lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

3 days and 3 nights - set the captive free

When we consider the death and resurrection of Yeshua and his obedience to God we can see just how important it is to be able understand the full picture.

We see that when we see the traditions of men they hold that Good Friday is the Day that Christ was crucified - this does not make logical sense if he is to be in the tomb for the three days and three nights  In order for Him to rise again on the Sunday(first day of the week).  Looking back through the scriptures we can see that we need to consider more about the reality of the whole week leading up to the death of Christ.

Firstly, He is celebrating Passover with his Friends and the last supper is the Passover Feast - which we see is the night he is betrayed and arrested and taken to be brought before the Sanhedrin and the Roman Governor Pilot - also there is the question of the day of the release on the Passover Shabbat of the prisoner being released as a good will gesture - where the mob cried out for Barabus (the murderer)  to be released instead of Yeshua these events took place during Passover Week therefore we need to look historically when it would have been feasible to get the three days and three nights in the tomb for Yeshua - it stands to reason it could not possibly be Friday afternoon - there is not enough time to be in the tomb before the first day of the week (Sunday)

For the Word of God clearly states that He was in the tomb and rose during the early hours between the end of the Shabbat and the first day of the week because the women went while it was yet dark to the tomb to find that the Messiah had risen from the tomb and was gone. We see that they are approached by Angels who confirm the resurrection of the Messiah and it is only later that they also encounter the Messiah in the garden after the angel had spoken to them.

For the Messiah was given a charge from God to go set the Captive free from Hades - those that were held who were designated to rise with Messiah - on his first day after the resurrection.

For Yeshua to have been in the tomb three days it would have to be earlier in the week when he was crucified (Not Good Friday).  We have a clear picture of Jona being in the belly of the whale for 3 days before he was released from his watery grave - if God had not released him he would have certainly have died.  Yet he is the representation of the time that Messiah would be in the tomb - for God is not the God of confusion but a God of Order and Peace.

We say Good Friday - what a thing to say about the day of someone's alleged death day - brought before the courts and if so marched through the streets - what is good about that - would you consider it to be good to be carrying your cross on your broken bleeding back with thorns crammed on your head and  with people spitting and cursing you as you slowly crawled up the hill to the place of the skull to be hanged like a common criminal amongst the people calling for your death - is this a Good Day -

We all celebrate in different ways for different reasons - people who consider this to be  the time to celebrate the birth of the new earth - fertility gods are worshiped - even with gifts of the eggs celebrating new life -

Yet, we who are believers in the Word of God - who study the scriptures to discover the whole truth we need to stand before God in the knowledge that He has given to us. We cannot stand before man and say that you would accept their ways.  When God opens your eyes and fills your heart and soul with His Spirit it is very hard to accept less that the Word of God - it does mean that the "traditions of men" needs to be looked at carefully and seen for what it is "traditions of men" convenient to cast doubt on the very Death and Resurrection of the Messiah.  To really completely understand the whole point of Christ Death and Resurrection you do need to be studying Gods word carefully. For we see that He came to reconcile us back to the Father - through His death - he broke the curtain that separated us from God - as he was on the cross the Temple Curtain was torn in two - a clear and real event that was seen by many at the time of Christ's death - for He is the High Priest that sits at the right hand of God - Yeshua who is and was and is to come the King of the Universe and of all creation - we have through His death and resurrection to new life - a life in the Spirit where the Spirit of the Living God pours out on all flesh to teach them HIS WAYS not the ways of man.

Being resurrected and in the throne room of God sitting at the right hand of the Father - what an awesome picture that paints.   How, many people were blessed to see the Messiah after his resurrection walking and talking amongst them before his ascension.  How incredible it must have been for the disciples to sit and eat with the Messiah after His resurrection - proving that there is much more that man can even envisage about death and life.  For Christ had the first body after the resurrection - He showed himself to his disciples they were allowed to put their hands into the wounds and feeling his incredible power and for me the very emotional place that these people must have shared with HIM.  Could you really turn your back on such a one as this who would be able to set you free from your darkness and fears, could you really deny that this Christ whom was crucified for your sins, does not exist.


For me the full implication of understanding just What Yeshua did for me as a personal savour is amazing.  There is nothing on this earth that can compare to the gift He has bestowed on us by His Death and His resurrection.  He gave us his life so that we may have life through him.

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