sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Living the life more abundantly – being transformed by Gods Word.

Jesus calls us to "seek first the Kingdom of heaven then all things shall be added unto you"

For me this has been a journey of discovery, firstly I wanted to learn
how to seek the Kingdom of God and what is the way of life we should be living in the Kingdom.

I have spent some time asking God to Show me his ways and the understanding, and over the course of the past few years he has led me back to the Commandments of God.

I spent a long time deliberating on the Commandments and I came to the conclusion that as we open ourselves up to them and have our reasoning touched by Gods Holy Spirit you discover that to live Gods way does indeed bring Peace with God – restored back to the Father – when we put Him first and learning to live His way also we live in harmony with man.

When you begin to acknowledge your lack of knowledge of God’s word and the power is the first step.

However, even before you can begin the journey, your life must already be being drawn back to God – as God says
"No man can come to the Father unless they come through Yeshua the Messiah, yet no one can come to Yeshua unless God is first drawing you to Himself. (This is not an academic exercise – it is a deep move within you and a desire to change).

We hear of lots of people going forward at meetings giving their lives to Jesus asking him into their lives – yet – where is the transformation?

Transformed lives are both in the mind, Spirit and lifestyle. If you consider that you will be saved – yet do not seek to change your lives to follow Gods teachings on how to be transformed and live life Gods way – how will you be blessed?

People consider that they are fine if they "call on the Lord to be saved" then that is IT. How Jesus clearly states "
Come let us reason together – though your sins are red as scarlet – He will wash them white as snow" . Firstly, you need to understand what SIN – you can only truly start to understand that when you look at the Commandments of God.

God says in Revelations 21 – verse 8 – These will not enter the kingdom of Heaven the cowardly, the untrustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those involved with the occult and drugs. Idol worshiping, and all liars – their destiny is the lake of burning with fire and sulphur – the second death. (Therefore it is best to repent and be transformed by the renewing of your minds, lifestyles and spirit if you do not want to end up in the lake of fire). Lives therefore need to be transformed by Gods Word – Yeshua/Jesus is the Word of God and by His name we can be born again and given a new life and a new opportunity to have a life worth living. Gods lifestyle. (Not religion but a way of life).

Consider your lifestyle – transformation cannot happen without repentance – repentance comes when you are fully aware of your Sin.

When you become aware of your sin and are convicted in the very heart of you the Spirit is moved to come before God in repentance.

Then things in your life will start to change.

Sitting on the fence believing you will be ok- just because you have called on the Lord – does not cut it with God. Remember Jesus said "I would that you either be hot or cold because if you are lukewarm God will Vomit you out. Sitting in churches on Sunday and listening to the ministers is all and good – however if you are not being taught to confess your sins and change your behaviour in accordance to Gods teaching what is the point of being there.

We are called to purify and sanctify our bodies as living sacrificed to God – as temples of the Holy Spirit – you cannot any longer carry on the same o same 0 without some transformation.

When you start to open your mind and Spirit to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, being the teacher and comforter, you will soon find you will begin a journey of discovery of - How did Yeshua/Jesus and the disciples live and How can I apply it to my own life.

You will discover that the Teachings of Christ taught are the same teaching of Moses and the Prophets – the Words of God – Remember Yeshua/Jesus is the Word of God made flesh to dwell amongst us to show us the way back to the Father – by obeying every Word that God spoke to the People. Not just some of it but all of His teachings and commandments and regulations and statutes – they are all important to be able live the Life God ordained us to live.

Every Word of God brought life into being, brought the sun and moon and all things created at HIS Word. Nothing has been left to chance – everything has a place and time in Gods Order. All that you see around you – we need to ask God daily for His Word – His mana from Heaven.

As we open God’s Holy Word remember every page has something incredible to discover.

Yeshua/Jesus made flesh to come and teach us how we can be reconciled back to the father in order to the Abundant Life.

The more I study the scriptures the more excited I get to know that God wants us to be blessed and live fulfilled lives, going forward and multiplying the blessings in our lives.

Therefore when we consider Gods initial plan to unite Man and Woman – that they may be blessed to share and grow in the knowledge of each other and also
in obedience and trust in God the Creator.

We can see the consequences of rejecting Gods ways all around us with broken homes, broken lives, violence, terror and fear – all these God said would come upon us if we are turned away from Him.

Surely, as you read
the scriptures yourselves, you too will be drawn into the wonder and might and power and Spirit of the Creator God.

God initiated the marriage of Man and Woman for the purpose to multiply and bring forth a Godly Seed.

We as human beings have been blinded by Satan the Adversary (God has allowed this) by our lack of knowledge and understanding – because once we have our eyes opened we can then see and receive all the healing, teaching and life that God had primarily ordained for His creation.

So seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven is the first order of the day – to start to live our lives God’s way. By coming to him daily and really asking Him to speak with us- to give us our daily bread from Heaven.

When we have found the narrow way to come back to God then all things shall be added unto you.

Life more abundantly comes only when we come to God with contrite hearts filled with remorse and repentance and a genuine desire to change.

For when we/you are transformed and are genuinely loving our enemies – who then become our brothers, sisters, friends – by praying and forgiving – by sharing the burdens of others – then we will start to begin to live the life – God called us to live in Peace and Harmony with all.

Obviously, we know that not all men will want this – as God himself says – there are scoffers and mockers who shun and ridicule Gods teaching considering it to be foolishness – However they will be left outside the kingdom wailing and gnashing their teeth – whether they will be given a chance to repent – only God knows.

But for us who have been blessed to see the Messiah and to know His ways, are truly going to e be blessed with Abundant lives.

God forgave us through His Son. Yet he does call us to Live Holy lives separated from the World ways – giving up our former lives and moving into
the Life God has prepared for you.

We are all works in progress - we have all fallen short of the glory of God - but through obedience and trust we hope to gain the crown as our reward - as Paul wrote.

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lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Rejecting God and His Word at your Peril

When I have been doing some reading this weekend in Deuteronomy 28/29/30 I have found that the more we pay attention to God the more the blessing He endows on us.

However today we can see that there is much that society has lost by turning its back on God.

Here are some simple and true words that God spoke to Moses with regard to the turning away from God and the consequences of such actions. The choices we face in our lives are for us life and death. Depending on you own standpoint with depend whether you would choose to obey and live or choose to disobey and suffer the consequences of such actions.

Here are the consequences of our denial of the Living God and turning our backs on His precious teachings and Holy way of life. God makes it very clear that if we do not pay attention to his voice and what he is teaching and his laws and his regulations, which he has given to us from the time of Moses, then all the following curses will be yours in abundance. Deuteronomy 28 v 15-68

1. A curse on you in the city, and a curse on you in the countryside.

2. A curse on your grain-basket and kneading bowl

3. A curse on the fruit of your body, the fruit of your land and the young of your cattle and flocks.

4. A curse on you when you come in, and a curse on you when you go out.

5. Adonai (God) will send on you curses , disasters and frustrations in everything you set out to do, until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because your evil actions in abandoning me. (God Creator)

6. Adonai will bring you a plague that will stay with you until he had exterminated you from the land you are entering in order to take possession of it.

7. Adonai will strike you down with wasting diseases, fever, inflammation, fiery heat, drought, blasting winds and mildew; and they will pursue you until you perish.

8. The sky-over your head will be brass and the earth under you iron

9. Adonai will turn the rain your land needs into powder and dust that will fall on you from the sky until you are destroyed.

10. Adonai your God will cause you to be defeated before your enemies, you will advance on them one way and flee before them seven. You will become an object of horror to every kingdom on earth. Your carcasses will become food for all the birds in the air and the wild animals, and there will be no one to scare them away.

11. Adonai will strike you down with boils that broke out on the Egyptians, tumours , skin lesions, itching, all incurable.

12. Adonai will strike you with insanity, blindness and utter confusion.

13. You will grope about at noon like a blind person groping in the dark, unable to find your way.

14. You will be continually be oppressed and robbed, and there will be no one to save you.

15. You will get engaged, but another man will marry her. You will build a house but not live in it. You will plant a vineyard but not use its fruits

16. Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you won’t eat any of its meat. Your donkey will be taken away from you by force as you watch, and you won’t get it back. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and there will be no one to help you.

17. Your sons and daughters will be handed over to another people; you will watch for them longingly all day but not see them; and there will be nothing you can do about it.

18. A nation unknown to you will eat the fruit of your land and labour. Yes, you will be continually oppressed and crushed,

19. Till you go crazy from what your eyes have to see.

20. Adonai will bring you and your king whom you have put over yourselves to a nation you havenot known, neither you nor your ancestors; and there you will serve other gods made of wood and stone.

21. You will be so devastated as to become a proverb and a laughingstock among all the peoples to which Adonai will drive you.

22. You will carry much seed out to the field but gather little in, because locusts will devour it.

23. You will plant vineyards and dress them but neither drink the wine nor gather the grapes, because worms will eat them.

24. You will have olive trees throughout your territory but not anoint yourself with oil, because your olives will fall off unripe.

25. You will father sons and daughters, but they won’t belong to you, because they will go into captivity.

26. The bugs will inherit all your trees and the produce of your land.

27. The foreigner living with you will rise higher and higher, while you sink lower and lower.

28. He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him; he will be the head and you the tail.

29. All these curses will come on you, pursuing you and overtaking you until you are destroyed because you didn’t pay attention to what Adonai your God said, observing his mitzvot (teachings) and regulations that he gave to you. These curses will be on you and your descendants as a sign and wonder forever.

30. Because you didn’t serve Adonai you God with joy and gladness in your heart when you had such an abundance of everything.

31. Adonai (God) will send your enemy against you; and you will serve him when you are hungry, thirsty, poorly clothed and lacking everything; he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until it destroys you.

32. Yes Adonai will bring against you a nation from far away that will swoop down on you from the end of the earth like a vulture, a nation whose language you don’t understand

33. A nation grim in appearance, whose people neither respect the old nor pity the young.

34. They will devour the offspring of your livestock and the produce of your soil, until you have been destroyed. They will leave you without grain, wine, olive oil, or your young cattle and sheep – until they have caused you to perish.

35. They will besiege all your towns until your high fortified walls, in which you trusted, collapse everywhere in your land, which Adonai you God gave you.

36. Then, because of the severity of the siege and distress that you enemies are inflicting on you, you will eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your own sons and daughters whom Adonai your God has given you.

37. Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will be without pity for his brother, his beloved wife or his surviving children

38. To the degree that he will refuse to share with any of them the flesh of his children whom he is eating; because if he did, he would have nothing left for himself – in the severity of the siege and distress your enemies are inflicting on you in all your towns.

39. The most delicate and sensitive woman among you, so sensitive and delicate that she wouldn’t think of touching the sole of her foot to the ground, will so begrudge her own beloved husband, son and daughter, that she will secretly eat the afterbirth that comes out her and even her own children as she bears them – so desperately hungry will she be in the severity of the siege and distress of your enemies are inflicting on you in your towns. IF YOU WILL NOT OBSERVE AND OBEY ALL THE WORDS OF THIS TORAH (TEACHING) THAT ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK, SO THAT YOU WILL FEAR THIS GLORIOUS AND AWSOME NAME, ADONAI YOU GOD; Then Adonai will strike you down and your descendant’s with extraordinary plagues and severe sicknesses that go on and on

We can see clearly here that in our own society these very sicknesses and diseases and plagues are prevalent and therefore we need to ask ourselves the question – How can we turn the situation round so that we are able to be free from the ills that this portrays. For me the solution is simple – for each individual to really repent and turn back from the traditions of man which has been brought about since the throwing out of the Commandments and regulations which God had given to Moses – by really beginning to ask God to teach us His ways and ask for His deliverance from the mess we are in today and to really get to know people who are going teach the TRUTH AND PRACTICE THE TRUE WAY OF GOD in to speak and teach the people so that at least we can have an opportunity to ask for full salvation and repentance and become totally restored to the Father – bringing our lives in line with His teachings – following the footsteps of the early disciples and Yeshua by leaning to follow their teachings not the so called teachings today in the churches – far better to get on your on knees in your own home  and pray and start to READ THE SCRIPTURES FOR YOURSELF and LEARN FROM GOD and ask the HOLY SPIRIT TO TEACH YOU because the HOLY SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY AND TEACHER and it is what Yeshua had said to the Disciples when they were told to wait for the HOLY SPIRIT TO COME with TONGUES OF FIRE DECENDING FROM HEAVEN to teach them and guide them to keep them on the Path of righteousness. By returning back to the Word of God and learning from God and asking for Wisdom and Understanding – you will find that the scriptures open up a whole new meaning to you. The WORD BECOME LIVING BREATHING AND POWERFUL – when you read the scriptures about the wonderful powerful events that occurred throughout history you get a greater picture of an incredible God – who is Creator and Father to all. For me the choice is simple learn to follow God or die. – If you would like to share with me your experiences and your understanding please feel free to leave your email and contact details and I shall get back to you. For me the Restoration of the True Way is so important if Mankind is going to survive – as mankind at this moment in time is on a collision course with death and destruction – with only pain and suffering. For there to be a change in society today – we should all take responsibility to learn how to serve the Living God of the Word of God.

Restoration: Returning the Torah of God to the Disciples of Jesus

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sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Prosperity With God

 Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 – 14
 1. “If you will listen closely to what Adonai your God says, observing and obeying all his mitzvot (teachings) which I am giving you today – Adonai your God will raise you high above all the nations on earth

2. And all the following Blessings will be yours in abundance – if you will do what Adonai your God says.

3 A blessing on you in the city, and a blessing on you in the countryside.

4 A blessing on the fruit of your body, the fruit of your land and fruit of your livestock – the young of your cattle and flocks.

5 A blessing on your grain-basket and kneading-bowl

6 A blessing on you when you go out, and a blessing on you when you come in

7 Adonai will cause your enemies attacking you to be defeated before you, they will advance on you one way and flee before you seven ways.

8 Adonai will order a blessing to be with you in your barns and in everything you undertake; he will bless you in the land Adonai your God is giving you.

9 Adonai will establish you as a people separated out for himself, as he has sworn to you – if you will observe the mitzvot (teachings) of Adonai you God and follow his ways.

10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that Adonai’s name, his presence, is with you; so that they will be afraid of you.

11 Adonai will give you great abundance of good things – of the fruit of your body, the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your land in the land Adonai swore to your ancestors to give you.

12 Adonai will open for you his good treasure, the sky, to give your land its rain in the right seasons and to bless everything you undertake. You will lend to many nations and not borrow;

13 Adonai will make you the head and not the tail; and you will be only above, never below – if you will listen to , observe and obey the mitzvot (teachings) of Adonai you God

14 And not turn away from any of the words I am ordering you today, neither to the right nor to the left, to follow after other gods and serve them.

On opening up Deut 28 and learning to apply the principles of faith regarding Gods teaching we can see that we shall prosper – remember Yeshua/Jesus said that we would have lives more abundantly if we choose to follow in His Footsteps – He kept His father’s teachings – for He is the Word made flesh dwelling amongst us to show us the way to abundantly life. The teachings of keeping Gods Commandments is the essential ingredient to receive abundant life. When we look at the 10 Commandments carefully we can see that they are of benefit to all mankind.

Putting God first in your life, recognising his majesty and power as God creator and Father of all – even the fishes of the sea are his creation – every living breathing animal, insect, bug, flower, tree, bird, in fact everything that breathes is His creation – He ordained it – spoke the word and it was brought into being – He saw the glory of His creation and sat back and rested on the first Shabbat day and marvelled at His Own Handiwork – surely as His creation we too should take the Shabbat (Friday night 7.30 to Saturday night 7.30) and enjoy the joys of His creation and praise Him for His incredible gift of life. In taking the time to rest on the Shabbat and recognising Gods great handiwork even in each other and setting time aside to spend with you family to enjoy a day of celebration of Gods great gift is worth more than gold or silver – time is a precious commodity – we tend to spend it running around “doing stuff” to fill in the “time” yet God saw fit to “take the Time” to create and develop this great planet we call home. In the same way He is taking His time that none should be lost that all men will bend the knee to Him and all shall follow after His teachings and learn from Him to live the lives that God ordained us to life in the first place – in harmony and peace with each other and in union with God himself. For that is the purpose that God sent his precious son Yeshua/Jesus that we may be reconciled back to the Father.

For when people are seeking their own way all the time, demanding to be rich with money rather than rich in love and peace there can only be strife. Seeking first the Kingdom of God is more important than seeking how to make more money than the next guy – after all Everything is in God’s hands – whether you prosper or not is in His hands too.

By our willingness to submit our lives to God and have His direction in our lives is more important than struggling to find our own way. I have discovered this to my cost many times, running against Gods timing in things and ending up worst off than if I would take the time to come before Him and ask His advice and His will for my lfie. Chasing after dreams to become rich and famous is not for me. My aim in life is to obey Gods calling on my life – to Obey His commands and live a life of complete surrender to His will. For His grace and mercy are amazingly abundant and His ways are full or peace and grace. He is able to provide all the things necessary for life as we surrender to him. No weapon that is formed can prosper because God himself will cut it down – He has done that many times in my life. He has rescued me from my pit of despair and pain and suffering and has led me back to Himself – where there is comfort and peace and love and grace. I enjoy the life I have for I know that My Father in Heaven is able to take care of all my needs.

For in Obedience Christ the Messiah came, in obedience He died, In obedience and majesty He has been placed at the right hand of the Father a place of highest honour – in His place as the King of all, High Priest – He has entered the veil for us, through His precious blood – we have the way back to the Father . He has the power to heal and the power to save lives. Also he has the power to take life – He and He alone knows the time of each man/woman and child – their time is in His Hands.

So although you may not agree with what I say. This does not mean that the God of Creation is not there. For in my own life I have proved on many occasions that He has the power to change people’s lives.

Should you wish to contact me to pray or even discuss what I write feel free to leave you name and email and I shall get back to you.

Better Understanding.

There are many ways we could help our homes and families to prosper by achieving a Godly Marriage and keeping our relationships sacred as God had intended not seeking to find other partners when it was appearing that things were not going so well – Divorce was not meant to be but man and woman their hearts are hard and never seem to learn that there is a way that is better for when you enter into union with a fellow human being when it is a God Given ordained relationship and everything is in His hands then the marriage would flow with grace and peace to each other recognising that each has an important role to play in Gods plan and in their own lives. We are so quick to jump from one relationship to another – but we are not so willing to stand by and learn from our mistakes and completely come before the Father to bring the difficulties to Him. Here is a booklet that could help you reach a better understanding of your marriage and its intentions.

For a better understanding of how to achieve a more fruitful life living Gods way I would highly recommend this book to help you and your family to reach the goals of fulfilment in your own lives. I personally use the Word of God as my guide to life however sometimes people like to read other peoples works to achieve more understanding so here with some really great teaching. I have heard this man preach and am happy to share his work Breaking the Jewish Code: Twelve Secrets That Will Transform Your Life, Family, Health, and Finances

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sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

Making a Difference

Most weeks I spend reading the scriptures and learning for myself. Only to discover that what I am reading could be out of today's papers. Recently I have been reading Ezekiel and the tremendous description he gives of the Temple of God and the City as God has given to him. The precise measurements and it got me thinking about the other constructions and detailed plans that were given to Noah, Moses to name but a few - they carried out their instructions and were given a way out of the difficulties that their people faced. Those that chose to follow Gods instructions were indeed saved from destruction and many other people’s lives were saved because to their obedience to God. Even Abraham who right at the beginning chose to follow Gods instructions to leave Ur in Chaldea - not even disputing whether it could be /should be done. These men believed and trusted God. Yesterday, I got think seriously about the instructions that God had given to us as his children. I considered the precision in Gods designs for the Solomon’s and Ezekiel’s Temples, Moses’s Tent, Noah's Ark and even us as Human beings I actually sat down and wrote what I was thinking at the time and found it quite a challenge to realise that we as human beings are pretty big headed and strong willed to go against the Almighty God. We consider it perfectly ok to go have breast implants – even at a very young age – believing that we are not good enough if we do not have big boobs – what is that in aid of – is this man’s perception or is it women’s perception that they think that all men like big boobs – surely when we look at human race we come in all shapes and sizes – all different colours too – that one is really hard one to change – Michael Jackson tried that one – shame to distort oneself in the name of beauty or fashion it is both irresponsible to the younger women/girls growing up, and even young boys getting the idea that they need to even make cosmetic changes to their appearances – are we society that only accepts the so called beauty of this world – who is telling us what kind of beauty is? We look at the men and women in the Bible – we do not see them running off to the local cosmetic surgeon – the only change that God required from man was that he should be circumcised in honour of Gods covenant – this was done to all the people who were choosing to Follow Gods Commandments and His regulations. We see it also being done to a group of men as a punishment for raping one of the daughters of Israel – however that is a different matter entirely. What I am trying to get at is this God made us as we are – some with more attributes than others on the outside – however there are others who a less fortunate in the looks stakes that have incredible hearts of love and grace which does not fit with the so called beauties of the world. Remember God looks on the inside of a person more to the heart of the person than the outside – remember when Jacob had the fight with the angel in the desert he came away limping because God had touched his hip and shortened his gait to remind him of his battle with God in the night – to remember whom he is serving. We consider the less fortunate physically as something to be looked down on and despised yet they have the hearts that forgive and give incredible joy to their families. We consider the rejected as if they were nothing – yes, we all walk past the man or woman that needs sometimes just someone to smile and say hello and just to acknowledge that they too are part of the human race. Remember Yeshua/Jesus came for just such people, the down and outs, outcasts of society – rejected and broken hearted. God calls for us to have our hearts circumcised by having our stony hearts replaced by a heart of compassion. We all saw the incredible feats that took place it the Para-Olympics – the courage and strength and immense grace some of these people displayed. The joy and excitement of even the least was able to really raise a cheer even greater than on the normal Olympics – yet when we see a disfigured person on the street we turn our face away and even try to ignore them – yet these people are like you and me in side – they hurt, they cry, they wish they were something different – yet God in his infinite wisdom has created them just the way they are. I have a cousin who is spinabifida (born with a developmental anomaly characterised by defective closure of the vertebral arch) which caused him great difficulty – yet he raised to the challenge had held a very prominent position in Social Services in Wales for a long time. He also works very hard for the Red Cross – his a great source of courage and encouragement to me. Watching struggle with his frame and knowing how much he loves life and his loving wife and family – it is amazing to think that when he was born he was not given long to live. Nor was his given much hope of having a long life – yet here he is pushing over 65 – a retired man with so much energy for helping others. He was one of the fortunate ones – God gave him grace for his life WE have some interesting discussions. We look at our outward selves too much in considering how we should be yet, right inside each one of us is the possibility to make our bodies ugly with our inward person too. No amount of make up or plastic surgery can change the person you are inside. Myself I have struggled all my life with being short-sighted and having a weight problem – yet each day I raise up and praise God for his incredible beauty that he has created – the flowers, trees, birds and bees, the mountains and seas – these great and wondrous gifts too are created by him for our benefit too. When we look at nature we can see how the trees have been gnarled by time and wind, we can see just how devastating a tree disease can be on a population of trees – we care for them and we try to find ways to improve their growth. Mankind has tried to manipulate humans too, devising ways of cloning and dna structures – yet they cannot create a human being – only God has the ability to do that. He is the one who put the dna in each of us, from time beginnings – yet with each one there is a subtle difference – yet we are all the same when He looks at us. He sees his creation and considered it finished and worthy of enjoying. Are we going to continue to mess with things that we are scientifically, physically incapable of changing without some side effects. Consider the many disasters that have happened to people who have had cosmetic surgery done on their faces only to find that instead of appearing more beautiful they now feel they cannot face life because of the scarring and skin colour tone has changed – using different parts of the body which were designed for different purposes in fact has caused a lot of misery. I am not talking about reconstructive surgery for people who have had their faces blown away by bombs, fires, etc – I am talking about the beauty industry which allows people to believe that they can make a difference to a person’s life for the better – only afterwards they actual truth is revealed. Going down the road of cosmetic surgery is dangerous. Yet it is up to each one to make up their own mind if they consider it to be a good or bad thing. For me, God made a precisely engineered and beautiful creation – why mess with it. Why fix which is not broken – broken bodies can heal – scarred tissue does not recover so well. Anyway that is my thoughts on the matter. I enjoy good health – praise God, I am alive and well, I may creak and I may not be so fit, nor slim as the supermodel next door – yet I can honestly say I thank God for making me me. Over the years with damages done due to falls and accidents of one nature or another I am still in one piece. Can you say the same! Can you praise God for your life and your body? Do I make a difference to others – with what I write – I do not honestly know but I hope that in some small way I can encourage someone to see themselves as God sees them – great and beautiful – with just the right amount of skin on each part that is required to move successfully and to enjoy the feeling of the wind on your skin and the sun too. WE all in the past have wanted to change something to make ourselves more acceptable – but when you ask yourself – who are you making yourself acceptable to – for me the only person that matters if I am acceptable is God himself – He made me. I was given a prophecy once where God was going to break me down and remould me – from inside out – I thank God that in the transition period it has been a real challenge to go from a heart of stone and fear to one of joy and excitement to getting up each day with praise on my mind and lips for the living God. I know most will not read this far. Hope that you have enjoyed my journey today. I look forward to my next serious consideration on the matter of life with God and His ordinances and His grace. May you enjoy your life and look at yourself as God sees you – remember When you have Yeshua/Jesus on the inside then the outside shines with Him. No amount of makeup can do that. Look to God for a new heart and mind set – think differently about yourself, consider yourself worthy of love and grace and peace. Consider why Christ came – for in his salvation we have life more abundantly – in His death and resurrection we see the Power of the Living God pour out into us for us to become more like Him – filled with the Spirit of Yeshua/Jesus with His love shinning and His compassion pouring out to others. Think not what can God do for you - what is that God wants you to do for him. Bookmark and Share

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

1 Book of Corinthians - God Holy Days

Gods Holy DaysI have over the course of this week being reading 1 book of Corinthians.  I have noted just how much Paul expounded to the people the need to keep close to that which he was teaching and also the same with the other disciples and Yeshua/Jesus  taught the same.

There is a very clear picture that we need to keep very close to the Word of God if we hope to become over comers of this world.  We can see by today's society that there is much that is not right.  Even the way we treat our environment.  We can see just how the disciples and Yeshua/Jesus refer back to the scriptures and how much I have discovered the clarity when I have been doing my walk thru the bible from Genesis - I have reached Ezekiel 39 - the description of the End Times events are very clear in here and just how God proposes to use many events in order for people to cry out to Him.  He even tells Ezekiel - talk to the animals the wild animals and the birds to prepare them for the feast yet to come.  We can see the same description being written in Revelations.  Therefore no matter how much you may not like to refer to the Old Testament there would not be a new one without it.

We see Paul actually staying in Ephesus for Shavuot - Feast of Weeks/Pentecost as there had been a door opened for him.  Showing quite clearly that the Disciples kept the Feasts and Holy Days that God had designated to be kept for perpetuity, it is these things that I have read in the past that made me question the so called holy days that are kept in the churches today - I could not find any reference to them in the Old Testament nor in the new Testament - Yeshua did not change the Sabbaths, nor Gods Feast days.

For me when I am reading the Scriptures and the new Testament I can see just how much is in connection together.  We seem to consider that the Old has passed away - Yet God Himself said that Not one Word nor one Title would pass away until all had been fulfilled.

We can see today - we have been heading in the same direction as the nations prior to the flood, the blasphemy, denial, absolutely antigod - anti christ.

Strangely enough people will celebrate - Christmas, Easter, and Halloween yet they would not want to be seen to being partakers in Gods Holy days.

We can see just how much has been altered when we check with historical data which has been scrutinized and verified and really a great deal of study has been done in searching out the evidence to support the writing is this booklet which has been a very useful tool for me.  Satans Counterfeit Christianity 

We can see by the signs of the times that we are walking straight in to the new life for some and hell and damnation for others - which would you choose.  For me walking with Yeshua/Jesus has been a great joy and priviledge and I hope that you too would come to a place of understanding that you cannot toss away the past books of scripture because it does not fit with your teachings from your churches, better you take the time to read the scriptures yourself and discover for yourself the amazing truth of God and Yeshua and the incredible destiny God has for Mankind - and the incredible future for those who choose to Stand on Gods word.  Will you be one of them.

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lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

3 days and 3 nights - set the captive free

When we consider the death and resurrection of Yeshua and his obedience to God we can see just how important it is to be able understand the full picture.

We see that when we see the traditions of men they hold that Good Friday is the Day that Christ was crucified - this does not make logical sense if he is to be in the tomb for the three days and three nights  In order for Him to rise again on the Sunday(first day of the week).  Looking back through the scriptures we can see that we need to consider more about the reality of the whole week leading up to the death of Christ.

Firstly, He is celebrating Passover with his Friends and the last supper is the Passover Feast - which we see is the night he is betrayed and arrested and taken to be brought before the Sanhedrin and the Roman Governor Pilot - also there is the question of the day of the release on the Passover Shabbat of the prisoner being released as a good will gesture - where the mob cried out for Barabus (the murderer)  to be released instead of Yeshua these events took place during Passover Week therefore we need to look historically when it would have been feasible to get the three days and three nights in the tomb for Yeshua - it stands to reason it could not possibly be Friday afternoon - there is not enough time to be in the tomb before the first day of the week (Sunday)

For the Word of God clearly states that He was in the tomb and rose during the early hours between the end of the Shabbat and the first day of the week because the women went while it was yet dark to the tomb to find that the Messiah had risen from the tomb and was gone. We see that they are approached by Angels who confirm the resurrection of the Messiah and it is only later that they also encounter the Messiah in the garden after the angel had spoken to them.

For the Messiah was given a charge from God to go set the Captive free from Hades - those that were held who were designated to rise with Messiah - on his first day after the resurrection.

For Yeshua to have been in the tomb three days it would have to be earlier in the week when he was crucified (Not Good Friday).  We have a clear picture of Jona being in the belly of the whale for 3 days before he was released from his watery grave - if God had not released him he would have certainly have died.  Yet he is the representation of the time that Messiah would be in the tomb - for God is not the God of confusion but a God of Order and Peace.

We say Good Friday - what a thing to say about the day of someone's alleged death day - brought before the courts and if so marched through the streets - what is good about that - would you consider it to be good to be carrying your cross on your broken bleeding back with thorns crammed on your head and  with people spitting and cursing you as you slowly crawled up the hill to the place of the skull to be hanged like a common criminal amongst the people calling for your death - is this a Good Day -

We all celebrate in different ways for different reasons - people who consider this to be  the time to celebrate the birth of the new earth - fertility gods are worshiped - even with gifts of the eggs celebrating new life -

Yet, we who are believers in the Word of God - who study the scriptures to discover the whole truth we need to stand before God in the knowledge that He has given to us. We cannot stand before man and say that you would accept their ways.  When God opens your eyes and fills your heart and soul with His Spirit it is very hard to accept less that the Word of God - it does mean that the "traditions of men" needs to be looked at carefully and seen for what it is "traditions of men" convenient to cast doubt on the very Death and Resurrection of the Messiah.  To really completely understand the whole point of Christ Death and Resurrection you do need to be studying Gods word carefully. For we see that He came to reconcile us back to the Father - through His death - he broke the curtain that separated us from God - as he was on the cross the Temple Curtain was torn in two - a clear and real event that was seen by many at the time of Christ's death - for He is the High Priest that sits at the right hand of God - Yeshua who is and was and is to come the King of the Universe and of all creation - we have through His death and resurrection to new life - a life in the Spirit where the Spirit of the Living God pours out on all flesh to teach them HIS WAYS not the ways of man.

Being resurrected and in the throne room of God sitting at the right hand of the Father - what an awesome picture that paints.   How, many people were blessed to see the Messiah after his resurrection walking and talking amongst them before his ascension.  How incredible it must have been for the disciples to sit and eat with the Messiah after His resurrection - proving that there is much more that man can even envisage about death and life.  For Christ had the first body after the resurrection - He showed himself to his disciples they were allowed to put their hands into the wounds and feeling his incredible power and for me the very emotional place that these people must have shared with HIM.  Could you really turn your back on such a one as this who would be able to set you free from your darkness and fears, could you really deny that this Christ whom was crucified for your sins, does not exist.


For me the full implication of understanding just What Yeshua did for me as a personal savour is amazing.  There is nothing on this earth that can compare to the gift He has bestowed on us by His Death and His resurrection.  He gave us his life so that we may have life through him.

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