domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Understanding your relationship

The Bible I use is Complete Jewish Bible-OE
On learning how to live the life and what it involved in it the Bible is the best source I know.
For me it has always been difficult to form relationships with anyone, until that is I made my commitment to Yeshua/Jesus, God.

For me to be here at all is amazing.  For me write anything down for others to see is a really incredible experience because when I started I just did not know how it was going to be.

I asked God to use me in the best possible way He wanted.  He made it clear he wanted to use me best to bring comfort to the people.

Well, this is the manner in which it seems fitting for me to do that.
From my own life experiences and my relationship with God and family this is something I hope will be of help to you.

First of all, I have lived the past 30 years walking on a more or less straight path with the Lord Yeshua, with various deviations as I choose to follow a path of my own choosing - yet all the time being drawn back to God and His ways.

I have not always been a believer in God - but I do always remember having some idea that there was some one bigger than me watching over me, and who was more powerful than me.

My relationship with God began when I was a young child even though I did not know him as my own personal God and Friend at the time.

I think most of us at some time in our lives have  felt desolate and lonely and not having anyone to talk to or turn to.  Most of us if we are prepared to be honest have felt empty inside - yet always trying to fill it with stuff - whether it be things, shopping trips, eating, smoking, drinking, drugs, meditations and other stuff - chasing dreams, ideas, trying to find a solution to that ever longing niggling feeling that something is missing.

My relationship with God and His teachings began when I was in my twenties.  After and illness which he healed me from.  Through the illness it brought me to the brink of death and there in the darkness of the night I reached out to him in unbelief - yet something inside me knew I could trust Him.  After the initial realisation that the pain had gone and I could now eat and drink normally again I began to search out this incredible God who was so powerful that cared for little ol me.  A nobody wanted person.  God wanted me.  God Loves Me, God takes care of me.

He showed me his mercy and love in so many different ways, he showed me in the trees on how wonderfully great they are in all their diversity, with colours and fruits and flowers, and how he showed me the beauty of the birds and their diversity and their colours, it is amazing what you see when God is holding your hand.  I could and still see the wonder of His handiwork all around me all the time.  With the blue skies, clouds, rain, snow for cleansing, it is amazing when you start to reach out to God and ask for his help.  Yeshua/Jesus he sent to reconcile us back to him is the embodiment of all that mercy and grace, when we look at how Yeshua/Jesus treated the people, how he had compassion on the people, in healing and feeding them.  His relationship with his disciples and His relationship with God is so incredible and when we think that one day we will walk with him and talk with him as he is coming to reign on the earth as he said he would.  For me it is a great privilege to know and serve this amazing King.  He gave his life for us, he carried all our sicknesses, and diseases on his own flesh, he was marred more than any man - yes - he was despised and rejected and yet he still loves us.

He loves us with an unconditional love, yet in that when you have a personal relationship with the King of Peace you realise that the most important thing in your life is to share what God has done for you. 

I am sharing with you because He shared with me his gift of life.  For with out his touch I would have been dead many years ago.  I was a lost soul with no where to go - I felt rejected, dejected, lonely and miserable because of the choices I had made - yet here was God reaching out and healing me giving me hope and comfort asking me to be a comfort to others - wow what a challenge this has been.

Putting into words what are deep in my heart to share with you all is a really blessing and I hope will help someone else to realise that they are not alone, that God does see their need and their plight - yet all he is waiting for is you to call out to him and recognise that in coming back to the father like the prodigal son you will be blessed and healed and made to feel safe and secure.  For God, does not want us to be carrying any burdens, or worries, he knows our frame, he understands our frailty, he gave us everything in the first place - but as human beings in our stubborn, stiff-necked way we choose not to receive from Him.

God wants to let you know that you are loved and he does care.  He wants so much to reach into your lives and help you - will you let him, will you give your life back to God and live his way.

Living in the path of life where Gods teachings are paramount in your life - it helps you understand yourself first and then you can understand others - when we see that we are all the same - made of the same stuff as everyone else, made in his image and his creation then we can begin to treat ourselves and each other differently.

For me, understanding that God himself loves me, cares for me and wants me to have the best - if I would let him provide and give to me what He wants me to have instead of seeking my own path and my own ideas.  God is able to transform your life in a twinkling of an eye - I know he has done it for me.

Reaching out across the stars to the God of the Universe is an amazing concept.  Looking at the Creator instead of the created and realising that no matter how insignificant you may feel - you are important to Him.  He has a destiny for you which he has already mapped out.  Step up and take the chance of a life worth living rather than just subsisting in your life as it is today.

The God of the universe wants a real relationship with you.  He wants to hold you in his arms and give you all you need to live your life to the full.  Are you going to reject the God of the Universe.

God gave us his son as a sign of how much he loves his creation, he wants us to be reconciled back to him so that he can bring order and stability into our lives.  He wants to bless us and give us a chance of eternal life.  However, the one thing he requires from us is TRUST AND BELIEF that he is able to do this.  Also he requires us to be obedient and learn from him how to live the life he wants to give us.


Find out more how to become a person of God learning how to live his way.
Be willing to give up your life as you live it now, recognise that God loves you and understands your needs even better than you do.

The Bible for me has been my source of inspiration and direction it has given me so much advice and encouragement - showing me the way to live and not live, it has given me hope and joy and also given me a reason to go on.  God has called me to comfort people with his Word.  May as you journey with me in my blogs get the comfort you are looking for.

I have read many books on different subjects yet I keep coming back to the Word of God as my source.  Without it I would not have a clue how to build a relationship with God or with other people.  For it is very clear - that when you love God and allow him to change you from within you will discover that you too can reach out and touch the lives of others.

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