viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The CARMEL ALERT May 10th 2013

A compilation of news reports from the past week for the information of those committed to praying
for the Restoration of Israel & the Jewish People.

David's Comment: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Leviticus 23:15-17 'And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the LORD. 'You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour; they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the LORD. (NKJ)I have shared a number of times how the Biblical feasts are a precise prophetic picture of what would take place hundreds, if not thousands of years later under the New Covenant. There is much to learn about Yeshua, the Holy Spirit and God's plan of salvation from the Biblical feasts which God calls "My appointed times". Next Tuesday afternoon Israel will begin to celebrate the Biblical feast of Shavuot, which means the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost as it is known in Christianity. In Exodus 19 the Israelites arrived at Mt Sinai. The Lord called Moses up the mountain. The spirit of the Lord came down. The mountain shook, there was smoke & fire, thunder and lightning, and God wrote His law on tablets of stone with fingers of fire. This life changing event occured 49/50 days after Passover.

In Acts chapter 1 we see that Yeshua commanded His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they received what had been promised. Then on the 50th day after Passover it happened - the refulfillment of what happened on Mt Sinai. On the day of the Feast of Shavuot the Jews in Jerusalem were all assembled together to celebrate the Feast according to YHVH's instrucutions in the Torah that He gave them at the original Shavuot on Mt Sinai. The Holy Spirit of the Living God came down, there was a noise like a mighty rushing wind, and tongues of fire wrote the law on their hearts.

What happenned in Jerusalem about 2000 years ago was an exact fulfillment of what happenned at Mt Sinai about 1500 years earlier. At the original Shavuot God
came down and wrote his Torah on tablets of stone. At the refulfillment in Jerusalem God came down again and wrote His same Torah on the hearts of the disciples. I want to show you something else here. When I first saw this, I was totally amazed at how incredible our God is ! At Mt Sinai 3000 people died. At the refulfillment 3000 were born again - exactly the same number. Why did God do that ? And He made sure it as written down in the Bible, so that we would read about it one day – WHY ? Do you think God is trying to tell us something - maybe to give us a clue to help us see that His feasts are still important and that
ALL of His people should celebrate His "appointed times."I want to encourage you, as your church celebrates Pentecost this weekend, take a look back at the original event and ask the Holy Spirit to give you even more revelation about the relevance of the Biblical feasts. Perhaps you could even call your pastor during the week and ask him if he could incorporate a teaching connecting Shavuot and Pentecost in his message to Pentecost Sunday .

Let us all join our hearts in prayer over the next few days that as the Jewish people prepared to celebrate Shavuot and Christians around the world prepared to celebrate Pentecost, that the God of Israel will once again pour out His Holy Spirt in a powerful way on his people. That as the Jewish people celebrate Shavuot, He will pour out His Holy Spirt on the body of Messiah here in Israel and in the Messianic congregations in the nations, and that He will open the eyes of the Jewish people who don't yet believer in Yeshua, and at the same time fill them with His Holy Spirt . And we will pray with you, from Israel, that he will also pour out His Holy Spirt on the Church in every nation, and that He will also open the eyes of your family and friends, neighbours and the people you work with, to see that He is God and that his Son, Yeshua, is the only way to enter into an eternal relationship with Him. In Yeshua's Name - AMEN
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray a for break-through to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming Kingdom of God.Shabbat Shalom....David & Josie THIS WEEKS NEWS REPORTS 1. Israel Attacks Targets in Syria - Retaliation Possible Israel Today News May 5th Israel was on high alert Sunday morning after reportedly striking targets in neighboring Syria twice over the weekend. According to Israeli and foreign media outlets, Israeli aircraft bombed a military research facility outside Damascus late Saturday night. That was likely part of Israel's ongoing effort to prevent Syria's enormous stockpile of chemical weapons from falling into the hands of Hezbollah or hostile rebel groups. Early Sunday morning, Israel again reportedly struck, this time targeting a convoy trying to transfer long-range missiles to Hezbollah, an ally of the embattled regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. While Israel offered no official response to the reports, unnamed officials told various media outlets that the Jewish state was behind the bombings. Syrian media accused rebel groups of helping Israel identify its targets.
Former IDF chief and defense minister, Sha'ul Mofaz, said Israel must do everything in its power to prevent Hezbollah from becoming any stronger as a result of the chaos in Syria. Mofaz also noted that the weekend aerial assault had sent a clear message to Iran, which continues its defiant march to attain nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed by two hours his departure for an official visit to China in order to convene an emergency security cabinet meeting. Meanwhile, the Israeli army hastily deployed two Iron Dome anti-missile batteries to the north in anticipation of retaliatory action either by Hezbollah or Syria. US President Barack Obama declined to confirm what Israel itself has not, but did say that his government "continues to believe that the Israelis justifiably have to guard against the transfer of advanced weaponry to terrorist organizations like Hezbollah." Please pray that Syria will have more sense than to attack Israel2. Syrian Border Quiet Except For a Few Stray Shells ICEJ News May 7th Although a few stray mortar shells landed on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights border by Tuesday morning, the IDF assesses that there will be no retaliation from the Assad regime in Syria for the weekends airstrikes on Hezbollah-bound missile shipments near Damascus. IDF Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan said "there are no winds of war" in the area adding that "alongside readiness and alertness in the North, it's always right to prepare and train." However, residents of northern Israel were taking no chances, collecting gas masks from regional distribution centers and taking other precautionary measures, usually on their own without any direct input from the IDF or the government. Please pray that the border remains quiet & stable3. Israel May Enter Defense Pact With Arab States Israel Today News May 5th There might be something of a silver lining to Iran's quest for nuclear weapons, as a British newspaper reports that Israel could soon join a defensive alliance with Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Savvy readers will recognize the last two nations in that list as not currently having diplomatic ties with the Jewish state. The forging of such a pact could drastically alter Israel's position among its Arab neighbors. The deal is being brokered by the Obama Administration, according to an Israeli official cited by London'sSunday Times, and would provide Israel with access to radar stations across the region in exchange for Israeli anti-missile technology. The Sunni Muslim states are openly opposed to Shiite Iran attaining nuclear weapons and shifting the balance of power in the region. While the scheme might have positive diplomatic repercussions for Israel vis-a-vis the Arab states, it could also signal that Washington is resigning itself to Iran going nuclear, and is instead looking to a policy of containment. Israel has repeatedly stated that an atomic weapon in the hands of Iran's mullahs is an unacceptable scenario that the Jewish state and its allies must do everything possible to prevent.4. Church of Scotland Denies Abrahamic Land Covenant ICEJ News May 7th The Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland issued a report last week declaring that the Jews do not have any special claim to the land of Israel. The report, entitled "The Inheritance of Abraham," rejects "claims that scripture offers any peoples a privileged claim for possession of a particular territory." The paper adds that "reconciliation can only be possible if the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem and the blockade of Gaza are ended." The report calls on the church to "urge the UK Government and the European Union to use pressure to stop further expansion of Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank." The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities responded Friday that the paper is "an outrage to everything that interfaith dialogue stands for" and "reads like an Inquisition-era polemic against Jews and Judaism." Please pray that God will deal with the Church of Scotland in accordance with Gen 12:35. PM Netanyahu Freezes West Bank Construction Jerusalem Post May 7th Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has ordered a freeze in tenders for West Bank settlement construction amid aUS push to renew the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Army Radio reported Tuesday. Netanyahu reportedly gave the order in a meeting with Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Bayit Yehudi).
Related: The reported freeze came as the country is under international pressure not to advance West Bank settlement projects, including those that were direct responses to unilateral Palestinian statehood efforts at the United Nations, such as the unbuilt area of Ma’aleh Adumim known as E1. Army Radio quoted a government clerk as saying "most of the tenders are prepared and ready to be issued at any minute."
While neither Netanyahu nor Ariel immediately responded to the report, Bayit Yehudi MK Ayelet Shaked was quoted by Army Radio as saying that "the Housing and Construction Ministry has prepared tenders that it is interested in issuing in the West Bank settlement blocs. They require the prime minister's signature, and for some reason that is not happening. It's a shame, there are many housing units ready to be tendered."
International pressure to freeze settlement building has only grown stronger now that the Arab League has modified its 2002 peace plan to include minor land swaps – a move that is seen as a possible prelude to renewed negotiations. Palestinians have also told the US that they won’t attempt to pursue Israel at the International Criminal Court as long as Israel refrains from moving forward on the E1 project of 3,500 new Jewish homes. Coalition chairman Yariv Levin (Likud) said last week that “Likud Beytenu is obligated to the settlement enterprise. We will insist that the new budget strengthens the settlements and ensures their development.”
Please pray that PM Netanyahu will fear the God of Israel more Barack Obama & the US State Department6. Why Israel or Anyone Else Cant Trust the Palestinian Authority - Palestinan Media Watch May 2013 There is a very good reason for Israel taking the Iran nuclear threat so seriously. There are a lot of people in this region, many of them holding positions of authority, who would like nothing more than to use a nuclear weapon against Israel, the consequences be damned. One such figure admitted as much in an interview with Lebanese TV last week. "I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning," said Jibril Rajoub, Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee and Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Olympic Committee. Rajoub explained that the Palestinian Authority only continues to play this "negotiating game" with Israel because it currently lacks the military strength to defeat the Jewish state.This revelation validates one of Israel's chief concerns in the peace process - that in the absence of actually being educated for peace and coexistence, the inhabitants of an independent Palestinian state will, as a first order of business, work toward acquiring the military means to engage in renewed warfare against Israel. In his previous role as head of Palestinian police and security adviser to former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Rajoub was widely praised as a "moderate" by Western leaders.Please pray that the world leaders and the media will wake up to the true aims of Israel's neighbours - NO ISRAEL7. Isaeli Celebrates Jerusalem Day Arutz 7 May 9th
Jerusalem is Israel's biggest city, the Central Bureau of Statistics announced Monday. In honor of Jerusalem Day, celebrated this Wednesday, the CBS announced that at the end of 2011, there were 804,400 people living in the city, 499,400 (62%) of them Jewish. Of the rest, 281,000 (35%) were Muslim, 14,700 (2%) Christian, and 9,000 (1%) “other” or no declared religion. The average Jerusalem household has 3.9 residents, higher than the average 3.3 in the rest of the country. Thirty one percent of residents are “very happy” to be living in Jerusalem. Among Jews alone, 41% said they were “very happy”to be residents. Fifty seven percent said they were “happy” to be Jerusalem residents. Please pray that no part of Jerusalem will ever be given to the so called Palestinians
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