domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

A Dream I would like to share


I dreamt that I was involved with a house on a hill which was known as a Sanctuary - it is like a halfway house where people can come and share their troubles and ask for help and bed for the night or while they were in recovery.  It was a place filled with people with all sorts of addictions and troubles, looking for a way out - it was a place of prayer and grace, where when people came in they were not judged for where they were but welcomed and treated with respect and kindness and were offered the help they were seeking, but not only that they were also being given the opportunity to learn new skills to enable them to move on in their lives.  I am sensing that now is the time for this to be prayed for into fruition.  It is my hearts desire to really make a difference in peoples lives.  Not just with the simple things but also with reaching the very heart of their pain and bringing them to the Father for their complete restoration.  Please pray for me to be able to accomplish this for His Glory

Eu gostaria de compartilhar um sonho que tive há muitos anos atrás
Sonhei que eu estava envolvido com uma casa em uma colina que era conhecido como um santuário - é como uma casa de passagem, onde as pessoas podem vir e compartilhar seus problemas e pedir ajuda e uma cama para a noite ou enquanto eles estavam em recuperação. Era um lugar cheio de pessoas com todos os tipos de vícios e problemas, procurando um caminho para fora - era um lugar de oração e de graça, em que, quando as pessoas vieram em que não foram julgados para onde eles foram, mas recebidos e tratados com respeito e bondade e foram oferecidas a ajuda que eles estavam procurando, mas não só isso, eles também estavam sendo dada a oportunidade de aprender novas habilidades para que possam seguir em frente em suas vidas. Estou sentindo que agora é o momento para que isso seja orou em fruição. É o meu coração o desejo de realmente fazer a diferença na vida das pessoas. Não apenas com as coisas simples, mas também com alcançar o coração de sua dor e levá-los ao Pai para a sua restauração completa. Por favor, orem para que eu seja capaz de fazer isso para a Sua Glória

 Ich möchte einen Traum zu teilen hatte ich vor vielen Jahren
Ich träumte, dass ich mit einem Haus auf einem Hügel, der als bekannt wurde Sanctuary beteiligt war - es ist wie ein halbes Haus, wo Leute kommen und teilen ihre Sorgen und um Hilfe bitten und Bett für die Nacht oder während sie in der Genesung waren. Es war ein Ort mit Menschen mit allen Arten von Süchten und Probleme, auf der Suche nach einem Ausweg - es war ein Ort des Gebets und der Gnade, wo, wenn die Leute in sie kam nicht, wo sie waren, sondern beurteilt wurden begrüßt und mit Respekt behandelt und Freundlichkeit und wurden die Hilfe, die sie suchten angeboten, aber nicht nur, dass sie ebenfalls die Möglichkeit, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen, damit sie sich bewegen in ihrem Leben gegeben. Ich spürte, dass jetzt die Zeit für diese, für in Erfüllung gebetet werden soll. Es ist mein Herz begehrt, um wirklich einen Unterschied im Leben der Menschen. Nicht nur mit den einfachen Dingen, sondern auch mit dem Erreichen der Herzen ihrer Schmerzen und bringen sie an den Vater für ihre komplette Restaurierung. Bitte betet für mich in der Lage sein, dies zu erreichen, zu Seiner Ehre


Je voudrais partager un rêve que j'ai fait il ya plusieurs années
J'ai rêvé que j'étais impliqué avec une maison sur une colline qui était connu comme un sanctuaire - c'est comme une maison de transition où les gens peuvent venir partager leurs problèmes et demander de l'aide et un lit pour la nuit ou pendant qu'ils étaient dans la récupération. C'était un endroit rempli de gens avec toutes sortes d'addictions et les troubles, à la recherche d'un moyen de sortir - il a été un lieu de prière et de grâce, quand les gens venaient en elles n'ont pas été jugés pour savoir où ils étaient, mais accueillis et traités avec respect et gentillesse et se sont vu offrir l'aide dont ils cherchaient, mais pas seulement qu'ils ont également eu la possibilité d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences pour leur permettre d'avancer dans leur vie. Je sens que le moment est venu pour que cela soit prié pour en concrétiser. Ce sont mes cœurs désirent vraiment faire une différence dans la vie des gens. Pas seulement avec les choses simples, mais aussi avec d'atteindre le cœur même de leur douleur et de leur apporter le Père pour leur restauration complète. S'il vous plaît priez pour moi d'être en mesure d'accomplir ce pour Sa Gloire

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sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Learning to Overcome

An article which really is a blessing to read.  I found it inightful and really a great way to promote the blessings of understanding Gods word in every day life.

I use their booklets and their magazines and their Bible Study course - which has been a really valuable tool for my walk with the Messiah.  I would definitely recommend the Bible Study.

Their booklets are free and whatever you need you can ask for help from their editors and I am sure like me you will find their tools a boon to your walking with the Lord and discovering the research and Spiritual guidance a blessing to you life.

Here is the article I have been reading to day. Mental Health 

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sábado, 13 de julio de 2013

Understanding - Gods purpose for my lfie

Today, I was reflecting on Gods purpose for my life.

Firstly, let me tell you that when I was a young woman I asked God what did I need my hands for, and what was my purpose.

God gave me something specific in reply, He clearly indicated that he could use me best as a Wife, Mother and to be a comfort to the people.

In my life, I have not had success with regards to my husbands.  First one was a junkie - a herion addict - I did love him a great deal and longed for him to get rid of the nasty wife of a needle - however the needle won and I left.

Then I married a really lovely man who sadly decided that he was not going to wait to die, so he took his own life.

As you can see, not successful in my choices.  However, in keeping with the Word of God I am seeking Gods choice, as I am too young as a widow to be alone.

This morning I was just mulling over the reasons why God created woman in the first intance, and how does my way of thinking need to be changed with regard to receiving and being brought to his choice of man for my life.

In the end I was so sure that my mind is clear that when God does the choosing He gets it right.  We get in the way with our so called ideas of what we want and so on.  For me, I am happy to let God do the selecting from now on.

Also while I was considering what my role in life is I happened to open my magazine from Tomorrows World and was interested to read the entire magazine, here is a copy for you to mull over.

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sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Come Let Us Examine Ourselves

Examine yourselves to see whether you are living the life of trust

For me each day is a day of close examination to see if I am conforming to the Word of God and His teachings.

Each time a thought, memory that is being brought to the forefront of my mind I ask the Lord to deliver me from the source.

Yesterday evening I went along to my local Praise and Worship to bring in the Shabbat with some other local Messianic Believers, we were worshiping and praising God in English, Hebrew and Spanish, it is awesome to be able fellowship with Born Again Messianic Jews – those who are restored back the Yeshua, we also celebrate the Feast days that Appointed Times set forth according to the Scriptures of which were instigated by God himself throughout the Scripture in keeping with the way of Life the Messiah lives.

We are called to live Gods way, and share in His celebrations and His feast days and festivals, WE are called to Keep His Shabbats, and we are definitely called to Love our fellow man as He loves us.

On reading a book called:  Replacement theology – Its Origins, History and Theology by Derek C White. I can see just how far away we as a Gentile Church going populace have been misled throughout the centuries because of ignorance and illiteracy.  It is an incredible book and one well worth reading if you are indeed sincere in discovering how, when and why the split from our Jewish Roots has occurred.  I am not going to write a complete rewrite of Derek C Whites book, however I do recommend that you get yourself a copy as it is enlightening.

I myself from the earliest days of being a believer have found it amazing how much we do not comply with the Scriptures or the teachings of the Messiah and how we have been separated from the Truth by the false doctrines that arose over the centuries since the first Apostles of the Messiah. 
Paul warns us in his writings that there would be a time when people would be forced to receive a false teachings and diverse visions, and separation from the True Way of God.  Bearing in mind that to Follow Yeshua it is to follow in His footsteps, therefore by association we would be brought into living His way of life, keeping His fast days, Holy Days, Feast-times, festivals. Which were ordained by God to be kept forever, never to be changed nor altered.

We see from early writings of Paul that he is definitely warning the people to remain steadfast in their faith as they were taught by the Disciples of the Messiah.

We have unfortunately over the millennia been deceived by the writings of the so called “church fathers” John Chrysostom, Origen who was influenced by Plato – who in his day was classified as a philosopher at the school of Alexandria – who advocated for homosexuality to become the norm.  Which is totally contrary to the Word of God?  

When you read the teachings of John Chrysostom you soon discover his hatred for Gods people.  (I was baptised in the Greek Orthodox church in my younger days and was told to read the teachings as part of my education into being a “Christian”)  To me, his teachings are abhorrent as they are making Gods people to be evil and separated from God, when in fact they are not they are Gods people and will always be God chosen people to be lights to the nations – even in their darkest days of the History of Israel and the Jewish people they still were lights to the nations.  For without their separation we would not have the opportunity as Gentiles to be grafted into the Olive Tree that is the Messiah – and Israel.    For Israel and the Messiah are one and the same.  He being born of Israel and brought up under the teachings of God which as a human being he lived his life according to Gods teachings, yet he himself is the Word of God – therefore He is the one who is showing us that we are to live according to His teachings – He being made flesh and dwelt amongst us showing us that we are to live Gods way, the Way he taught us through His precious Word. 

Therefore as Gentile being blessed with the knowledge that God sent his precious son into the World to bring us back in reconciliation to the Father through His death and resurrection and showing us the clear and precise path we are to live in accordance to the Scripture – not breaking away and separating ourselves from the Way of Life.
Bearing in mind that Yeshua, Himself says that only through Him we can come in the Way of Life – because He is the Way of Life and only as we surrender to living His Way will we have peace and harmony.

So, with this in mind I hope that you too will have the courage to start to study the scriptures and discover yourself what God has said and taught and ask God himself for the Wisdom and Knowledge to bring about the understanding of how to live and be free from fear and separation from your past lives.

For when we truly ask the Messiah into our lives we can truly see a change in our lifestyles and patterns of living.  We see that by our coming to Him for healing and revelation of how we are to live we see we have a lot to do to change our way of thinking and living.

For when you read the scriptures and decide to take it seriously about what is written there you too will have the opportunity to be completely transformed in the way of living and thinking.
For me, the change in my life is that I can say that the more I see of my own nature being exposed and dealt with the more peace I feel in my mind and heart and body. So go on, take a chance and examine yourselves before the Word of God, ask him to expose you to you and ask for forgiveness and be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind so that it will also may have a positive effect on your body too.

Even last night I was shown that despite my every effort to disguise who I am,  God exposes the truth.  I had been vain in my life to such a degree that I would want to be invisible – vanity is not only about how you great you look but also how bad you look, to such a extent that I had allowed myself to become obese in the hope of hiding myself – and as I did that I actually was making myself more visible.  Which is not what I had wanted, yet in my vanity of trying to hide I actually did the opposite.  Which is really very stupid – yet it was only revealed to me by Gods good grace to me last night – which enabled me to be freed from it.  Hence now, I shall no longer be afraid of how I look and will not any longer seek comfort in food in the attempt to hide my self-consciousness. Being a shy person growing up I found it difficult when people would speak to me or notice me, yet at the same time I felt really bad because I too wanted to be noticed but was terrified of being seen.  I am sure that there are many out there that also feel that way too.

I was able to be freed last night as I humbled myself before God in honesty and truth and was able to receive the blessing of knowing that I am truly forgiven by God and that In Christ I am an overcomer – for only through His word and way of life am I able to live my life to the full potential – whatever direction it may take. 

I commit my life and times into the Hands of the Father and ask Him to lead me to where He wants me to be.

I know longer am going to be shy of what God does in me for He does all things for His glory to be seen – for in Human weakness He is made Strong.  In my determination to live according to Gods ways, I know He will bless the works of my hands – after all they are His hands to work with according to His will and purpose. 

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