sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Something to think about

Here is a magazine I have just been reading through I know that it is dated 2009 yet the information it contains is vital even for today's people.  The way the society is going today is heading for destruction unless we start to come back to the Father in Truth and Obedience and Understanding.

The more I ask God to give me wisdom - which the Bible is loaded to the hilt with regarding every subject imaginable.  I have been struck to how personal and practical God is.  He cares about our every detail.  Even to how we treat one another.  If you check out Proverbs you will discover so much will help you to become a better human being.  Understanding that we treat each other so badly sometimes and we wonder why nothing is going right for us.  We have to look to ourselves for the changes to be made in us first before we can look to others to make their changes.  It is a case of look to yourself and put your relationship right first with God.

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