For Adonai has spoken.
Give glory to Adonai you God before the darkness falls, before your feet stumble on the mountains in the twilight, and while you are seeking light, he turns it into deathlike shadow and makes it completely dark.
But if you will not hear this warning, I will weep secretly because of your pride:
my eyes will weep bitterly, streaming with tears because Adonai's flock is carried away captive.
Tell the king and the queen mother, "Come down from your thrones, for your magnificent crowns are falling from your heads"
The cities of the Negev are besieged, and no one can relieve them, all of Y'hudah is carried into exile, completely swept into exile.
Raise your eyes, and you will see them coming from the north.
Where is the flock once entrusted to you.
When we consider how we are treating Gods word with contempt and distaste and all things holy as if it were not, we must ask ourselves this question - Do we who claim to walk by faith and trust and truth actually do so, or are we just people looking for a way out. I know I have put this question to myself over the years and over the years I have come to realise that only Gods Word is relevant to all life's ways.
When we look in the book of Genesis and see how he gave mankind the command to go subdue the animals and the land. He gave us a good resource to live with. Mankind has slowly forgotten the great gift they have been given - that is life itself. I have been amazed about how we have treated his wonderful gift.
On recently reading a very interesting book
The Sixth Extinction: Biodiversity and Its Survival
Perhaps if were to look at Gods word a little closely and see just how he intended us to live in harmony with all that surrounds us, perhaps then we could halt the mass destruction of the planet.
We do our "bit" by recycling and consider it to be a chore in some cases, yet look at what we are throwing away. - We really need to come back to God and ask his forgiveness for being such a destructive and immensely hard hearted towards our fellow companions on this planet. After all God put them on our planet to keep the forests and woodlands beautiful and clean - can you imagine that if we did not have the clean up crews of the seas and land what this place would be like. Man is so full of nonsense with regard to their ability to clean up after themselves that they actually create more problems. We poison our waters with the drugs that we take for various ailments, we pollute the planet with our vehicles and various household products which are then not able to be recycled.
I care for our planet, I care about my fellow human being and wonder if we could actually reach a place where we can at least start to take care of the planet as we should do. By better farming techniques which do not require us to use poisons, better husbandry of animals so they are not pumped full of hormones which we then ingest and pass through us back into the water in the fish and thus the cycle of slow poising of ourselves is complete. Can we not see that this happening.
I experienced a few years ago a strange occurrence within my body - I had been eating a fair amount of tinned tuna and sardines, mackerel that after a few weeks I suddenly started to bleed for no reason - I had reached that time in woman's life when natural monthly bleeding had ceased, therefore it was something that I felt I needed a second opinion about, I went to the Dr who promptly sent me to the hospital - who could not find anything wrong - so I gave it some thought as to what I had been doing up to that point and found that the consuming of the tinned fish on a regular basis had in fact created in me a hormone leap which triggered the bleeding, after I had made this deduction it ceased and made me consider very carefully what we as a species are doing to this planet and in turn to ourselves.
No wonder there are so many different problems in society with hormone difficulties with men and women, we have started the trend that in the future there could be fewer and fewer births, therefore we are on our way out as a species and it is down to us.
Praise God that He is the master of the universe and he is in control - He knows what we have done to his precious planet and to its inhabitants therefore we have a lot to answer for not just our every day sins and our immoral behaviour but also our murdering the living creatures on this planet that have actually only been doing this planet good. We certainly cannot claim to have done the same - history and biology can show you this.
So perhaps if you read this you will consider your way of thinking towards your fellow traveller on this planet and give God the glory he deserves and ask for his forgiveness for your lack of understanding and knowledge towards his fellow creations.
I praise God that as I sit and write this I can see that we are doomed to extinction by our own hand if we do not turn back to God and ask for his forgiveness and learn to follow his teaching and his way of life he had first instructed Mankind to follow.
We have to learn to respect where we are, we need to acknowledge that we are responsible for the state of the earth and its pollutions. We need to start with ourselves and seek to see how we can make a difference.
It is not always in the big acts that things can be made to change, but by individuals taking responsibility for each act of their own in preventing the situation getting worse.
I understand that people need to live and eat and have jobs - well we can all help one another - we can show each other what we are able to do and share our knowledge and skills - the problem today is that because of man's greed and intolerance to other species we are in a fix that only God can really sort out.
By our coming to understand that Large Bucks does not need lead to great lives, safe lives or indeed happy lives. Perhaps when you consider what you do for a living and how you would be able make a difference perhaps helping your fellow man with his/her needs.
I write this because I can see that we are in need of people to share what is needed to be said.
People need to wake up and see that we are heading for extinction by what we are doing.
Governments cannot make the changes - they are not able to provide for you all your needs or indeed are incapable of understanding your needs. But God is there he does know your needs and he is well able to take care of you. You only have to read the book of Genesis and see just how he takes care of those who are willing to follow and trust him to take care of them.
I live by faith and trust that God will provide all my needs. There have been times in my life when I have had no money in my pocket yet God has provided, he has provided me with warm clothing and he has brought people along side me who have needed my help - and in helping have been rewarded so do not consider that because you do not have anything to share you do, even if it just a kind word and a smile and perhaps a cup of coffee or glass of water without realising it you are doing what Yeshua has said we should do, we are living by Gods ways. Remember it is not always about how much you are going to get out of something but how much you can give to someone else. Giving is much more prized than receiving - yet in receiving we are able also to give - so please consider yourself fortunate to be alive today on a beautiful day in February - ok I am fortunate I am living in the South of Spain, it is a beautiful sunny day. I know that there are people who live in dark cloudy places, yet God sees where you are and he reaches down to you and as you reach up to Him and ask for his forgiveness and ask him what He wants you to do for him you will suddenly realise that you are not alone in this vast universe.
Have a great day.
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