domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Genesis - Word for Today

Complete Jewish Bible-OE

I have recently reread Genesis and have had a wonderful time discovering the most amazing things that God did for his people - those that were called and were led into the desert.

The incredible mercy God has on mankind to allow human beings to be able re-cover the earth after the mighty flood, the incredible generosity of God to give us all that we have need of in the way of food, water, sky, sea, sun, moon, stars, We as a species are incredibly blessed.  God made us in His Own image to share in His wonderful handiwork.

For me it is just awesome that this amazing God and His angels look down on us and have mercy on us and want us to be given so much - yet we despise him, and reject him, deny his very existence yet all around us is the evidence of his handiwork.

All through Genesis you can see the thread of how beautiful God has led Mankind.  When Joseph was carried off and taken to Egypt - all seemed lost - yet out of the tragedy there came hope and salvation - for when the famines came on the world God had in place already Joseph who had taken care to follow Gods plans and prepared for the people - the storehouses of Egypt were full and there was plenty for everyone - even those that were outside Egypt were able to go buy from Egypt - we see just how important everything fitting together for God's purpose. 

Even on thier dying beds, both Jacob and Joseph predicted that the Israelites would be led out of Egypt and taken back to the promised land.

WE today in our society fail to see the Hand of God in the movements in the earths events.  Yet His hand is definitely in control.  For without his intervention we would be annihilated by the decisions of those in office - determined to win at all cost - using bombs and terrorisim to affect their ends.

Yet Here is God - looking down and seeing just what an outcry mankind had become - again, he must be thinking "what have I done - allowing this mankind to continue" it seems we never seem to learn the lessons of history - yet many look to history for the evidence of how to behave.  We really do not look far enough back to see just how much we are dependent on God and his ways to live the life of peace with our neighbours.

For me, when I read the scriptures and see just how much we could learn from the facts which are clear to see - on how these terrible times in Israel and the Arab nations - who by the way are brothers and cousins to each other as they are both of the Seed of Abraham.  They along with many families in Asia are also related to Abraham.  For when you check out the names of the families - the son of Abraham both from his wife Sarah and his concubines you will realise just how far and wide the sons of Abraham are spread.  We are all in some way related to each other. 

When God gave Abraham the promise that ALL NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED BECAUSE OF ABRAHAM - it makes you wonder just what the Blessing is that God is talking about - could it be restoration back to the Father Creator because it is only through the line of Judah that we have the safe keepers of the Word as it was - it is only through the history of the nations which were developed from the sons of Abraham does the World really have any secure path of living in peace.

Perhaps we should all take a closer look at what the book of Genesis has to offer and start to understand the historical significance of how today is played out.  While we ignore the truth in the book of Genesis and ignore the fact that both Arabs and Jews are related they were both promised a share in the promises of God then perhaps we can start to come to some understanding on how to resolve the issues.

God gave Hagar - Ishmael - the father of the Arab nations a promise that his twelve sons would also be receiving a blessing alongside Isaac - yet because Isaac was the son of Sarah whom God had chosen to be the mother of Israel and many nations would be developed from his sons - we need to look at the concubines as well because Abraham had to send his concubines east ward from where they were because at the time there was not enough room for them all - you can imagine the amount of people we are talking about - all shepards tending to their flocks and livestock - it is an amazing story of how the East and West were populated by the Sons of Abraham - how the sons of Abraham were spread about the whole earth - even to the isle of the sea - which means there is possiblities that the Isles of the Sea would need to be researched to see which ones were in evidence in Abraham's time.

There is so much in the Bible which gives us hope and security in knowing that we are all one under God - he made us all equal in his sight - none of us are better than the other - we are all here because He has designed it that way.

For me the journey through the scriptures is not just a spiritual one but a step across time and space and events - a time of reflection of how things were and how things could be when we choose to follow Gods teachings and his precepts.

It is amazing what you can learn about yourself as well when you see others feeling like you do and understanding the you are not alone - we are all here because we are wanted by God for a purpose - the thing is we as human beings need to discover for ourselves is how we can serve God best and understand His ways of doing things.

For me, discovering that God is so omnipotent and merciful and gracious and so incredible it makes me stand and look around at the amazing things He has done.

His Word - gave us the light in the heavens, His Word gave us Stars, Sea, Land.  By His Word all things were created, even the flies and the mosquito's have a place (although I am not sure what - as they are a nuisance)  Nevertheless God created everything in His order and at his command.

The scriptures are a great source of History - Even the archaeologist use the Bible to start their hunting for evidence - otherwise what would they have to give them any beginning of guidance - even with the history of the people around the world's own history there comes a point of "where did they come from" we are all here because God planned it that way.  He is also very able to squash us like bugs and wipe us all off the planet and start again if He should desire - he has done it before remember - in the time of Noah.

Remember also that Yeshua/Jesus said that as the days of Noah so shall His coming be.  Therefore we are called to watch and pray that we are not caught with our heads looking into the sand but rather looking up for His redemption draws nigh.

When reading the book of Genesis and reading how families were developed and the wonderment of why God created Man and Woman - (I myself had never felt the need to be with man -yet now I can see that there is a purpose even in that - I for one have struggled with marriage and understanding the importance and relevancy of it - looking at the scriptures there is a clear and divine pattern which evolves from it.)  I see that being married to the man or woman that God chooses for your life is very important - we often run ahead of God in choosing our own mate - with devastating results - broken homes - failed marriages, divorce.  God had not intended it to be that way.

When I look at the length of time Jacob had to wait to marry his beautiful Rachel and the length of their marriages - today's modern ways is a definite no no.  For me, if God saw fit to bring a man into my life that would be how He wanted him to be - I would accept it with all the grace that God would give to me to live with that person according to Gods ways.  (I have lived and married to two men in my life - yet both were not the man God would have chosen for me)  These things I have had to face.

Coming back to the Father and seeking his wisdom on the matter has been a real eye opener -taking me right back to the beginning of Genesis and seeing just how important a relationship with man and woman is - not just the bearing of children, but working as a team to develop ones life's journey with another human being.  That takes courage and patience and love - again something I am learning along the way.

I hope that when you read my word for today - you will see I am not trying to preach to anyone just hopefully share with you the inner-workings of my mind and share my experiences with you.

Your journey with God is your own.  Yet we all have something to contribute to one another.

My studies have brought me right back to the Father and I look for answers for my life and also in looking for the answers I can see the answers also for society at large.

I hope that as you read your Word of God and ask for wisdom and Him to teach you His ways -  you will be open minded enough to let the Holy Spirit to teach you all truths - do not go to God with precepts of your past life - Coming to God with an open heart and mind wanting to learn from him is vital.

Here is something I use for my journey.
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Recommended Reading

Whatever you are looking for to help you with your Bible Studies.
I use the Complete Jewish Bible for my Bible Studies and have found it to be really exciting to use.  I have used King James and New English Bible in the past also I had a copy of the Good News and The Message however I found the language and details in this book really helpful also because it also give you readings according to the yearly calendar for reading, it makes it a thoroughly in-depth book I have come across in a long time.  I really feel the anointing when reading the scriptures and the enlightened of the Hebrew words and directory at the back is excellent along with an in-depth commentary.
I would highly recommend you get a copy - alongside your own and check out just how it blesses you.
It had definitely been a blessing in my life.

Complete Jewish Bible-OE
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domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Marriage - What does it mean?

Messianic Praise & Worship Collection (UK Import)

Making a House Your Home: The Essential Guide to Modern Day Homemaking

Home Cooking Made Easy

The Messianic Legacy

Messianic Mo'adiym Devotional: Messianic Jewish Devotionals for Israel's Annual Feasts, Fasts and Appointed Times

Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity: A Loving Call to Unity

Complete Jewish Bible-OE

For me marriage is a sacred union between Man and Woman, for them to be able become one and and never to be parted except by death.

My first marriage was a disaster - we were not joined in any way or fashion, he has his own issues which as a junkie he was not able to overcome, nor did he want to - as he is still doing it.

There was no joining of the mind, nor of the spirit - which brings you together - we were two separate peoples all the time we were "married" yet we both were awre things were not right from the start, you think you are in love and you probably do care about each other but yet there is something missing but you cant put your finger on it.  After nine years we parted, there was nothing between us, nothing at all, we discovered we had nothing in common and had opposing views on life.  For me the way of life was simple to believe and trust in Yeshua, he did not believe - nor does he today - if he were to be asked today he would probably just laugh at the idea. Sadly for me that was what was wrong - I knew even before I went through the ceremony we should not do it.  It was contrary to God, light and dark cannot mix, like death nor life can mix.  He had chosen the path of self destruction I had chosen the path of living with God. 

We all make choices in life which at the time would appear to be the right ones yet when we start to look closely at the lifestyle we are in we begin to question what is happening to us.

There were many nights and weeks when he left me alone to go with his fellow junkies, yet on his return always expected everything honky dory and just as if he had been away.  He even tried on several occasions to commit suicide - that tells you something.  He is yet still alive - alone and still in the same place mentally where he was when i met him in 1992 - so no change there.

For me life has been an interesting walk.  I choose to walk on the path of God, not easy because there are so many people that would laugh at me, ah well that if fine with me, I know what I am about.

I took a second husband to myself - again there was not really any unity in the mind or spirit, that is what I have been searching for - someone to become one with.

Bless my last husband despite everything he really did love me, but was not happy in himself and his mind was tormented by fears - he did not believe in the Risen Lord and God that I believe in and therefore one evening he choose to end his own life.

Both my former husbands were separated from God, neither knowing the joy of Christ's loving arms, nor the joy of knowing that God really does care for them.  They both choose to disbelieve and would say that they were right in their choice.  However looking at my life now, even though I am again alone, I have found a peace and tranquillity in the mind and body that only God can provide.  As I choose to walk on the path of God learning from him and reaching out to God for his help and his mercy and guidance I can see his handiwork in my life very clearly.

Years ago I had a dream of walking amongst the mountains of a dry and dusty place yet surrounded by trees, sea and mountains.  Today I am living my dream, I go up on the mountain to pray and worship God the Creator knowing that without him I would not even be here.  No matter what life seems to throw at me, I know that God is there for me to turn to.  Yeshua was and is with him sitting at his right hand and all things are going to be put at his feet at the time of Gods choosing.

For me, Yeshua the Word of God - who came as flesh to dwell amongst to show us the way back to God is an incredible gift that God gave to us.

He being united with God at the beginning, choose to come and dwell with us - mere human beings, in order for us to be reconcilled back to the father.  That to me is an amazing and incredible selfless powerful love that he has for us.

WE being human beings - are going to be sitting at the marriage feast of the Lamb - those of us who have chosen to live Gods way, keeping his commandments, recognising the wonder of Gods creation and the fact that This amazing God of the Universe Love us and wants us to be one with him.

Marriage - is a foretaste of being united to God would be.  Unless you have that incredible oneness of feeling joined together - to me it would not be worth the paper it is written on.

For me, Marriage is like being joined back to God. God, Man then Woman to give the glory back to God in our relationships with one another  When you are one, you are no longer two, divided individuals but one unity of purpose and one aim and goal to help each other, love one another, have respect for each other - niether belittling each other or making the other feel small or intimidated.

When I look around at "married" couples - I wonder how they really feel deep down.
Do they experience great joy at seeing their partners at the end of the day, do they rejoice in the company of their families.  Can they honestly say that every day is a blessing be with that person.  To share time with someone who really does enjoy your company, loves your cooking, loves the things that you do together whether it be walking by a river, sitting in the garden sharing afternoon delights of the smells and aromas around the gardens, even shopping together - being with the children enjoying each precious moment with them.  They grow up fast, what kind of teaching will you give them regard to training their minds to love thier spouses.

Marriage today could be a marriage a God Plans it. if we are prepared to learn what is to be united in the spirit as well as in the flesh. 

I found that God's plan for a happy marriage could be the answer to a lot of our issues to day in modern society on how we manage our families.

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Faith and Trust

Take Two Tablets Daily: The 10 Commandments and 613 Laws

Following Yeshua...Celebrating The Feasts Of Adonai: A Dinner Table Guide Book For The Festivals: 1

Hebraic Roots: An Introductory Study

One Law for All: From the Mosaic Texts to the Work of the Holy Spirit

The New Testament Validates Torah: Does the New Testament Really Do Away With the Law?

Complete Jewish Bible-OE

Today I walked with a friend of mine who was very distressed.  Although my friend says that she believes in God - in actual fact when it came down to my friend trusting God to really take care of her she felt that it was not really going to happen for her.

For me, on the other hand, whenever I have asked God to help me in any situation I have trusted God to be able to help in whatever my needs may have been at that time.

Yeshua/Jesus made it very plain in the Word of God that if you ask God for something and you do not really believe that he is going to do any thing he will not, as you need to know that when you are asking God for help you, your mind must be made up that God can and will fulfil his promises to you.

You can ask nothing of God if you are double minded.  Trusting God means that you really do understand that God will take care of you and will provide for all your needs.

I for one have experienced this at first hand.  In 2003 God directed me to come to Spain by the Holy Spirit and knowing that I would obey he made the way for me.  I gave up a job in UK and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit.  It lead me to Marbella - where I was able to have a flat right in the centre of Marbella near to the Ricardo Soreano - this area is considered to be a great area to live as it is right in the middle of the commercial and recreational area of Marbella.  Here I stayed for six months - not having any form of income nor any steady job - God taught me the meaning of trusting God to provide for me.  It was a very interesting time, I read the Word of God and was working my way through the book of Job - a great man in his own right.  He listened to God and obeyed him, although he was then tested, he still maintained his respect and love of God and trusted that God would take care of him.  Even though his life was torn to shreds, at the end of the day God restored him and gave him more than he previously had - because he was accounted faithful and trusted God. Even when those around him were trying to make out he had done something vile and that God was punishing him in some way, what had actually happened was that Satan had gone to God and asked to test Job because he could not get his way with Job.  God allowed Satan to test him but he was not allowed to kill him.  Satan took everything from him, his family, wife, business and whatever else belong to Job to see if Job would turn his back on God.  Instead Job stuck it out and kept his faith in God and trusting him, believing his promises that at the end of the day his life was in Gods hands and God could do whatever God would choose to do with him.

We in the society we live in today, discount God and wonder why when we feebly ask him for help he does not seemingly answer. 

We reject Gods promises as if they were nothing, yet when we look at Israels history we can see quite clearly that when Israel trusted God - He led them in battle, they were victorious, when they were dispersed amongst the nations because of their unbelief and rejection of Gods word there was always someone who would rediscover the Word and the Torah (the commandments of God) and see by reading them that they would be blessed by keeping them.

We in the west are so convinced by our so called "wisdom and knowledge" that God is no longer a viable being that we have actually signed our own death warrant in Gods eyes.

When Yeshua/Jesus came to earth to be a reconciler back to God, He challenged the people around him because of their lack of real trust and belief in the Living God.  He challenged their priests, and teachers, because although they were teaching a form of Godliness they were denying his power.

The God of Creation who opened the Red Sea for Israel to escape the Eqyptions, the God who made water spring forth from the rock in order for the people to have water in the desert, the God who made sure that they were never with out food, the people cried and moaned about their lack - yet there was God ready to provide, he brought birds to feed them in the evening and bread of heaven in the morning to feed them during the day.  In all the forty years in the desert even though God was providing for them they moaned and groaned and were in disbelief - those people who were in that state did  not get into the promised land.  Only those like Caleb and Joshua who really did trust and believe that God would and could provide were allowed to pass over and really enjoy the fruits of what God had provided for them which had they in the earlier part of their sojourn in the desert had trusted God the whole of those that were led out of Egypt could also have been led into the promised land.  We see from the history that when God says he is going to do something he really does do it.

He today would like to provide for your needs, if you would open your hearts and minds to trust the God of the Universe, He is able to provide you with everything you need, the only criteria is that you turn back to him and ask him trusting and believing that God is able to provide for you.

God provides for me on a daily basis all that I need.  I ask him for wisdom to write these blogs to help and encourage others to trust and believe in the Living God of Israel.  I am not preaching a new religion or trying to convert you what I am trying to do with this is make you aware that we are living in a time of gross darkness because science has been trying to teach us that there is no God.

Yet, science has not proved there is not a God, they are struggling with the idea of finally recognising that there must be something who has put all this together. 

There are those who would argue that there is no God.  Yet look around you, can you explain why the sky and sea are blue, can you explain why there is such diversity of animals, fish, vegetation, flowers, trees, I have just been reading the book 6th Extinction where the scientist are puzzling over the diversity of the planet and what can be used to benefit mankind. Excuse me but God made all these incredible diversity for our benefit.  There is even one scientist who was arguing that we did not need the tropical forests - that is did not matter if we chop down all the trees on the equator we would get by.  Well, funnily enough if you take your lungs out of your body - you die.  That is what would happen to the planet if you take away the lungs of the planet.  God gave us the trees in just the right place in order to give oxygen to both north and south, east and west of the planet - check out the maps in your atlas and see where they are strategically planted. 

God gave us everything, fish, meat, vegetables, flowers, water, salt, even the medicines in the trees He has provided, yet mankind insists that they can make it better, yet looking at what the pharmaceutical industry does with the raw materials in plants and turns them into so called wonder drugs, - They have not made anything - God gave them the raw material.  They have contaminated it with their so called engineering of the drug - they do not even know long term what they will do.

My mother died of kidney cancer - after prolong use of pharmaceutical drugs, which were made up of so much junk like chalk, and other so called ingredients, our bodies were not designed to filter so much rubbish.  When you look at how God heals you will see that it is from within the spirit as well as the body - mankind has drifted into such a state of unbelief and lack of trust just as the book of Deuteronomy points out when God gave them the choice of blessing or curses.  The curses if being cut off from God and his healing power, his restoring power, his divine power, his creativity. He says quite clearly that when mankind chooses to turn their back on him there are serious consequences, there would be tumours, diseases, madness - vast increase in mental illness has occurred over the past few hundred years since the beginning of denial of God.  That we would suffer in our crops, that there would be increase in famines, droughts, floods. Does not that give you some food for thought.

The blessings is that we would all be in good health, living in peace with our neighbours - our fellow human beings.  We would be taken care of because God would make everything be as it would have been had we been obedient,   God does not want mankind to annihilate itself - he wants us to be restored to himself so that God could give us what he wants to provide for us. Right at the beginning where he was able to take care of us, making sure we had rain in due season, crops that would sustains us.  Food to feed the hungry, homes that would be safe to live in.  Does that sound good to you.  Well that is what the Father is able to do for you when you RETURN BACK OT THE FATHER - like the prodigal son.  He was well blessed when he finally came to his senses.

Through out the Deuteronomy -- you can see that God is encouraging people to obey his teachings and his laws in order to have long lives and live in peace with their neighbours as well as themselves.  When you look at Deuteronomy and really ask God to show you just what he is meaning you will discover for yourself the joy of your salvation for Yeshua himself was always encouraging people to return to the father and obey his commandments.

People today in the "churches" have been taught to discard the Torah - yet all the way through the New Testament we find the Disciples expounding them and encouraging people to keep to the faith of the scriptures, we are not talking about man-made traditions we are talking about the Truth of What did God say, What did God teach.

To really learn and discover more about this I would highly recommend you start to read your Bibles yourself and check out what it really says.  People today, many have Bibles collecting dust do not realise just how powerful the words in that book are, they have the way to learn to eat well, they have ways to help lift depression and share joy with your neighbour, they have all songs of praise and worship and believe me when I tell you that there is such a guide to how to live your life in peace and tranquillity you would be mad not to even have a look at it.

For me when I started to really read the scriptures I really started to discover a God that is so powerful and mighty, forgiving, merciful, generous, and kind.  I also found out just how terrible it is when you turn your back on God, what the consequences are when we neglect his holy word.

When I was in my darkest hour he reached me, I reached out to him in my ignorance and disbelief and there he was just waiting to hear from me, he healed me and turned my heart towards him and his word.  I praise God for each day I am alive, I praise God for every breath I take.  I thank God that without His word we would not even be here.

He gave us an incredible planet to live on.  He created everything in his time and his way, for our enjoyment and our pleasure and our needs, yet we forfeit the right to have life more abundantly because we fail to Trust and Obey the God of Creation.

It is time to really wake up and rediscover the truth of Gods holy word.

Here are a just a few books which may help you to start to find your way back to understanding the Word and rediscover the lost treasures of God for your own life.
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miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Man V God


When I look at the political arena today, it makes me shudder to consider there is very few people in power that really understand the meaning of "working for the people" they all appear to me to be very selfishly minded - what can I get out of it.  I can remember when Tony Blair came to power in the UK we all considered him to a potentially a great ally to the people - or so we thought - when he left office he was richer than he started.

When we look at the heads of State world wide we can see the same pattern happening time and time again.

God warned Israel through Samuel when they demanded to have a King like all the other nations that the "king" would be demanding taxes, payments for this and that, taking the land off the people, making people slaves to their industrial way of doing things all the way through history you can see the same story, nation after nation whether it be republican, democratic, dictatorship, communist, socialist they all have the same thing happening at the top - "What can we get out here before we are removed" one way and another you only have to look at the newspapers to see the same o same o.  With dictators demanding their country men obey their rules or else.  You democratic leaders who also behave like dictators only with a much better smile (ha ha). 

We can see that the pattern of each Government is the same. It does not matter what the  leader stands for - which type of government it is all the same - man believing he can make decisions to change the course of history on his own sweet self.

I have got news for you - YOU - MAN cant make anything happen without God's intervention.  Whether it be wars - this is all laid out very plainly in the Bible just how much influence God has on Mankind - however mankind is so blinded by Self - Awareness - and believing that they are gods. 

Whenever I look into the Word of God and see just how much in every generation God had his hand on everything that happened.  You can look at the story of Moses how when God sent Moses back to Egypt to call His people out - Israel and those that stood with Israel and wanted to be a part of what God had to offer - they could see the best side to be on especially after the plagues hit Eqypt - the frogs, the blood in the water, the diseases, the hail and lightening, locust, the famines.

Today, worldwide we can see the same things happening, the famines, the floods, the diseases, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes - do you not think that someone is trying to wake mankind up to show them that there is much more involved on this planet that just "little of man" and his ideals.

Mankind has been given the great gift of all the gift of LIFE itself - Yeshua said that there is only one way back to the Father and that is through Him Yeshua (Jesus Christ) the son of the Living God - this is not some diety which someone has dreamed up this is God - the Almighty Creator of the Universe I am talking about.  I do not go to church because I do not find the Almighty Creator there, I do not belong to any group I am walking with Yeshua with the Word of God, learning from Him and from History - His Story - the Story of Mankind which is clearly depicted in the Word of God (the Bible).

Politicians of old all though the Word of God challenged God and tried to rule over their people with their own ideals but it came to nothing - in fact you can look back in history yourself and see what happens to nations that came up against God and lost - they are lost to history for eternity.  There is but a few nations that have been chosen by God to last the course of History - Israel, Egypt these are but two that have the longest history in all mankind.  God has always played a big role in world events - both in the past and now and also in the future.  For God specifically says that if the people of Egypt do not come up to Israel when God is sitting on the Throne in Israel then they will suffer draughts in their land and their annual flooding will cease and all nations that refuse or challenge God in any way will have the rain stopped over their lands.  This my friends is in Revelations and in the book of Zechariah so I can be assured that God does know his business.

Look what he did in History with Sodom and Gomorrah when they challenged God - they were completely decimated - nothing grows where they were - just as God had said.

We can look at the archaeology and geology of the world and we can just how many civilisations have already been lost to time.  God is the creator of Time and He knows just how long each so called "civilisation" will last - who will be in power for how long.

You can look at the Roman and Greek Empires and even in our own time the United Kingdom's Empire which had been great has slowly but surely been diminishing over the past 100 years, when Queen Victoria was in power it was a mighty nation - now is it a lot less than former times, USA thinking itself a Superpower of the years has also diminished in stature. 

We must ask ourselves these questions - WHO ACTUALLY IS IN POWER - God has allowed Satan dominion over mankind because mankind choose to disregard God and His powers.

God of the Universe who created us out of the dust of this planet is well able to turn us all back to dust just like when the comet hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs - we cannot argue with that because there is scientific fossilised evidence this occurred.  When we look at the planets history of its birth and growing pains until we mankind were given the right to live on it and were given the commission to take care of it - DO WE -Oh man how small we are in comparison to what God can do.

Yes we have managed to conquer the skies - but look at how many people die in the process of these discoveries - the birds do not have such a death toll - perhaps we should look again at how well they do. 

Look at the way fish swim in the sea they do not have the disasters we do with our submarines - the loss of life in the pursuit of some goal or other - whether it be looking for the enemy - who is the enemy - yourself man. 

Because we do not see ourselves as God sees us - we are created in his own image - and therefore if each one of us world wide has been created in the same image whether we are black, white, Chinese, Japanese or Brazilian or whatever nationality you may be we are all from the same Father - the Creator of the Universe.  Surely just by knowing this and understanding that we are all brothers and sisters - it is such a shame that we treat each other as enemies - Yeshua (Jesus) said we are to pray for our enemies - and love them - that way we can be sure that they will have deal with their own conscience as to whether we should kill or be killed.  God gave one of His Commandments - You shall not commit murder - is not killing your enemy a form of murder - When we send our men in to battle are we not also sending them to commit murder in the name of the nations that they are from -

For me - it is utter foolishness that man should go about killing himself - there is only but one destination for such actions - DEATH AND DESTRUCTION and the ETERNAL HELL for those that perpetrate this action - it is not the men on the ground that are the ones ot blame it is the ones in their offices planning and conniving and scheming how to betray a fellow human being out of its resources - whether there is any worth in the land that they are sending the men to - on the pretext of some war or disagreement - the disagreement start in the offices of politicians not with the ordinary people living in the places about to be blown up or being blown up in the name of "peace" whose "peace" are they speaking about.  Gods peace comes from obeying his commandments and following his teachings and learning to live in peace with your neighbour as you would want them to live in peace with yourself.

It is such a shame that man has allowed himself to be blinded by "religion" going to war in the name of "their god"

The God of the Bible when He calls for people to go into battle he gives them clear instructions - when David was to go to battle he was told by God to choose those men that God had selected to to go with him   History shows that David won his battle with his neighbour king with only 300 men.  This was after God had cut David's army of 900 men which had volunteered to go with him.  It makes you wonder just who is in control in power in the nations today.  We are a foolish species, we are the only ones that will go and kill another group of men in battle over a piece of land with weapons that can either blind, maim, disembowel, even blow parts of the body off, we can kill to order and we do not think anything wrong with it.  Yes in the animal kingdom they kill to eat and to protect their territory - but they only use the weapons they were given by God in the first place.  We being man believe that we can use whatever weapon we can against ourselves - and it to ourselves we can only look to blame for the way the planet has gone. 

We destroy everything we touch, with our machines, our chemicals, even the food is becoming contaminated with our so called modern approach to animal husbandry - we are a sorry lot indeed, no wonder God decided when in the days of Noah he chose to wipe out all living things except those few that God had selected to start the human race again - it is incredible that we do not seem to learn from History at all.

No wonder Yeshua ( Jesus) said that as the days of Noah so shall my coming be - watch out that you are not caught sleeping because Yeshua is coming for certainty whether in my lifetime or yours - He is coming and He will rule this earth as He said he would with his commandments, teachings and anyone failing to obey will be punished - they will also be given the chance to repent and return to Gods ways of living and learning to live in peace with one another - for me that cannot come soon enough.

Learning to live Gods ways has been a real challenge over the years discovering just how much God has done for us as human-beings - breathing life into us, bringing us through to this stage in His Story - watching in anticipation of the next Big Move of God is what I am doing.  Reading His Word asking for Him to direct my feet and fingers to help those to understand just how powerful God is.

Who is man the God is mindful of him?
That is question that was posed by a fellow human being who suffered just in the same way we do today, with doubts, fears.  Yet David understood that God loved him and would take care of him, even though

When Yeshua was on the cross and looked over the people and felt deep sorrow at his creation standing before him yet not realising who he really is.  When we look in the Word we can see clearly that He is the Word made Flesh and he was dwelling amongst us - breathing the same air and living in the same way as his fellow human-beings yet he was more than that.  This great God of the Universe choose to send His beloved Son into our presence knowing full well before hand what was to become of him because of our misconduct and disobedience, God gave us a chance to repent and return to Him to see in Yeshua (Jesus) the true Salvation of the universe - for without Him there is no way to salvation - no other way will do except through Yeshua (Jesus)  God made that abundantly clear - for without the precious blood of Yeshua (Jesus) the Lamb of God who was slain for us would we even have an opportunity to be saved from OURSELVES -

We are on the bring of self annihilation and we blindly lead each other to the precipice in our ignorance and pride - we who are a little lower than the angels that are in the Court of God looking down on us watching our every movement even they know that the time is coming when the Trumpet will be sounded - make yourself ready - watch and pray - learn from God that His handiwork is being shown in all the universe - no man can do anything without God first allows it even Herod could not have Yeshua put to death with out it being in the plans of God.

So when you read this and wonder why I am saying this, I am certain of one thing hopefully it will inspire you to seek Gods face for his teaching and His love to surround you and save you from what is going to be coming on the earth. 

WE are slowly yet surely moving to the end of times when all things are going to be revealed - all truths of the planet and history will slowly be unfurled before your very eyes.

When I look in the history and do my research into the historical facts of the Bible I am amazed just how ungrateful mankind is and so blind to his ways and teachings - in just a few centuries after the first Disciple who walked with Yeshua and were taught the same as Yeshua the commandments and teachings in the scriptures - the books of the prophets - it amazes me that people still want to continue in the path of "religion" and not to seek the Face of the Creator of the Universe.  Ecclesiastes made it very clear at the end of his teaching and his learning that the best thing man could do in his life is to Seek the God of the Universe and obey His commandments - in this way it is the way to Peace on this earth - and the restoration of all things - this is Gods promise to Mankind. 

Which way do you want to go?

Seek God and His teachings - Follow the Word of God and What he says !
Or do you want to continue in the path of self destruction - with a heavy heart, depressed, filled with fear and stressing about your next meal, next job, whether you will have the money in the morning for your bus ride to your job - whether you will be able find the time to walk with your family, talk with your family. 

It does not matter what you beliefs are just think about what I have said.  I am not trying to convert you or anything, just wanting to challenge you to recognise who you are in the scheme of life.  You are important to God - he has a plan for your life - or do you just think that it is all a waste of time.

For me even to sit here writing this for you to read - you could consider it to be a waste of time, for me it is a way to reach out and say to people wake up and start to set your self in order before it is too late.  God will have his way on this earth - God of Israel will prevail over all - no matter whether you are Greek, Muslim or whatever God is in Control - And He designated each time for each era of this planet - but ultimately God will reign in Jerusalem as His special bride and his place he has chosen to live - hence all humanity will be very aware that God is on the Throne in Jerusalem when all the dust has settled and all that has to be has come to pass - God will be in Israel ruling with His Commandments and His Teachings and His holy days and His harvests. 

Who are we to argue with the God of Creation - who is able to wipe us out with out even thinking about it, think of Noah, think of the dinosaurs, think we are no different to them.  We are not bigger than God - God is bigger than us.

He is the Supreme Being of the Universe, He is the Beginning and End of all things.  He knows how long the sun with shine in the universe, he knows how old each planet, star is that he has created.

When he called Abraham out of Ur and told him that all nations would be blessed because of Him - for out of Abraham all nations are blessed because of his faithfulness to God for his Story is the beginning of man walking and talking with God of the Universe.

Looking back in Genesis is an amazing place because here we see that man once man and God walked together in the Garden - with a close relationship of this nature it is such a shame that they choose to disobey God - so he had to turn them out of the garden where he no longer walked with them and He allowed mankind to each find his own way - it is only when Eve gave birth to Seth and he in turn gave birth to Enoch do we see that Man turns back to God and calls on His name Adonai and really when man starts to walk with God he is able to supply all our needs - he is able keep us fit and healthy, free from sickness and disease, - you can see evidence of this when you look at the journey of Moses through the desert before they came into the promised land - they were cared for by God by his provision of food and water - for those that are faithful God will provide all their needs.  I have experienced this in my own life and know it to be true.  He protected them from their enemies when those around them were jealous of what they had, the nations around about them were frightened because they knew that God was walking with Israel while she obeyed God.  They were frightened because God would make it clear that when Israel obeyed He would give them the victory - when Israel became like other nations following after their own paths they were then separated from the God of Israel and were led in to slavery and captivity - this is very clear to me that when we come to God with a repentant heart and acknowledge our unbelief and turn to him for help in our darkest hours He is there for us and he will turn our captivity into freedom and peace - is that not what all men want.

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domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Understanding your relationship

The Bible I use is Complete Jewish Bible-OE
On learning how to live the life and what it involved in it the Bible is the best source I know.
For me it has always been difficult to form relationships with anyone, until that is I made my commitment to Yeshua/Jesus, God.

For me to be here at all is amazing.  For me write anything down for others to see is a really incredible experience because when I started I just did not know how it was going to be.

I asked God to use me in the best possible way He wanted.  He made it clear he wanted to use me best to bring comfort to the people.

Well, this is the manner in which it seems fitting for me to do that.
From my own life experiences and my relationship with God and family this is something I hope will be of help to you.

First of all, I have lived the past 30 years walking on a more or less straight path with the Lord Yeshua, with various deviations as I choose to follow a path of my own choosing - yet all the time being drawn back to God and His ways.

I have not always been a believer in God - but I do always remember having some idea that there was some one bigger than me watching over me, and who was more powerful than me.

My relationship with God began when I was a young child even though I did not know him as my own personal God and Friend at the time.

I think most of us at some time in our lives have  felt desolate and lonely and not having anyone to talk to or turn to.  Most of us if we are prepared to be honest have felt empty inside - yet always trying to fill it with stuff - whether it be things, shopping trips, eating, smoking, drinking, drugs, meditations and other stuff - chasing dreams, ideas, trying to find a solution to that ever longing niggling feeling that something is missing.

My relationship with God and His teachings began when I was in my twenties.  After and illness which he healed me from.  Through the illness it brought me to the brink of death and there in the darkness of the night I reached out to him in unbelief - yet something inside me knew I could trust Him.  After the initial realisation that the pain had gone and I could now eat and drink normally again I began to search out this incredible God who was so powerful that cared for little ol me.  A nobody wanted person.  God wanted me.  God Loves Me, God takes care of me.

He showed me his mercy and love in so many different ways, he showed me in the trees on how wonderfully great they are in all their diversity, with colours and fruits and flowers, and how he showed me the beauty of the birds and their diversity and their colours, it is amazing what you see when God is holding your hand.  I could and still see the wonder of His handiwork all around me all the time.  With the blue skies, clouds, rain, snow for cleansing, it is amazing when you start to reach out to God and ask for his help.  Yeshua/Jesus he sent to reconcile us back to him is the embodiment of all that mercy and grace, when we look at how Yeshua/Jesus treated the people, how he had compassion on the people, in healing and feeding them.  His relationship with his disciples and His relationship with God is so incredible and when we think that one day we will walk with him and talk with him as he is coming to reign on the earth as he said he would.  For me it is a great privilege to know and serve this amazing King.  He gave his life for us, he carried all our sicknesses, and diseases on his own flesh, he was marred more than any man - yes - he was despised and rejected and yet he still loves us.

He loves us with an unconditional love, yet in that when you have a personal relationship with the King of Peace you realise that the most important thing in your life is to share what God has done for you. 

I am sharing with you because He shared with me his gift of life.  For with out his touch I would have been dead many years ago.  I was a lost soul with no where to go - I felt rejected, dejected, lonely and miserable because of the choices I had made - yet here was God reaching out and healing me giving me hope and comfort asking me to be a comfort to others - wow what a challenge this has been.

Putting into words what are deep in my heart to share with you all is a really blessing and I hope will help someone else to realise that they are not alone, that God does see their need and their plight - yet all he is waiting for is you to call out to him and recognise that in coming back to the father like the prodigal son you will be blessed and healed and made to feel safe and secure.  For God, does not want us to be carrying any burdens, or worries, he knows our frame, he understands our frailty, he gave us everything in the first place - but as human beings in our stubborn, stiff-necked way we choose not to receive from Him.

God wants to let you know that you are loved and he does care.  He wants so much to reach into your lives and help you - will you let him, will you give your life back to God and live his way.

Living in the path of life where Gods teachings are paramount in your life - it helps you understand yourself first and then you can understand others - when we see that we are all the same - made of the same stuff as everyone else, made in his image and his creation then we can begin to treat ourselves and each other differently.

For me, understanding that God himself loves me, cares for me and wants me to have the best - if I would let him provide and give to me what He wants me to have instead of seeking my own path and my own ideas.  God is able to transform your life in a twinkling of an eye - I know he has done it for me.

Reaching out across the stars to the God of the Universe is an amazing concept.  Looking at the Creator instead of the created and realising that no matter how insignificant you may feel - you are important to Him.  He has a destiny for you which he has already mapped out.  Step up and take the chance of a life worth living rather than just subsisting in your life as it is today.

The God of the universe wants a real relationship with you.  He wants to hold you in his arms and give you all you need to live your life to the full.  Are you going to reject the God of the Universe.

God gave us his son as a sign of how much he loves his creation, he wants us to be reconciled back to him so that he can bring order and stability into our lives.  He wants to bless us and give us a chance of eternal life.  However, the one thing he requires from us is TRUST AND BELIEF that he is able to do this.  Also he requires us to be obedient and learn from him how to live the life he wants to give us.


Find out more how to become a person of God learning how to live his way.
Be willing to give up your life as you live it now, recognise that God loves you and understands your needs even better than you do.

The Bible for me has been my source of inspiration and direction it has given me so much advice and encouragement - showing me the way to live and not live, it has given me hope and joy and also given me a reason to go on.  God has called me to comfort people with his Word.  May as you journey with me in my blogs get the comfort you are looking for.

I have read many books on different subjects yet I keep coming back to the Word of God as my source.  Without it I would not have a clue how to build a relationship with God or with other people.  For it is very clear - that when you love God and allow him to change you from within you will discover that you too can reach out and touch the lives of others.

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What are Gods Laws and why should we obey them?

I have found this publication a great help  - The Ten Commandments -
I also use for my daily study and prayer guide to understanding Complete Jewish Bible-OE

The Messianic Legacy

Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations

Messianic Prophecies in Historical Succession (Classic Reprint)

God's Appointed Customs: A Messianic Jewish Guide to the Biblical Lifecycle and Lifestyle

For me this is a question of understanding in the first place what it is that God told us as mankind to follow.  He gave the Commandments to Moses but even before Moses, Abraham was already following Gods Commandments to live an obedient life according to Gods ways.

We can see even at the beginning of Genesis that God already had the laws already established for us to follow.

We can see that when he created man and woman that they should be together as one to be able to bring forth a Godly seed.

We can see by the behaviours of Cain and Able that there was already the law of murder and life and treating each other with respect was already in operation - God made it very clear in the Garden of Eden that Man and Woman were to Obey His Word. 

God created them and God gave them commands to live by even at that stage.  He even gave them the first Sabbath to follow - when after he had completed his work of creation and development and saw that it was good He took a day of Rest which is the Sabbath - which in Genesis is already established.

By the time we get to Moses God's laws had already been in operation of thousands of years.  When Cain slew Abel and he was cast out to live outside the family he went off and found himself another place to live where there were already people living and joined himself with them - thus we have the beginning of Babylon - along came Nimrod who was disobedient and a fighter and hunter - he is the creator of the so called religions of today.  The ways of thinking which is contrary to Gods teachings.

Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden which was full of lush plants and vegetation and was well able to sustain them.  God gave them a command not to eat of a certain tree - the tree of knowledge - they were not ready to receive the information God was going to impart into them.  But they listened to the Adversary - a fallen angel who himself had once been at Gods side in His court and he the adversary had chosen to rebel against God and try to make himself like God - and tried to over throw God the creator of the universe and all living and breathing creatures on this wonderful planet.

We can already see that murder has entered the scene and disobedience - Therefore when God gave Moses the Spiritual laws - the Ten Commandments which were not just for Israel but for all mankind to live by there had already been mass destructions done towards nations.  You can read in the story of the Noah how people had been so doing their own thing - not giving any respect to each other but rather behaving violently and aggressive and being everything that God had not intended for Mankind that He had to choose to do away with this and started again with Noah and his family brining in a new way of understanding that when we disobey and do not give God the Glory that is due to Him and respect for His handiwork then we can expect destruction. 

We can see in today's way of thinking - rejecting God and His Teachings and His ways that the societies worldwide have gone into massive overkill - and preparing to ultimately wipe ourselves of our own planet,  Not just with weapons of destruction but also by our stripping the lungs of the planet - i.e the forest on the equator which serve as lungs for the whole planet wide.  We are all interdependent on each other and on the very planet itself.  We are not separated from it.  We were in fact created from it.  WE do not respect the ultimate consequences of our actions.  Hence Yeshua/Jesus was sent to reconcile us back to the Father by giving us a clear guideline on how to live.  Yeshua/Jesus himself was a man and was subject to the same teaching and laws as us.  He gave us the laws so we would know how to live in peace and harmony with each other.

The first Commandment is very clear that we should Love the Lord our God with all our hearts and minds and souls.

In other words - we should give him respect for his incredible gift of life and all that we have is from him.  There is nothing on this planet that has not come from Gods hands in the first place.  It is how we choose to use the gifts that God had given to us that we make or break our societies.

He is the Creator of the Universe - that is He created this universe for His pleasure and He created us for His pleasure and for to enoy what He has created and to honour and obey him for in recognition of his greatness and powerful ness.  His awesome gift of Life should be held dear to all mankind.

God gave us such a place as this to call home - for all mankind yet we treat each other with despicable behaviour, we call each  other names - we injury our own minds and hearts when we attack a fellow human being.  God made us to live in peace and harmony with Him and each other.

It is hard to understand why man has chosen to reject the God of the Universe in favour of something that has been created by God.  He took his time to perfect this amazing place for us. Surely we as his creations should turn back to him with gratitude and reverence at the wonderful gift he has bestowed upon us.

Throughout all of history there has been a sequence of events which are clearly recorded in the Word of God.  That when Israel obeyed Gods laws and teaching it prospered therefore it stands to reason that when we Mankind obey God's laws and Teachings then we too would be in a place of peace and prosperity worldwide.

It is sad to think that we as so called believers cannot even get it right to understand the magnitude of God greatness.  His awesome power - he is able to make and break this planet with a word of his command.  He is able to destroy cities, peoples, wipe out completely anything just as he has done in the past, yet people treat this Awesome Powerful God as if he is nothing. 

Did we not see His hand on the planet most recently in our lifetime when the Volcano erupted in Greenland and how it affected the whole of Europe and how when the Tsunamis hit the various parts of the world, also with diverse earthquakes - these are all in Gods hands - He is trying to shake the earth as he said he would to wake the people up from their slumber to make it clear that HE IS IN CONTROL -

We had better start looking more closely at Gods Law and see how they affect us as human beings - I am not talking legalisticaly  here I am talking on a level of one to one relationships with each other and how we should treat each other.

God called us to Honour Him first and foremost - to understand how powerful He really is.
Remember what He did at the time of Moses how he showed his mighty power not just in the destruction of the Pharaoh but also at how He took care of the Israelites and gentiles that were with them in the desert.  How he gave them water to drink and fed them from heaven.  How he opened the sea for them to cross, how he led them by day by cloud and night by fire, did he not show his great mercy and powerfulness for His people.

We are all His people - because He created us all.  it does not matter what colour, race or creed you are God made you and he is leading you to come to understand that there is more going on now at this time.  People have rejected God and His commandments - yet we are all waiting for the Messiah who himself has said that he is going to Rule this planet with Gods commandments so those commandments have not changed nor will they change.

They were given to us as a guideline on how to treat one another and treat God with reverence He deserves.

When we begin to realise the importance of God Spiritual Commandments that they are not just a lists of does and donts - they are about treating man equally and fairly with respect and dignity.

So when we look to God and see just how awesome He is and how he saw fit to create us in his own image then does it not stand to reason that we should treat each other with respect and dignity.

The one commandment people all seem to find difficult to understand is why the Sabbath day is Holy - well lets us look at it - It is the Day God had chosen for a day of rest - from his labours and to sit and enjoy what he had created - he gave it to us as mankind as a day of rest to enjoy the great gifts that God has provided to us, with the forests, flowers, streams, rivers, and our families.  A time of reflection on what God has done, also a time to bring our gifts to the alter and to forgive our neighbours - to bring our troubles to God to ask for wisdom on how to work our troubles out.  It is  a time of great celebration and recognition that God has given us so much and yet we give him so little in return.

He calls us to Honour and obey our parents - Well - look around you - in society today there is not much of that going on - in fact there is an awful lot of dishonour and disrespect happening - rebellion which in the eyes of God is as witchcraft - so we need to ask how can we treat our parents better afteral, the children of today will one day become parents themselves - if they are not taught a standard of living that is appropriate then the way the world is heading is for destruction - already there are signs of this happening all over the world.

Parents are called to teach the children how to behave and to show respect to their elders.  Where has that gone.  Today's parents do not even know where their kids are half the time, they don't know what they are doing, what they are watching, who they are with most of the time.  School has become a joke to a lot of today's children.  There is no discipline in the homes nor in the schools because of the fear of people being chastised for disciplining their young.  There is a difference between discipline and abusing.  I am speaking of encouraging their young to be respectful and kind, thoughtful.  Long gone are the days when there were loads of brownies and cubs, scouts who were being taught life skills.  Today the children run riot in the streets causing great distress and fear in peoples lives.

Parents - need to be more focused on their families than on how much money is coming into the house.  God said he would provide and look after and bless people who are obedient to His ways, so it is about time people started to really look at the way they are bringing up their children - remember these are the future generations who are going to either kill us all or become peacemakers - so it is up to us as parents to teach them good morals, good standards and best of all reverence to God and respect of each other.

We can see that by rejecting Gods laws and teachings society has ended up in a really bad place, there is only one way out of the mess and that is to RETURN TO THE FATHER he said that when people truly repent and come back to him to seek his face he is there for them.  He is not interested in in what you have done it is what you are going to become when you set your mind to follow His path, all you past sins are washed away by the blood of the Lamb (Yeshua/Jesus) so we should show him more respect, than just lip-service - just going to church and prayer meetings does not cut it - you must now take seriously the teachings that Yeshua taught the disciples.  Read your Bible see what Yeshua/Jesus said - you will see that Yeshua himself maintain that we should keep Gods commandments and teachings and follow them.  We say we Follow Yeshua/Jesus then lets us look at the example he gave us - He was obedient even unto death. He kept the laws and commandments he taught in the synagogues the same message as the books of the prophets which all gave the same message RETURN BACK TO THE FATHER AND GIVE UNTO GOD WHAT IS DUE TO HIM AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENT AND STATUTES AND LAWS so that all may be well with you.  Prosperity will only come when we are obedient to God.  Health and Wealth are in Gods hands - when we really give our lives to God he will prosper us according to His good will and according to how he sees fit.

If we continue as we have been doing for so long now - ignoring the signs of the times, ignoring God and His power and His way of thinking then chances are if it were not for the very elect sake then this planet and everyone on it is doomed by their own hands and minds and mouths. 

We are the one's who can make a difference by turning back to God and asking him to teach us his ways and leading our lives according to His word then we shall have the opportunity to live the life He has chosen for us. 

For more help in understanding the reason for my speaking so bluntly is available to you for your to make your own mind up.  The Word of God is the answer - in it there is the power of life and death.  Truth and Knowledge. Is that not what all men are seeking.

I have been reading the Word of God and discovering for my self the truth behind the commandments and asking God to guide me and reveal to me the way to life has been a really interesting one.
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sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Life or Death that is the question

Over the many years since I became a believer and was touched by the hand of God and was healed by his miraculous power.  Learning to understand the basic fundamentals of how to live has been a really interesting study of mine.

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about myself - when I was in my early twenties I suffered what was called chronic nervous indigestion - which may not sound too bad on the surface, however, when you are all pent up inside and feeling nervous and scared all the time, that even to answer the door becomes and issue, being afraid to go out and even to speak to people that is a problem.

However, when I was suffering to such a degree then God in his mercy reached down from heaven an d made me whole again.  He showed me how I had got into the state that I had done so because of fear not just of circumstance but of life itself  I really did not know how to live, I really did not understand about relationships nor love nor friendship.  I found it really difficult to come to terms with being alone, with a baby.  I found it really difficult to understand how I had allowed myself to get into such a place.  I was not stupid, nor unlearned - however I was like lots of other people who felt lost and alone and very much needing to find some way to comfort themselves with some thing or someone.  When you are from a broken home where there has been years of constant difficult relationships it makes it really difficult to reach out and trust anyone.  For me it because so difficult that it caused me to get really ill.

Anyway, although I had my lovely daughter whom I adored and still do love even though she is now fully grown up and has a new life of her own I became very much aware that things were not right for us.

For me, the crux came one night when I felt a heavy weight on my chest and it felt like it was going to crush the life out of me - I cried out to God and admitted I did not believe in him even though - I had just read Matthew Mark Luke and John in the bible (it was the only book in the house at the time) I did not believe the stories with my mind but something had happened because when I called out to God He HEARD me and I felt the huge weight lift off me.  Then He slowly showed me what had caused me to be in such a place Fear, Stress, Anxiety - all these things God had said in His Word that we should give to him, and to carry his burden which is light with is just to TRUST that God is there and He is well able to carry all our burdens.  He knows our frame and he understands every part of our lives.  He has our best interest at heart and no matter how much we think we know the best way HIS WAY is better.

For me the discovery that God really did exist and really cared for me started me on a journey of discovery - I got really excited with the Word of God and really started to ASK GOD to teach me HIS ways and discover what HE said to mankind through His prophets and through the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

I reread the books Matthew Mark Luke and John over the years and each time I am thrilled to see the miracle working hand of God in the pages, understanding that this same God had touched my life.  I wanted to learn more.  I discovered that as I read the words of the Bible I was wanting to understand the differences which I read about in the Word - I also did read the Archaeology of the Bible which held some really interesting revealing material.  For me it is not just a matter of believing everything your read it is a matter of Come Let Us Reason together in order to get to Truth of a matter.

I have always been fascinated with History and Geography and how the planet came to be - I was interested to discover how come the planet as we know it is how it is.

I have read many interesting article on the internet over these issues and each time I come to the conclusion that God is Awesome and that as he had created the universe and everything in it for a purpose he also created me for a purpose.

Well, for me the discovery of my purpose took a while to discover, I am not going to say it was easy to follow the footsteps of Yeshua because the doctrines I had learned as a child and the reasoning's of those around me did not really show me anything except how separate we are from God.

As I started to read the scriptures and read what Yeshua (Jesus) had taught the disciples I started to question the real meaning of his words.  I started to look for answers in the Word of God regarding the teachings - I soon discovered that the teachings in the churches and the teachings in the bible were nothing to do with each other - the churches claimed to be following Yeshua (Jesus) but when I questioned why we did not keep a Sabbath day as Yeshua did or keep the Ten Commandments as Yeshua did - I was quickly informed that they no longer mattered.  Well for me that was a matter of great concern because I could see from the scriptures and from the history of Israel that when they did not keep to Gods Teaching and His Commandments Israel was marched off to slavery, and death and destruction and dispersion.  However when one of the prophets and kings rediscovered the Commandments of God and that they were to follow them Israel prospered.  For me this was a breakthrough.  I had found the key to really what I was meant to be doing - that is to live Gods way.

Discovering the path of enlightenment back to the father has been an incredible journey.
If you are willing to walk with me then I will show you what I have learned over the years.

To keep Gods Commandments and His Teachings brings life to the flesh and prosperity to your home and lifestyle.  In Deut. He made it very clear that if we are willing to obey his teaching he is willing to bless us mightly - if not we are under the curse and death and madness will ensue.

For me I choose life, to live with God and obey his teachings and learn from him.

Not just lipservice but really started to study His Word.
Over the next few weeks I will start to write about what I have learned.  I will share with you the joy of my salvation of knowing the Messiah the King of the Universe.  Are you with me.

Here are some study materials which you may find useful.  I use the Complete Jewish Bible myself and have found it really helpful and inspiring.

Complete Jewish Bible-OE
Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity: A Loving Call to Unity Messianic Mo'adiym Devotional: Messianic Jewish Devotionals for Israel's Annual Feasts, Fasts and Appointed Times

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viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Virtues of Womanhood

Knead It!: Start Making Bread at Home Today (Hobby Farm Home)

Kirstie's Homemade Home

A Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of a Misspent Life: Creative Ideas and Real-life Tips for Making Your Home Lived-in, Warm, Welcoming and ... ... Worrying About Everything Being Just Right!)

Making a House Your Home: The Essential Guide to Modern Day Homemaking

The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Needlecrafts: A Complete Practical and Inspirational Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Handiwork Techniques with 200 Craft Projects

Tapas: Delicious Little Dishes from Spain (Cookery)

Home Cooking Made Easy
Baking Made Easy
Good Housekeeping Cookery Book: The Cook's Classic Companion
Changing Family Values: Difference, Diversity and the Decline of Male Order

When I was a young woman I asked God what was I to do with the hands he had given me.  Clearly it came to me that he could use me best as a wife and a mother to bring comfort to the people.

OK, at the time I was neither married nor in a relationship which was a challenge in itself.  However over the years I have grown much in my experiences and heart aches and have learned much at the feet of my heavenly father.

When I was a young woman I did not really consider wearing a miniskirt to be risky - just part of normal dressing in the 1970's however when looking back at my behaviour and my lack of self respect and dignity I can see that there were many things I did then that I would cringe at now.

Many young girls today do not think twice about having a sexual relationship with their boyfriends, nor do the boys consider it to be out of place to sleep with every girl they come across.  However here is the problem with this kind of lifestyle, we bring heaps of misery on ourselves and our families by becoming parents before we are ready, we are putting ourselves at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, we can get caught up in a most foul place surrounded by people who are involved in drugs, drink and total debauchery.  If we were to really take stock of our so called adventures into the world of love and sex we would be much more cautious.  Free love is not an option - it is not free there is always a high price to pay, in unwanted pregnancies and single parenthood.

Better we stand back and take a look at ourselves as young women and try to make more well thought out decisions.  Is it wise for me to go out alone at night with a boy who you have just met at a party without really knowing anything about him/her.  Better to take your time and get to know the person amongst friends and group activities rather than sneaking off to some dive of a discotheque or some such place.  Better to be safe in the confines of your family and friends than out there with the darkness and uncertainty - I for one wish I had been more discerning in my activities. 

Looking back, had I had the teaching of the virtuous wife as in Proverbs 31  I think that my life would have turned out differently.

Let us look at what this wonderful detailed pattern of living as a Woman of Virtue  - Capable Wife was like, perhaps we can learn something from it for ourselves.

(10) Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far beyond that of pearls.
(11) Her husband trusts her from his heart, and she will prove a great asset to him.
(12) She works to bring him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
(13) She procures a supply of wool and flax and works with willing hands.
(14) She is like those merchant vessels, bringing her food from far away.
(15) It's still dark when she rises to give food to her household and orders to the young women serving her.
(16) She considers a field, then buys it, and from her earnings she plants a vineyard.
(17) She gathers her strength around her and throws herself into her work.
(18) She sees that her business affairs go well, her lamps stays lit at night.
(19) She puts her hands to the staff with the flax, her fingers hold the spinning rod.
(20) She reaches out to embrace the poor and opens her arms to the needy.
(21) When it snows, she has no fear for her household, since all of them are doubly - clothed.
(22) She makes her own quilts, she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
(23) Her husband is known at the city gates when he sits with the leaders of the land.
(24) She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchants with sashes.
(25) Clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the day to come.
(26) When she opens her mouth, speaks wisely, on her tongue is loving instruction.
(27) She watches how things go in her house, not eating the bread of idleness.
(28) Her children arise; they make her happy; her husband too, as he praises her.
(29) "Many women had done wonderful things but you surpass them all"
(30) Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears Adonai (God) should be praised.
(31) Give her share in whatever she produces; let her works speak her praises at the city gates.

When you read this and understand the amount of incredible things that this woman is capable of doing and realise that you too are a woman in you is also the ability to be such a person.

I prayed years ago that I could become like her, I have a long way to go, but am learning what it means.  We need to repent of the things we have done contrary to Gods way of doing things, as we as young women demand to have our own way, as we jump up and down and demand our rights - what rights are you jumping up and down for - the right to live as a woman or as some slave.

As a free woman under God - living Gods way is more freedom than what you could imagine.
Behaving in such a way as to bring glory to your husband and not shame. - when we have seen women drunk and disorderly and flashing everything it makes us curl up inside, that is because we are intrinsically aware that this kind of behaviour is not becoming to any one.  Therefore for us as women we should be able to see for ourselves, if we make an exhibition of ourselves in a public place it is only going to bring shame and degradation to our lives.  Better to make the change and recognise that you are more valuable than that.

I can remember watching a few years ago a programme about Laddettes, and felt so ashamed of their behaviour yet I could see that I behaved in a similar fashion when I was young - it only brings shame and degradation.  For me it was not until I became a mother did I really start to see that things needed to change.  Drinking and smoking and being abusive with others was not the way forward.  Turning to God for help gave me the courage to face myself and get my self back on track as a woman.  Recognising that I had skills that were worth something to me, being able to sew and knit and cook gave me the means to make sure that my child and I did not need to suffer without clothes as I could make my own clothes and I could cook and clean and keep house these things I could do, I needed to do them well in order to give me and my daughter the start that was needed.

For me as an older woman now hopefully can encourage younger women to look at themselves and recognise that they are more than just pieces of meat hanging on the tray waiting to be picked up and taken off.  Better to build your home building skills and become creative and use your talents wisely for when the right man comes into your life who is looking for wifely material he is not going to be getting some drunken laddett who just cannot even cook an egg. 

I can help you find your feet on the wrung of life to discover the skills you do not feel you have.  It is in every girl to make a home, it is in every boy to make a home their instinct is to provide the resources from without, the girls resources are within her to make her home beautiful and bright and cheerful and take care of the children and look after the garden.  There is much a woman can do and it is high time that young women could see themselves as God intended them to be - helpmates and lovers of their husbands. 

Here are just a few books that may help you to get started on the journey of discovery of what it means to be woman.

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