Giving is much more prized than receiving - yet in receiving we are able also to give - so please consider yourself fortunate to be alive today on a beautiful day in February - ok I am fortunate I am living in the South of Spain, it is a beautiful sunny day. I know that there are people who live in dark cloudy places, yet God sees where you are and he reaches down to you and as you reach up to Him and ask for his forgiveness and ask him what He wants you to do for him you will suddenly realise that you are not alone in this vast universe.
Have a great day.
For Adonai has spoken.
Give glory to Adonai you God before the darkness falls, before your feet stumble on the mountains in the twilight, and while you are seeking light, he turns it into deathlike shadow and makes it completely dark.
But if you will not hear this warning, I will weep secretly because of your pride:
my eyes will weep bitterly, streaming with tears because Adonai's flock is carried away captive.
Tell the king and the queen mother, "Come down from your thrones, for your magnificent crowns are falling from your heads"
The cities of the Negev are besieged, and no one can relieve them, all of Y'hudah is carried into exile, completely swept into exile.
Raise your eyes, and you will see them coming from the north.
Where is the flock once entrusted to you.
When we consider how we are treating Gods word with contempt and distaste and all things holy as if it were not, we must ask ourselves this question - Do we who claim to walk by faith and trust and truth actually do so, or are we just people looking for a way out. I know I have put this question to myself over the years and over the years I have come to realise that only Gods Word is relevant to all life's ways.
When we look in the book of Genesis and see how he gave mankind the command to go subdue the animals and the land. He gave us a good resource to live with. Mankind has slowly forgotten the great gift they have been given - that is life itself. I have been amazed about how we have treated his wonderful gift.
On recently reading a very interesting book
The Sixth Extinction: Biodiversity and Its Survival I have been amazed at just how much we have destroyed in our pursuit of our so called modernisation and civilisation of this planet. When I was a young girl living in Sao Paulo I read the national geographic about the so called opening up of the Amazon - at the time I was only a child of about 11 or 12, I was surprised that man seemed unable to understand the fact they in fact were in the process of destroying themselves. I was only young and did not fully appreciate the full implication of my thinking, however it has always made me aware of the terrible things we have done to this amazing place Earth we call home. However, mankind does not seem to appreciate the deforestation and the death of millions of lives in the animal kingdom who share our wonderful planet - they do not consider it too much of a loss when great swaths of forests are destroyed in the name of progress.
Perhaps if were to look at Gods word a little closely and see just how he intended us to live in harmony with all that surrounds us, perhaps then we could halt the mass destruction of the planet.
We do our "bit" by recycling and consider it to be a chore in some cases, yet look at what we are throwing away. - We really need to come back to God and ask his forgiveness for being such a destructive and immensely hard hearted towards our fellow companions on this planet. After all God put them on our planet to keep the forests and woodlands beautiful and clean - can you imagine that if we did not have the clean up crews of the seas and land what this place would be like. Man is so full of nonsense with regard to their ability to clean up after themselves that they actually create more problems. We poison our waters with the drugs that we take for various ailments, we pollute the planet with our vehicles and various household products which are then not able to be recycled.
I care for our planet, I care about my fellow human being and wonder if we could actually reach a place where we can at least start to take care of the planet as we should do. By better farming techniques which do not require us to use poisons, better husbandry of animals so they are not pumped full of hormones which we then ingest and pass through us back into the water in the fish and thus the cycle of slow poising of ourselves is complete. Can we not see that this happening.
I experienced a few years ago a strange occurrence within my body - I had been eating a fair amount of tinned tuna and sardines, mackerel that after a few weeks I suddenly started to bleed for no reason - I had reached that time in woman's life when natural monthly bleeding had ceased, therefore it was something that I felt I needed a second opinion about, I went to the Dr who promptly sent me to the hospital - who could not find anything wrong - so I gave it some thought as to what I had been doing up to that point and found that the consuming of the tinned fish on a regular basis had in fact created in me a hormone leap which triggered the bleeding, after I had made this deduction it ceased and made me consider very carefully what we as a species are doing to this planet and in turn to ourselves.
No wonder there are so many different problems in society with hormone difficulties with men and women, we have started the trend that in the future there could be fewer and fewer births, therefore we are on our way out as a species and it is down to us.
Praise God that He is the master of the universe and he is in control - He knows what we have done to his precious planet and to its inhabitants therefore we have a lot to answer for not just our every day sins and our immoral behaviour but also our murdering the living creatures on this planet that have actually only been doing this planet good. We certainly cannot claim to have done the same - history and biology can show you this.
So perhaps if you read this you will consider your way of thinking towards your fellow traveller on this planet and give God the glory he deserves and ask for his forgiveness for your lack of understanding and knowledge towards his fellow creations.
I praise God that as I sit and write this I can see that we are doomed to extinction by our own hand if we do not turn back to God and ask for his forgiveness and learn to follow his teaching and his way of life he had first instructed Mankind to follow.
We have to learn to respect where we are, we need to acknowledge that we are responsible for the state of the earth and its pollutions. We need to start with ourselves and seek to see how we can make a difference.
It is not always in the big acts that things can be made to change, but by individuals taking responsibility for each act of their own in preventing the situation getting worse.
I understand that people need to live and eat and have jobs - well we can all help one another - we can show each other what we are able to do and share our knowledge and skills - the problem today is that because of man's greed and intolerance to other species we are in a fix that only God can really sort out.
By our coming to understand that Large Bucks does not need lead to great lives, safe lives or indeed happy lives. Perhaps when you consider what you do for a living and how you would be able make a difference perhaps helping your fellow man with his/her needs.
I write this because I can see that we are in need of people to share what is needed to be said.
People need to wake up and see that we are heading for extinction by what we are doing.
Governments cannot make the changes - they are not able to provide for you all your needs or indeed are incapable of understanding your needs. But God is there he does know your needs and he is well able to take care of you. You only have to read the book of Genesis and see just how he takes care of those who are willing to follow and trust him to take care of them.
I live by faith and trust that God will provide all my needs. There have been times in my life when I have had no money in my pocket yet God has provided, he has provided me with warm clothing and he has brought people along side me who have needed my help - and in helping have been rewarded so do not consider that because you do not have anything to share you do, even if it just a kind word and a smile and perhaps a cup of coffee or glass of water without realising it you are doing what Yeshua has said we should do, we are living by Gods ways. Remember it is not always about how much you are going to get out of something but how much you can give to someone else. Giving is much more prized than receiving - yet in receiving we are able also to give - so please consider yourself fortunate to be alive today on a beautiful day in February - ok I am fortunate I am living in the South of Spain, it is a beautiful sunny day. I know that there are people who live in dark cloudy places, yet God sees where you are and he reaches down to you and as you reach up to Him and ask for his forgiveness and ask him what He wants you to do for him you will suddenly realise that you are not alone in this vast universe.
Have a great day.
viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013
Healing Power of God
Miracle of Gods love and healing power,
When you listen to this amazing story you will be amazed at how God has moved in this persons life.
If ever you have doubted whether God would heal you, listen to this story.
I have been touched by Gods grace but this person has really had a miracle happen to him. Praise God for his mercy and grace.
When you listen to this amazing story you will be amazed at how God has moved in this persons life.
If ever you have doubted whether God would heal you, listen to this story.
I have been touched by Gods grace but this person has really had a miracle happen to him. Praise God for his mercy and grace.
lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013
sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013
Message for todays society
A message from Tomorrows World.
Their material is free and is excellent learning material, so if you are doing a Bible Study then this is a great resource, they do regular video updates and help understand how things relate to the prophecies in the Word of God. The encourage you to read your own bible and give you opportunities to share your thoughts with them. I receive their magazine and have read a most of their booklets - I have found them to be instructive and helpful.
If you are looking to how God fits into life today this is a good place to give you a head start.
I thank God that I have found these and have been doing their Bible Study for a few years now.
For me, it is not a religion to love and serve God but rather a way of life and more I learn from the Scriptures the more I realise that we have a lot to learn. WE are a very rebellious people and we need to learn how to be coming back to the Father to learn His ways. I use their material as a confirmation to what is in the Bible. I also enjoy archaeology and history, also find geography fascinating as we can learn much about the true history of the planet and where we as human beings fit in.
Many things to consider.
Their material is free and is excellent learning material, so if you are doing a Bible Study then this is a great resource, they do regular video updates and help understand how things relate to the prophecies in the Word of God. The encourage you to read your own bible and give you opportunities to share your thoughts with them. I receive their magazine and have read a most of their booklets - I have found them to be instructive and helpful.
If you are looking to how God fits into life today this is a good place to give you a head start.
I thank God that I have found these and have been doing their Bible Study for a few years now.
For me, it is not a religion to love and serve God but rather a way of life and more I learn from the Scriptures the more I realise that we have a lot to learn. WE are a very rebellious people and we need to learn how to be coming back to the Father to learn His ways. I use their material as a confirmation to what is in the Bible. I also enjoy archaeology and history, also find geography fascinating as we can learn much about the true history of the planet and where we as human beings fit in.
Many things to consider.
The Spirit of Adonai Elohim is upon me
Because Adonai has anointed me to announce good news to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; to proclaim freedom to the captives, to let out into the light those bound in the dark; to proclaim the year of favour of Adonai and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, yes, provide for those in Tziyon who mourn, giving them garlands instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, a cloak of praise instead of heavy spirit, so that they will be called oaks of righteousness planted by Adnonai, in which he takes pride.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins, restore sites long destroyed; they will renew the ruined cities, destroyed many generations ago.
Strangers will stand and feed your flocks, foreigners plow your land and tend your vines; but you will be called cohanim of Adonai, spoken of a ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations, and revel in their riches.
Because of your shame, which was doubled and because they cried, "They deserve disgrace", therefore in their land what they own will be double and joy forever will be theirs.
"For I, Adonai, love justicel
I hate robbery for burn offering.
So I will be faithful to reward them and make and eternal covenant with them"
Their descendants will be known among the nations their offspring among the peoples; all who see them will acknowledge that they are the seed Adonai has blessed.
Because Adonai has anointed me to announce good news to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; to proclaim freedom to the captives, to let out into the light those bound in the dark; to proclaim the year of favour of Adonai and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, yes, provide for those in Tziyon who mourn, giving them garlands instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, a cloak of praise instead of heavy spirit, so that they will be called oaks of righteousness planted by Adnonai, in which he takes pride.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins, restore sites long destroyed; they will renew the ruined cities, destroyed many generations ago.
Strangers will stand and feed your flocks, foreigners plow your land and tend your vines; but you will be called cohanim of Adonai, spoken of a ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations, and revel in their riches.
Because of your shame, which was doubled and because they cried, "They deserve disgrace", therefore in their land what they own will be double and joy forever will be theirs.
"For I, Adonai, love justicel
I hate robbery for burn offering.
So I will be faithful to reward them and make and eternal covenant with them"
Their descendants will be known among the nations their offspring among the peoples; all who see them will acknowledge that they are the seed Adonai has blessed.
Adonai's arm is not too short to save
Nor is his ear too dull to hear.
Rather, it is your own crimes that separate you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he doesn't hear.
For your hands are stained with blood and your fingers with crime; your lips speak lies, your tongues utter wicked things.
No one sues with just cause, no one pleads honestly in court, they trust in empty words, and say worthless things, they conceive trouble, and give birth to evil.
They hatch vipers eggs and spin spider-webs; whoever eats their eggs dies, and the crushed egg hatches a snake.
Their webs are useless as clothing, their deeds are useless for wearing, their deeds are deeds of wickedness, their hands produce violence. Their feet run to evil, they rust to shed innocent blood, their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness, their paths lead to havoc and ruin.
The way of shalom (peace) they do not know, their goings-about obey no law, they make devious paths for themselves, no one treading them will never know shalom.
This is why justice is far from us,
and righteousness doesn't catch up with us.
we look for light, but see only darkness, for brightness, but we walk in gloom.
We grope for the wall like the blind; like people without eyes we feel our way; we stumble at noonday as if it were dusk, we are in dark places like the dead.
We growl, all of us, like bears and moan pitifully like doves; we look for justice but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.
For our crimes multiply before you, our sins testify against us; for our crimes are present with us; and our sins, we know them well:
Rebelling and denying Adonai (God)
turning away from following our God', talking about oppression and revolt, uttering lies which our hearts have conceived.
Thus justice is repelled, righteousness stands apart, at a distance;
for truth stumbles in the public court, and uprightness cannot enter.
Honesty is lacking, he who leaves evil becomes a target.
Adonai saw it, and it displeased him, that there was no justice.
He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded.
Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him.
He put on righteousness as his breastplate, salvation as a helmet on his head; he clothed himself with garment of vengeance and wrapped and wrapped himself in a mantle of zeal.
He repays according to their deeds - fury to his foes, reprisal to his enemies, to the coastlands he will repay their due; in the west they will fear the name of Adonai, and likewise, in the east, his glory.
For he will come like a pent-up stream, impelled by the Spirit of Adonai.
"Then a Redeemer will come to Tziyon, to those in Ya'akov who trun from rebellion"
So says Adonai
"And as for me" says Adonai,
"This is my covenant with them: my Spirit, who rests on you, and my words which I put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouth of your children, or from the mouth of your children's children, now or ever" says Adonai
When we consider the fact that most of the world churches and people do not really believe that God is going to do what he says he is going to do. Most of the so called people who worship God do not really understand his mighty power. You only have to look into the scriptures to really get a good idea of how powerful God really is.
Whenever I read a scripture which is where people are in dire straights and being surrounded by their enemies, yet in the midst of all the danger, there is always one voice which cries out to God of Israel with heartfelt full blown awe for the Living God that God hears his cry and listens to him and in his mercy he shows that person the way out of any given situation.
We today, often call out to God yet not really believing that he is going to hear us, we really do not consider his awesome power - this mighty creator of the universe, many people just put God in a box on Sunday and forget about the awesome everyday things that God is actually involved with.
Do you realize that God choose to create Human beings for his pleasure - He gave us this magnificent planet to enjoy, to bring glory and thanks giving back to himself.
God gave us his precious son so that we may have a mediator between us and God who shared for a short time our planet living with us as a human being - obeying God unto death for our benefit - no other love has any man shown to any like this God has given to us.
God created us, gave us a brilliant home, and yet how do we repay him, we deny him, we consider his word as nothing, we cast out his laws as if they were antiquated - yet in reality when studying his laws you would see that they are for our benefit for all mankind.
He has been so generous to us, he gave us a rainbow in the sky to remind himself not to flood the earth again as he did in the time of Noah - wow - and when we look and see the rainbow are we amazed at the truth behind it or do you just look and say hey isn't that nice. For me to see a rainbow is a great reminder of the promise that God gave to us as Mankind.
How do we repay this mighty living God - we dont
God says all those that call on his name in that day shall be saved.
Well, on the day I cried out to a God I did not believe in and had his hand personally touch my life and change it for me, I do not look at God in quite the same way.
He gave me life, he has given me hope, he has restored to me all the joy that a person could have. I praise God every day I get up. I thank him for every beautiful new day, for the birds that sing, for the trees that oxygenate the planet, for the wonderful seas we have with the abundance of life. I praise God for his wonderful mercy and truth.
I praise God for his mighty delivering hand, he led the children of Israel out into the desert to become their father and he took care of them - every step of the way, how do you repay such a God as this.
In with the children of Israel were also foreigners - that is they were not all Israelite's, some were from tribes outside of Gods chosen people, yet they choose to walk with God and keep His commandments and live just like the Israelite s and to receive all the blessings and also all the curses as God had indicated in Deuteronomy.
Sometimes we forget that there were foreigners in amongst the Israelite's in the desert, yet when you read the book of Genesis you can clearly see that this is a fact, therefore all the laws that God gave to Moses also apply to all mankind. He showed it very clearly in that fact when the foreigners were also given the same rules as they were living with the Israelite's in the desert.
On doing my family tree, I discovered that there were ways to find your line going way back.
When I had a dream once where I was loosed from a chain of my family and was able to walk back down the line I could see it right back into the beginning of time. We all have this line, none of us are just from the modern times, we all have a family history. I took mine down my fathers line, and I was very surprised to discover how far back it went. I discovered from some writings it went as far back as Exodus, amongst the foreigners who were with the Israelite's therefore it showed me that no matter what we think we know about our past sometimes it is even more interesting when you are prepared to walk with God and really discover the truth. When I started to walk down that path and discovered this information, I went one step further and was looking to see where the "gentiles""foreigners" came from, From the sons of Noah - he had with him in the boat, out of these came the tribes of man, so no matter what you think, we are all connected to Gods own story - we all are part of the tapestry of life. We all have our own part to play.
For me the discovery made so much more sense than anything else. To know we are connected right back to Noah - who in turn is connected back to Adam, who in turn is the first creation of God, who gave us life.
When we think that in the beginning God in his heaven decided to stretch forth his hand and create the universe and everything living and breathing, in and out of water, it is an amazing achievement, whether you believe we have evolved from some goo on the planet ponds, the amazing beautiful God decided we were worth creating. He decided that each animal was worth creating, that no matter we may consider as real or not, the fact is that we are all here sharing in this amazing planet.
Do not think that I am a little goofy, I do not care what you think, I do care what God thinks about me, and how he has kept me and sustained me and helped me through all my dark days and nights, how he has held me in his arms and comforted me when I lost my way, how he drew me back to his loving and tender mercies.
I praise the Living God, Creator that without his input this universe would blow apart and never be.
When you read of how he intends to create a new heavens and a new earth for those that will follow him, does it not make you think just a little bit about what you really believe.
I praise God that his are is not too short to save us from ourselves.
Nor is his ear too dull to hear.
Rather, it is your own crimes that separate you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he doesn't hear.
For your hands are stained with blood and your fingers with crime; your lips speak lies, your tongues utter wicked things.
No one sues with just cause, no one pleads honestly in court, they trust in empty words, and say worthless things, they conceive trouble, and give birth to evil.
They hatch vipers eggs and spin spider-webs; whoever eats their eggs dies, and the crushed egg hatches a snake.
Their webs are useless as clothing, their deeds are useless for wearing, their deeds are deeds of wickedness, their hands produce violence. Their feet run to evil, they rust to shed innocent blood, their thoughts are thoughts of wickedness, their paths lead to havoc and ruin.
The way of shalom (peace) they do not know, their goings-about obey no law, they make devious paths for themselves, no one treading them will never know shalom.
This is why justice is far from us,
and righteousness doesn't catch up with us.
we look for light, but see only darkness, for brightness, but we walk in gloom.
We grope for the wall like the blind; like people without eyes we feel our way; we stumble at noonday as if it were dusk, we are in dark places like the dead.
We growl, all of us, like bears and moan pitifully like doves; we look for justice but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.
For our crimes multiply before you, our sins testify against us; for our crimes are present with us; and our sins, we know them well:
Rebelling and denying Adonai (God)
turning away from following our God', talking about oppression and revolt, uttering lies which our hearts have conceived.
Thus justice is repelled, righteousness stands apart, at a distance;
for truth stumbles in the public court, and uprightness cannot enter.
Honesty is lacking, he who leaves evil becomes a target.
Adonai saw it, and it displeased him, that there was no justice.
He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded.
Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him.
He put on righteousness as his breastplate, salvation as a helmet on his head; he clothed himself with garment of vengeance and wrapped and wrapped himself in a mantle of zeal.
He repays according to their deeds - fury to his foes, reprisal to his enemies, to the coastlands he will repay their due; in the west they will fear the name of Adonai, and likewise, in the east, his glory.
For he will come like a pent-up stream, impelled by the Spirit of Adonai.
"Then a Redeemer will come to Tziyon, to those in Ya'akov who trun from rebellion"
So says Adonai
"And as for me" says Adonai,
"This is my covenant with them: my Spirit, who rests on you, and my words which I put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouth of your children, or from the mouth of your children's children, now or ever" says Adonai
When we consider the fact that most of the world churches and people do not really believe that God is going to do what he says he is going to do. Most of the so called people who worship God do not really understand his mighty power. You only have to look into the scriptures to really get a good idea of how powerful God really is.
Whenever I read a scripture which is where people are in dire straights and being surrounded by their enemies, yet in the midst of all the danger, there is always one voice which cries out to God of Israel with heartfelt full blown awe for the Living God that God hears his cry and listens to him and in his mercy he shows that person the way out of any given situation.
We today, often call out to God yet not really believing that he is going to hear us, we really do not consider his awesome power - this mighty creator of the universe, many people just put God in a box on Sunday and forget about the awesome everyday things that God is actually involved with.
Do you realize that God choose to create Human beings for his pleasure - He gave us this magnificent planet to enjoy, to bring glory and thanks giving back to himself.
God gave us his precious son so that we may have a mediator between us and God who shared for a short time our planet living with us as a human being - obeying God unto death for our benefit - no other love has any man shown to any like this God has given to us.
God created us, gave us a brilliant home, and yet how do we repay him, we deny him, we consider his word as nothing, we cast out his laws as if they were antiquated - yet in reality when studying his laws you would see that they are for our benefit for all mankind.
He has been so generous to us, he gave us a rainbow in the sky to remind himself not to flood the earth again as he did in the time of Noah - wow - and when we look and see the rainbow are we amazed at the truth behind it or do you just look and say hey isn't that nice. For me to see a rainbow is a great reminder of the promise that God gave to us as Mankind.
How do we repay this mighty living God - we dont
God says all those that call on his name in that day shall be saved.
Well, on the day I cried out to a God I did not believe in and had his hand personally touch my life and change it for me, I do not look at God in quite the same way.
He gave me life, he has given me hope, he has restored to me all the joy that a person could have. I praise God every day I get up. I thank him for every beautiful new day, for the birds that sing, for the trees that oxygenate the planet, for the wonderful seas we have with the abundance of life. I praise God for his wonderful mercy and truth.
I praise God for his mighty delivering hand, he led the children of Israel out into the desert to become their father and he took care of them - every step of the way, how do you repay such a God as this.
In with the children of Israel were also foreigners - that is they were not all Israelite's, some were from tribes outside of Gods chosen people, yet they choose to walk with God and keep His commandments and live just like the Israelite s and to receive all the blessings and also all the curses as God had indicated in Deuteronomy.
Sometimes we forget that there were foreigners in amongst the Israelite's in the desert, yet when you read the book of Genesis you can clearly see that this is a fact, therefore all the laws that God gave to Moses also apply to all mankind. He showed it very clearly in that fact when the foreigners were also given the same rules as they were living with the Israelite's in the desert.
On doing my family tree, I discovered that there were ways to find your line going way back.
When I had a dream once where I was loosed from a chain of my family and was able to walk back down the line I could see it right back into the beginning of time. We all have this line, none of us are just from the modern times, we all have a family history. I took mine down my fathers line, and I was very surprised to discover how far back it went. I discovered from some writings it went as far back as Exodus, amongst the foreigners who were with the Israelite's therefore it showed me that no matter what we think we know about our past sometimes it is even more interesting when you are prepared to walk with God and really discover the truth. When I started to walk down that path and discovered this information, I went one step further and was looking to see where the "gentiles""foreigners" came from, From the sons of Noah - he had with him in the boat, out of these came the tribes of man, so no matter what you think, we are all connected to Gods own story - we all are part of the tapestry of life. We all have our own part to play.
For me the discovery made so much more sense than anything else. To know we are connected right back to Noah - who in turn is connected back to Adam, who in turn is the first creation of God, who gave us life.
When we think that in the beginning God in his heaven decided to stretch forth his hand and create the universe and everything living and breathing, in and out of water, it is an amazing achievement, whether you believe we have evolved from some goo on the planet ponds, the amazing beautiful God decided we were worth creating. He decided that each animal was worth creating, that no matter we may consider as real or not, the fact is that we are all here sharing in this amazing planet.
Do not think that I am a little goofy, I do not care what you think, I do care what God thinks about me, and how he has kept me and sustained me and helped me through all my dark days and nights, how he has held me in his arms and comforted me when I lost my way, how he drew me back to his loving and tender mercies.
I praise the Living God, Creator that without his input this universe would blow apart and never be.
When you read of how he intends to create a new heavens and a new earth for those that will follow him, does it not make you think just a little bit about what you really believe.
I praise God that his are is not too short to save us from ourselves.
Is this the sort of fast I want?
A when a person mortifies himself?
Is the object to hand your head like a reed and spread sackcloth and ashes under yourself?
Is this what you call a fast, a day that pleases Adonai? (God)
"Here is the sort of fast I want - releasing those unjustly bound, untying the thongs of the yoke,
letting the oppressed go free, breaking every yoke,
sharing your food with the hungry,
taking the homeless poor into your house,
clothing the naked when you see them,
fulfilling your duty to your kinsmen!" (family)
Then your light will burst forth like the morning, your new skin will quickly grow over your wound;
your righteousness will precede you, and Adonai's (God) glory will follow you
Then when you call, and Adonai will answer; you will cry, and he shall say "here I am".
If you remove the yoke from among you, stop false accusation and slander, generously offer food to the hungry and meet the needs of the person in trouble, then your light will rise in the darkness and your gloom become like noon.
Adonai will always guide you, he will satisfy your needs in the desert, he will renew your strength in your limbs, so that you will be like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails. You will rebuild the ancient ruins, raise foundations from ages past and be called "Repairer of broken walls, Restorer of streets to live in".
"If you hold back your foot on Shabbat (Friday night approx 7.30- Saturday night approx 7.30)
from pursuing your own interests on my holy day, if you call Shabbat a delight, Adonai's holy day, worth honouring; then honour it by not doing your usual things or pursuing your interests or speaking about them.
If you do, you will find delight in Adonai - I will make you ride on the heights of the land and feed you with the heritage of your ancestors Ya'akov (Jacob), for the mouth of Adonai has spoken"
For me to study Gods word and ask for his guidance in understanding how it all fits together, it makes more sense to follow Gods ways that to keep rebelling against his Word. His ways are the way of peace and justice.
We live today in a world of greed and war, today, people living in diverse places are suffering because of greed of greater nations, also depriving them of their basic rights as human beings.
WE are all in this together, when are we really going to start recognising that we are responsible to each other and to God for each others welfare.
How often we see "charities" asking for money for the less off poorer nations - yet the "rich" nations have made these places even more poorer by inflicting on these nations their greed for the natural resources in the land - the gold, silver, copper, zinc, uranium, many other properties in the land, and their trees, making a desert in some cases of once beautiful forests. Robbing the nations of their natural resources and then leaving the land ravaged and infertile because of various mining techniques.
Yes, there are many charities out there trying their best to patch up the bodies and build hospitals and schools, trying to repair the damage caused - digging wells for water, which in turn helps provide the people with means of self supporting again. Yet these very same people whom we look to help also need to relearn skills that once were so naturally part of their culture, before the guns, and before the trucks came into their villages and tore up their farms, and taking away their livelihoods.
The society we live in today is no Money orientated - it does not see the value in communities working together to help support one another. Many communities that were destroyed by the bulldozers and disease brought in from outside have wiped out many a community.
Instead of going in with so called Charity perhaps we should look at these people more in the way of brothers and sisters and see just what we can do to help support them. We in the west have a terrible record of exploitation and degradation - if they do not speak our language then they are savages, less than human, yet if we were to look at their intrusion from the side of the afflicted perhaps we would not be so quick to barge in and take.
When I was a young girl I lived in South America, Sao Paulo, in my schooling learning about the history of Brazil and its different tribes, see how so much infiltration and decimation occurred when the first Portuguese soldiers and sailors arrived to "conquer" the land. How many tribes were wiped out by disease and the gun, only a few stories were really positive and encouraging, like the story of a Jesuit - married the chiefs daughter - Antonio Anchete - I believe that was his name, he actually became one of the founding fathers of Sao Paulo. (this is from my memory form when I was a child of 13 a very long time ago, so some of my memory of details may not be accurate) However it impressed me that there were people who really did try to make peace with the "natives" and succeeded.
No wonder Jesus speaks to us of loving our enemy, pray for our enemies, for when we are loving and praying for them they are no longer our enemies. Jesus taught us to live in peace with our neighbours - every one is our neighbour - therefore we should be living in peace with each other.
Some times I wonder what goes on the minds of people who think that they are able to go into countries, areas and take them over and destroy the places and then complain when the people they have destabilised then need to have "charity" to help them recover even the little they did have. Jesus warns that the poor will always be with us, but He was about to return to the Father. Surely, if you are a believer in the Living God of the Bible you will see that All Men are equal under God and each deserve the right to live. However, not all men are followers of the Living God, yet God nonetheless uses them too.
We need to see God in a different light, look at how he hardened the heart of the Pharaoh when Moses was sent by God to release Israel. WE need to see that God is in control of all situations, however he does need us to be more open to his teachings and his direction.
People in power who deny Gods very existence and live according to their own rules are actually causing nations to fall in to the hands of an angry God. We who are called to watch over the nations and pray and intercede need to watch and pray and get our own lives right before God and live according to His teachings and rulings ourselves.
How can we expect others to hear our voice if we ourselves are not listening to God. His word is very clear on that matter.
A when a person mortifies himself?
Is the object to hand your head like a reed and spread sackcloth and ashes under yourself?
Is this what you call a fast, a day that pleases Adonai? (God)
"Here is the sort of fast I want - releasing those unjustly bound, untying the thongs of the yoke,
letting the oppressed go free, breaking every yoke,
sharing your food with the hungry,
taking the homeless poor into your house,
clothing the naked when you see them,
fulfilling your duty to your kinsmen!" (family)
Then your light will burst forth like the morning, your new skin will quickly grow over your wound;
your righteousness will precede you, and Adonai's (God) glory will follow you
Then when you call, and Adonai will answer; you will cry, and he shall say "here I am".
If you remove the yoke from among you, stop false accusation and slander, generously offer food to the hungry and meet the needs of the person in trouble, then your light will rise in the darkness and your gloom become like noon.
Adonai will always guide you, he will satisfy your needs in the desert, he will renew your strength in your limbs, so that you will be like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails. You will rebuild the ancient ruins, raise foundations from ages past and be called "Repairer of broken walls, Restorer of streets to live in".
"If you hold back your foot on Shabbat (Friday night approx 7.30- Saturday night approx 7.30)
from pursuing your own interests on my holy day, if you call Shabbat a delight, Adonai's holy day, worth honouring; then honour it by not doing your usual things or pursuing your interests or speaking about them.
If you do, you will find delight in Adonai - I will make you ride on the heights of the land and feed you with the heritage of your ancestors Ya'akov (Jacob), for the mouth of Adonai has spoken"
For me to study Gods word and ask for his guidance in understanding how it all fits together, it makes more sense to follow Gods ways that to keep rebelling against his Word. His ways are the way of peace and justice.
We live today in a world of greed and war, today, people living in diverse places are suffering because of greed of greater nations, also depriving them of their basic rights as human beings.
WE are all in this together, when are we really going to start recognising that we are responsible to each other and to God for each others welfare.
How often we see "charities" asking for money for the less off poorer nations - yet the "rich" nations have made these places even more poorer by inflicting on these nations their greed for the natural resources in the land - the gold, silver, copper, zinc, uranium, many other properties in the land, and their trees, making a desert in some cases of once beautiful forests. Robbing the nations of their natural resources and then leaving the land ravaged and infertile because of various mining techniques.
Yes, there are many charities out there trying their best to patch up the bodies and build hospitals and schools, trying to repair the damage caused - digging wells for water, which in turn helps provide the people with means of self supporting again. Yet these very same people whom we look to help also need to relearn skills that once were so naturally part of their culture, before the guns, and before the trucks came into their villages and tore up their farms, and taking away their livelihoods.
The society we live in today is no Money orientated - it does not see the value in communities working together to help support one another. Many communities that were destroyed by the bulldozers and disease brought in from outside have wiped out many a community.
Instead of going in with so called Charity perhaps we should look at these people more in the way of brothers and sisters and see just what we can do to help support them. We in the west have a terrible record of exploitation and degradation - if they do not speak our language then they are savages, less than human, yet if we were to look at their intrusion from the side of the afflicted perhaps we would not be so quick to barge in and take.
When I was a young girl I lived in South America, Sao Paulo, in my schooling learning about the history of Brazil and its different tribes, see how so much infiltration and decimation occurred when the first Portuguese soldiers and sailors arrived to "conquer" the land. How many tribes were wiped out by disease and the gun, only a few stories were really positive and encouraging, like the story of a Jesuit - married the chiefs daughter - Antonio Anchete - I believe that was his name, he actually became one of the founding fathers of Sao Paulo. (this is from my memory form when I was a child of 13 a very long time ago, so some of my memory of details may not be accurate) However it impressed me that there were people who really did try to make peace with the "natives" and succeeded.
No wonder Jesus speaks to us of loving our enemy, pray for our enemies, for when we are loving and praying for them they are no longer our enemies. Jesus taught us to live in peace with our neighbours - every one is our neighbour - therefore we should be living in peace with each other.
Some times I wonder what goes on the minds of people who think that they are able to go into countries, areas and take them over and destroy the places and then complain when the people they have destabilised then need to have "charity" to help them recover even the little they did have. Jesus warns that the poor will always be with us, but He was about to return to the Father. Surely, if you are a believer in the Living God of the Bible you will see that All Men are equal under God and each deserve the right to live. However, not all men are followers of the Living God, yet God nonetheless uses them too.
We need to see God in a different light, look at how he hardened the heart of the Pharaoh when Moses was sent by God to release Israel. WE need to see that God is in control of all situations, however he does need us to be more open to his teachings and his direction.
People in power who deny Gods very existence and live according to their own rules are actually causing nations to fall in to the hands of an angry God. We who are called to watch over the nations and pray and intercede need to watch and pray and get our own lives right before God and live according to His teachings and rulings ourselves.
How can we expect others to hear our voice if we ourselves are not listening to God. His word is very clear on that matter.
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