sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Living the life more abundantly – being transformed by Gods Word.

Jesus calls us to "seek first the Kingdom of heaven then all things shall be added unto you"

For me this has been a journey of discovery, firstly I wanted to learn
how to seek the Kingdom of God and what is the way of life we should be living in the Kingdom.

I have spent some time asking God to Show me his ways and the understanding, and over the course of the past few years he has led me back to the Commandments of God.

I spent a long time deliberating on the Commandments and I came to the conclusion that as we open ourselves up to them and have our reasoning touched by Gods Holy Spirit you discover that to live Gods way does indeed bring Peace with God – restored back to the Father – when we put Him first and learning to live His way also we live in harmony with man.

When you begin to acknowledge your lack of knowledge of God’s word and the power is the first step.

However, even before you can begin the journey, your life must already be being drawn back to God – as God says
"No man can come to the Father unless they come through Yeshua the Messiah, yet no one can come to Yeshua unless God is first drawing you to Himself. (This is not an academic exercise – it is a deep move within you and a desire to change).

We hear of lots of people going forward at meetings giving their lives to Jesus asking him into their lives – yet – where is the transformation?

Transformed lives are both in the mind, Spirit and lifestyle. If you consider that you will be saved – yet do not seek to change your lives to follow Gods teachings on how to be transformed and live life Gods way – how will you be blessed?

People consider that they are fine if they "call on the Lord to be saved" then that is IT. How Jesus clearly states "
Come let us reason together – though your sins are red as scarlet – He will wash them white as snow" . Firstly, you need to understand what SIN – you can only truly start to understand that when you look at the Commandments of God.

God says in Revelations 21 – verse 8 – These will not enter the kingdom of Heaven the cowardly, the untrustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those involved with the occult and drugs. Idol worshiping, and all liars – their destiny is the lake of burning with fire and sulphur – the second death. (Therefore it is best to repent and be transformed by the renewing of your minds, lifestyles and spirit if you do not want to end up in the lake of fire). Lives therefore need to be transformed by Gods Word – Yeshua/Jesus is the Word of God and by His name we can be born again and given a new life and a new opportunity to have a life worth living. Gods lifestyle. (Not religion but a way of life).

Consider your lifestyle – transformation cannot happen without repentance – repentance comes when you are fully aware of your Sin.

When you become aware of your sin and are convicted in the very heart of you the Spirit is moved to come before God in repentance.

Then things in your life will start to change.

Sitting on the fence believing you will be ok- just because you have called on the Lord – does not cut it with God. Remember Jesus said "I would that you either be hot or cold because if you are lukewarm God will Vomit you out. Sitting in churches on Sunday and listening to the ministers is all and good – however if you are not being taught to confess your sins and change your behaviour in accordance to Gods teaching what is the point of being there.

We are called to purify and sanctify our bodies as living sacrificed to God – as temples of the Holy Spirit – you cannot any longer carry on the same o same 0 without some transformation.

When you start to open your mind and Spirit to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, being the teacher and comforter, you will soon find you will begin a journey of discovery of - How did Yeshua/Jesus and the disciples live and How can I apply it to my own life.

You will discover that the Teachings of Christ taught are the same teaching of Moses and the Prophets – the Words of God – Remember Yeshua/Jesus is the Word of God made flesh to dwell amongst us to show us the way back to the Father – by obeying every Word that God spoke to the People. Not just some of it but all of His teachings and commandments and regulations and statutes – they are all important to be able live the Life God ordained us to live.

Every Word of God brought life into being, brought the sun and moon and all things created at HIS Word. Nothing has been left to chance – everything has a place and time in Gods Order. All that you see around you – we need to ask God daily for His Word – His mana from Heaven.

As we open God’s Holy Word remember every page has something incredible to discover.

Yeshua/Jesus made flesh to come and teach us how we can be reconciled back to the father in order to the Abundant Life.

The more I study the scriptures the more excited I get to know that God wants us to be blessed and live fulfilled lives, going forward and multiplying the blessings in our lives.

Therefore when we consider Gods initial plan to unite Man and Woman – that they may be blessed to share and grow in the knowledge of each other and also
in obedience and trust in God the Creator.

We can see the consequences of rejecting Gods ways all around us with broken homes, broken lives, violence, terror and fear – all these God said would come upon us if we are turned away from Him.

Surely, as you read
the scriptures yourselves, you too will be drawn into the wonder and might and power and Spirit of the Creator God.

God initiated the marriage of Man and Woman for the purpose to multiply and bring forth a Godly Seed.

We as human beings have been blinded by Satan the Adversary (God has allowed this) by our lack of knowledge and understanding – because once we have our eyes opened we can then see and receive all the healing, teaching and life that God had primarily ordained for His creation.

So seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven is the first order of the day – to start to live our lives God’s way. By coming to him daily and really asking Him to speak with us- to give us our daily bread from Heaven.

When we have found the narrow way to come back to God then all things shall be added unto you.

Life more abundantly comes only when we come to God with contrite hearts filled with remorse and repentance and a genuine desire to change.

For when we/you are transformed and are genuinely loving our enemies – who then become our brothers, sisters, friends – by praying and forgiving – by sharing the burdens of others – then we will start to begin to live the life – God called us to live in Peace and Harmony with all.

Obviously, we know that not all men will want this – as God himself says – there are scoffers and mockers who shun and ridicule Gods teaching considering it to be foolishness – However they will be left outside the kingdom wailing and gnashing their teeth – whether they will be given a chance to repent – only God knows.

But for us who have been blessed to see the Messiah and to know His ways, are truly going to e be blessed with Abundant lives.

God forgave us through His Son. Yet he does call us to Live Holy lives separated from the World ways – giving up our former lives and moving into
the Life God has prepared for you.

We are all works in progress - we have all fallen short of the glory of God - but through obedience and trust we hope to gain the crown as our reward - as Paul wrote.

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