sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Higher Power – Unknown God

Complete Jewish Bible-OE

Ephesians 2
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
You used to be dead because of your sins and acts of disobedience. You walked in the ways of the ‘olam hazeh and obeyed the Ruler of the Powers of the Air, who is still at work among the disobedient. Indeed, we all once lived this way — we followed the passions of our old nature and obeyed the wishes of our old nature and our own thoughts. In our natural condition we were headed for God’s wrath, just like everyone else.
But God is so rich in mercy and loves us with such intense love that, even when we were dead because of our acts of disobedience, he brought us to life along with the Messiah — it is by grace that you have been delivered. That is, God raised us up with the Messiah Yeshua and seated us with him in heaven, in order to exhibit in the ages to come how infinitely rich is his grace, how great is his kindness toward us who are united with the Messiah Yeshua. For you have been delivered by grace through trusting, and even this is not your accomplishment but God’s gift. You were not delivered by your own actions; therefore no one should boast. 10 For we are of God’s making, created in union with the Messiah Yeshua for a life of good actions already prepared by God for us to do.
11 Therefore, remember your former state: you Gentiles by birth — called the Uncircumcised by those who, merely because of an operation on their flesh, are called the Circumcised — 12 at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the national life of Isra’el. You were foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God.
13 But now, you who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of the Messiah’s blood. 14 For he himself is our shalom — he has made us both one and has broken down the m’chitzahwhich divided us 15 by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah, with its commands set forth in the form of ordinances. He did this in order to create in union with himself from the two groups a single new humanity and thus make shalom16 and in order to reconcile to God both in a single body by being executed on a stake as a criminal and thus in himself killing that enmity.
17 Also, when he came, he announced as Good News shalom to you far off and shalom to those nearby,[a] 18 news that through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.
19 So then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’s family. 20 You have been built on the foundation of the emissaries and the prophets, with the cornerstone being Yeshua the Messiah himself. 21 In union with him the whole building is held together, and it is growing into a holy temple in union with the Lord.22 Yes, in union with him, you yourselves are being built together into a spiritual dwelling-place for God!
Isaiah 57
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
57 The righteous person perishes,
and nobody gives it a thought.
Godly men are taken away,
and no one understands
that the righteous person is taken away
from the evil yet to come.
Yes, those who live uprightly
will have peace as they rest on their couches.
“But you, you witches’ children, come here,
you spawn of adulterers and whores!
Whom are you making fun of?
At whom are you laughing and sticking out your tongue?
Aren’t you rebellious children,
just a brood of liars?
You go into heat among the oak trees,
under every spreading tree.
You kill the children in the valleys
under the cracks in the rocks.
Your place is among the smooth stones in the vadi;
these, these are what you deserve;
you pour out drink offerings to them,
you offer grain offerings to them.
Should I calmly ignore these things?
You set up your bed on a high, lofty mountain;
you also went up there to offer sacrifices.
Behind door and doorpost
you set up your [lewd] memorial;
then, far from me, you uncovered your bed,
climbed up on it and opened it wide,
made an agreement with some of them,
whose bed you loved when you saw their hand beckoning.
You went to the king with scented oil;
you added to your perfumes;
you sent your envoys far away,
even down to Sh’ol.
10 Though worn out by so much travel,
you did not say, ‘All hope is gone’;
rather, finding your strength renewed,
you did not grow weak.
11 Of whom have you been so afraid,
so fearful that you lied?
But me you don’t remember,
you don’t give me a thought!
I have held my peace so long
that you no longer fear me.
12 I will expose your [so-called] ‘righteousness’;
and what you have done won’t help you.
13 When you cry, will those [idols] you gathered rescue you?
The wind will carry them all away,
a puff of air will take them off.
But whoever takes refuge in me will possess
the land and inherit my holy mountain.”
14 Then he will say,
“Keep building! Keep building! Clear the way!
Remove everything blocking my people’s path!”
15 For thus says the High, Exalted One
who lives forever, whose name is Holy:
“I live in the high and holy place
but also with the broken and humble,
in order to revive the spirit of the humble
and revive the hearts of the broken ones.
16 For I will not fight them forever
or always nurse my anger;
otherwise their spirits would faint before me,
the creatures I myself have made.
17 It was because of their flagrant greed
that I was angry and struck them;
I hid myself and was angry,
but they continued on their own rebellious way.
18 I have seen their ways, and I will heal them;
I will lead them and give comfort
to them and to those who mourn for them —
19 I will create the right words:
Shalom shalom to those far off
and to those nearby!’ says Adonai;
‘I will heal them!’”
20 But the wicked are like the restless sea —
unable to be still,
its waters toss up mud and dirt.
21 There is no shalom, says my God,
for the wicked.

Higher Power – Unknown God

People often say that they are meditating – taking time to get in touch with a “higher power”.  There is no higher power than the Creator of the Universe – in a word God.
There is no other way we can be saved and transformed lest it by the way – Yeshua/Jesus. The Messiah – Saviour of all mankind.  The purpose of his coming to dwell with us as a human being and dying for us was to show us a way back to the Creator God – our Heavenly Father.

I hear people say – there are many religions – I am not speaking of religion – I am speaking of a spiritual awakening to God Creator – through His Word all things came into being.

There is no greater joy than to look around at the amazing planet we call home and see such wonderful sights, mountains, rivers, trees, birds, flowers in fact all creation would not be here if it had not been first spoken out by God Creator – King of the Universe

Yet people seem to be afraid to acknowledge God creator – they will talk to spirit guides, and go to so called spirit mediums, necromancers, fortune tellers, seers, crystals readings, rather than go to the Source of all creation – God Himself.  Yet the mere mention of God the Father and Jesus his precious Son who is able to heal the sick, raise the dead, transform your lives is scorned and ridiculed yet – for me the clarity I have from following the way of Jesus and coming back to the Father is very clear.
I do not smoke, I do not drink, or take drugs of any kind, not do I need to go to a psychiatrist because I came to the father and laid all my life, desires, pain and suffering at his feet and asked him to transform me from within.

At the beginning of my walk before my close encounter with God the Father, I too believed in a Supreme being – a higher power – yet when God healed me and showed me how I may go on in life without fear and anxiety – just by confessing to Him all my heartaches and worries.  I began a journey of incredible blessing. God showed me through His word, history, geography and geology just how powerful God is.  How He formed the universe, created this planet for us and how he designed us and gave us life.

How involved He is with every detail of your life as you let him in to teach you personally.  How you can trust Him – There is no ill side effects when you Trust in God to take care of you as you walk in obedience to his teachings.

It is as you open up your heart and mind and accept Yeshua/Jesus the Saviour of Mankind as the True Son of the Living God and healer of all that you really can start to know what it is to be truly alive.  Everything you see and touch takes on a new aspect.  You look around you and marvel at the diversity of life.  The amazing formations of the mountains,  rivers, seas in fact all of creation.  No man,  nor fallen angel could do such things.

The King of the Universe, creator of live is the Only one who can give you the gift of Peace, joy and happiness, contentment.  Because He designed mankind to be at one with Himself, and that He had provided all for our pleasure and in doing so as he watches His sons and daughters enjoying the gifts he has bestowed  and thanking Him for every breath that they take – it gives Him pleasure.

However, when we look to seek a lesser place, worship -  man,  fallen angels, and seek a different path then there is a clearly a distinction in the lives of people – fear, wars, battles in the mind, mental illness, flesh rotting diseases, in fact all that God had said would come on Mankind because the choose to live without Him in their lives.  Yet each person has within them the need to search – everyone is looking, but not able to find what they are looking for until they Return to the Father of Creation.  Then all things are revealed and once again you feel connected to all that surrounds you – your reverence to all life becomes heightened.  The joy of watching birds in the sky, fish in the sea – rivers, even you can enjoy a moment of observing insects and through acknowledging their total dependency on God Creator to provide for them, you come to realise you too can depend on God to provide for you it is a matter of Trust.

When Christ was in the garden on the eve of his betrayal and crucifixion – as a man do you not think he was afraid of the following day’s events. As the Son of God he knows how we all feel – he could have chosen not to obey God’s desire to hang him the cross for the salvation of mankind.  Therefore through His obedience Yeshua/Jesus gave us a way back to the Father through laying down his life for us.  Raising from the dead so that we may have eternal life with Him.  He being the life giver the restorer of life to all mankind to those who would choose to obey and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah.  At the end of the day all mankind will bow down and tongues will confess that Yeshua/Jesus is Lord. 

The way forward is to acknowledge your unbelief, repenting of your sins, lifestyle choices and learning to live under the mantle of the Creator is the only way to true peace, contentment, happiness and joy.

As we share with each other we grow together in love and unity.

God called us to love one another, to help one another.

He gave His life for us to be able restore us back to the Father.  Without Yeshua/Jesus there is no Power for in His Name all Power and Authority is Given to set the captives free and heal the sick and restore the sight of the blind, raise the dead in His name.  In His name there is power to transform your life.

Forgiving one another as he has forgiven us. 

Learning to Trust in His Words, His promises, His way of life and Peace.

Laying down your learnt traditions of man, just come sit at the feet of the Throne of God and learn to live again.

Feeling a mantle of peace being placed on your shoulders as you open up to Yeshua/Jesus .  Peace that no matter what goes on around you – cannot be taken from you - unless you choose not to Trust.

To have the Words of comfort to know that each burden, worry, anxiety, stress, fear can be lifted from you as you reach out and ask Yeshua/Jesus into your life – only in this way can you really begin to feel a great sense of peace and freedom.

Fear is a mind killer – to carry such is dangerous to your health – yet giving each fear to Yeshua/Jesus/God it can be lifted and you will begin to receive an understanding that no matter what is happening around you.  You can trust that God knows your every need, and in well able to supply al your needs as they are in accordance to God’s will for your life.

No matter whether your life has been filled with drink, drugs, fear.  Gods is able to restore you as you surrender to God – the Highest Power in the Universe,  there is no other Higher Power than God, creator of all life, planets, stars, water, land us.  Even so to follow lesser than the highest is utter foolishness because they cannot deliver you. As you turn to him.  As you ask God to reveal himself to you – as you start to reach out and ask for help – He is there for you, just waiting to heal, bless and restore you.

For me, there is no greater power than God. He healed me, I follow in His teachings, He keeps me safe and teaches me the way of peace, joy and salvation.

There is o other way except though Yeshua/Jesus for True Salvation, Transformation.  At the Name of Yeshua/Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess that He Is LORD – through Him there is LIFE

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