I recently been doing some studying on New Age and have discovered a lot which may surprise you.
There are many things which have been accepted in the churches which are tainted by the new age thinking.
In fact I read a book which was most informative with insight and personal experience that I would like to share it with you. Running against the Wind – Brian Flynn
Spiritual Gifts from Israel
I found a really useful book which has been a real blessing to me in my search for the truth behind the different religions and cults which are in operation today. Cults and the Occult
When I was reading the testimony of a former New Ager had to say it was very moving. Here is the text as it is written in Cults and Occult
A Personal Testimony and a challenge
In “An open letter to the New Agers” in Inside the New Age Nightmare , Baer entreats them to accept Christ, writing.
I testify to you, in love and compassion, that what I found when I accepted Jesus as my lord and personal Saviour opened my eyes too seeing truth in a totally different way. A much grander way than anything I ever knew in the New Age.What I have experienced as a Christian far surpasses even the most incredible, mind blowing, mystical experiences I had as a New Ager – Randall N Baer
He issued a challenge to the churches
I earnestly pray that the Lord will call out and raise up a veritable army of Christian evangelists to go forth into the New Age “wilderness areas” to shine the Light of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice and gift of salvation to the spiritually hungry, thirsty and deluded New Age masses
( I hope today I may have started a small minority to stir up and get into the dark corners to shine brightly)
His book Inside the New Age Nightmare could be a great source to really discover what it is that makes the New Ager consider the way they live is safe.
Myself I experienced first hand just how far it can take you when you journey into the unknown without God beside you. My husband chose to follow the new age path and was drawn into some strange way of thinking even complaining about feeling of something crawling around the base of his spine – I later discovered what it was when I read Running against the Wind.
I certainly would recommend that people take notice of this very dangerous and seemingly innocent practice as it can and does cause suicide to those that are susceptible to it.
However, even so what seems to be innocent and harmless is anything but that. Watching and reading such articles about what can happen to people involved and I would not want my best friend to be involved – although I know that some of my friends are involved it is very hard to dissuade them until they too discover the Power of the Resurrection in Yeshua. Coming to the Messiah and discovering how much God forgives and can change your life – for free – the only requirement is to hand your life to him and let him take care of you – watch how he will watch over your life and increase your sense of peace and security. This I can guarantee works – I have been a believer for over 30 years and have been in some sticky situations and watched my friends strike out and fall foul yet there is Our Heavenly father just waiting to lift us up.
So feel free to explore the Word of God and discover just how much He truly loves you and wants to give you the best.
If you are interested in discovering what was written in the dead sea scrolls here is a copy for you.
Some additional material:
There Are Save Two Churches Only, Volume I: Be Ye Not Deceived: God Creates, Satan Imitates: 1PowerPoint Christianity, Cults & the Occult (Teach about the Dangers of Cults and the Occult!)
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