domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2013


Trust and Belief
Believe:                1. Regard as true or real.
                              2. to have faith.

Trust:                   1. Confidence
                              2. Firm Belief
                              3. Reliance
                              4. Rely on
                              5. Believe in
                              6. Consign to car
                              7. Expect- expectancy – Hope

When I read the Complete Jewish Bible it speaks of Trust in the Words of Yeshua, it speaks of Trust in God.  When we read the stories of the bible we can see how God can be trusted and relied upon to help us in our times of trouble.  When we call out to him we are hoping that he will hear us, in one thing we can really trust that he does hear us.  However we do not always trust that he is going to be there therefore our prayers go on unheard, because the Word does say you cannot be double minded about things when it comes to asking God for anything.  Whether it is help in your health, wealth or family – it is only when you truly start to TRUST GOD – not just believe.

His Word and Works have all been proved to be Trustworthy – for every prophecy that has been fore seen is in the process of unfolding before our very eyes.

Today’s world is very much like the times of Noah and the people are behaving in very  much the way they did in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Is it any wonder we are living through some crises times, yet it is going to get worse unless we do something about it, but what can we do – I hear you say – it is simple – confess your unbelief and lack of Trust in the almighty God – he is the only one that can turn things round.  It is only when we start to live His way and keep His Holy days and His commandments that we are really going to be able live in Peace and Happiness. 

Yeshua/Jesus said that unless we focus on him and follow his example and keep Gods Commandments and live accordingly then we shall be lost, destroyed.

The Bible is very clear on this matter – for in the Old Scriptures you can see that there were times when Isreal prospered when it was obedient to God’s teachings and commandments – yet when it choose to follow its own path away from God – spurning God and His teachings and following after the ways of the nations around, incorporating the teachings and traditions of the nations they went into severe decline and where in fact dispersed away from God – God cut them off until they were given a chance to Repent and Turn Back to the Father.

Yeshua/Jesus came to give us the opportunity to Come back to the Father’s ways to be given the hope of eternal life, to live our lives in peace with our neighbours by keeping the Commandments and following his example.
God gave us a plan to follow when he gave them to Moses and he gave Moses the plan of feast days which were to carried out by all mankind to the Glory of God – it was not just given to the Jews as people are so insistently saying because amongst the Jews also came foreigners out of Egypt and they were there with the Isrealites in the desert when Moses came down and they were givne a choice just as the Isrealites to follow them or be destroyed just as God said he would do in Deuteronomy – when we were given the choice to follow Gods ways and live and live abundantly lives or follow the way of man which is to reject God and his teachings and end up as the society is today – well I guess from looking around us today we can see where that has got us.

So, with Yeshua/Jesus we are given a chance to repent and return to Gods ways.  Yet because of the socalled “Christian” teachings we are blinded from the Truth of Gods word.  His ways are made clear with the Holy Spirit because He is the teacher who brings us back to the Fathers Holy Ways.

We all have a choice in this life – but we only have two choices – one leads to life and the other to death.

Following God’s way leads to Life and more abundantly
Not following Gods way leads to death and destruction and false teachings, false lives, sickness and disease, mental health issues on a magnitude that looking at history it has seriously got worse in this last century – the century that has chosen to reject God and His teachings.

We are very fortunate that there have been a people who have been seeking to keep the Commandments and the teachings and there area  few who are looking to bring Gods Truth to the people – not in standing of soap boxes in the middle of parks but in the quietness of living their lives according to God’s teachings.  Setting us examples for us to follow.  We are in need of real teachers of the Way of God – Teachers who can really give us the full picture and not just part.  Men and women who are inspired by the Holy Spirit and who have accepted the Messiah as their King and Lord.  These people we can have confidence in for it is these people who are being led back to teach us how to walk in the True Path of Righteousness – not just by saying it but by living the Way.  The Way that Yeshua taught His disciples and the people around him. 

For me, spending time in the Word of God – discovering the Way that the disciples and Yeshua/Jesus lived inspires me to live the same.  Forsaking all other teachings – just to come back to the basic principles that God gave Moses and the Prophets – the very same prophets that Yeshua/Jesus speaks about. 

These are people who walked with Yeshua/Jesus and ate with Jesus and prayed with Jesus – bearing in mind that Yeshua/Jesus was in the beginning with God and say Satan fall from the sky when he was thrown out of heaven because of his rebellion against the most high.

We need to come back to the Word of God and really ask the question How do we live like God wanted us to live in order for us to have abundant lives.  How can we really achieve the goals that Paul and Peter speaks of. 

Ecclesiastes – says it very clearly at the end of his teaching – Trust God and obey Gods commandments – this is the best we can do in order to achieve an abundant and fulfilled life.

Join me in the quest to find the way back to the Father  


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