The Bible speaks of us taking the "skirt of the Jew for we know that God is with him" - therefore we need to ask ourselves a very serious question - what does it mean to take the "skirt of the Jew and follow him" - Jesus/Yeshua being a Jew and always will be a Jew and He on his return to the earth will live according to the Teachings of God his father - He - Yeshua/Jesus being the word of God made flesh and dwelt amongst us. He made it very clear on several occasions what it means to be a follower of Him. He himself on one occasion when speaking to a rich young man about what it means to follow Him, he asked the young man if he obeyed the Commandments which Moses was given and whether he would be willing to give up all his riches to follow Yeshua/Jesus - the young man was not able to do this, so he went away - even though he had been obedient to the Commandments he was not able to follow Yeshua in his teachings.
Christ taught us to follow His example - his being a Jew and lived according to the teachings was also making it clear that these same teachings we are to follow as well.
Why do people find it so hard to understand that simple truth - Christ said He was/is the Way to the Truth to he Life - therefore we can conclude that this being the case then the Way - is the Way of God - and following His commandments - to live Gods way - The ten commandments are a clear and precise pattern of life - it does seem very strange to me that people would not want to walk according to them in order to be in peace with God and with his fellow man.
They consider Gods ways as antiquated yet - look around by not being obedient and just following our own desires and dreams and fantasies, what has it brought about in our societies world wide. - murder, rapes, drunkeness, violence, death, misery, poverty, miscarriage of justice, mutilation of our selves and fellow man.
Do not think that I choose to be a teacher, just someone voicing their thoughts on the matter of the times we live in.
So when we consider we are calling ourselves "Christians" - follows of Christ - yet we do not do what He commanded us. He asked us to follow the teachings of Moses and the prophets as in them there is a way to live our lives. God gave us the commission to live according to all the Words that He had spoken and to follow His direction and listen carefully to hear his voice - we can see from His teachings that by following His Word we would be able to live in peace with our neighbours and ourselves. Because when you Love God first and see that He is the Creator of the Universe and Creator of all living things then you can see yourself as he sees you - a creation of great beauty and design.
Then we are called to honour the Sabbath day as a day of rest - When we consider that God saw when He had completed His works that He had a day of rest to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his creation. Why does man consider this not worth doing - as it eats into their precious time of running around like headless chickens wanting to do so much - yet at the end of the day they - every weekend they are worn out from their activities and are unable to really get going again during the week until about wednesday - I can remember those days when I would be out Friday, Saturday nights and even Sundays and then wonder why on Monday morning I found it hard to get to go to my work, or enjoy my work. So when you look at how God planned the week, work for 6 days and on the seventh day rest - Sabbath is a Saturday and always has been in Gods calendar.
He created the way the days should be and even the months and times of harvest and planting and sowing so it stands to reason with His calendar and His teachings we would all be much happier people.
Not dealing treacherously with our neighbours or families. Consider this when you are running around doing your shopping, cleaning and taking the kids to football, basket ball, dancing classes. Or whatever you do on the weekend.
For me when I turn off the computer this evening I shall be taking it easy reading Gods Word and reflecting on the mighty works He has done and is doing on a daily basis whether we see it or not - His hands are on all things that are happening - He has been trying to reach this generation of unbelievers and people who have completely rejected Gods Way for their own.
For me, to reach out to God on each day and ask for His wisdom and His clarity of Words to see where my life is going is definitely in His hands. Whether I live or die is in his hands. His future for me is His way and to live His Way is definitely the Way I want to go.
Have a great Sabbath and rest from your works and see just how God will bless you with a peaceful and loving life.