sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Love One Another As I have Loved You

Greater love has no man than that which Christ did for us.  Giving His life for us to be saved and reconciled back to the Father.

Sharing one another's burdens, and really learning to live in harmony and peace that is the Message that Christ bought to us from His heavenly father.

When you consider all the teaching and guidelines that God gave to Moses and the Prophets and all the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus you can see very clearly that we are called to live in peace with our neighbour's.

Why is it then that there is so much back biting and spiteful gossip and malice scandal that goes on in the so called Body of Christ, what kind of impression do we give with all this going on.

Recently I have been going to lovely Friday evening Praise and Worship in Marbella and the people I have been meeting there are all looking for the same answers, where and when will people really start to behave like the early disciples and really love their brother and sisters without constant backstabbing and denouncing of each other.

When will people realise that when the Holy Spirit moves in a persons life it does really transform them from within, their old lives are washed away by the Blood of the Lamb and they are then able to live again as a New Creation in Christ the Redeemer. 

Do people think that the Word of God is Soft - Do they consider Gods Word as to no effect - look at what happened in the Scriptures to people when they came up against God in the Past.

Why is it today we see so much criticism in the groups that meet to fellowship - when we look at what the Scripture says about immoral and disharmonious behaviour the people where cast out in order for them to learn what it takes to really be part of the Body of Christ.

Today in the so called social gospel in the churches it practically allows anything in - yet when we read the letters of Paul and Peter and the other disciples we see a completely different picture.

Perhaps, we need to revisit the scriptures for ourselves and really consider what it means when Jesus/Yeshua said that we should love our brother and sisters ad He Has and Is loving us.  Why do we constantly grieve the Holy Spirit by not obeying what Yeshua/Jesus teaches us through the pages of the Word.

Looking at the Fruits of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Self Control.  Where is that seen in reality.  More often than not there is some backroom bickering going on about this or that.  About who is in charge of this or that, whether this or that can be shown and learned.

Surely, we who come together for the Praise and Worship and fellowship with fellow believers we should be living according to what the Scriptures says.

They had all things in common, they lifted each other up, they shared each others burdens, they prayed for the sick, they rose the dead in His Name - Whose Name are we behaving like when we bitch and argue, and back stab.

Is it not time we should consider how we really treat our fellows.  How do you think it looks when people walk in looking for solace only to walk in on an atmosphere that could be cut through with a knife of bad feelings, jealousy and anger, bitterness and resentment.

Come on fellow heirs to the Kingdom it is time to really show the TRUE FACE OF THE MESSIAH. WE who are called to serve the King in His way have a duty to instruct and admonish those who are not living to the Standards of God - yet we too must also be living the life that God has placed before us.

When we meet a man in the street and we do not listen to his voice - how can you call yourself a follower of the King - He had time for every one, he showed compassion to every one, He cared for every one.  Why dont we.

Are you afraid that someone is going to attack you - you might be attacked but rather than live in Fear why no live in the presence of the Almighty and TRUST God to show you how to speak to that person who has asked you for a moment of your time. Jesus would stop for you - yet you will not stop for him.

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